
Master Oradea (Masters of the Consulate Book 10) by Sylvia Black – Review by Beverly Finnie

Master Oradea (Masters of the Consulate #10)Master Oradea by Sylvia Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another Master is about to fall in Master Oradea. Lucas is now an enemy in this current underworld war. The vampires lead by Overmaster Descallia are now in Master Oradea’s territory looking for Lucas. The author brings us into a world I love so much. A world that shouldn’t be read as a standalone novel. These books should be read in succession. They all pick up where the previous book left off. The author has you falling in love with characters, feeling frustrated about them, happy, sad ect. This book is no different!
Master Oradea is now the lead in looking for the rogues and trying to put an end to the war amongst supernatural beings. When the sister of Benzini brothers not only catches his eye but because she was threatened he’s the only one who can keep her safe.
Can he resist her?
Will he be able to keep her safe?
Don’t underestimate Natalia, she’s definitely paying attention. Between her brothers deals within the syndicate. To a gorgeous master who graces the bar with his presence. That same master’s presence is the reason she was threatened. Why is he now the only one who can keep her safe from the rogues. Why that could end up being dangerous for her. He’s a vampire and she wants him.
Will she stick with the team?
Will she be able to help with what she was taught by her grandmother as a child?
These books are fast paced and connected. A fantastic story being told that I absolutely love! I’m sure you will too!

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The Serpent and the Firefly by Courtney Davis – Review by Tonya Merritt

The Serpent and the FireflyThe Serpent and the Firefly by Courtney Davis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really was not sure I’d like this book when I started reading, it seemed to be a normal boring book but then bam it smacks you in the face. It is such an original story with so much detail but not too much to overwhelm you. I loved it. Could not put it down. If it wasn’t for me having to go to work the next day, I would’ve finished it within a few hours. I absolutely loved the saying at the beginning and end as well. The book was perfectly written and I cannot read more by Courtney Davis.

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