
Secrets of the Moon (Chronicles of the Lost Child Series) by Kristy Centeno – Review by Melissa Saxton

Secrets of the Moon (Chronicles of the Lost Child)Secrets of the Moon by Kristy Centeno
My rating: 5 of 5 stars… is the boring friend never doing anything to push limits or misbehave until one night on Deadman curve when a giant mistake was made and a absolutely tragic car accident changes everyone’s lives forever.
Marjorie is consumed by guilt and cannot move past the accident that permanently disfigured her best friend and her parents won’t trust her at all.
Everything seems status quo until a new wold walks into Marjories school, except she knows nothing about who or what he is and why everyone challenges him at every step, she can only feel the absolutely undeniable chemistry between them.
Kiran however harbors many of his own secrets, secrets which could tear him apart with Marjorie now in his sights.
This is a one pov account of mates, shifters, Paranormal and a touch of romance. The chemistry with Kryan and Marjorie is not to be ignored , can they stay together in the end? Or will forces beyond their control tear the. Apart
Read on to find out!

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