
Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick – Review by Amanda Gonzalez

Freedom Rings: Book Three of The CircleFreedom Rings: Book Three of The Circle by Brenda Hardwick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this book without reading the first two stories, so some pieces of the story were missing for me, but it was easy enough to catch onto the important parts. It’s important to note that the story was told in multiple POV’s, which helped me understand each of the characters a little more. I really enjoyed this tale, especially the author’s world-building and attention to detail! This book was easy to read and completely entertaining, especially since this is the first book I’ve read from this author (and I’ll be looking for more from them for sure). I definitely recommend reading the other books before diving into this one!

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Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick – Review by Tausha Treadway

Freedom Rings: Book Three of The CircleFreedom Rings: Book Three of The Circle by Brenda Hardwick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick. I have loved this series but you do need to read the previous books to fully understand this book. Its a great series after the attempted murder of the Elders and Soraya has had to lead The Circle. She is trying to build a good team that will fight the prejudice of people with different skin colors! Soraya is a very fierce, independent and strong fighter so she usually gets done what’s needs to be done. The action in this book will keep you flipping pages as fast as you can. The book is filled with magic, murder, destruction and good vs evil. I have loved this series and its usually not my favorite genre but I have looked forward to each and everyone of these books. Do yourself a favor and read this book after you’ve read the other two!

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Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick – Review by April McCoy

Freedom Rings: Book Three of The CircleFreedom Rings: Book Three of The Circle by Brenda Hardwick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If i had anything to say its read the first books in the series. I am silly and did not so i did feel a little lost at times but I LOVED this book. Gave me some slight city of bones vibes and it was just a thrilling exciting book to read! This genre of books is always one thats so underrated to me and i always walk away do satisfied with the read! Characters were amazing and well thought out and the storyline was just so satisfying for me!!!

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Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Freedom Rings: Book Three of The CircleFreedom Rings: Book Three of The Circle by Brenda Hardwick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Very good fantasy book by a new author to me! This is my first book that I have read, and while I struggled a bit due to this being book # 3 in the series to pick up, this ended up overall a great book. I am definitely going to circle back and start this series from the beginning to get the full story of characters.

This story is magical, unique powers but also touches on race and betrayal for sure. I couldn’t possibly imagine wanting to destroy someone or vice versa due to the color of their skin…..the author does such a great job on this.

Soraya is the leader of “The Circle”….trying to plan and keep everyone safe….especially from the likes of Shawn Kites who owns DNAgen Biolab and has so much hate over his heritage. Will Soraya be able to keep The Circle safe?

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Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick – Review by Ashley McMillon

Freedom Rings: Book Three of The CircleFreedom Rings: Book Three of The Circle by Brenda Hardwick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Freedom Rings is as it says book 3. I did not have the chance to read the first two books in this series, but I enjoyed reading this book! I was excited to read an original story so deeply described about a new world of fantasy. I would recommend catching the first two books first, as there were a few parts within the book that I felt kind of left out on. It is my plan to read the first two books and then come back and try this one again. In the book, our main character, Soraya, is pushed into the leadership position to fight against the CEO of the company DNAgen Biolabs. She is the lead in The Circle, and must fight the CEO from making this pill that will eliminate particular people from the world. She is fighting evil magic, and it is a very action packed book. I felt like with each additional character in the story, the story got better and better. I highly recommend starting from the beginning, as I want to know more about Soraya’s beginnings! The author does a really great job of writing an in depth story line. Enjoy!

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Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick – Review by Ashley McMillon

Freedom Rings: Book Three of The CircleFreedom Rings: Book Three of The Circle by Brenda Hardwick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Freedom Rings is as it says book 3. I did not have the chance to read the first two books in this series, but I enjoyed reading this book! I was excited to read an original story so deeply described about a new world of fantasy. I would recommend catching the first two books first, as there were a few parts within the book that I felt kind of left out on. It is my plan to read the first two books and then come back and try this one again. In the book, our main character, Soraya, is pushed into the leadership position to fight against the CEO of the company DNAgen Biolabs. She is the lead in The Circle, and must fight the CEO from making this pill that will eliminate particular people from the world. She is fighting evil magic, and it is a very action packed book. I felt like with each additional character in the story, the story got better and better. I highly recommend starting from the beginning, as I want to know more about Soraya’s beginnings! The author does a really great job of writing an in depth story line. Enjoy!

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Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick – Review by La Toya Lewis

Freedom Rings: Book Three of The CircleFreedom Rings: Book Three of The Circle by Brenda Hardwick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Freedom Rings by Brenda Hardwick is the 3rd book in The Circle book series. I advise reading the first 2 books first. This story is a nicely written good versus evil story that beautifully touches on modern-day issues in a fantasy-type setting. Soroya is the new leader of The Circle. She is bringing the group back together with a plan to take them on the offensive in a world where people are being targeted for removal because of the color of their skin. I really enjoyed this story. It has multiple point-of-views which I usually dislike, but which worked beautifully in this story. The characters are well-written and Shawn and his company are very good antagonists. This book grabs hold of you and does not let go until the very end.

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Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick – Review by Brandy Vaughn

Freedom Rings: Book Three of The CircleFreedom Rings: Book Three of The Circle by Brenda Hardwick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is book three in The Circle Series. Leylines, magic, connecting with the ancestors, and a unique refreshing read. There’s plenty of action and adventure in Freedom Rings. It’s a fast paced plot that keeps you turning the page. The story is told from multiple view points and gives the reader deeper insight into the characters. I would recommend reading the first two books so that you’re not confused and get lost. That being said, Hardwick’s attention to detail in world and character building brings the story to life.

Review by @bilberrysweet

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Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick – Review by Katie Matthews

Freedom Rings: Book Three of The CircleFreedom Rings: Book Three of The Circle by Brenda Hardwick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a really good read, I have to admit I wasn’t too sure when I read the synopsis if I would enjoy it but I really did. The authors attention to detail really gave the story that extra depth to it. The characters were really unique and interesting to read about. I really like Soraya, she was a great female lead! I have to say that I read this as a standalone so it took me a little bit to understand what was going on and I would definitely like to read the first two books in the series however it didn’t have a real negative impact on my enjoyment of the story at all.
I will definitely be looking forward to reading more book from this author in the future.

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Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick – Review by Heather Goodman

Freedom Rings: Book Three of The CircleFreedom Rings: Book Three of The Circle by Brenda Hardwick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This a wonderful magical book. It is very well written. It has very real life problems but spun in a different way. I love how the characters deal with these real life issues and how it shows people can be redeemable. I can’t wait to read the other books.

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Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick – Review by Kirsten Berkebile

So this is book 3 of this series, you will get a little lost in the beginning if you don’t read the first two books like me. However, I do plan on going back and reading the first two later. Soraya is the main character who is forced to take on the lead role to help The Circle prevent the CEO of DNAgen Biolabs from launching a pill that can remove specific people from the world. I feel like I might have said too much and I encourage any and all of you to read this book and the other two books as well. This is Soraya’s time to share her story and I know that you will love this book just as much as I did.

Freedom Rings: Book Three of The CircleFreedom Rings: Book Three of The Circle by Brenda Hardwick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So this is book 3 of this series, you will get a little lost in the beginning if you don’t read the first two books like me. However, I do plan on going back and reading the first two later. Soraya is the main character who is forced to take on the lead role to help The Circle prevent the CEO of DNAgen Biolabs from launching a pill that can remove specific people from the world. I feel like I might have said too much and I encourage any and all of you to read this book and the other two books as well. This is Soraya’s time to share her story and I know that you will love this book just as much as I did.

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Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick – Review by Mary Espinoza

Freedom Rings: Book Three of The CircleFreedom Rings: Book Three of The Circle by Brenda Hardwick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an interesting book especially since I read this one without reading the first two books in the series so to say I was confused when it came to the backstories is an understatement. I still pushed through the book and tried my best to understand what was going on. The book itself was entertaining, but I still plan to go back and read the previous two books, and most likely read this one again just to make it all make sense!
From what I gathered from how the book was written, the book focuses on Soraya who is now in charge of leading The Circle. She finds herself in quite a bit of situations of having to go and save people, replace those that were lost, and strengthen the ones that she still has. There is a lot going on with magic, a good vs evil point of view, people being removed from the land due to the color of their skin, broken relationships, and so much more.
The characters are very well thought out and entertaining and you may find yourself relating to a character or two in this story. It’s hard to put down this book but, as I previously mentioned, it would be extremely beneficial to read the previous books before indulging yourself into this book!

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Mary Espinoza, December 2022

Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Freedom Rings: Book Three of The CircleFreedom Rings: Book Three of The Circle by Brenda Hardwick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars
Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick

Freedom Rings is the third and final book in The Circle Series and I highly recommend reading the previous books if you haven’t already as they give a better understanding of what has happened and you get to know the characters better plus they are just as good as this one. The authors style of writing blows me away and her characters are real, relatable and fully developed plus they bring the story to life and made me feel like I was apart of the story. Get ready for a ride like no other as secrets are revealed and friendships are tested while lives are at stake. I highly recommend reading this book to find out what happens next. This is one you don’t want to miss. I look forward to reading more from this Author.

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Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Freedom Rings: Book Three of The CircleFreedom Rings: Book Three of The Circle by Brenda Hardwick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed reading this book. This is the third book in the series which I highly suggest reading the previous books in this series first. This will help with your enjoyment of the characters and know where they come from to where they are going in this book. This is a well written story where the author used her writing skills to bring the story to life. The characters gave the story a realistic feel as well as brought the story to life. I enjoyed how they pulled me into their world from the start. They are connectable and keep the story engaging. This is a fast paced story about friendship, betrayals and secrets. This is a series you don’t want to miss. I highly recommend this book.

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Review by @bjwagner

Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick – Review by Darla Yocom

Freedom Rings: Book Three of The CircleFreedom Rings: Book Three of The Circle by Brenda Hardwick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Fantastic writing, great storytelling and a real gem of a book!

The main character, Soraya is a well rounded character who has yet to tap into her full potential. In this book she heads up the investigation into the killing of the Elders. She finds herself in a pickle when using her new found leadership skills while dealing with the Circle, only to find an antagonist is waiting to try their hand at leadership.

The need to unite together may take some convincing but can they survive without it!? The power struggle is real and creates a lot of drama and action in this book which is fitting for the finale of this trilogy.

I think readers will become true fans after reading this book, no matter if they’ve read the previous titles in this trilogy. The author’s brilliant talent shines throughout this story.

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Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick – Review by Noor Jivraj

Freedom Rings: Book Three of The CircleFreedom Rings: Book Three of The Circle by Brenda Hardwick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was pleasantly surprised with this book, I did not realize it was the 3rd book of a series but I was still able to follow the story line! The way Brenda Hardwick pulls you into the story with emotion, connections to the ancestors and how magic is not the easy way out but does have consequences. I really enjoyed reading about Miss. Soraya and the other witches who all had unique powers and had their own apprentices to teach. They really felt like a family; they worked at doing what was best and to protect their family throughout the book.
The plot revolves around an enemy that wants to remove their circle for good. Hard decisions are made and they can be felt by everyone in the end. This book pulls you in and takes you for an exhilarating ride!! I very much enjoyed reading this book and look forward to reading more books by Brenda Hardwick!

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Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick – Review by Amber Howard

Freedom Rings: Book Three of The CircleFreedom Rings: Book Three of The Circle by Brenda Hardwick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I didn’t realize this was book three until I had already read a few chapters. With that being said I was still able to get the concept of the stories. I thought it was an interesting read. I enjoyed the magic and use of ancestor and elders. It is such a common thing for black people to refer to our ancestors.

The main villain Shawn, was very well written. His pride and need for revenge got in his way. He was extremely self-serving and no one mattered but himself. And he even hated hisself because of his lineage. I plan on going back to read the first two installments. This was a good read and I recommend it to anyone looking for an ethnic fantasy novel.

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Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick – Review by Julie Johnson

Freedom Rings: Book Three of The CircleFreedom Rings: Book Three of The Circle by Brenda Hardwick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is quite an interesting book. I read this one without reading the first two books in the series so there was a bit of confusion for me on backstories and such. However, I do plan to go back and read the first two books, then this one again, for the proper context.

This book focuses on Soraya who is now in charge of leading The Circle. She finds herself in various predicaments having to go and save people, replace those lost, and strengthen the ones that she has. There is a lot of mischievousness going on with magic, a good vs evil point of view, removing people from the land due to the color of their skin, broken relationships, and so on. Not much different than what we see today (minus the magic).

The characters are very engaging and you’ll find yourself as a character in this story as well possibly. It’s hard to put down this read but, as previously mentioned, it would be beneficial to read the previous books first.

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Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick – Review by Kerry Baker

Freedom Rings: Book Three of The CircleFreedom Rings: Book Three of The Circle by Brenda Hardwick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is a brilliant continuation of the story and a great way to conclude the series. I read the books a little out of order, reading this one first before going back to read the others. I would recommend reading them in order as I think you will get more enjoyment out of reading them however, I still thoroughly enjoyed this book.
I loved the characters in this story and how it was told from more than one perspective. I think that added so much to the book and created a better story. I thought the storyline was really interesting. It was easy to engage with, even if you started with this book, and exciting from start to finish. I really enjoyed reading this story and look forward to more of this authors work.

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Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick – Reviewed by Michaela Massie

Freedom Rings: Book Three of The CircleFreedom Rings: Book Three of The Circle by Brenda Hardwick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The amazing third and final part of Soraya’s story begins with Soraya checking on the Apprentices and sending Gracie on her first trek alone to check on some of the other Apprentices…
Someone will always test the rules, to se if they can be pushed, bent, or broken. Book 3 of The Circle begins with curiosity and tragedy.
With Soraya now leading The Circle in a new direction while trying to train the Apprentices and keep everyone alive, she has new responsibilities and new situations she must learn to deal with in order to save her people!

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Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick – Review by Jenni Bishop

Freedom Rings: Book Three of The CircleFreedom Rings: Book Three of The Circle by Brenda Hardwick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Freedom Rings by Brenda Hardwick sees a continuation of Soraya’s story, but it is also the last book in the Trilogy. Brenda writes stories that are unique which makes them refreshing reads.
Using her newfound powers, knowledge Soraya hopes for a better future. A future that is stronger and able to withstand the enemy. For without a united front all could be lost. Unfortunately, others believe they must be destroyed for them to unleash something that will change who you are.
It is fast paced and has everything to hold you drawn to the story. With evil vs good, suspicion and hatred, desperation and lies, ambition and power. Where friends become foes and secrets are revealed. Where sacrifice and hope will be tested. Where the suspense is palpable.
I like that we see much more into a person’s character and who they truly are as the story is told in multiple POV’s which is my preferred way of having a story told.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick – Review by Shelly Kittell

Freedom Rings: Book Three of The CircleFreedom Rings: Book Three of The Circle by Brenda Hardwick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a spellbinding story that will capture you from the beginning. It is book 3 of the series. I came in at this part of the series and I have to say that I will be going back to read books 1 & 2. The characters really grab you and twist you into their world with the exciting plot going on. There is constant action going on, which is something I love in a story. It is truly a story that you should take a look at.

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Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick – Review by Kerry Carr

Freedom Rings: Book Three of The CircleFreedom Rings: Book Three of The Circle by Brenda Hardwick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the 3rd book in The Circle Trilogy. I do really recommend reading all these books in order. I didnt read the first two so I got a bit lost in the stories and the overall understanding of the stories and the characters. That being said I will definately be going back to read them in order because this book was great. The author’s attention to detail with world and character building really brings the story to life. There is magic, and danger and a sense of good verses evil as two forces are fighting against each other. The Magical side are just trying to survive and have the right to life their lives in peace where as Shawn and his company are trying to rid the world of people that are different to them in all ways including skin colour.

This is an explosive story touching on many aspects of modern day life, with friendships turning into betrayal, someone set on destroying another person because of the colour of the skin and a group of peoples fight for survival. Its beautifully written and gripping and i can’t wait to read the Trilogy from the start.

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Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick
Genre – Fantasy, African American, Black Literature
Page Count – 319
Cover Designer – Megan McMinimy

In times of crisis, our true nature is revealed.

Following the attempted murders of the Elders in The Conductor, Soraya is forced to lead The Circle into a new era of taking the offensive. As she awakens new powers and works to bring together The Circle under her leadership, she takes the opportunity to build a stronger, united front that can attack if necessary.

But she’s not the only one discovering new abilities. Shawn Kites, Owner and CEO of DNAgen Biolabs, is determined to release Melacrit into the world, eliminating races of color with one simple pill. He’s already proven he’s willing to get his hands bloody, but with High Priestess Madeline pregnant with his son and heir, the clock is ticking. If his plan is to succeed, he’ll need to destroy The Circle before his son is born – and now that he has the power to walk the Dream Plain, he has everything he needs to achieve his ambition.

Can Soraya and The Circle finally defeat Shawn or has all their sacrifice been in vain?

Secrets are revealed, friendships are betrayed, and lives are lost in Freedom Rings, the explosive finale of The Circle’s first trilogy.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick

CIPA EVVY Award-winning author, Brenda M Hardwick, released The Conductor: Book Two of The Circle, the anticipated sequel to Harlem Angel during the pandemic lockdown.

Brenda’s latest release, Freedom Rings, Book 3 of The Circle was released on October 11th, 2022. 

Brenda lives in Colorado with her dog Lelu and two noisy parakeets. She has two sons, six grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Brenda spends her days writing, helping with her twin granddaughters, and serving people through Angel Communication and Energy Healing.

Author Interview with Brenda Hardwick



Embers on the Wind by Lisa Williamson Rosenberg – Review by Colleen Noyes

Embers on the WindEmbers on the Wind by Lisa Williamson Rosenberg
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Embers on the Wind is a very complex, thought-provoking, novel. It spins back-and-forth over several generations and deals with some sensitive subject matter. It took a little while to get into this book, but about a quarter way through you can really start to put everything together.

The story has multiple characters that are both despicable and likable. You have to pay very close attention in order to keep track of everything that is going on, but you will find yourself understanding more and more as the book progresses.

We read this book as part of our book club and to get the feedback from different individuals and what their thoughts were enhanced my joy of this book even more. This author has a very unique writing style that takes a little getting used to but you can still enjoy everything about the story. At times it was hard to read parts of it and there may be some things that are a trigger for folks. I appreciated that at the end of this book the author already had book club type questions that brought about even more forethought and discussion. This is not a book that I typically read but was pleasantly surprised.

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