
Hush, My Darling (Benoit and Dayne Mystery Book 2) by Winter Austin – Review by Brandy Rymer

Hush, My Darling (Benoit and Dayne Mystery, #2)Hush, My Darling by Winter Austin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hush, My Darling by Winter Austin
5 Star Review
This is the second book in the Benoit and Dayne Mystery series. This book is amazing in how it takes you through so many twists and turns as you learn more about the life of Deputy Detective Lila Dayne and why she moved from Chicago to the quiet area in Eckardt County. This tale will take you through a rollercoaster of emotions from intrigue to joy, to fear and fright as you follow all the suspenseful twists and turns of the story. This is a book that you will not want to put down the second you pick it up, it starts right off in Chapter 1 with Deputy Detective Lila Dayne reliving the trauma that drove her to run for her life, seeking safety from her past torments. This story also pieces more parts of the puzzle for you about some of the other characters including Sherriff Elizabeth Benoit, ex-sheriff Kelley Sheehan (the mysterious ex-sheriff), Deputy Kyle Lundquist, Undersheriff Raphael “Rafe” Fontaine, and whole gang protecting Eckardt County. If you are a fan of a good murder mystery that keeps you up at night you will want to check out this series!

Reviewed by @BrandyJoRymer

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Straight for the Kill (Benoit and Dayne Mystery Book 3) by Winter Austin – Review by Brandy Rymer

Straight for the Kill (Benoit and Dayne Mystery, #3)Straight for the Kill by Winter Austin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Straight For The Kill by Winter Austin

5 Star Review

This is the third book in the Benoit and Dayne Mystery series. If you’ve read any of the books in this series you will not want to miss this third installment in this series, because it will tie together the mystery that has been haunting Sheriff Elizabeth Benoit and Deputy Kyle Lundquist since Book #1, The Killer in Me by Winter Austin. This book starts right off with a murder and an attack that resembles the exact same death of Sheriff Elizabeth Benoit’s best friend (one of whom was Kyle Lundquist’s sister). As you move through the story you will be constantly questioning who is a “good guy” and who is involved in the cover-up of the death from 25 years prior. Whom can you trust, who is covering up their part in Sheriff Elizabeth Benoit’s friend’s deaths, and is this related to the new murder case on the 25-year anniversary of the past case? Is ex-sheriff Kelley Sheehan really involved as Sheriff Elizabeth Benoit has always suspected, and why is her sister Marnie acting so strangely? Find out more when you pick up this third book in the Benoit and Dayne Mystery series! You will not want to put it down!

Reviewed by @BrandyJoRymer

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