
Just One Time (Beaumont Creek Book 1) by Samantha Baca – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Just One Time (Beaumont Creek, #1)Just One Time by Samantha Baca
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed reading this romance story. This is a newer author for me which I look forward to reading more from in the future. I found this book to be fast paced and engaging. A well developed story about friendship and one steamy night. Could one night change friendship? I enjoyed these characters. They are strong, supportive characters that add to the entertainment of the story. I enjoyed how they pulled me into their world and how their chemistry is off the charts. They have great growth as well which made this story easy to read. This is a hard to put down story that I enjoyed reading. I highly recommend this book.

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Review by @bjwagner

Just One Time (Beaumont Creek Book 1) by Samantha Baca – Review by Emily H

Just One Time (Beaumont Creek, #1)Just One Time by Samantha Baca
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Just turned 40, Abby is feeling like time is running out. She has not found the man to capture her heart and share the white picket fence, plus kids with. After talking to her doctor she realizes that she could still achieve one dream, have a baby. When her best friend Nate offers to be the donor, she is not sure what to think but decides who better to do this with. What happens though when they both navigate Abby being pregnant and not communicating with one another one what each other truly wants?

This was a great start to new series. I thought a bit angsty at times but then I think it would be hard to to switch from being best friends into another level neither considered. If you like friends to lovers story this is one to pick up.

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Just One Time (Beaumont Creek Book 1) by Samantha Baca – Review by Bethany Rucker

Just One Time (Beaumont Creek, #1)Just One Time by Samantha Baca
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Abby and Nate have been best friends since they were young children. When Abby hits 40 years old, she starts to worry that she will never have children. She also has her mother pushing her to date and settle down. When Abby and Nate decide to celebrate her birthday, they end up making a huge decision. Nate will give Abby the baby that she so desperately wants. They decide to try the old fashion way, and just this one time. But how many of their own rules will they break?

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Just One Time (Beaumont Creek Book 1) by Samantha Baca – Review by Vanessa Estrada

Vanessa Estrada rated a book ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The premise of this book caught me off guard because I’ve heard of fake dating tropes or marrying your best friend but THIS? It was super interesting to me, and the author did NOT disappoint! I loved the angst and the drama, it felt like I was watching gossip girl and I loved it. Sometimes the characters were annoying though, and I was confused by the writing sometimes but the pros wayy outweighed any minute cons. Would definitely recommend giving this book a try

Just One Time (Beaumont Creek Book 1) by Samantha Baca – Review by Angela Renee Diaz

Just One Time (Beaumont Creek, #1)Just One Time by Samantha Baca
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Nate and Abby been friends since they were children and now their 40. Abby wants to be a mom and is single. She ends up getting pregnant. They are getting close during pregnancy. They have some breakups. Will they make it work or will their relationship and friendship come to an end.

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Just One Time (Beaumont Creek Book 1) by Samantha Baca – Review by Lauren West

Just One Time (Beaumont Creek, #1)Just One Time by Samantha Baca
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book had every bit the sweet Romantic hometown/ best friends to lovers feel. I loved it all from start to finish and my heart had many swoon worthy moments.
Abby was sweet and relatable. You wanted her happy ending. Nate brought the steam and touch of jealousy all the while being handsome and sweet. When he offers to help with her baby dreams they find that once was not enough and maybe there could be more. Question is will they find their way before it’s too late!

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Just One Time (Beaumont Creek Book 1) by Samantha Baca – Review by Kristan Anderson

Just One Time (Beaumont Creek, #1)Just One Time by Samantha Baca
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just One Time by Samantha Baca was pretty much everything that you would want in a best friend romance story. Nate and Abby have been friends forever. They never really gave it a thought when it came to coupling up. But when Abby decided she wanted nothing more than to be a mom, Nate stepped up without so much as blinking. Will the pair be able to do this or will things get messy? The chemistry between nate and Abby was so strong you could feel it. They were hilarious together and I found myself laughing out loud. I really enjoyed this book and I’m looking forward to the rest of the series.

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Just One Time (Beaumont Creek Book 1) by Samantha Baca – Review by Ashley Westerman

Just One Time (Beaumont Creek, #1)Just One Time by Samantha Baca
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was such a sweet romance story, and a first read by this author. I loved her writing. This was an easy book to get into and a quick read for me. It has everything you could want out of a romance book and more. You should check this out soon, especially if you’re a romance lover. I can’t wait to see what else this author has for us.

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Just One Time (Beaumont Creek Book 1) by Samantha Baca – Review by Tracy Greenhalgh

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Just One Time (Beaumont Creek, #1)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Just One Time</a> by <a href=””>Samantha Baca</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
A really lovely warm and emotional small town, friends to lovers and best friend romance: Samantha depicts a lovely rural town, with the small town businesses you would expect, and Abby is one of the business owners who have lived in the town her whole life. With an overbearing mother and firefighting best friend Nate. We follow Abby and her journey to become a mum.<br />Almost unlucky in love Abby can’t seem to find the right man, but is he right under her nose and knows her better than anyone else?<br />From an agreed Just one time, to see if she falls pregnant, Abby and Nate are invested in more than friendship until they are not honest about their intentions. Emotionally up and down we follow the do they don’t they part of the story, always thinking one step ahead to do they get their Happy Ever After.<br />
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Just One TIme Beaumont Creek Series 1 by Samantha Baca Reviewed by Heidi Woodring

Just One Time: A Small Town Best Friends to Lovers Romance (Beaumont Creek Book 1) is simply an amazing read. Abby is turning 40 and after many set ups from her meddling mother, Abby decided she wants a baby and Nate her best friend is only eager to help her. When she gets pregnant the old fashion way, you slowly see them start to fall for each other, and with being scared to open up to each other, they fail to communicate properly.
This read was full of laughs, feels, and spiciness. I truly felt that the book was so well written. Samantha Baca truly has way of bringing us along for an amazing ride into the world of Abby and Nate, and waiting till they can finally have a happy ever after! I can not wait to read more in this series!

Just One Time (Beaumont Creek Book 1) by Samantha Baca – Review by Angela Shirley

Just One Time (Beaumont Creek, #1)Just One Time by Samantha Baca
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Nate and Abby have been Best Friends since kindergarten, but a conversation one day will threaten the dynamic of their friendship and are they both willing to put it at risk.

Abby has just celebrated her fortieth birthday and can here the biological clock ticking away, desperate to be a mother but when you live in a small town the options can be slightly limited on who you can choose to become your baby daddy but until one day mentioning it to her best friend, Nate he suggests something neither of them would have considered.

Nate has secretly crushed on his best friend Abby seen the first day he saw her but has never really gotten up the courage to push out of the friend’s zone, but this would be the perfect opportunity to see where it takes them, one time together and hopefully produce a baby, what could go wrong.

When Abby becomes pregnant it becomes really and both have feelings which they are afraid of voicing until one day in walks Abby’s ex, Colin and can the perfect world Nate has created come crashing down.

I loved this book; the story was well written, and I was so invested in these characters it was great to read. Abby knew what she wanted and went straight after it and the banter between her, and Nate was a joy to read. I loved the secondary characters of Capshaw and Jane and the pull between them through the book, I hope something happens or they both get a happily ever after.

I can’t wait to read the next book and also see how Abby and Nate got on with the baby.

Just One Time (Beaumont Creek Book 1) by Samantha Baca – Review by Christine Baranek

Just One Time (Beaumont Creek, #1)Just One Time by Samantha Baca
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just One Time
By: Samantha Baca

Abby turned 40. And as most females know the older you get the louder that biological clock ticks. And this is where this story really starts. Abby’s clock is ticking so loudly and all she wants is to have a baby. She’s done waiting for Mr. Right. She can do this on her own, can’t she? When her best friend finds out, Nate insists that he help. However he has only one rule. That they do this the old fashioned way. That really wont complicate their friendship, right? It only takes one time. But will once be enough? Or will the each want more?
This book was amazing!!! Abby and Nate were amazing characters and I really think that this was a really relatable story. I think that most women have a guy friend that they think would make an amazing father. But what would happen if they make that friend the father of their child? This really looks at this question in depth. I also think it was written so realistically. How they didn’t answer all the questions that they should have and how their decisions are affecting their friendship. I truly loved this story!

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Just One Time (Beaumont Creek Book #1) by Samantha Baca – Review by Angela Hayes

Just One Time (Beaumont Creek, #1)Just One Time by Samantha Baca
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


4 Stars


Mmmmm this is definitely the situation where once is never enough….

Just One Time is the first book in the Beaumont Creek series by Samantha Baca. It is a small town contemporary romance with a friends-to-lovers-to-parents element that had all the humour, angst, and feels that you could want in a story.
Abby’s hit forty and her biological clock is in overdrive. Her love-life is languishing. Her mother is meddling. And time is passing her by. She has loved him all her life. He’s her best friend after all. They’d never crossed the line of friendship- but an agreement, and one seriously hot night begins to blur the lines to the point of no return. Add a pregnancy into the mix and things take an angsty and intriguing turn.
I did like the story, but there were times that the writing/story felt just a little awkward. But this didn’t detract too much from my overall enjoyment of the book. Looking forward to reading the rest of the series.
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Samantha Baca!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Just One Time (Beaumont Creek Book 1) by Samantha Baca – Review by Jenni Bishop

Just One Time (Beaumont Creek, #1)Just One Time by Samantha Baca
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.5 stars

I have not read anything by this author before reading Just One Time. This best friends to lovers’ romance tale is set in a small town of Beaumont Creek and we all know about small towns and over bearing families.
This story is full of humour, angst, family, longing and love. The story line is has a few moments where I wasn’t too sure but I muddled through and glad that I did. The characters are easy to like even though at one point I wanted to slap some sense into the pair of them but they got their $h!t together enough for me to go ok.
The clock is ticking down but will these two get their act together and get what they have both been longing for? What happens when friends and lovers become blurred? Do you lose your best friend?

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Just One Time (Beaumont Creek Book 1) by Samantha Baca – Review by Tonya Merritt

Just One Time (Beaumont Creek, #1)Just One Time by Samantha Baca
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just One Time is a wonderfully relatable story about a girl and her best friend and the love they have for one another in secret. Abby is getting older and she wants to have a family but hasn’t found love and isn’t sure of IVF. Nate has loved Abby forever but they are best friends and why ruin it? This story is everything you could want sex, love, real life, and past history.

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Just One Time (Beaumont Creek Book 1) by Samantha Baca – Review by Shelly Kittell

Just One Time (Beaumont Creek, #1)Just One Time by Samantha Baca
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I loved the story of Abby and Nate. Two best friends coming together. They are a very sweet set of friends. I found them to be well written and so relatable. The story is quite entertaining and very romantic. I believe fans of contemporary romance will love this. I found it to be a quick romantic read that gives you a giggle and a smile.

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Just One Time (Beaumont Creek Book 1) by Samantha Baca

Just One Time (Beaumont Creek Book 1) by Samantha Baca
Genre – Romance
Page Count – 323
Cover Designer – Richard Baca

There are worse things than turning forty.

However, I can’t seem to evade my worry of my biological clock, and my fear that time is running out. I’ve always wanted to be a mother, and with each passing day, there is a greater chance that might be a dream of mine that will never come true.

And if the clock isn’t loud enough— my controlling and overly judgmental mom is. Her snide comments never go unsaid and her numerous failed attempts at setting me up with any new bachelors in town are enough to spur small town gossip for months at a time. Never mind the fact that she tried to set me up with Old Man Bucky down the street from her— the frail but sweet widow who walks with a cane and has grandchildren my age.

But this isn’t about my mom or her obsessive need to see me settle down and pop out the grand babies she so desperately wants. This is about the emptiness that has lingered inside of me for so long that I worry I will never fill it.

I have a lot to be thankful for in my life. I’m in good health. I run a successful cafe that I inherited from my grandparents and an incredibly handsome best friend who is willing to help make my dream of becoming a mother come true.

It may not be the most conventional way to start a family, but there is no one that I trust more. Besides, we agreed that it would only happen once. Regardless of the outcome, we walk away with our friendship intact. I know this is crossing the line of friendship, but this is my one shot. It’s one night.

What could possibly go wrong?


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Just One Time (Beaumont Creek Book 1) by Samantha Baca

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Just One Time (Beaumont Creek Book 1) by Samantha Baca

Samantha lives in the southwest with her husband and two small children after abandoning her childhood dream of living in a cabin in Colorado when she found that she couldn’t afford to live there and was deathly allergic to the woods.

When she’s not writing she’s usually spouting off sarcastic remarks while drinking wine out of a coffee mug to look like a functional adult while chasing down her toddlers. She enjoys spending time with her family, watching reruns of Friends, and the 24/7 flow of coffee that can be found in her veins. Be sure to follow her on social media for updates on what she’s working on.

Author Interview with Samantha Baca