
War in Sorcery’s Shadow (Ruarnon Trilogy Book 3) by Elise Carlson – Review by Brandy Rymer

War in Sorcery's Shadow (Ruarnon Trilogy #3)War in Sorcery’s Shadow by Elise Carlson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The final book in the Ruarnon Trilogy series was a great read, the last book that did not disappoint. It was full of action, magic, and all-out intrigue. This is a great series to read if you like a good fantasy series, that will have you guessing what is coming next throughout the whole series. The characters are well-rounded and have been developed with expert writing by the author. I love that we follow the character’s storylines throughout the series, as you create a close connection with them as you read the story. I recommend this series to anyone looking for a young adult, fantasy book, keeping in mind that it does have some content that may be for more mature audiences. I could not put this book down once I got started and was so excited to read this final book, as I’ve been anxiously awaiting its release date.
@Brandy Rymer

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The Rake (Daughters of Dishonour Series) by Ava Bond – Review by Brandy Rymer

The Rake (Daughters of Dishonour #1)The Rake by Ava Bond
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a great way to start a new historical romance series with such an intriguing first book! The Rake is such a magnificent read full of life, love, and mystery that it had my emotions on a roller coaster ride throughout the story. I love that this takes place in a time when the women wear such beautiful ball gowns, and the men dress up in such dapper outfits. This was such a fun period that the author chose to base her story on, and the details she uses are factual, making the story much more enjoyable. There were moments where I was so scared for our main character’s life, she is just so fearless, that she runs headfirst into some frightening situations with no concern for the consequences of her actions. The budding romance between the two most unlikely main characters is so awesome to watch as it unfolds, you just never know if the outlandish neighbor will be able to win over his Amazon of a woman, or if she will listen to the warnings of his terrible character, from all the household members, as well as the talk of the town. Add in the mystery of why someone was murdered at the beginning of the storyline, and what the mysterious map leads to, makes for such a great read that will have you not wanting to stop reading until the very last page, and even then, you’ll be left on a cliffhanger for the next book in the series.
@Brandy Rymer

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The Winemakers Box Set (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Brandy Rymer

The Winemakers - Box set: A Series of Sun-Kissed Historical RomancesThe Winemakers – Box set: A Series of Sun-Kissed Historical Romances by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Winemakers Box Set is a wonderful historical romance book series. I loved each of the stories and the beautiful settings that are portrayed with the fiery Portugal women, who made excellent heroines. All of the characters are portrayed as strong-willed, which makes for a great clashing of personalities when it comes to connecting in their romances, it’s makes each of their stories that much more intriguing. Opposites most definitely do attract as seen in these stories, just as well as any obstacle can be overcome when it comes to love. Giovanna Siniscalchi is an amazing writer who gets your attention right from the start with the magical way that she weaves her words as she draws a virtual world for the reader. The descriptions are so detailed that I felt like I could taste the wine on my tongue as I was reading the stories, imagining the peacefulness and tranquility of the vineyards and all of the heart and soul that is put into the making of the wines. Not only did I enjoy reading about each of the romances, but learning about all the hard work that goes into the winemaking process was such an eye-opener for me, it makes me respect winemakers even more. Bravo for such an amazing book series, I cannot wait to read more books by this author.
@Brandy Rymer

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Mood Swings and Hockey Flings (Hot Flash Hookups Series) by Sylvie Stewart and Marika Ray – Review by Brandy Rymer

Mood Swings and Hockey Flings (Hot Flash Hookups #2)Mood Swings and Hockey Flings by Marika Ray
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Hot Flash Hookups book series is one that I adore reading! The authors do an amazing job of creating a great storyline with characters that you would not normally think to pair together. One of the main characters is a hockey player, and the other is usually a strong woman who knows exactly what she wants but not what she needs in her life. Mood Swings and Hockey Flings is no exception to this amazing formula that truly works, and it works well. I had a good laugh as I read about our main female stressing over possibly being in perimenopause, especially when the doctor let her know she may still have a good 10 years of fertility left before menopause kicks in. To our main character, this means that her eggs are all drying up, and she needs to get pregnant ASAP, despite how busy she is working as an agent to hockey players. Our main male character falls hard for his new agent, with whom he has been having a love/hate relationship for the past 10 years. His agent has been hiding her feelings for her client through a love/hate relationship herself. Throughout the story you get to see the point of view of both main characters and follow along as they work through their client/agent relationship, all the while fighting against their attraction for one another. There’s a fine line that shouldn’t be crossed, but what is more important, a career or finding your soul mate? What a sweet romance this story was, filled with dilemmas that our main characters must work through, including not allowing their impressions of one another to shadow the real characters of our main people. I love that we got to continue along with Olivia and Roman’s love story from the first book while following along with Ben and Kaitlyn’s story in this new book. I cannot wait to see who gets featured in the third book in this series. I am so invested in reading more about the development between each of our couples we’ve met so far.
@Brandy Rymer

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Touched: Elemental Passions Book One by Skye Turner, Sloane Nicole, April D. Berry, C.J. Pinard, Danielle Jamie, Darlene Tallman, Julie Morgan, Livell James, Machelle Hanleigh, and Melissa MacKinnon – Review by Brandy Rymer

Touched (Elemental Passions #1)Touched by Skye Turner
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is such an amazing work of art, it had me so intrigued by how it was going to progress from page to page, it was so full of surprises. I loved the development of the characters and the mystery that was built around who and what Detective Callum LeBlanc is and how he is connected to Aeris. What a great idea to have so many amazing authors come together to create such an amazing work of fiction, that includes mythical fairies and other imaginative creatures. The incredible imaginings of these authors have created such a wonderous world where anything is possible, including two mythical creatures finding their happily ever after despite the world trying to keep them apart. If you love to read a mythical adventure, you will not pass up reading this new series.
@Brandy Rymer

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The Better Man (A Silver Buckle Romance Series) by Laurie Lewis – Review by Brandy Rymer

The Better Man (Silver Buckle Brides, #2)The Better Man by Laurie L.C. Lewis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Better Man by Laurie L.C. Lewis was such a sweet country romance story. This story takes place on a ranch in Colorado, where our main character’s parents have decided it’s time to sell and retire. When their daughter, Laramee finds out about this, she rushes home to confront her estranged father and her mother, to question their decision and try to talk them out of selling. Unbeknownst to Laramee, Jaime has already been hired to assess the land and the property to help get the best-selling price for their ranch. The two start out on rocky ground seeing as they both have different thoughts in mind, but overall, they decide what’s best for the Stone family is to find out what the best price is that they can get for the ranch while making necessary upgrades to the property together. While they were looking around the property, Laramee showed Jaime a place that she holds near and dear to her heart that will change everything for the Stone family. On top of dealing with all of this business of assessing the ranch, both Jaime and Laramee have to work through the issues that they each have with their own families. As the two work through their issues, they also have to deal with Sutton, Laramee’s ex-fiancé who is jealous and overbearing.

I love that this story has such a soft approach to the building of the romance between the characters. The beauty of the setting in this story is so peaceful and serene, that it brings to mind what it would be like to live in a small country community away from the hustle and bustle of city life. The descriptions of the Colorado ranch are such that you can picture what it was like at its peak and then see where it stands now after the family tragedy happened, it is all sad and forlorn looking. The characters are so solidly built that they are like characters out of an old Western movie, with the strong leading ladies, the chivalrous males, and the contention between the families due to misunderstandings. What an amazing all-around storyline this book had, I cannot wait to go back and find the first book in the series and see who that tale was about. I hope to see that more books are being written in this series, it was such a great read, with just the right amount of turmoil and romance.
@Brandy Rymer

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Brandy Rymer

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was such a fun read, I quite enjoyed the contemporary romance that ensued between pop star/student teacher Kaia/Abigail, a woman who leads a double life to keep her real identity separate from her stardom, and her teaching mentor Everett. It is too funny reading about the situations that occur to them upon their first meeting, and the fact that first impressions can most definitely be changed when you get to know someone. This book has a lot of great moral lessons being taught throughout the storyline, which adds to the appeal of the book. I loved the two personalities of our main character, Kaia/Abigail, and the way that both come together as she finds her inner strength to be herself and allows the power, she built in her pop star character to shine through in her real life. I realized at the end of the book that this is the third book in the Swan Cove series and am so excited to go back and read the first two books in the series about Everett’s friends blossoming romances as they were developing. Christi Barth is an amazing contemporary romance author, and I am looking forward to reading more of the books that she has written. She has a beautiful gift of bringing her characters to life, while leading the reader to make real-life connections and includes great character-building attributes in her stories to help the reader see how their life choices can affect their lives. This is a powerful skill that a lot of authors do not touch upon in their books, but that can impact the reader’s experience, love that she does this.
@Brandy Rymer

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Charlotte’s Control (The Control Series) by Maggie Sims – Review by Brandy Rymer

Charlotte's Control (The Control Series)Charlotte’s Control by Maggie Sims
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Maggie Sims wrote an amazing historical romance with Charlotte’s Control, the first book in The Control Series. Beware this book does contain adult content, and includes relations that touch base on dominance, and would not be appropriate for a younger audience. That being said, I love reading historical romance books and was very pleased with the atmosphere that the author created through her magnificent use of time-period clothing as well as the subject matter throughout the book. What a sad time it must have been when women were looked upon to be suited more for childbearing and raising children instead of for their intelligence and business sense. Our heroine Charlotte is an extremely intelligent widow, especially when it comes to making investment decisions, which has allowed her to build up her expansive amount of money, as well as help other women to make investments to build up their incomes. William, our lead character is a soon-to-be Earl of Harrington and is expected to take over the family name and title and is expected to marry a well-off woman who may be able to bear an heir. He falls in love with Charlotte from the moment he lays eyes on her, to his mother’s disappointment, because as far as Charlotte knows she is barren and older than William, both of which make her an unsuitable wife. Will William be able to convince his mother, as well as Charlotte that they are meant to be together, or will the rules of society and the wishes of his family prevent them from finding their happily ever after?
@Brandy Rymer

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Stars in the City (Stars in the City Series) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Brandy Rymer

Stars in the CityStars in the City by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The author did an amazing job in this contemporary romance book, giving the reader a view into what the life of what it might be like to be a young actor dealing with the limelight of the acting world. Our main character, Valeria, personality changes as she takes on her role in a soap opera, as she tries to live up to the expectations she deems as so important to live up to on social media. She has a shaky relationship with one of her co-workers, the main star Lance, who seems to only be interested in Valeria when it’s beneficial to his reputation. Partway into the story, we get to meet up with Valeria’s past love, Davis, who remembers the small-town girl who broke his heart and left to take her place in the acting world. Davis is unsure if Valeria moved on since all he continues to see on social media is that she is dating all these different big-time stars, from actors to musicians, wondering if she moved on from him so quickly. As Valeria and Davis try to reconnect and rebuild their relationship, they suffer insecurities, and misunderstandings, that make this hard to work through. Will Valeria be able to find herself, or has her acting career changed the small-town girl that Davis fell in love with, to never be her natural self again? You won’t want to miss this first book in this new series, it was a great read, that keeps you drawn in and invested in the lives of the characters right from the first page.
@Brandy Rymer

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England: Cultured, Classic, and Charming: A Guide to Hidden England (The Hidden Gems Series) by Christy Nicholas – Review by Brandy Rymer

England: Cultured, Classic, and Charming (Hidden Gems)England: Cultured, Classic, and Charming by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was a great read in that it made it feel like you were on a tour of England without actually leaving the comfort of your own home. The photographs are stunning and showcase the beauty of England extremely well. The author does a wonderful job listing detailed descriptions of some of the best places to visit when on a vacation in England, including places that are not well known but that offer a wonderful visit filled with opportunities to build a memorable trip. I love that she breaks each chapter into sections like means of transportation, places to visit, etc. so that the reader can enjoy the entire book or jump ahead to the sections that are most inciteful for them.
@Brandy Rymer

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The Changed Man (The Olympic Peninsula Series, Book 4) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Brandy Rymer

The Changed Man (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 4)The Changed Man by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Olympic Peninsula series is one of my all-time favorite book series, especially as its setting is in my hometown where I grew up! Cat Treadgold is one of the best authors of contemporary romance and has an amazing gift of words that she creates a world that makes you feel invested in the characters, it’s like they’re family. She does such an amazing job of portraying the small-town living that is so Port Townsend, right down to the fact that everyone knows everyone, and is so welcoming to all. The description of the Victorian homes is spot on, everywhere you look you are surrounded by a Victorian style, it’s not typical, but one that is its own style that pays homage to Queen Anne. I was so excited when I saw that we were finally getting Jake’s story, Joe’s twin brother, and getting to understand his true personality when he gets to be himself and do what he is passionate about. What a twist to find that right from the start his love interest is none other than David’s son’s caretaker, who happens to also be in an unhappy marriage. Will Jake finally be able to continue to pursue his dreams of happiness, will his mother finally accept his lifelong dream, and will he find his happily ever after like all his other siblings have so far? You do not want to miss the next book in this series! If you have not read the other books, I recommend you go back and read them in order so that you can understand in depth all of the backstories of the characters. If you love a good contemporary romance story, with dynamic characters, based in a realistic small-town setting, you will want to jump into this book series.
@Brandy Rymer

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Finders Keepers, Cowboy (Match Made in Montana Series) by Rachelle Paige Campbell – Review by Brandy Rymer

Finders Keepers, Cowboy (Match Made in Montana #1)Finders Keepers, Cowboy by Rachelle Paige Campbell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a wonderful story of frenemies who can overcome the obstacles in their lives to find the romance destined for them. I loved this feel-good romance story; it had such a great storyline about how one of our main character’s grandfather decides to play matchmaker for his grandson and their neighbor who’s been a thorn in his grandson’s side since childhood. What a fun experience to watch as Meg and Ryan work through the trials they have going on in their lives trying to find success with their businesses while working through these new sensations that are developing between them. It is great to watch as these two oblivious characters try to figure out what they are feeling towards the other as well as find their place in life that might make room for a little romance. They also struggle with understanding what the other person is feeling towards them, so many missed signals make for a great story that brings lots of laughs and joy at the discovered feelings, but will it be in time before either one decides to move on?

If you’re looking for a great feel-good tale of good old boy cowboys, and a little romance brewing on the side, you are going to want to give this new series a chance. It’s great how there are so many great characters with stories yet to come in the upcoming books in the series. The author does an amazing job in setting us up to look forward at a few other potential couples that Grandpa Kincaid will most likely have his hands in while playing matchmaker, as a seasoned cowboy is want to do as he’s getting older and seeing lots of missed opportunities of romance around town.
@Brandy Rymer

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Managing Mischief (Shattered Embrace Series) by Alyndra Quinn – Review by Brandy Rymer

Managing Mischief (Shattered Embrace #2)Managing Mischief by Alyndra Quinn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Alyndra Quinn has done it again with this second book in the Shattered Embrace series! This book was even steamier than the first book in this series, it is for a mature audience for sure! I love that we get to continue the storyline between Zachary and Ashton and watch their romance continue to blossom in ways that are unimaginable and unexpected for both of them. The storyline gets very exciting as new characters are introduced and a competition arises that may just steal Ashton away from Zachary’s embrace. This book had me drawn in right from the first page, I could not put it down, I was intrigued by the development of the character’s lives.
@Brandy Rymer

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Sugar & Spice (Spicetopia Series) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Brandy Rymer

Sugar & Spice (Spicetopia Book 1)Sugar & Spice by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was drawn into this storyline right from the start and loved every minute of the book through to the end. Phoebe Alexander’s Sugar & Spice has so many unexpected events that you will not want to put the book down! I love how our main character, Jolie, role plays in a sweet factory as The Red Velvet Queen, what a great character that draws in such a huge audience to come and see her. Jolie is the perfect person to fulfill this role, but unfortunately, the pay and the benefits are just not enough for anyone to be able to support their family. This is especially true for Jolie, who is a single mom supporting her two sons, one of whom has a lot of medical problems, as well as her mom who lives with them to help out. Cy is one of the heirs to the Sweetopia business and is sent to go undercover to figure out who is heading up a group of disgruntled employees who are going to the press to disclose the unfair treatment that they feel they are receiving from the business. The second Cy sees Jolie, he falls head over heels in love with her and is torn between doing what his family expects of him or doing what he feels is right for the woman of his dreams. What a dilemma our characters find themselves in, will Cy and Jolie be able to work out their situation and make their relationship work, or will Cy’s true identity be too much for Jolie to accept? From the dynamic characters to the realistic descriptions that beautifully draw a picture of Sweetopia theme park, you will feel like you are right there along with the characters experiencing the fun, and magic of such a wonderous place, you can practically smell the divine scents of the baked goods. What a magnificent picture that the author paints for her readers as she draws you into her magical paradise of Sweetopia.
@Brandy Rymer

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Mistaken Identity (London Detective Agency Series) by Stephanie R. Caffrey – Review by Brandy Rymer

Mistaken Identity (London Detective Agency Book 1)Mistaken Identity by Stephanie R. Caffrey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mistaken Identity by Stephanie R, Caffrey was such a thrilling read, I couldn’t put this book down! I love the characters and how feisty they are, especially our main female character, Evelyn, who finds herself in a messy situation when she is mistaken for someone else while traveling abroad. Patrick happens to be at the airport looking to prevent Megan from going on the run, when he accidentally grabs Evelyn instead, who happens to look similar to Megan. All this mess happens because Megan, who was in a hurry to get onto the airplane, bumped into Evelyn and accidentally grabbed the wrong travel bag. Due to this accident, Evelyn was left holding Megan’s bag, which puts her in a very dangerous situation. Throughout this book we see Evelyn forced to step out of her comfort zone, and continually have to fight for her life, and the lives of her new friends. This story is so realistic, it will have you on the edge of your seat wondering what may be waiting right around the corner! There is a budding romance throughout the story, that is beautifully intertwined with the thrills of mystery and danger. What a wonderful touch to have a slow to develop romance that stayed in the bounds of old-fashioned courtship, showing that there are good men still out there who respect women’s morals.
@Brandy Rymer

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Hood of Sedna (Stevie Capot Chronicles) by Mina Skye – Review by Brandy Rymer

Hood of Sedna (Stevie Capot Chronicles Book 1)Hood of Sedna by Mina Skye
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mina Skye’s “Hood of Sedna” was an amazing first book in a new steampunk series. This was the first steampunk book I’d ever read and am hooked and cannot wait for more books in this series to come out. The characters are so dynamically developed, I love the different breeds of characters including Faes, Warlocks, Witches, and humans all intermingling unknowingly. Stevie is our main character, who appears not knowing who or what she is, her past is all but blank, and she has no idea that she has lived such an enthralling life and that she is not a human but a mixed breed. She is the leader of a group of thieves who are doing all they can to survive by stealing from the rich in Sedna. It is always things that are not wanted like food, and other belongings that they are throwing away unnecessarily while others are starving and going without. Unfortunately, these actions have caught the attention of the local marshal who does not realize that Stevie is not a man, but the same woman that keeps turning down his unwanted advances. Out of the blue three mysterious men appear in Stevie’s life claiming that she is someone from their past, but how is this possible, she doesn’t remember being a princess from 300+ years ago, if that is even possible. Do these men hold the answers to Stevie’s past, and if so which if any of them, are there to help her, and which are only working for their selfish reasons? You will not want to put this book down once you get started, it is fast-paced and takes you on an adventure like no other.
@Brandy Rymer

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Family Ties Family Lies by Jacqueline Boulden – Review by Brandy Rymer

Family Ties Family LiesFamily Ties Family Lies by Jacqueline Boulden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was such a sad tale that had so many unexpected events that I just couldn’t put the book down for the couple of days that I read it. It was so heart-wren3/2024ching to follow along as our main character, Rose deals with the illness of her mother and steps into the role of caregiver right after being involved in a tragic accident while on the job. Secrets of her father’s past are unburied by Rose who is not one to leave a good mystery unsolved, but will it result in more pain and suffering for her dying mom, or will it be the death of her? This is a story filled with mystery and sadness but is a great suspenseful read as you follow along a couple of different storylines all playing out at the same time. Rose is a great photojournalist, and despite her inability to use her right arm, she continues to follow along with a couple of different mysteries that she finds herself in the middle of, despite the warnings to let sleeping dogs lie. This was a good book, I really enjoyed myself, and the characters were very dynamic in their personalities.
@Brandy Rymer

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The Complete Echo Series: A Heartfelt Romance Collection (The Echo Series) by C.R. Alam – Review by Brandy Rymer

The Complete Echo Series (Echo #1-4)The Complete Echo Series by C.R. Alam
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

C.R. Alam is one of my all-time favorite romance writers I have ever come across, her books are so entertaining and will have you excited to pick up the next book as soon as you can. She is a master at her trade with words, and drawing a picture you can see in your mind as you follow along with each new character’s tale of romance.

Echoing Hearts:
This book was absolutely one of the best romance novels I have ever read! The development of the characters was amazing, I felt like I was watching a movie as the storyline played out, it was so real. Right from the beginning when we step into the life of Dean Rowland, an extravagantly rich gentleman about to say “I do” to the mysterious Leighton, I feel that he had to be our main character. Then the transition into the life of Rae Allen, the wandering free spirit of a woman, hanging out with her rock band friends and reading an article about Dean Rowland’s runaway bride. I knew right there that at some point this would be our leading lady, but boy I had no clue what kind of a rollercoaster ride we would be on with these two. I could not put his book down from the second that I picked it up, I’m a romantic and I wanted to see Dean and Ray find their happier ever after, whether it be with them, or with Leighton and Brandon, the illustrious rock star who believed everyone deserved their soul mates.

His Forever Muse:
C. R. Alam’s book His Forever Muse, The Echo Series Book #2 continues the story of Brandon and unfolds the mystery behind the one that stole his heart, which was hinted at in Book #1. I love that this book opens with Rae and Dean having their first child Maya and the fact that Brandon got to be there with Rae when she needed him most. Watching their happiness, Brandon is reminded that something is missing in his life, and this leads him to travel around the world searching for what he is missing. What a coincidence that he runs into Callie (Curtis’s big sister, whom Brandon hasn’t seen in 15 years) while he is visiting Chris at his resort in Morrocco. Will Brandon be able to reconnect with his long-lost love, or will her haunted past pull her away from her past love? What is she hiding from Brandon, and her family, that caused her to go quiet for all these years? If you are a fan of The Echo Series, this is a must-read that jumps right in with the drama, the romance, and the amazingly developed characters that we have grown to know and love as well as some new ones that we get to meet.

Unexpected Entanglement:
C. R. Alam has done it once again! True to her nature she has written another steamy, romance novel that follows in The Echo Series. Not only was I excitedly awaiting this newest tale in the series to come out I was so ecstatic to find out it was finally going to find a love interest for the fun-loving Chris Sullens, hotel mogul extraordinaire. I have loved his character since he was introduced in the first Echo Series book when he helped to bring our original love birds together. You will love the fire that burns between Chris Sullens and Rowan Kelly as they fight their obvious attraction to one another and try not to make a bigger mess out of Rowan’s crumbling inn. Of course, when Rowan has Christ step in to play the role of her loving fiancé will the fireworks go off, or will the two kill each other first? Read on to see what ensues…

Dangerous Rhythm:
This story was absolutely amazing, I loved the twist involving the mob in this book. It made it so exciting to read, plus what a great way to get to meet new characters. Meeting Curtis and Lina’s families and seeing their family traditions was a genius move to help bring these two characters together even more. I loved the descriptions of the different countries that this book takes place in, it was so beautiful to feel a part of the New Year celebration, and oh my all the food descriptions made my mouth water! The Echo Series has been one of my favorite series to read in 2023, I cannot wait to read the next series that C. R. Alam. She has an amazing talent for writing books that draw you into the storyline and keep you on the edge of your seat waiting for the next book to continue delving into the characters’ lives. You just get so invested in each of the characters’ stories, but the author continues to build upon the past character’s lives, allowing you to continue to learn about their continuing celebrations in their happily ever after. I look forward to the new series coming out in 2024!
@Brandy Rymer

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The Mating Chance (Long Claw Pride Series Book 3 and LumberCats Series Book 2) by Brooke May – Review by Brandy Rymer

The Mating Chance (Long Claw Pride)The Mating Chance by Brooke May
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another amazing read by Brooke May who is a master at her craft as an author. The Making Chance was a great read, that takes a different take on the typical shapeshifters, and it really worked! This is the first book in the Long Claw Pride that I have read and am excited to see if there are other books in this series because this story had me wanting more to read about the lives of the Long Claw characters. The author has a way of developing characters that make them so realistic that it leaves you questioning if shapeshifters exist. This story includes two different prides, both of which are filled with loggers, which was perfect when the call to claim his mate came, our main male character was able to go to the rescue of his counterpart who was in dire need of some help with the family business. A huge plot twist is that she has already had a mate in the past, as well as a child with her first mate. This is something that none of the tribes have ever heard of, which has both of our main characters uncertain of their fates. If you’ve read any of Brooke May’s work in the past, you will not want to miss out on reading this book, and if you’ve never read any of her work, please know she is a super-talented author who draws you in with her magnificent writing skills.
@Brandy Rymer

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A Girl, Stuck (Found Families Series) by Kelly Elizabeth Huston – Review by Brandy Rymer

A Girl, StuckA Girl, Stuck by Kelly Elizabeth Huston
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kelly Elizabeth Huston’s book “A Girl, Stuck” was such a fascinating read, I loved all of the unexpected twists and turns that it took. The characters are not who you think they are, which adds so much to the story, it builds intrigue and adds to the storyline. They are beautifully developed, and the storyline moves so quickly that it is easy to get drawn into the character’s lives. I love that Harry is a P.I. which is unusual in most books like this but plays wonderfully with the bad boy that Trey portrays. It’s awesome to follow along as these two navigate their friendship while the spark of romance simmers in the background. Some really scary instances in the story play out, so be warned that there is violence and other adult content within this story, but it is all toned appropriately for the reader. The author did a great job keeping to a realistic storyline, while not overdramatizing the experiences that arise for our main characters. This was a must-read if you are looking for a suspenseful book with a budding romance.
@Brandy Rymer

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Bailey and the CEO: A Corporate Love Story (A Better Man, Book 1) by Amy Q. Barker – Review by Brandy Rymer

Bailey and the CEO: A Corporate Love Story (A Better Man Book 1)Bailey and the CEO: A Corporate Love Story by Amy Q. Barker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amy Q. Barker wrote a great romance that proves that old-fashioned values are alive and well. Bailey and the CEO was an amazing read that shows that you can have a good clean romance filled with family values, good morals, and a fun storyline that keeps the reader interested from the first page to the last. Bailey and Fox are a match made in heaven and go to show throughout the story that past baggage does not have to hold people back from finding true love. Both of our main characters are parents of 2 kids each, Bailey has 2 daughters, and Fox has 2 sons. Neither one has taken much time for romance, until fate has other plans for them, although workplace romance is never easy, especially when one of the parties involved is the CEO of the company. This was a great romance that had me cheering for our main characters to fight for what they wanted and had a lot of wonderful lessons that parents of teens deal with regularly. This story was very realistic which made it an even bigger joy to experience. Bravo, I cannot wait to see the next book in this series.
@Brandy Rymer

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Divine Vintage (Divine Vintage Series) by Sandra L. Young – Review by Brandy Rymer

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young was a hauntingly beautiful romance with vintage clothing as the cause of a great read. I adore the detailed descriptions of the stunning period pieces of clothing that the author describes throughout this story. What a great concept to build a series around, vintage clothing and an inept sense of experiencing the woes of those who have passed. This was a great read from the very beginning of the story when we meet Tess and Marcy, who run a vintage clothing store that Tess has just recently opened. The characters are so entrancing and have such a wonderful connection with their spiritual side that they embrace so deeply. You feel as if you are right there experiencing the events as they are happening to Tess whenever she gets dragged into experiencing the lives of those who have worn the vintage clothing. It is such a great new concept that is not only intriguing as you follow along with the mystery of the ghost’s past but also so captivating as you watch Tess and Trey navigate their magnetic pull to one another. This is a great new series that includes a haunting tale of mystery with a great budding romance.
@Brandy Rymer

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Divinely Dramatic (Divine Vintage Series) by Sandra L. Young – Review by Brandy Rymer

Divinely Dramatic (Divine Vintage Series, #2)Divinely Dramatic by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Divinely Dramatic is the second book by Sandra L. Young in the Divine Vintage Series. This book was the perfect continuation of the amazing vintage mystery story with a ghostly tale of romance. I love how this series incorporates vintage clothing that is so true to the era each represents; the author definitely did her homework on each of the pieces that she uses throughout her story. Following along with Marcy’s experience was so much fun, and getting to see her passion for art is such a great thing to behold. Amazing characters, ghosts, an ailing mother, gorgeous clothing, and an unexpected romance all make this a great read that you won’t want to put down. Excellent fun read, I hope to see more books in this series, they really incorporate a sense of mystery, with the intrigue of ghosts. I could not put this book down once I picked it up, it is truly that mesmerizing.
@Brandy Rymer

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Hidden Mischief (Shattered Embrace Series) by Alyndra Quinn – Review by Brandy Rymer

Hidden Mischief (Shattered Embrace #1)Hidden Mischief by Alyndra Quinn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hidden Mischief is a contemporary romance, that has a lot of adult content. The first book in the Shattered Embrace series introduces several characters that have very dynamic personalities that you will find very intriguing. This series introduces opposite main characters who you would not normally see as fitting together, but after getting background information on our quiet, introverted main character, Ashton, Zachary may be exactly who she needs to help her come out of her comfort zone. This story kept me on the edge of my seat, excited to see how the outcome would turn out between Ashton and Zachary, and how their friends would react to their relationship with each other. Will this introvert be able to overcome her shyness and find the answers to who she wants to be, or will it all be too much for her to be able to interact with groups of people in a club setting? This is a great romance that is very steamy and is not for younger readers.
@Brandy Rymer

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Deceptively Yours (Titans of Chicago Series) by Anise Storm – Review by Brandy Rymer

Deceptively Yours (Titans of Chicago, #1)Deceptively Yours by Anise Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Anise Storm wrote an amazing contemporary romance, Deceptively Yours, that will have you questioning what will happen next. This is the first book in the Titans of Chicago series and was absolutely intriguing. The author wrote this story going between the two main characters, Harper and Gabriel’s point of view. I love it when authors do this because you get to see how both main characters are feeling and have a deeper understanding of why their actions are as they are. This story starts out introducing us to Harper and Gabriel, two teenagers in love who have their whole lives together planned out, until one tragic night Harper finds out from Gabriel’s parents that her parents have died in a fatal car accident. Harper’s Uncle George comes to take her from Chicago, Illinois to live with him and his family in Portland, Oregon. After the move, Harper starts pulling away slowly from communicating with Gabriel, until one day out of the blue she breaks everything off. You will be shocked as to the horrors that caused Harper to make this decision. Ten years later the two meet up again, but will they be able to work past their hurt feelings and reconcile so they can at least be civil with one another, or will Gabriel refuse to speak to Harper, who is desperate to talk with Gabriel? The storyline keeps moving from one surprise to the next, flowing so smoothly that you won’t want to put the book down. I cannot wait for the next book in this series to come out, there are so many characters that we meet in this story that I would love to read more about, including Harper and Gabriel’s Titan friends.
@Brandy Rymer

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Dancing Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series) by Debra Parmley – Review by Brandy Rymer

Dancing Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series Book 2)Dancing Butterfly by Debra Parmley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dancing Butterfly is the second book in the Butterflies Fly Free Series by Debra Parmley. This was the first book I have read in this series, but I love that each book is written so that you can read it as a standalone book or a series. If you love the Roaring 20’s you will love reading these books, they are based on the lives of flappers and the experiences that they see in their lives. This book is all about the life of Suki, and her time with Frank, one of Al Capone’s right-hand men, and the whirlwind romance that they have. As we read along, we get to see life from Suki’s point of view where one day she is a flapper dancing in a club and the next moment she is being whisked away by Frank who has saved her life after she has an accident escaping the shooting in the club. Frank claims Suki as his woman, making her his moll, and taking care of all of her needs while she recovers from her accident. Suki is not used to being under anyone’s influence and isn’t sure how she feels about being a kept woman. This is an excellent read, allowing the reader to glimpse what the life of a gangster’s woman must have been like in the prohibition years, where danger is to be expected at every turn. I loved reading this book in the series and cannot wait to read the first and third books in the Butterflies Fly Free Series. The first one covers the life of Bethany whom we meet near the end of this book, and of Phyliss, Philip’s twin sister, both characters we also meet in this book.
@Brandy Rymer

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CUTTER (Devils’ Spawn Daddies Series) by Victoria Saccenti – Review by Brandy Rymer

Cutter: Devils' Spawn DaddiesCutter: Devils’ Spawn Daddies by Victoria Saccenti
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a great romantic suspense read, that spins a whole new light on the reputation of MCs and that they are not all bad. I loved that the author took a different spin on the reputation of the MCs instead of portraying them as troublemakers. Instead, she took the angle of them reforming their group to have an honest role in the community, and any members who didn’t want to live within the law could leave the group and seek a new group that had no respect for what was right and wrong. This book does introduce a lot of adult content, including situations that may be triggers for some audiences. I enjoyed that there were situations that were addressed that were hard to take, but that are things that need to be made aware of for anyone who wanders the club scenes, both young and old. The storyline of the book was easy to follow along with, and the characters were great, I loved the explanations given in detail about what each type of relationship entailed, especially since this was a new type of book for me. It was eye-opening to a new dynamic of relationships that some people enjoy in this modern age. I look forward to seeing what the next book is, and whose story it covers, hopefully sticking with the same characters from the Devils’ Spawn MC group.
@Brandy Rymer

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Murder She Meowed (Bookshop Kitties Mysteries, Book 2) by Ruth J. Hartman – Review by Brandy Rymer

Murder She Meowed (Bookshop Kitties Mysteries Book 2)Murder She Meowed by Ruth J. Hartman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A must-read mystery series, with amazing characters and kitties too! This book was a great mystery read, I loved that the kitties were such a big part of the storyline in solving the mystery. The characters were so down to earth, and personable, they are just like people you’d find in a small town living anywhere in the world. The budding romances in the side stories are just darling, it gives the story a feel-good touch to the story. The fact that we start with a wedding and a murder was so exciting, this story got started right off, and throughout you get hints and clues that help you work to solve the who-done-it right along with our main characters. This was like a great mystery read with a set of kitties who help solve the mystery and play a huge role in finding out who the killer is. The details that the author put into writing this book made it what it was, it helped build up the storyline. Especially with all the different side scenarios in the different character’s lives, it made solving the mystery even more exciting right to the end. This book was the second book in the Bookshop Kitties Mystery series but was the first book that I read. It worked amazingly as a standalone novel, but I am looking forward to going back and reading the first book in the series. I am looking forward to hearing when the next book will be coming out because there are a lot of side romances that are just starting to develop, that are waiting to be continued.
@Brandy Rymer

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The Rocklyns Collection: Books 1-7 (The Rocklyns Series) by Alicia Street – Review by Brandy Rymer

The Rocklyns Collection: Contemporary Romance Boxed Set (Books 1-7)The Rocklyns Collection: Contemporary Romance Boxed Set by Alicia Street
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Rocklyns Collection is an amazing collection of romance stories by Alicia Street. She is a masterful author, building realistic characters that you grow to understand and love through her magnificent writing skills. I love how these books continue to build upon the next book in the series, giving you a glimpse into several members of the Rocklyn family, including some siblings and cousins. Every book in the series ends with our main characters getting their happily ever after. The Rocklyn vineyards sound like a real place where people would go to vacation and enjoy the company of small-town living. The characters have such a huge variety of personalities and interests, that it makes for a wonderful set of storylines to keep you engaged in reading their stories. The author has a talent for writing stories full of romance with characters that are so caring for the needs of others, what a great testament to the importance of loving your neighbor and helping those in need. This series has a lot of great morals and examples of giving back to the community that help build up the characters in a wonderful light.
@Brandy Rymer

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Group Hug by Ariella Talix – Review by Brandy Rymer

Group HugGroup Hug by Ariella Talix
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is for mature audiences only. It had a great plot and storyline, the dogs in the book were just so adorable, and the characters were easy to fall in love with. Weston comes in as the owner of the house looking for at least one roommate, someone who must love dogs. Two people showed up for the room just about at the same time, and both loved dogs. We get to meet Petra and Callum right from the start of the book, each with their own story of what’s going on in their lives. As for Petra, I was intrigued by the mystery that was unfolding with her ex-fiancé and his friend and was scared that she would have a horrible accident, thank goodness the guy got what he deserved. Callum has such a fun, big family, who I fell in love with immediately, and who were so supportive of his hopes and dreams of being the best chef ever. Weston was someone who listens to people’s problems for a living, what a great combination adding in two new roommates, and Petra’s dog Gus would be. This story took some crazy twists and turns that I was not expecting but does have such a great ending.
@Brandy Rymer

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