
The Girl Who Escaped by Mark Nolan – Review by Amy Dean Sept 2022

The Girl Who EscapedThe Girl Who Escaped by Mark Nolan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was one that was so hard to put down. The chapters were well written and flowed. Every time I got to the end of one of the chapters, I had to remind myself I had things I needed to do and had to stop reading. The writer wasted no time to get into the juicy crime that followed the whole book. It had me rooting for the heroine right off the bat and continued as she became stronger and more confident in herself until the very last page.

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In Plain Sight (Logan McKenna Mystery Series Book 8) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Amy Dean 08/2022

In Plain Sight: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 8In Plain Sight: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 8 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this book! I kept trying to guess the plot along with the main character Logan and I also kept asking myself what I was missing and the answer really was in plain sight. The characters were engaging and all had their own personalities, which the author was able to portray through the writing. I will also always know a fun fact about turkey vultures that I would have never probably known before, even though they are a common bird in my home state. This book flowed well and was very easy to read and several times I had to convince myself I needed to put the book down to get other things done. I was able to keep all the characters straight-which is something I sometimes struggle with in books. This is definitely a book I would read over and over again.

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