
Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries Book 2) by W.F. Ranew – Review by Sheri Schrader

Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries, #2)Blue Magnolia by W.F. Ranew
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Blue Magnolia by W.F. Ranew is the second book in the Red Farlow Mysteries series. This can be read as a standalone story and enjoyed. I have been reading the series out of order and enjoying the mysteries that Farlow gets himself involved in. I have been enjoying the character of Red Farlow and his tough persona. This story focuses on family trauma and secrets with lots of twists and turns. I enjoyed the mix of the country music story and a mystery/suspense story. This book kept me on the edge of my seat reading and not wanting to put it down. I look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

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Blue Magnolia: Red Farlow Mysteries #2 by W.F. Ranew Written by Crystal Davidson

Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries, #2)Blue Magnolia by W.F. Ranew
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Hank “Cowboy” Tillman Solo is an up and coming travelling country singer and Red Farlow is the Private Investigator hired to keep him safe. This is book 2 in a 3-book series. This story was a bit hard to follow at first as there are so many characters, but after the first few chapters it becomes easier to follow and a great read! Just a quick warning, this story has some descriptive scenes of violence, rape, and hate crimes that may be hard for some people to read! It really depicts alt-right extremists in an ugly light, as well as offers some history of the subject. There are twists, turns, and plenty of action! The author writes it in a way that makes you feel like you are in the Old South, when its placed in more recent times, in Georgia. The author has an incredible way with words and language, and once I got started, I could not put this book down. I read it in less than a day! I personally give this story 4 stars and am extremely excited to see what happened before this book and what is next in the Red Farlow series!

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Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries No. 2) by W.F. Ranew – Review by Betsy Melano

Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries, #2)Blue Magnolia by W.F. Ranew
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Take a mystery, sprinkle in some good country music, and add a PI who is keeping the country singer in line as a job, what could go wrong? Wouldn’t you know it, Hank Tillman, the singer gets himself in the biggest trouble of his life. Can Red Farlow (the PI) help get Hank out of this one in a lifetime, never want to repeat this, kind of trouble? You’ll have to read it for yourself. Believe me, it sure keeps you wanting to read and not stop until the end!
This is my first book by this author and I can’t wait to check out another soon!

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Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries No. 2) by W.F. Ranew – Review by Erin Wolf

Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries, #2)Blue Magnolia by W.F. Ranew
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I give Blue Magnolia: Red Farlow Mysteries: #2 by W.F. Ranew, 4 stars.

I have not read this series or author before, so I had no idea what to expect. The first thing and most obvious to me was the detailed character descriptions. The author gives us back stories to each and every character in the book. That is something that is unusual to me and wasn’t sure what to think about it. The more I read the more I appreciated it. I sometimes get mixed up if there are too many characters and little description. It is quite obvious the time and effort the author put into all of the characters, not just the main ones.

I enjoyed all of the main characters and cannot wait to see them again. Plus there is the story itself. It pulls on things that are very current and relatable. At the same time, there are many little things that make this book unique and stand out from the rest. I quite enjoyed this book and hope to pick up another some time soon. If you are a fan of mysteries, I highly recommend this book.

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Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries No. 2) by W.F. Ranew – Review by Tausha Treadway

Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries, #2)Blue Magnolia by W.F. Ranew
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries No. 2) by W.F. Ranew. I love this book. It was so good I did not want to put it down. Its the story of up and coming Country Singer Hank Tillman aka Cowboy who has had his own troubles including DUI’s leaving him without a driver’s license. He is also famous for ending up in bar fights where he sings and gets thrown in jail. But things seem to be looking up for Hank with the fact that his new song has become a hit. With his song becoming a hit and him becoming known Hank falls into trouble when a radical group called the Blue Magnolia wants him to play at their hate rally and Hank really doesn’t want to. When Hank declines he finds himself in a ton of trouble and so he hires PI Red Farlow to help protect him. Will Red be able to help Hank stay out of trouble and will Hank continue to succeed or will the radical group get to him. I really enjoyed this book and can’t wait for the next one.

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Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries No. 2) by W.F. Ranew – Review by Stacey Baxter

Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries, #2)Blue Magnolia by W.F. Ranew
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a great novel and a storyline full of suspense which keeps you on the edge of your seat eager to find out what happens next. The storyline is well written and it really has a way of pulling you in and feel like your right along side the character’s. I usually read alot of romance novel’s but I do enjoy a cheeky mystery, action packed novel too and this one certainly didn’t disappoint I’m very eager to read more!!

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Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries No. 2) by W.F. Ranew – Review by Heather Lovelace

Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries, #2)Blue Magnolia by W.F. Ranew
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love a good mystery and Ranew is certainly proving his talent knows no bounds as this series unfolds. I love the main characters – Farlow stumbles into another situation that is filled with intrigue and riveting detail. Cowboy is a fantastic character and one that filled every page he graced. I haven’t had a good mystery in my hands in a while and this is one book and series I will gladly pick up and read again very soon!

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries No. 2) by W.F. Ranew – Review by Erica Fish

Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries, #2)Blue Magnolia by W.F. Ranew
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book had an interesting cover with a single man with a cowboy hat walking into a town. It looked like it was right out of the midwest, or a modern ghost town. The story is unique and intriguing. Red Farlow walks into a cult following, Blue Magnolia. His client is in a heap of trouble with Blue Magnolia and wants help. Will Farlow be able to help or will have trouble coming at him. One thing I really enjoy is Red Farlow’s character. He is a strong male character who does not mind getting his hands dirty. The story line grabs me from the first page until the last page. I am interested in cult societies. It fascinates me that people are able to be easily controlled. Highly recommend this story to see what happens. Will Red find his match with Blue Magnolia? Can he help his client Will?

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Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries No. 2) by W.F. Ranew – Review by Kerry Carr

Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries, #2)Blue Magnolia by W.F. Ranew
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a great country crime story that keeps you hooked.

Hank is a up and coming country singer who is starting his career singing around the bars. Its a steady gig until he writes one song that becomes more popular than he could ever imagine but maybe for the wrong reasons when it attracts the attention of a far right group called the Blue Magnolia.

This group is an extremist group who believe in white power so why do they want a country song?

When Hanks life is threatened when he refuses to sell the song or perform it for their rally, his cousin hires Red Farlow who is a PI to protect him and figure out what is actually happening.

With Red on the case the hunt for the truth begins. Is the threat of Hanks life all for a song or is there another reason the group want him in their fold? Will the mysteries be unravelled and will Red get to the truth?

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Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries No. 2) by W.F. Ranew – Review by Jenni Bishop

Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries, #2)Blue Magnolia by W.F. Ranew
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Blue Magnolia: Red Farlow Mysteries: #2 by W.F. Ranew is a crime/mystery story. It is multi layered and has an original storyline. The premise is good, but I found it tough going in the beginning as it was a little slow and had to retrace my steps sometimes. There are also a lot of players and it took me a while to settle in to WF’s writing style. Having said that it was an interesting read and I was definitely intrigued to see how it would all play out. It is a compelling puzzle that keeps us on our toes.

Hank is a magnet for trouble, mayhem and havoc and Red is hired to look out for him. Red must dig deeper than he has before to keep Hank out of trouble.

3.5 stars


Reviewed by @jennadb

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Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries No. 2) by W.F. Ranew – Review by Angela Hayes

Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries, #2)Blue Magnolia by W.F. Ranew
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3 ½ Stars

Blue Magnolia is the second book in the Red Farlow Mysteries series, but my first read by W.F Ranew. It is an interesting crime investigation story full of mystery, drama, intrigue, danger, and lots more that kept me turning the pages to discover what was happening. I enjoyed this book and look forward to exploring W.F Ranew’s other books in this series.
Hank Tillman (“Cowboy”) is a country music singer trying to make it big. He seems to attract trouble, stumbling from one error in judgement to another mishap. When one of his songs becomes a hit- it attracts some unwanted attention in the form an extremist group who are determined to ‘persuade’ him to perform at their rally. Declining the radical organization places Hank in a precarious situation. And so enters Private Investigator Red Farlow, who is hired to help protect him. But, things heat up and the trouble escalates, with danger becoming an ever-present shadow. Red will need to dig deep and utilize all his skills in order to get to the bottom of things before it’s too late.
This was a detailed and descriptive story with an original premise and an intriguing puzzle that had my mind pondering the outcome. There was a lot happening and a lot of ‘parts’ in play, which gave the story a bit of a jerky/choppy feel. I am interested to see how the series develops in the next book/s.

Thank you, W.F Ranew!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries No. 2) by W.F. Ranew – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries, #2)Blue Magnolia by W.F. Ranew
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Star
Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries No. 2) by W.F. Ranew

Blue Magnolia is the second book in the Red Farlow Mysteries by W.F. Ranew. This is a fast paced suspense that I pretty much devoured in one afternoon. I was hooked from the beginning and was on the edge of my seat trying to figure out what was going to happen next. Hank is trying to make it as a big country music star but tends to find himself in trouble or the trouble finds him. His latest song has drawn the attention of Blue Magnolia madmen. PI Farlow is hired but he soon finds out just how dangerous the situation can be. Can he keep Hank from getting harmed? Find out what happens next in this must read. I can’t wait to read more from this author.

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Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries No. 2) by W.F. Ranew – Review by Liz Vrchota

Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries, #2)Blue Magnolia by W.F. Ranew
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I must say I did not expect that I would love this book quite as much as I did! It had a little bit of all my favorite things that I enjoy in a good solid mystery novel. It kept me in suspense both with the characters and the story line and I was often on the edge of my seat trying to figure out the all the things before they played out on the kindle screen.

Blue Magnolia is actually the second novel in the Red Farlow Mysteries but you should be able to read it in any order you wish and still enjoy it. These novels follow the PI Red Farlow as he works on different cases in each novel. This one Red Farlow’s client was Hank, an aspiring country music star with a pension for getting into trouble. I liked how this was an original story line and not something I had seen time and again and I will definitely be back for more with the next book in the series!

Review by @lizaileen
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Blue Magnolia: A Red Farlow Mystery #2 by W.F. Ranew- Review by Amanda Kimble

Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries, #2)Blue Magnolia by W.F. Ranew
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries #2) by W.F. Ranew

This is the first read by W.F., but it will not be the last. Blue Magnolia is the second book in the Red Farlow Mysteries Series and I’ve got to say what a wonderful job.

P.I. Red Farlow, is not your ordinary PI. He’s a mysterious character and it made me fall in love. Red’s new client, Hank, has found himself in trouble. Can Red help?

Red is hired by Hank’s cousin, who worries about him constantly. Red helps because that’s just who he is. Will he regret it later? The quote I choose for Red is: “I know your brother, James, too. You were about twelve the last time we met. How is everyone doing?”

This is a highly recommended book for mystery lovers. Danger, Country Music, and mystery all wrapped into one. I can’t wait for the next read!

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Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries No. 2) by W.F. Ranew – Review by Kerry Baker

Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries, #2)Blue Magnolia by W.F. Ranew
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Blue Magnolia by W.F. Ranew is the second book in the Red Farlow Mysteries series. This book can be read as a stand-alone and does not have to be read in order.
I have to say at first I found the book the be a little slow starting and a bit confusing. It was almost like the author didn’t quite find pace with the book until a little way into it. However once he did the book was definitely and interesting read.
It moved well and the characters all seemed to be developed at the right pace for them.
I wasn’t fully taken with the main characters however I also got the impression you weren’t necessarily meant to be, and that it was his interactions with the other characters that really bolstered him.
Overall I found the book to be enjoyable and I was definitely intrigued as to how it would all play out. This was a good book and I would definitely look to add book one in the future.

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Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries No. 2) by W.F. Ranew – Review by Faith Jackson

Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries, #2)Blue Magnolia by W.F. Ranew
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This action-packed original book will have you on edge as you get absorbed into Cowboy’s world. This is a multilayered story that will have your head spinning. This book is worth every page being read and discovered as you’re thrown into the book and where it goes. As you get tangled in the story as much as the characters are, you won’t be able to put this one down. Check it out and you’ll see exactly what I mean!

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Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries No. 2) by W.F. Ranew – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries, #2)Blue Magnolia by W.F. Ranew
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this book. This is not my first book by this author but it is one of my favorites. This is a suspenseful story that has a lot of action for all of the characters. This is an engaging story that I found to be fast paced. I read this book in one sitting as I wanted to see who the killer was at the end. The characters are connectable and made the story easy to read. PI Farlow is back in this story but not only does he find himself in another case but his own personal conflicts strike back at him as well. Hank is a country singer that finds himself in some trouble which is where Farlow comes in. When Hank’s song attracts the wrong group will things become deadly? This is a great story that I highly recommend. It made a great afternoon read and you will want to see what happens to Hank and Farlow for sure.

Review by @bjwagner
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Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries No. 2) by W.F. Ranew – Review by Laura Furuta

Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries, #2)Blue Magnolia by W.F. Ranew
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries No. 2)
By W.F. Ranew
5 out of 5 stars

I loved reading the book Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries No. 2) by W.F. Ranew. It is a story that pulled me in from the beginning and didn’t let me go until the final page. It includes mystery, danger, and a PI that is determined to help his latest client out. I enjoyed the character of PI Red Farlow. He is a man that has found himself with a client that is being threatened. There is a group of extremists and soon Red begins to see just how dangerous the situation can become. Will he be able to keep his client from harm? I also enjoyed the character of Hank Tillman. Hank is Red’s client and a man who is determined to make it big in country music. Now his love of writing and singing music has put him in danger. Hank is a character that I couldn’t help but root for him to succeed in his career. Read this book to find out what happens. This is a story that had me reading far into the night to finish it. I just had to know how it works out. The author does an amazing job of weaving a tale that is well detailed and in making the characters come alive on the page. I felt like I was right with them. There is an atmosphere of mystery that had me turning pages to find out what was going to happen next. Don’t miss out on a story that is intriguing and entertaining. I would highly recommend reading it.

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Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries No. 2) by W.F. Ranew

 ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~  ~  ~  ~

Blue Magnolia (Red Farlow Mysteries No. 2) by W.F. Ranew


#Mystery #Tirgearr #Countrymusic #Opry #GrandOleOpry #MusicCity #cowboy #thecircle #OnTour #ItsyBitsyBookBitsTours #BookSpotlightShowcase

Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits

Genre – Crime

Page Count – 263 pages

Cover Designer – Cora Graphics


PI Red Farlow dives headfirst into a hornets’ nest of extremists. His new client, Hank Tillman, only wants to get a shot at country music stardom. While playing in a Georgia bar, Hank—known as Cowboy to his fans—stumbles into trouble. The kind that kills. PI Red Farlow steps in to help him.

Hank’s song, Redneck Devil, attracts the attention of a violent group called the Blue Magnolia. Its leaders want him to perform at their next hate rally. There’s another, darker reason the Blue Magnolia wants Hank in its fold.

An elderly patient in a Florida insane asylum reveals a decades-long secret that devastates Hank. It’s the worst kind of fake news.

Can Farlow root out the truth? The PI has his own problems as he confronts a hired killer face-to-face.


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W.F. Ranew is a former newspaper reporter, editor, and communication executive. He started his journalism career covering sports, police, and city council meetings at his hometown newspaper, The Quitman Free Press. He also worked as a reporter and editor for several regional dailies: The Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle, The Florida Times-Union, and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Blue Magnolia is the second of the Red Farlow Mysteries, published May 20, 2020. The first book in the series, Rich and Gone, was released in April 2019. Both are from Tirgearr Publishing.

Ranew has written two previous novels—Schoolhouse Man and Candyman’s Sorrow. He lives with his wife in Atlanta and St. Simons Island, Georgia.