
Healing Hearts: Gene & Amanda’s Story (The Echo Series) by C.R. Alam – Review by Hannah Porter

Healing Hearts: Gene & Amanda's Story, An Echo series novellaHealing Hearts: Gene & Amanda’s Story, An Echo series novella by C.R. Alam
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After reading the three books in the Echo Series, I was super thrilled For the release of the prequel of those books. It has Urgent touches,Healing love indeed man oh man, their chemistry was coming off the pages. I was so excited to see how Amanda Garner and Gene Rowland got together and their background of how they got to where we see them throughout the series. C.R Alam really does it again. She has a knack for writing romance in a way that will make you not wanna put her books down. She makes you feel the intense feeling that the characters express and it’s awesome. I would love to see more matches from this small town of love (lol) in Gainesville, Georgia. Fingers cross we get more.i will also recommend that after you read this, go read the rest of the series 🥰

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Marshmallow Rabbit by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Hannah Porter

Marshmallow RabbitMarshmallow Rabbit by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What a sweet treat (pun intended lol) it is to read another one of Lois Wickstrom’s stories. This book is great if you have young littles ones. With bright vibrant colors, a cool plot and lets not forget candy lol. It will definitely grab their attention, just like it did mine.Also omg that Annabelle is one smart cookie 😆 she is the master indeed I can’t wait to see more of the talented authors work 🥰 ps maybe don’t read before bed lol be warned kids may want candy after reading or maybe it’s just mine 🤣

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Meal Time at the Zoo: PB&J Café by James Williamson – Review by Hannah Porter

Mealtime at the Zoo: PB&J CaféMealtime at the Zoo: PB&J Café by James Williamson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m so glad to have found this author. This is my time reading James Williamson’s work, but definitely not the last. The Artwork was beautifully made, had very vivid colors and was super eye-catching. My little one loved it. He was interested In seeing all the different pb and j styles, and seeing all the different types of creatures who were enjoying them. His favorite peanut butter sandwich is to add bananas to it. The little monkey in the suit is fun and adorable lol I will be 100 percent checking out more stories by this awesome author 🥰

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Master Oradea (Masters of the Consulate Book 10) by Sylvia Black – Review by Hannah Porter

Master Oradea (Masters of the Consulate #10)Master Oradea by Sylvia Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wooowza book ten already!! I couldn’t wait to escape back into the world! With new and old friends I was ready for this next adventure. You would think since this being the 10th book the series it would lose some of its lackluster ,but NOPE. Sylvia Black just keeps knocking it out of the park each book she writes. Each one being just as compelling then the last, if not more. This one follows Natalia and Master Oradea (who are my new favorite 🤣i think i say that about every new book/couple that comes out. Maybe I love all of them) the chemistry between them is plus ultra. Told from both POVs which you gotta love. You’ll have to tell me if yall saw these twists coming or not , because I know some I definitely didn’t and I was shook. If you haven’t read the previous book you really need to go back to read them, as for me Bring on Book number 11 and 12 🥰🥰 what am i going to do after this series is done?

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Breaking Apart (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Hannah Porter

Breaking Apart (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #2)Breaking Apart by Wanda J. Venters
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Seeing this I had to give it a try, like who better to write a medical murder mystery than two MDs 😀 you just know the lingo was going to be a plus. This is my first time reading work from these authors and I’m glad I did. Although I have a hard time stopping myself from going to the end to peek at who did ( i may or may not have done it lol) I enjoyed the nail biting ride it was getting there. I will 100 percent be going back to reading the previous book.( even though you don’t have to to understand). The author did a fantastic job at keeping you intrigued while reading. Switching from multiple POVs, which furthers the tangled web of mystery and secrets like i said it will keep you on your toes. I Highly recommend you give this book a try, if you haven’t already.

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Amese of Animalis (The Borosa Legacy Book 1) by MJ Murray – Review by Hannah Porter

Amese of Animalis (Borosa Legacy, #1)Amese of Animalis by M.J. Murray
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After reading the Detective Dylan and the Hunt for Home Plate another Chapter Book by this author.( which the kiddos love ) I had to check this out. This is the first book from The Borosa Legacy following Amese who is 13 years old who’s trying to figure out her abilities and her destiny. We made quick work of this magic filled adventure, just like the other book. After the Cliffhanger we definitely can’t wait for this next part to come. What another great book from this author. I highly suggest getting and reading with the kiddos
You will not regret it. 🥰

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Kris & The Missing Prince (The Adventures of Kris) by Art Blegen – Review by Hannah Porter

Kris & The Missing Prince: The Adventures Of KrisKris & The Missing Prince: The Adventures Of Kris by Art Blegen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was a cute, well written kid chapter book. I read it with my nephew over the weekend 🥰 and it was a quick, but still fantastic read. This is the first time picking up a story by this author and we’re definitely going to be reading the rest of Kris’s adventures. I loved the message of this story, because yes not every girl wants to be a princess and that’s okay(but glad she doesn’t mind it in the end from her dad). I totally understood her,I was that way, so I would’ve loved to have read this when I was younger. I also loved the fun adventure she goes on to save the prince and seeing all the cool friends she made along the way. I can’t wait to read the rest of these stories 🥰 ps the photos at the beginning of each chapter are awesome, they help with trying to picture the characters.

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