
Moonlight Drive by A.R. Hadley

Moonlight Drive by A.R. Hadley
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Literary Fiction
Page Count – 362
A captivating novel about the rocky beginnings of a girl on her way to music stardom and the wild 1980s all-male rock group she follows – through struggles and addiction and love. An epic tale showcasing ways in which the human spirit triumphs and how dreams never truly die!
“I hadn’t read more than a few pages and was hooked, like a junkie craving her next fix. Moonlight Drive is a heartbreaking story of first loves, making it in the music industry, the lure of addiction, betrayal, pain, jealousy, groupies, following your dreams, and so much more. Get ready, readers, for Moonlight Drive is your next addiction.” – N.N. Heaven
The magazines didn’t do him justice.
Not long after running away from home, Daniella Isabella joins Moonlight Drive’s 1985 Live and Wired tour, hoping her long-lost friend, Nick, will remember her.
He’s finally made it – just like he promised. He’s the bassist for one of the biggest rock bands in the world.
Only, he’s reinvented himself and doesn’t recognize his childhood sweetheart. Nicki Quick has been seduced by the decadent lifestyle of the music scene of the eighties, lost in a haze of sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll. And to Nicki, Dani is just another chick in a long line of groupies.
He soon finds she isn’t like the other girls, though. Music runs through her veins – it’s part of her soul. She’s a songwriter. A dreamer. A girl determined to make it in a boys’ world.
This is the story of two musicians. A boy and a girl. A man and a woman. Two people who learn that being lost is sometimes the same as being found.
Author Note: Moonlight Drive is a 57,000-word novel. More literary fiction, less romance. The characters and their intense and realistic actions drive the plot. Contains content that may trigger some readers.


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A.R. Hadley writes imperfectly perfect sentences by the light of her iPhone.

She loves the ocean.


Her children.

And Cary Grant.

She annoys those darling little children by quoting lines from Back to the Future, but despite her knowledge of eighties and nineties pop culture, she was actually meant to live alongside the Lost Generation after the Great War and write a mediocre novel while drinking absinthe with Hemingway. Instead, find her sipping unsweet tea near a beautiful garden as she weaves fictional tales of love and connection amid reality.


The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Heidi Sturgess

The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series)The Ocean in His Veins by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Having met Cal before . I was keen to learn more about who Cal is and what made him who he is …

Again I’d hives you a heads up on your Kleenex and chocolate supply but if you could have this as a beach read you’ll have hit the vibe 😉

Death changes people and when Cal’s grandpa passes there a change in him and he sees life differently…..

He’s trying to find peace the tranquility of the ocean and her crashing waves but peace just seems one wave away ,just like the waves are the woman in his life sone made a mark and sone didn’t but it would seem Annie may just be his peace and his calm 🥰

I’ll be honest I would’ve read this first before Ocean meets sky purely because I’d understand cal better but my heart had a special place for him from the start anyhow but he’s good at hiding his true self and I’m grateful I got the opportunity to learn more of him 🤗

As much as I love Cal there were times I wanted to clip him around the ear 🤣 but I was an emotional mess so I didn’t want to ice this battle 🤣🥰

Cal , you’re real special to me and you deserve happiness ❣️

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Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Heather Bass

Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (The Ocean)Where the Ocean Meets the Sky by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have read a couple books from this and she always makes me want more. This is the second book of the Ocean series. I was so excited to read this I stopped everything to read. I wanted to know what happens to our main character. I fell in love with all the characters once again. It only took me a few hours to read this amazing story.

Annie Baxter is starting with a new slate. She is grieving over her loved one so she is looking for nothing. Annie is freshly out of college and she needs to figure out things. She is wanting to take pictures until a very hot guy comes into focus in her lens. Annie is baffled at how handsome Cal Prescott is. She can see that there is an age gap but her heart want him. Will Annie get her happy ever after?
Review by @heatherbass

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The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Christine Baranek

The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean)The Ocean in His Veins by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Ocean in His Veins
By: A.R. Hadley

What a journey… The author has written two books that are companions. The order in which you read them may skew your view of certain characters. I read this story second. So this was prequel, and my view of this character was already “tainted” by Where the Ocean Meets the Sky. This story is Cal’s story. I really enjoyed that this story as it gave insight into why Cal is the way he is. Cal’s mother has firmly shaped who he is and his belief that feelings are nothing but weakness. This makes Cal the man we meet in the second book – he desires power and physical attention without any feelings attached to it. He has only been in love twice in his life. This book gives Cal a fantastic character arc with development I haven’t really seen frequently. The amount of thought that A,R Hadley has put into her characters is apparent and for that reason I highly recommend reading both this book and Where the Ocean Meets the Sky. These stories are the kind that once you read them you look at the people you meet differently, with a more critical eye. I cannot recommend reading this book enough!

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The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Tonya Merritt

The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series)The Ocean in His Veins by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If you read Where the Ocean Meets the Sky you’ll know the main character of this story. It is Cal’s life story of finding happiness and what he did to get it. There are many women before he finds Annie at 45 and this story tells you of the pain, suffering and more that he went through. A.R. does a wonderful job showing you into the sadness of Cal’s journey.

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Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Tonya Merritt

Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (The Ocean)Where the Ocean Meets the Sky by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A great story to read anytime you need to lose yourself in a different world. This story is Cal and Annie’s. Both Cal and Annie have troubled lives and are gapped a decent bit in age. Even with the age gap, you can feel the connection between the two. A.R. does a great job drawing you in and making you feel every emotion and giving you the best descriptions, that you can absolutely see it all.

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The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Heather Bass

The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series)The Ocean in His Veins by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book I have read from this author. This is the first book from the Ocean series. I love reading about a character’s life from teen to adulthood. You can’t help wanting to give him a hug and sometimes wanting to slap him at the same time. I was so addicted to this story I read it in only a day and can’t wait to see what will happen next to him.

Cal Prescott loves being a surfer. He is well known with all the girls as well. Cal loved his life until his grandfather passes away. He now sees life a little bit differently. Cal knows he wants to do something with his life but he is afraid of getting hurt. He is ready to start a real life but we he ever find someone to share it with?

Review by @heatherbass
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The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Brandy Rymer

The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean)The Ocean in His Veins by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this book after reading The Ocean Meets the Sky and I am glad that I did. Not only did it help me to understand why Cal is the way that he is, but if I’d read this book first, I would have been way more biased against his character when he meets Annie. This was an amazing story about Cal’s life from a young teen boy to the 45-year-old man that we learn to love in The Ocean Meets the Sky. This book is definitely a must-read if you loved reading the prior series, because it gives you a peak into the life that Cal had lived, all of the love and loss that he endured throughout his life, and the treatment that he received to develop him into the person that he is. I loved reading this book and am glad that I read it in the order that I did, without this book I would always have been left wondering about what Cal’s past experiences had really had such a huge effect on him. Getting to read about them was such an eye-opener and really added a whole new depth to this book series. I am now a huge fan of this author’s work and am excited to see what else may have been written. This book is highly recommended by me, it is a true look into the life of a boy who becomes a man through all the trials life throws at him.
@Brandy Rymer

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Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Brandy Rymer

Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (The Ocean Series)Where the Ocean Meets the Sky by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cal and Annie’s romance in this story was truly written in the stars! I loved the fact that this book was rewritten to put all three stories into one book, I had not read the prior versions, but there is so much to these characters’ stories that it just needed to be a long read, which I love. There are so many dynamics to Annie and Cal’s backstories that you pick up as you get farther into the story. The side characters are all so amazing, in the fact that you have the fun-loving best friend of Annie, who is an amazing performer, and then you have Annie’s drunk mother and her highly intelligent father, and of course, her foster parents who were more like her real parents, and the reason for her meeting Cal in the first place. Whereas Cal has her older cousin who is more like a big sister or a mother figure to him, his amazing household helper Rosa, who practically raised him, and his mother, a character that truly explains why Cal is the way he is. The settings are described beautifully, I’ve never been to Miami or South Beach, but from the descriptions I can picture them perfectly, hearing the waves of the ocean crashing on the beach. This love story is just phenomenal to read, don’t let the number of pages scare you away from reading this book, they literally just fly by as you engross yourself in the pages and lives of these characters. This is going on my want to read again list it was so fabulous!!!
@Brandy Rymer

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Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Jennifer Ramos

Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (The Ocean)Where the Ocean Meets the Sky by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What made this read compelling to read is how this series is intertwined in a unique sense. As already indicated in the plot review, this book can be stand alone or read in whichever sequence the reader chooses. Perspectives and viewpoints differ as they collide into one. Absolutely must read and highly recommend reading both novels in this series.
This one is a quick read and focuses on the life of Annie, who is a photographer and a young independent strong female character. Since graduating college, many struggles have come forth to her. She is learning to come to grips with the demise of her brother and feels lost where a sense of stability is needed for herself. Then she has a chance meeting with an older man who has been dealing with his own struggles in a relatable way, Cal, who at the time of their meeting is 45 years old. There is an age gap in these intertwined novels but you can see that despite the gap, they can really connect one another and be the support and care they are seeking.

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The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Beverly Finnie

The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean)The Ocean in His Veins by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Ocean is His Veins was an interesting journey. Since I read Where the Ocean Meets the Sky first to me it was a prequel of sorts. Though the author description says it doesn’t matter which is read first it could go either way. This story specifically is Cal’s story. Gives one a better understanding of who Cal is and what he went through during his life. Cal was the character I loved in Where Ocean Meets the Sky, so knowing he has his own book describing his life’s journey right to where the next book starts. I was completely on board.
Cal loved his mother but she hardened him. That feeling is a weakness so you can’t show them. So he navigates life believing that. He craves power; he goes for it. He craves physical attention; he goes for it. Nothing is out of his grasp. He’s living the life albeit lonely at times, the life he wants. He can’t see himself getting married and having kids so the way he navigates it is ideal. During that time he fell in love twice. With other life experiences in between.
I loved that the author gave him a backstory. He’s such a complicated character, but one the reader loves. One you want to root for, to finally be himself and let go. Throughout the 25 year journey this book lays out there’s plenty of ups and downs, however I’m not sure there’s tons of growth. Just more of an understanding. The growth will come in time. Maybe once he meets that woman who will bring him to his knees.
Does that happen here?
Well you will just have to dive in and find out!

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The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Jennifer Ramos

The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series)The Ocean in His Veins by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What made this read compelling to read is how this series is intertwined in a unique sense. As already indicated in the plot review, this book can be stand alone or read in whichever sequence the reader chooses. Perspectives and viewpoints differ as they collide into one. Absolutely must read and highly recommend reading both novels in this series.
This book itself focuses on Cal at age 16 after the death of his grandfather and his mindset changes quite significantly. Just like many of us, his life quest is in search of happiness as he experiences seeing different women in seeking a significant other. The reader is taken through Cal’s emotional perils from loneliness to grief as he takes a journey to shape him into the man he becomes when he finally meets his match at 45.

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The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Ashley Lape

The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series)The Ocean in His Veins by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cal Prescott was at the top of his career. Engaged to the boss’s daughter, who also just happens to be the biggest snake. When Alli throws in Cal’s face that she is pregnant knowing she is not keeping. Cal realizes just how much New York is not the place he wants to be. While caring for his sick mother Cal escapes by using women and sex as an outlet. Never getting attached or allowing himself to feel. He finally agrees to move to Miami to be closer to Maggie and John. At a party that Maggie is hosting for her art friends Cal lays eyes on Annie. Cal is finally concentrating on life until he realizes Miami is the beginning of no more mistakes. This is a great book. Can be read as a stand-alone but you get the whole picture when you read the second book in the series. You should definitely start with this book if you plan to read them both.

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Reviewed by @alape

The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Shannen Kern

The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean)The Ocean in His Veins by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am still in the midst of a book hangover here because this knocked me off my feet with such force, I’m not sure how any book will measure up to it! This story of Cal and the various people in his life will have you feeling every emotional humanly possible. The author has such a magical way of writing that pulls you in from the very beginning and places you in the spot of our main character, Cal. He can be a bit controversial and may have you flustered with some of his decisions, but overall, he is very complex and multi-dimensional. I highly recommend this book because it will definitely give you all of the feelings as you get lost in Cal’s world. Don’t pass this duet up!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Shannen Kern

Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (The Ocean Series)Where the Ocean Meets the Sky by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was absolutely blown away by this book! It is an outstanding piece of literature that I find myself recommending to every single person I come across. The way this author is able to make you feel like you are experiencing the story firsthand is beyond amazing. From tragedy and grief to love and new beginnings, this book has a little bit of everything. Reading about Cal and Annie was absolutely addicting. You can feel the chemistry as soon as they meet and every moment in every scene was painted so perfectly. I’ve never read a book and came away with ZERO things I would change…then I read this. It is on the longer side as it was a combination of the author’s trilogy, but I still feel like it flew by quickly. I don’t want to give anything away so please pick it up because this is a must read!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Maria Colón

The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series)The Ocean in His Veins by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A. R. Hadley starts both books in duet with characters grieving loved ones and it’s very telling in my opinion.
Grief is a fickle demon.
Cal is introduced in this journey as a teenager and this novel ends when he meets Annie.
He has multiple failed relationships because of excess baggage. Our lives are truly responses to how we react or respond to all the…stressors life throws at us.
We grow with Cal over 25 years until he meets someone.
Is life all roses and smiles, no…more like a rainbow…one storm ends and the day goes on.
I’m not sure if I would have read this first…I’m still processing.
The journey was long and hard and it took us on an emotional roller coaster ride.

But it was raw. It was art imitating life.

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The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Kerry Carr

The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series)The Ocean in His Veins by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book in The Ocean series duo. Even though these books can be read as standalone for me personally i should have read this one first before Where The Ocean Meets The Sky.
In this story we follow Cal through his life from the age of 16 to 45. Reading this book really helped me to understand Cal more. To understand why he is the way he is, what happened to him to shape him into the man he has become.
My Heart cried for him through most of the story. I felt that Cal was a man who wanted to love deeply and be loved in return but because he was raised to see feelings and emotion as weakness he closes himself off which makes him seem cold and uncaring.
We follow him through his life as he struggles to find something he can’t explain. He calls it The Lonley and it disappears when he is intimate with someone but it returns after.
He struggles to connect with someone on more than a physical level and the few times feelings have started to develop he runs away. Scared to show weakness and scared of being vulnerable and allowing his true feelings to show.
As his story progresses he struggles more and more to open up and allow someone in until he meets Annie. Is Annie going to be the one to actually see through the cold hard walls and see the vulnerable loving man underneath. Is it finally time for Cal to be scared and risk being hurt to finally keep the woman he wants.
The author’s writing is beautiful, very descriptive and allows the reader to completely feel the emotion.
After reading this I will definately be going back to re-read When The Ocean Meets The Sky.

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The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series)The Ocean in His Veins by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 Stars
The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley

The Ocean in His Veins is the companion to Where the Ocean Meets the Sky and can be read as a standalone. This story details Cal’s life from sixteen to forty-five. We get to go on an emotional journey as he navigates through being ready to take the world on to hitting the bottom of the sea. He spends half his life waiting for the perfect wave to break him free and help him find peace. This is a fast paced story that once you start reading it’s hard to put down. Can Cal find what he’s looking for? I highly recommend reading this book to find out what happens next. I’m looking forward to reading more from this Author.

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The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Tausha Treadway

The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series)The Ocean in His Veins by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley. In this book we meet Cal Prescott who lives in Florida and is 16. He is a lover of the ocean and most days can be found there. When he enters college he secretly fall in love and has a relationship with a professor. He was taught at a early age to control his emotions but the love between him and Jocelyn was very real. It lasted 4 years and then he had to move on. He had goals and he was determined to meet those goals. Cal continues to succeed in business and life but never really lets himself feel love again and really doesn’t know it he will. Being raised by a cool, aloof mom its made Cal the same way and he can come off as a jerk but deep down inside he just doesn’t know how to show his emotions. I loved getting to know Cal in this book and I can’t wait to read the next!

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Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Tausha Treadway

Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (The Ocean Series)Where the Ocean Meets the Sky by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley. When I started reading this series I wasn’t sure which book to start with so i just started reading and this is actually book 2 I believe but it didn’t matter because they are so good. This book deals with the untimely death of Annie Baxter’s brother. Annie is devastated and doesn’t really know what to do. She ultimately decides to go to Florida to work on her photography portfolio. When Annie attends a friends party she meets Cal and the only problem is he’s 45 and she’s 25 but regardless of their ages sparks fly. They are immediately drawn to one another and their lives are very similar to the point they can relate to each other. Annie is really an old soul due to all the trauma in her life. So the age difference doesn’t effect them at all. The lack of communication is the biggest problem between the 2 of them. This book was so well written that I felt like Cal and Annie were my friends. I loved this book!

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Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Kerry Carr

Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (The Ocean Series)Where the Ocean Meets the Sky by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is part of 2 books in The Ocean series. This book can be read as a standalone thankfully as I’m not sure which way round they are supposed to be read. So I just dived in.
This is a romance where the author has put 3 books into 1 so it is quite a lengthy read. However that being said it doesn’t feel like a long read because you get so invested in the characters and their lives that it flys by. The author’s writing is beautiful, very descriptive and really paints the picture of everything from the characters thoughts and feelings to the view around them.
Both of our main characters are dealing with demons and struggling with life in their own way which is partly what the story is about how they both struggle to overcome their pasts to create a future of love.
At times I wanted to laugh and at others I wanted to cry and on more than one occasion I wanted to shake both of our main characters . However I feel once I read the next book Cals behaviour will make more sense to me.
Overall I loved the story and can’t wait to read the next one.

This is a beautiful story of 2 people who find each other, while having demons to battle which make them question themselves and things around them. As well as a age gap and the fact that they are only going to have the summer together both of them are powerless to stop what their heart desires. Can this new found love help them both heal? What happens when the summer is over?

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Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Beverly Finnie

Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (The Ocean Series)Where the Ocean Meets the Sky by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book has a little bit of everything. Where the Ocean Meets the Sky is one of the longest books I’ve read recently. It’s one of those books you save for a rainy day. An age gap romance between two extremely damaged souls. And the way the author presents their stories gives the book quite a bit of depth. The author has you rooting for the two main characters in different ways.
Drawn to Cal the moment she sees him Annie is still trying to pick up the pieces of her life since her rock(brother) passed away. Having felt lost the last year and struggling to push forward Cal’s very existence and focus on her, has her feeling alive again. However those around her keep pointing out the 20 year difference between them, and he keeps holding back on her.
Will she be able to let her grief go and finally move forward with Cal?
Cal has never been drawn to a woman, like he is Annie. But can he truly be with her? His past is lingering and it’s not something he’s all that willing to share. It’s emotionally and mentally taxing and he feels no one should have to shoulder that burden. Yet he pursues her anyway. He can’t stay away. Figuring one night will get her out of his system, boy was he wrong.
Will he ever let Annie in?
Will their secrets just destroy the fact they could heal one another?
Things get complicated before they get easier. Which is usually the case, but since I said this book is on the longer side it should be expected. The author takes the reader on a heavy, painful, and healing story. One that some could relate too. I was partial to Cal rooting for him to take what he wants & fix what is broken, yet that’s easier said than done.
So grab a blanket, find an oversized chair, and get ready to cuddle up because once you start the book you’re not going to want to put it down. The need to know is why I’ll be lacking sleep tomorrow…lol Learn from my mistakes and enjoy!

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The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Ashly Renner

The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series)The Ocean in His Veins by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is the second in the series, and I throughly enjoyed both these books. I love that you can read them an any order and depending on which one you read first it colors your perspective of who Cal is. This book follows Cal from age 16 to 45 and documents the people and experiences that shaped him into the man he ultimately becomes. I cannot want to read more from this author!!!

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Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Elisha Johnson

Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (The Ocean)Where the Ocean Meets the Sky by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley- 5 out of 5 stars

This book will have you going on a roller coaster of emotions. The heat between the main characters is off the charts! Talk about silver fox, oh my. This book was a long one, so don’t expect a quick read. I recommend this book.

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The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Brandy Vaughn

The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series)The Ocean in His Veins by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is part of the two-book in The Ocean. The Ocean in His Veins can be read as a companion to Where the Ocean Meets the Sky or as a standalone novel. This was interesting to read about Cal age 16 to 45. We find out what his back story is and I’m not sure if it changes my mind about him from book one. The Ocean in His Veins is executed at a literary fiction level with deeply fleshed out characters that makes the reader curious about Cal. I found myself thinking about the characters when I set the book down. If you like literary fiction with romance then you don’t want to miss this series.

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The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Elisha Johnson

The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series)The Ocean in His Veins by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley- 4 out of 5 stars

This book really shows you what shaped Cal into the man we were first introduced to in When the Ocean Meets the Sky. It Chronicles all of his relationships with both love interests and family members. Really showing how each one effected him throughout his life. Cal is a love/hate character, you love to hate him and you hate that you love him. Oh my, Cal! I recommend this series.

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The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Amanda Haller-Doris

The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean)The Ocean in His Veins by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was really excited to check out this story as well as the other book in the set. I decided to check this story out first as I wanted to get a better handle on Cal to see what made him tick so I might have a better idea of him in the second book with Annie. Seeing his evolution from a teenager to an adult was definitely eye opening and gave me a good foundation to who he was as a man and how he becomes the man he is. I thought the author did a great job of creating a flawed character that could be frustrating and exasperating in some of his choices, but in the end you still want to see good things for him. I’m excited to check out the second part and see how Cal’s life turns out.

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Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Maria Colón

Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (The Ocean)Where the Ocean Meets the Sky by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

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Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (The Ocean)Where the Ocean Meets the Sky by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 Stars
Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley

Where the Ocean Meets the Sky is a second chance Romance that will take you on quite the emotional rollercoaster ride. This is a fairly new author to me and I’m definitely going to check out what other books they have written. Their style of writing and attention to detail along with fully developed characters make for a wonderful story. This is a fast-paced story that is hard to put down. Can one summer really change everything ? I fear I might give something away im going to say I highly recommend reading this book to find out what happens next. I look forward to reading more from this Author.

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The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Shelly Kittell

The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series)The Ocean in His Veins by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a really thought inducing book. Do we really know what we want at an early age? I can remember thinking I knew what I wanted at 16. I was wrong, of course. We see Cal on his journey through life. He’s a surfer so the analogy of his looking for the perfect ocean fits as he goes from woman to woman looking for that perfect love. He is missing something in his life. I’m looking forward to reading the other book in this series because it also gives a look into his relationship with Annie. I recommend this one. It really is worth the time. One of the best fiction that I’ve read this year.

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