
A Bride for Noah (Brides of Broken Arrow) by Cheryl Wright – Review by Anantha Rusum

A Bride for Noah (Brides of Broken Arrow #1)A Bride for Noah by Cheryl Wright
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

There are books where the story line is something you have already read about, but how it is presented makes a lot of difference. This is a historic romance, about the marriage of convenience, something which is often witnessed in historic dramas, but what makes this book interesting are the characters and the way the book is presented.

Noah is given a vast promise of land, but with one condition, he has to marry with in few weeks, otherwise he has to forfeit all his fortune. Mary is in neck deep trouble with her father who cares only about his pigs and is willing to give away his daughter to the first man knocking on the door. So, when a church suggests their alliance, both Mary and Noah readily agree to a marriage of convenience. Atleast Mary is with a mindset that she will annul the marriage once the contract period is over.
But when it comes to the heart, it is a completely different matter altogether. Will these two end their marriage and go their own ways , or their hearts have something to say? That is the plot of the story.

If you are looking for a nice smooth romance read in the season of love, this is a book to read. A refreshing romance with an endearing lead pair. I enjoyed it.

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Rebecca Steele Living the Dream (Rebecca Steele series Book 3) by Joanne Patterson – Review by Anantha Rusum

Rebecca Steele Living The Dream (The Rebecca Steele series Book 3)Rebecca Steele Living The Dream by Joanne Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the 3rd book in the series and I really loved it.
In this book Rebecca is happily married , her career is at an all time high and she leads a good life with her husband and step daughter.
However, nothing remains perfect. People from the past turn up and it makes the relationship between Rebecca and her husband difficult.
Her step daughter is stepping into her shoes with a penchant for singing and blooms into a confident little girl. Rebecca has to really fight with all her strength to hold on to the things and people who are dear to her life. It is a bitter sweet ending, but I did enjoy every bit of this fast paced love story.

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Rebecca Steele Finding the Dream (Rebecca Steele Series #2)Rebecca Steele Finding the Dream by Joanne Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Rebecca Steele Finding the Dream is the second book in the Rebecca Steele series by Joanne Patterson. Finding the Dream is a very sweet romance with some touching moments. Rebecca finds herself in new circumstances and things around her are changing rapidly, except her best friend. She seems to be doing well in her career, but then life turns upside down . Major decisions have to be made, and well, the path isn’t straight. The characters are intense and well rounded. The plot is interesting. I overall enjoyed this sweet romance.

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ConQuest: The Art of Selling at Cons by Megan Mackie – Review by Anantha Rusum

ConQuest: The Art of Selling At ConsConQuest: The Art of Selling At Cons by Megan Mackie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“ConQuest: The Art of Selling at Cons,” by Megan Mackie is a very useful book which gives a lot of detailed information on how to successfully market and promote self-published works. I picked this book as I do intend to self publish my books and I was looking for guidance. I know of many first time authors who struggle to promote their books and end up paying tons of money to the retailers to place them in the stores. The checklist is very useful for the promotional events. Though she does center the book around a particular genre, I think the strategies could be applied across genres to market your book. Very useful book. Definitely recommended.

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Apocalypse Thoughts (The Pox Series Book 5) by Kendra Griffin – Review by Anantha Rusum

Apocalypse ThoughtsApocalypse Thoughts by Kendra Griffin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A book which strikes the chord in this pandemic times, Apocalypse Thoughts is centered around a girl Kella and how she encounters the pandemic which has taken over the world and save her dear ones.
A pandemic has made humans mutate into cannibals, and no one knows what caused this or how fast the mutation spreads.
Kella wants to save herself and her brother Huck from the pandemic. Both of them along with her cousin Jumper start hiking on the Appalachian trials armed with a very important information that can change everything. They must hike as fast as they can and stay ahead of the infected people, called the Hyenas. There are tons of things which could go wrong including shortage of food and water.
Kella keeps a running log of all the challenges she faces as they escape the Hyenas and try to stay ahead of the race and just live. This is a story of courage and bravery and we all can relate to this in our current Pandemic. The narrative is gripping and can be easily read. I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

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Piasa (Legends Series Book 3) by Maggie Adams – Review by Anantha Rusum

Piasa (Legends, #3)Piasa by Maggie Adams
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Piasa is the third book in The Legends series by Maggie Adams. It is an intriguing paranormal romance, between a shaman and a dragon shifter .

The book takes the readers into a fantasy world filled with shamans, sorceresses, vampires and dragon shifters.
The story is very creative and keeps you hooked on till the end . I liked this book and am looking forward to read more from this author .

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The Heart of a Hussar (The Winged Warrior Series Book 1) by Griffin Brady – Review by Anantha Rusum

The Heart of a Hussar (The Winged Warrior, #1)The Heart of a Hussar by Griffin Brady
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Historic Fiction allows the readers to be transported to the lands of distant past and learn a lot about the country, the traditions and the rituals.

Jacek Dabrowski is a lieutenant of the Hussars and is one of the finest warriors of Poland. He is well respected by his warriors and is one of the most sought after bachelor in Poland. But his jealous superior belittles him and is always on a look out to bring him down. Jacek has to work hard to gain his leadership in the army.

In one of his raids, he rescues an orphaned pair, one of them being a girl. The girl, Oliwia, blossoms from a fifteen-year-old war orphan to an eighteen-year-old woman who has always been in love with Jacek. Jacek does not realize his feelings towards Oliwia till the later part of the book. Will he stop his pursuit and let his heart flutter?
This is the first book of a duology, and the story ends with a cliffhanger . Looking forward to the second half. It is a very nice historic fiction I have read in a long long time !

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MURDER OFF ROUTE 82 (Eve Sawyer Mystery Book 3) by Jane Suen – Review by Anantha Rusum

Murder off Route 82 (Eve Sawyer Mystery, #3)Murder off Route 82 by Jane Suen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Murder Off Route 82 is the third book in the Eve Sawyer Mystery Series by Jane Suen.
The protagonist, Eve Sawyer who is a college student who is always on a lookout for a good story and ends up in danger. After solving a couple of mysteries, Eve is excited to start a fresh “normal” new school year. But along comes along a case of a missing girl and her boyfriend. And then the mystery begins, what is visible to the eye is never the truth and as Eve tries to unravel it, a huge twist awaits.
I have not read the first two books of this author, hence I missed all the background information and the character build up. The plot nevertheless is standalone and I enjoyed every bit of this book.

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Priscida Finds Greatness by Constance Mays – Review by Anantha Rusum

Priscida Finds Greatness: In Herself and in OthersPriscida Finds Greatness: In Herself and in Others by Constance Mays
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Priscida Finds Greatness: In Herself and In Others is a charming children’s story by Constance Mays. This wonderful story teaches about finding greatness in yourself and also in small things around you . Priscida is an alley cat , has a rough patch in her life, she is caught, then rescued by an animal shelter, lost and then found again. But through out this rough journey Priscida finds that love and kindness lead to great things and patience and perseverance are a key to the greater good. It is a wonderful book for children and I loved the illustrations. I thoroughly enjoyed the book.

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Strega – Magic: The Spirit Never Dies by Lynne Russell – Review by Anantha Rusum

Strega - Magic: The Spirit Never DiesStrega – Magic: The Spirit Never Dies by Lynne Russell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A very interesting and a unique book, set in Italy in the 1600s , and talks about witchcraft, magic and reincarnation.A third year medical student is running away from her past and present to the modern Massachusetts where she begins to learn all about herself.In an eye opening journey, she begins to realize her powers and also of all the women in her previous generations. This book boasts of women power and encourages women to choose the path of their choice without any inhibitions. As I said earlier, it is a very unique book and a wonderful read.

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Whatever Tomorrow Brings (Embrace Tomorrow Duet Book 2) by Amy Argent – Review by Anantha Rusum

Whatever Tomorrow Brings (Embrace Tomorrow #2)Whatever Tomorrow Brings by Amy Argent
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is a very intense read, be ready to grab a box of tissues. The author does not flinch from giving a detailed picture of what it is to deal with Cancer and how the patients deal with it. Can two people in love beat the disease? The duo meet under the least expecting circumstances and their deep love and connection is beautiful. This book is an emotional roller coaster ride.

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Mom, Is There a Santa Claus? by Susan J Berger Illustrator: KC Snider – Review by Anantha Rusum

Mom, Is There a Santa Claus?Mom, Is There a Santa Claus? by Susan J. Berger
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My children are now grown old enough to understand that there is no Santa, but there was a point of time when they did come and ask, ”Mom, is there really a Santa?”. This book helps us answer the question with a lovely story, which Lucas’s mom tells him when he asks her the same question. The spirit of Christmas is explained so well to keep the notion of Santa alive in the minds of the young and old alike. A beautiful book and a must read for all children who have come of age to understand that Santa Claus is magical and not real.

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Shadows of Doubt (A Crawford Mystery) by Merissa Racine – Review by Anantha Rusum

Shadows of Doubt (A Crawford Mystery)Shadows of Doubt by Merissa Racine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I found this book a very enjoyable mystery read. Lauren Besoner is a free lance court reporter. Her financial situation lands her with a job of a substitute stenographer, with her ex-husband , a judge. Handling one of her cases, she finds herself drawn to a certain murder case, where an elderly woman is murdered. Is the accused truly guilty? Lauren senses something is not right and begins her own investigation. Hidden ugly secrets are revealed. Are the secrets ready to be spilled out in open, or some of them are best kept buried?
This is a very nice mysterious read, I loved every bit of it. I like courtroom mysteries and this was
real fun !

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Christmas Cookies on a Cruise Ship (The Perfect Pairing Series Book 1) by Parker Fairchild – Review by Anantha Rusum

Christmas Cookies on a Cruise Ship (The Perfect Pairings Series Book 1)Christmas Cookies on a Cruise Ship by Parker Fairchild
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Christmas Cookies on a Cruise Ship (The Perfect Pairings Series Book 1) by Parker Fairfield is a fun christmas romance, reminded me of a Hallmark movie.

Olivia Chasen, a chemist, and a budding writer, is on a cruise to escape spending Christmas with her twin sister and her new fiancé—ex. Jace is a Navy SEAL. He’s on the cruise going to his friend’s wedding. But unknown to them, they are up for a treat of their lifetime, when Mr and Mrs Claus themselves step in to make a perfect Christmas match.

It is a lovely book to bring on the Christmas spirits. I enjoyed every bit of it.

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Love’s Reverie (The Stardust Duet, Book 2) by KG Fletcher – Review by Anantha Rusum

Love's Reverie (The Stardust Duet, #2)Love’s Reverie by K.G. Fletcher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The second book is a continuation of the first book, where both Philip and Kat are reunited after going back and forth in time. But now the bigger question remains, how and where they are going to spend their future together. Philip decides to take a giant leap and goes in search of his mother’s ring. But his ex-girlfriend appears to cause severe damage to his plans. This is the book of uncertainties and how their love has to face the tests of compromise to be together.

I had loved the first book too, it is a very mature relationship portrayed which requires a great deal of love and understanding between the protagonists as they travel back and forth in time. I loved this book as much as the first one !

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Snowflakes & Stockings (A Wilton Hills Christmas Book 4) by Marianne Rice – Review by Anantha Rusum

Snowflakes & Stockings (A Wilton Hills Christmas, #4)Snowflakes & Stockings by Marianne Rice
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Santa brings opposites together ! Liberty an investigative reporter is all set to find out who is the secret Santa in the town. She narrows down on Sawyer Campbell, a joint owner of a tech firm. But Sawyer is someone who could be technically called the “opposite of Santa”, He is strictly business like , and not very good at family relations. Liberty is exactly the opposite, warm, caring, loving. Now when they two meet, sparks fly between them but the differences also stand out between them. Can they resolve these differences and make their relationship work?
It is nice romantic story with a christmasy feel to it. A good way to head towards the holiday season !

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Stranded (Cetacea Chronicles Book 1) by Feather Chelle – Review by Anantha Rusum

Stranded: Cetacea Chronicles Volume 1Stranded: Cetacea Chronicles Volume 1 by Feather Chelle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My son is into marine life and I ended up reading this book with him. Loved every bit of it. More than me, he loved it. The book is very educational and gives a lot of insight about marine life, especially, the dolphins, the whales and their habitats. There is a fantasy weaved as a plot where the animals have to journey to escape from a deadly virus. As part of the journey, we learn a lot about the animals itself. I would like to get the book in paper back, except that it is a tad too long for a child to read by himself. Neverthless, loved the book .

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Death under Palm Trees (A Jack and Frances mystery Book 4) by Carmen Radtke – Review by Anantha Rusum

Death under Palm TreesDeath under Palm Trees by Carmen Radtke
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Oh, a good old time mystery book, is a good way to end the weekend. I love mysteries, Agatha Christie is my favorite, in fact I chose this book because it is historic mystery, you get a feel of the 1930s.

Two detectives want to indulge in their hard earned holiday on new year’s eve abroad a ship when work comes calling. They end up on the wrong side investigating missing documents instead. To make matters worse, there is a murder. Will they be able to solve the mystery before it goes public?
This is the crux of the story. It is a very well written captivating mystery. I loved it.

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Kingdom of Embers (Kingdom Journals Book 1) by Tricia Copeland – Review by Anantha Rusum

Kingdom of Embers (Kingdom Journals #1)Kingdom of Embers by Tricia Copeland
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Trying to be normal when you are not has it’s own consequences. This is the crux of this interesting fantasy, Kingdom of Embers. Alena is a unique 17 year old girl, a hybrid, half vampire, half witch. Her mother is a Vampire and the identity of her father is unknown. She keeps moving from place to place because of her mother’s job. Now at senior year, with an absentee father and typical teen problems, roller coaster emotions, Alena has a lot on her plate. This is Alena’s journey in her school, her friendships and how she tries to gel in with the rest of her friends and eventually figures out details about her father.

It is a well crafted story. I have read Tricia Copeland before and have thoroughly enjoyed her novels. This one is no exception, and she has tried to meddle and blend two different fantasy tribes which makes the book even interesting.
Cannot wait for the sequels.

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Saratoga Roan by Bree M. Lewandowski – Review by Anantha Rusum

Saratoga RoanSaratoga Roan by Bree M. Lewandowski
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a book of second chances, a contemporary romance which celebrates growth, love and loss in a relationship. After 5 years of break up, Cassandra and Rhett come face to face with each other, Cassandra wanting to give it a second shot and Rhett blaming her for breaking the relationship. Rhett has too much on his hands and the hurt and anger he feels towards her is understandable. How the two characters mature, understand each other and let the hard feelings go forms the central piece of this beautiful romance. I especially liked the way the two lead characters are portrayed, their hurt, their anguish and eventually the growth. It is a gradual process.
I enjoyed this romance, it was a good read.

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Swindler’s Revenge (Karina Cardinal Mysteries Book 5) by Ellen Butler – Review by Anantha Rusum

Swindler's RevengeSwindler’s Revenge by Ellen Butler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Not many times you end up reading a laugh out loud mystery. I really enjoyed this book and there were times when I was chuckling to myself reading this book.
Swindler’s Revenge is book 5 in the Karina Cardinal Mysteries series by Ellen Butler .
Karina Cardinal is the feisty spirited heroine who has a knack of getting into trouble all the time. When her Ex Boyfriend, FBI agent Mike Finnegan, is accused of a serious crime, she cannot keep her hands off the case as she knows deep in her heart that he is innocent. With a little help, she intends to prove it just the same.
The book is a real page turner and keeps the reader hooked till the very end. Overall I loved the mystery.

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Love’s Refrain (The Stardust Duet, Book 1) by KG Fletcher – Review by Anantha Rusum

Love's Refrain (The Stardust Duet, #1)Love’s Refrain by K.G. Fletcher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book felt like a love letter, a love letter going back and forth between two eras, 1947 and the current time. Kat is a jazz singer who is just finishing a tour when she meets a stranger who gifts her with a locket. She finds a message in the locket and stumbles upon a portal that takes her back in time. Then the saga switches between the two eras and you fly on the magic carpet when the leading duo pull you into the world of jazz and everything vintage and retro.
It is a beautiful read, I loved every bit of it. Beautiful romance . Hats off !

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Stand Your Ground by A. J. Ullman – Review by Anantha Rusum

Stand Your GroundStand Your Ground by A.J. Ullman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a racing crime thriller, took me back to the days I was reading Grisham and Archer. Cady, a successful lawyer dreams big and is on the brink of reaching to the stars. She is about to become a partner in the law firm she works at. However , on a bike ride back home in the inner park, she faces a man with a nefarious intent and she ends up shooting him. Now faced with a possible murder charge she puts forward a case that she shot and killed him in self defence, which means “Standing her ground”. But will the police believe her? Can she retain her status or will everything be taken away from her? Will she win the case and avoid death sentence?
This book is a racing thriller and keeps you hooked from beginning to end. I enjoyed reading it.

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Potager Plot (A Backyard Farming Series Book 5) by Vikki Walton – Review by Anantha Rusum

Potager Plot: A witty cozy mystery with a hint of romance. (A Backyard Farming Mystery Book 5)Potager Plot: A witty cozy mystery with a hint of romance. by Vikki Walton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love these type of mysteries. At the end of a tiring day, pick up a book, set in a small town , a group of women meeting in a garden and then there is a murder, the murder of the head of the gardening club, President Billie Whitman. Everyone in the town is keeping a secret. Now it is upto Anne, the protagonist to trace the clues and solve the case. It is a light-hearted read with drama, secrets, danger and suspense. A very interesting plot and a dash of romance.

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Murder Among Friends by Linda Burson – Review by Anantha Rusum

Murder Among FriendsMurder Among Friends by Linda Burson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Murder Among Friends by Linda Burson is the first book I’ve read by this author. Camille Thurston , a private investigator , she goes to Connecticut to spend time with her brother Zach (who is a police officer), his wife and their children. While visiting, a woman is reported missing and her brother takes up the case .
Camille assists her brother in the investigation and things get complicated as she falls in love with the missing woman’s husband. How she manages to crack this mystery with her personal apprehensions forms the rest of the story . It was a great read with a combination of mystery and romance . I enjoyed reading it .

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Notebook Mysteries ~ Decisions and Possibilities by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Anantha Rusum

Notebook Mysteries ~ Decisions and PossibilitiesNotebook Mysteries ~ Decisions and Possibilities by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Notebook Mysteries- Decisions and Possibilities is centered around a vivacious heroine Emma, who is much ahead of her age and also in her time. At a tender age of 18, she develops a keen acumen of solving crime mysteries, builds a business of her own at a time when business schools were strictly for men, helps other women who are in dire needs, and also takes care of her own family connections. She seems to be a well-rounded iconic role model who we all women wish to be.

It is a book full of fun and adventures, and Emma , who speaks for all modern-day women is definitely someone to look up to. Love this YA novel.

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Effacement by Hieronymus Hawkes – Review by Anantha Rusum

EffacementEffacement by Hieronymus Hawkes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A gripping sci/fi thriller, this book is centered around Dr Cole Westbay , a gifted scientist who has developed the revolutionary neurochip, a kind of life log that the American population is required to have in order to get a job, open a bank account etc. Everyone in this society is dependent on this lifelog for their daily means and things seem to go smooth unless they don’t. Unless they find one fine day, there is breach, and there is a series of deaths. When Westbay begins to investigate, his work and life is put to danger and he must find out why and who is behind the cover up.

This was a very fast paced read, it showcases the downside of relying on technology too much, and for all we know our own society will be the same plight a few decades down the road. I enjoyed reading the book.

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Sweet Nightmares (The Dream World Chronicles Book 1) by Chynna Pace – Review by Anantha Rusum

Sweet Nightmares (The Dream World Chronicles #1)Sweet Nightmares by Chynna Pace
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sweet Nightmares is the first book in The Dream World Chronicles by Chynna Pace. Alex Rokosz, who is fifteen years old, has always yearned for a family. Life takes a strange turn for Alex when her mother dies and she and her sister, whom she has never met move in with their paternal grandmother. Amidst new connections, She soon discovers that what it seems is not what it is and Nightmares are real. She is introduced to prophecies and destinies all of a sudden and the truth about herself is thrust on her from nowhere.
This is a good Young Adult fantasy filled with action and adventures. The pace is not uniform and at times the plot slows down a bit and it becomes a little difficult to follow the plot, but overall, this is a good read.

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Jake the Growling Dog Shares His Trail (Jake the Growling Dog Book 3) by Samantha Shannon – Review by Anantha Rusum

Jake the Growling Dog Shares His TrailJake the Growling Dog Shares His Trail by Samantha Shannon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the series I loved from the very beginning and even have had my boys read all the books. The graphics is amazing and the message given is very cute and clear. In this book, Jake and Neet, his best friend, find some strange tracks on their regular hiking trail. Jake gets frightened and lets his imagination go wild. He loses his sleep over the strange tracks. But along with few other friends, brave as they are, they decide to investigate. They find who the culprit is and figure out that what they thought was not what it is. A sweet story of inclusion and acceptance, this book is a jewel in the series. Highly recommended.

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The Dream Catchers (Prestoria) by J. U. Menon – Review by Anantha Rusum

The Dream Catchers: PRESTORIA Series Book 1The Dream Catchers: PRESTORIA Series Book 1 by J.U. Menon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Dream Catchers is a fast paced fantasy book, through Indian folklore . Set in the land of dreams, the heroine Radhika Varma is picked to compete in a challenge in Prestoria, the realm of nightmares. She has to rely on her overactive imagination to save herself. She has to create her own defenses and fight against the demons, and travel to a mystical gateway before dawn to win the challenge. Similar to Jumanji, if she fails to do so, she is locked in her dreams.
But then there are more challenges than what meets the eye. She is accused of assaulting one of the other dream catchers. Will she clear her name and emerge victorious from the challenge forms the crux of the story. I thoroughly enjoyed the story, it reminded me of Jumanji time and again. A very good fantasy around Indian myths, I loved every bit of it.

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