
Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Crystal Brehant

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the second book in the series and another great one. This book focuses on Indigo, her struggles and triumphs and her discovery of love. I love how strong the girls in this series are. No matter what they have all been through, they pull through. Can she learn to trust again?

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Maikalani Alexander

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A group of misfit girls brought together by chance and falling into love with the gorgeous men who fight for them !
This second telling pivots to Athena’s friend and brother. Will indigo let her insecurities win? Will she cling Gideon and win against the dark threat that’s lurking?

This is a must read romance; fast and endearing the plot and world building suffice and move at a quick pace

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Michelle Collier

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the second book in the Green St. Girls Series. Indigo is a strong and capable woman in her career but not so much in her relationships. Her friend’s dying wish for her is to live a life not just work. Gideon is one of her best friend’s brothers as well as her roommate. When she starts getting threats Gideon tries to keep her safe. This book is full of exciting twists. There is just so much in this book. So many emotions and so much heartbreak from the past.

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Anastasia Dodson

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story was a good one! This is the second book in the Gree St. Girls series and I enjoyed it. It follows Indigo and Gideon. I enjoyed their shory and was excited to see where they would end up! I am looking forward to reading more by this author!
Happy Reading!

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Robin Rankin

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Broken.: A Green St. Girls Romance

Wow, what a story! I loved these ladies from the moment I was introduced and I may have fallen a bit more in love with them in this book.

Indigo like the other ladies has done very well for herself in so many ways, but had a hard time letting go of the past which is understandable. She made a promise to Charlie and still hasn’t made good on it, until Gideon comes into her life.

Not sure why but I instantly pictured Henry Cavill as soon as Gideon was described. Not the Witcher, totally got Superman Henry vibes for some reason and I was more than okay with that.

Gideon and Indigo got through a lot in a very short amount of time and a lot of it wasn’t great which sucked but they had such an amazing chemistry that I couldn’t help but read as fast as I could to find out what was going to happen between the two of them.

Now there is 1 remaining Green St. Girls left standing. I think she is going to fall hard when her time come and I can’t wait.

Great book, can be read as a standalone but I would recommend starting with Athena’s story. You won’t be disappointed.

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Faith Jackson

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is series 2 in a group of books by N.D. Jackson. From book one to this one, I love where I see this going. The author managed to add in some mystery, love/romance and make it a great combination which is taking us on adventure I’m down to reading all about. Very impressive work, Ms. Jackson.

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Melissa Fink

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Broken is the second book in this series. I didn’t read the first one and I was able to follow along without being lost. I do want to go back and read the first one. I’m not a huge fan of romance books, HOWEVER this one was written so well I got into it from the beginning. The world building was well thought of. The description of each character was beautifully thought of that I could picture them. This one was a page turner for me. I wanted to know what happened next. This romance story had a happy ending. If you are into romance books, I highly recommend the series.

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Angela Renee Diaz

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Indigo has a brilliant mind. She has built a better life for herself than she is accustomed too. While working on a project she receives threats the brings flashbacks of her past. Indigo and Gideon live together and what started as friends is quickly developing into feelings. This book is as good as the first.

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by M Policicchio

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Brilliant. That is what this book and this series are. Effing Brilliant. The stories behind these badass women are way too real. These stories are not just about them surviving, they are about these amazing women thriving.

In Broken, the author focuses on Indigo. Indigo is a sexual abuse survivor. (Warning: Discussion and memories of child sex abuse may be a trigger for some.) She got out a few weeks before her 16th birthday and never looked back. Now she is weeks before a megadeal that would solidify her company in the big leagues of the tech world and she is receiving threats. They start small but slowly escalate as the deal is closer to contract signatures.

Gideon, Athena’s brother that tracked her down, has been living in Indigo’s guest house for a while now. They have become BFFs. Gideon is slowly realizing that it is more than just friendship that he feels for Indigo, especially as he gets to know her more. When Indigo asks Gideon to be her personal security for a trip to California, Gideon says yes. Indigo slowly opens up about the threats. Gideon must decide who to trust and if he can truly protect Indigo.

Gideon is sooooooo sweet, kind, understanding, protective, and everything. I think I found my new book boyfriend. Gideon and Indigo were meant to be. Together, they are beautiful and hawt. Yep. Considering everything, the steam level was causing the thermometer to sweat!!! I can’t wait for Gwyn’s story!! Wait…that means the series would be over. I hope not! Anyway, add this to your TBR if you haven’t already!

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Christine Baranek

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

By: ND Jackson

I loved the first book in the Green Street Girls Series. In that one we heard all about Athena’s story. That’s when it became clear to me that these books were going to be about a group of girls who have overcome so much but have found each other along the way. These stories definitely have an underlying theme of perseverance and getting through tough times.
This is Indigo’s story. Indigo has scars from her stepfather, the kind of scars that are going to take a long time to heal, possibly forever. These scars are the kind that make her fearful of men and relationships in general. Gideon has a connection to Athena and has definitely been exposed to women who have been through a lot. Once again, ND Jackson has written an amazing character in Indy. She managed to balance her hurt with her success and with her future.
This series is one that I have been devouring, these books are the kind that suck you in and definitely don’t let you go until the very end. I have read them quickly and enjoyed every moment. I definitely recommend reading this series and am waiting anxiously for the rest of the girls to have their moment for their story to be told!

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Angela Shirley

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When one of your best friends leaves a dying wish for you to take a chance and live life what are you supposed to say, well Charlie would not let me get away with not fulfilling this promise or knowing her she would haunt me forever.

Indigo is a genius, anything programming or gaming she is into it, building up her companies from scratch with the help of her friends she is on top of the software world. Although she has not had that many relationships, with her past it seems easier to live alone but when Athena’s brother shows up, Indigo starts getting feelings and reactions she has not had with anyone.

Gideon has searched long and hard for his sister, her thought she had abandoned him all those years ago but now retired from the army and reunited with her her is in a great place. So living with one of Athena’s friends seemed the logical thing to do, so here he is in Indigo’s guest house and with his friendship blossoming with this intriguing lady he starts to development more than friendship feelings.

When there is a threat to Indigo’s life she asks Gideon to be her bodyguard so they can blend in when she is at her conference, can there relationship stay friends or is more brewing under the surface and can they both admit their feelings to each other?

This the second book in the Green St Girls series and although this is the second book I believe it can be read as a stand alone book, as you go through it does explain who certain people are in relation to each other.

Indigo has had struggles and with her past still so raw your heart really goes out for her, trying to run her companies with this attacker after her really weighs a toll on her and you get to see the sassy, badass girl she is which is brilliant to read. Gideon is a quiet force of nature, having his issues have only made this man even more lovably, he is patient and calm with Indigo but when he needs to become the alpha male he is gentle and tries to let her have the ahhhh moment which is great to read.

I love these stories and if you have not read Athena’s and Tru’s story you need to it is brilliant. Now I hope Gwyn’s story is next as she needs some love in her life.

Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Amber Howard

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this book. I was hooked immediately. I absolutely loved Indigo’s personality. Gideon was a great choice for her. It was like they were made for each other. Their friendship was so easy and everything fell in place. I cannot wait for the next installment.

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Broken. (Green St.Girls) by N.D. Jackson- Review by Heather Knalls

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Indigo is a big name game designer but she also designs apps as well for her company. Gideon is one of her best friends brother and also her roommate for the time being. Indigo has been designing an app that can be used by the government but someone is sending her threats not to put the app out. Indigo is set for a week at one of the game CONs and has asked Gideon to be her security. Could this be her chance to fulfill her promise to Charlie before she passed?

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Jessica Stone

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Jessica Stone

I fell in love with the previous book in this series and I was so pumped to see that the author carried on with the characters in the first book instead of introducing completely random new people.

Indigo is a meek but strong, inventive, funny, brilliant nerdy girl of my dreams, having a lot of trauma from abuse she suffered by the hands of someone close to her in the past she has a hard time getting close to and trusting people, particularly men. That is until Gideon.
Gideon is a gentle giant with his own demons to fight, right after he’s done fighting everything that can ever or has ever hurt or threatened indigo, he’s vowed to be her protector and he’s already her roommate, so what could go wrong here?

Indigo starts receives some shady messages from someone want to stop her from selling some programs she has made to the government and her new roommate is not going to let that fly and in the process his heart start to soar, for Indigo, now she’s just got to get with the program. Easier said than done when you’re fighting the demons she is. Can Gideon keep Indigo safe and convince her that her heart is also safe with him?

I love how meek Indigo is, except when it comes to letting others do everything for her, she may be the youngest Green Street Girl, but she is not one to be messed with. Her past pain is palpable and it tears at my soul to see her fighting to get through it in this book but it makes her character all the more relatable reading something so deep that happens to girls everywhere. Gideon, oh Gideon, not much I can say about Gideon but he’s the giant teddy bear I need, the big macho army type, don’t touch what’s mine, I’m also sporting scars from my past, I’m healing though, type guy is literally exactly what Indigo needed. Their romance is so relatable, wonderful, I couldn’t look away.

Once again, you knocked it out of the park N.D Jackson! I can’t wait to read the next book, which I’m assuming/hoping will be Gwyn’s.

Broken., Green St. Girls Series, N.D. Jackson, Review, Itsy Bitsy Book Bits, Contemporary Romance, Romance, Jessica Stone, July 2023

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Micalah Weatherholtz

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Broken was a wonderful addition to the Green Street Girls Series. I picked up book one on a whim, but I am intentionally reading book two, and I am intending to pick up any other books that this author wants to add to this series. Broken has one big trigger, sexual assault to a minor, it’s not graphically described but could trigger some sensitive readers. It’s also a main topic as it’s one of the reasons Indigo is the way she is, why she struggles with relationships, her own body, sexuality, and why she has such a hard time trusting people. At times some of the language/conversations/dialogue seems a little immature which I feel was intentional due to what happened to Indigo. Her trauma didn’t allow her to grow emotionally like she should have. I loved Gideon. He had his own things to hash out, and overcome which made the book/characters so much more realistic because neither of them were perfect. Broken is technically it’s own story, and it gives enough background to understand where the Green Street Girls come from, how they got where they are, and what they have accomplished that you don’t have to read book one, but all of the characters from book one are in book two including Tru who is a main character in book one.

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Maisie Dickinson

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Content Warning: child abused/paedophilia. Indigo is a girl with a haunting past but a bright future. Gideon is her best friends brother, who is new to town and living in her guest house. When Indigo begins to receive threats regarding a new contract with work, her ex-army guest is the perfect person to keep her company. It’s got the best friends brother trope and the bodyguard trope! Indigo and Gideon have so much in common and have a really lovely friendship, which makes their love story all the better. The only issue I found was that sometimes it felt like the writing was telling rather than showing, which wasn’t needed because you could understand what was happening without it being explained. My favourite character was Indigo, although it’s hard to choose between her and Gideon. My least favourite character was Oliver. I recommend this book because Indigo’s story is an important story to tell and it’s inspiring to see her overcome her past. I also love a friends to lovers story. ‘He was my comfort spot, my safe space. My home.’

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by La Toya Lewis

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Broken is the second book in the Green St. Girls Series by ND Jackson. In this book, we get to follow Indigo and Gideon. This was a lovely story. I really enjoy getting to see more of the girls’ friendships. You get more of the well-crafted narrative. There is just the right amount of steam with the romance. It is lovely to see these young ladies get the love from each other and their love interests that they didn’t get in the past. These are some very emotional stories told in this series and I love every word of it.

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Darian Vester

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is the second book of the Green St Girls but I believe it can be read as a stand-alone. I really like that Indigo is her own person and that the company is hers. I liked the idea of someone sending threatening letters and calls over this software I just didn’t like how the author tried to tie in her past in the threats. I’m glad indigo trusted Gideon enough to tell him about what happened to her and it helps us understand why she is so against finding a person. It just wasn’t believable that her father would be the person making threats. I really thought the relationship with Gideon and Indigo was cute, I’m glad they got a happy ending.

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Erin DeRoma

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My second book from N.D Jackson, second in this series and this didn’t disappoint. Although it could technically be read as a stand alone, reading book one in the Green St. Girls series would give some background information. This book is focused on Indigo where the first focused on Athena.
I am really impressed on how I am totally captured and sucked into Jackson’s writing. I feel all the emotions deeply.
I do hope this series continues on with the other Green St Girls.

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Tanya Wall, July 2023

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Broken is a romance with a side of steam! Wow. Indigo is finding herself, healing herself, and making headway in love and business. Gideon is a great friend who is living with Indigo – he finds his way into her life both in business and in bed. Overcoming her past with Gideon is where Indigo finds herself while she is being threatened by someone – Gideon wants to keep her safe.
The friendships, the love, the hot romance, the danger all kept me reading. I really liked the friendship aspect of this storyline – women helping each other to be strong and successful. If sexy romance is your genre, this book is for you!

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Shea Gilkerson 7/24/23

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The “Green St. Girls” are a group of misfits, of sorts. The women are successful and powerful, but they came together after being ejected from their terrible pasts and finding one another. While it has shown in them becoming successful, they are damaged beyond belief, and these books are about each of them and the strong men who come along and make them realize love, peace and happiness aren’t as out of reach as they may have thought.

Book 2 focuses on Indigo, who spends her life scared of her stepfather and his treatment. While she tells herself she is open to love and commitment, when the time comes she will likely run.

Gideon, Athena’s brother, isn’t one she can run from. He is a protector, and aware of how to be gentle and powerful at the same time around fragile women who come from abuse. He is steady, he is secure, and he is everything to Indigo – until a threat comes along.

Once this threat pops up, Indigo loses so much trust and faith in herself, her decisions, and those around her. Will she be able to find the steady support of Gideon and hold on, or will they both miss the opportunity they want so much?

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Julie Johnson

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Green Street Girls are Athena, Gywn, Indigo, and Charlie. They came together from all of their unfortunate circumstances. These girls have made a way for themselves though and are now successful in life.

Indi’s story is featured here. She’s met Athena’s brother, Gideon and he’s an angel in disguise. However, as things progress, Indi has past traumas to master dealing with before she can go any further in her relationship with Gideon. Her gamer skills are spot on but the threats keep coming from all around. Her Girls are there to help her but Gideon’s wings are stronger.

Another great read by N.D. Jackson that I read in one sitting. I’m looking forward to more stories about these girls.

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Tonya Merritt

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If you have read Bared you’ll love Broken. It starts out with the same tragedy but from Indy’s point of view. This is the second in the Green St Girls series but can be read alone. I’m stickler for the name Gideon so I’m pretty partial to this book. The characters are written so well. Read both books in the series in one day.

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Trisha Cargile

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

We all know the girls who know everything but keep their heads down and their circle small. Girls who can answer any question before anyone else has time to process the question. Those girls are typically anti-social, quiet, and lonely. This girl, Indigo, is no different. However, the circumstances that surrounds her have her increasing her strength, courage, and bravery. I enjoyed every minute of reading Indigo’s transformation and feeling her ambition, drive, and determination. I loved the emotions and the effortless read. This book continued to have twists, adventures, danger, and challenging situations. I highly recommend this feel good read!

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Daryian Lucas

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.5/7 Stars
I read this and Bared in one day. This is such a good series. The author really did her thing with these books. They are very well written and so good. I wish this was a tv series 😭.

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Beverly Finnie

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It’s been a while since I read book 1, but guess what I like book 2 better. Broken has so much more to offer. The author doesn’t disappoint in the 2nd installment of The Green Street Girls. I would think there will be one more book since there’s one more girl left, but we shall see.
These books are a series but are very much standalone novels as well. Do you benefit from reading both, absolutely, but it’s not required.
These girls fought from the trenches to where they are today. This book specifically focuses on Indigo. And Indigo is in the exact state as the title Broken. She’s been abused in ways that could trigger some, so read with caution. Never in a million years did she think the one that could set her on the path to being mended is right under her nose.
Enter Gideon, he best friend’s baby brother, who just happens to be living on her property. We he’s tasked to protect from threats on her life, things change and evolve.
How does Indigo respond to how she feels for Gideon?
The author wrote the perfect man in Gideon. Sweet, friendly, protective, caring all the things women dream of.
But the justice the author did Indigo is leaps and bounds ahead of that. The growth and mending the dhe experienced throughout was written beautifully.
This book had me wanting more. Though I figured part of it out early on, it was the chemistry between the two characters that kept me intrigued.
A wonderful series that exudes “girl power.” If you’re looking for a book or series with strong female characters, these books are for you!

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Kerry Carr

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book in Green Street Girls series. This is a really moving story about friendship and how the girls have grown close together when they had no one else but each other. Each of the girls are unique and different and this story follows Indigo.

Indigo has had a hard upbringing which has left her fearful and scared of letting people in. She makes a promise to try and allow love into her life but she doesn’t hold out much hope.
She is a successful gamer and software producer. From the outside it looks like she has it all but the shadow of her stepfather isn’t far behind.
When she creates some software and is about to make a big deal with it suddenly threats appear. Threats that could mean harm to Indigo.
While she is successful she struggles to form emotional relationships. When her relationship with Athena’s brother Gideon turns from friendship to something more this could be Indigos chance. But when things start to get rough with the threats will she allow and trust Gideon to protect her or will she push him away from fear of being let down and hurt again.

This is a moving and at times heartbreaking story. The author does an amazing job of making the characters emotions and fears jump off the page allowing the reader to fully understand and feel everything that is happening. This is also a story of hope as Indigo trys to move away from her past and create a better future for herself. This is a great captivating read.

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Katie Matthews

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Broken was a really enjoyable read. I was looking forward to reading it after reding the first book in the series. The group of girls in the stories are great to read about. This book was Indigo’s story. She was such a. Great character to read about. I love the interaction between all the characters they are very entertaining and they definitely kept me entertained with the antics and their friendship really shines through. I liked Gideon as well, he was definitely prepared to step up and protect Indigo when she needed it.
I am really looking forward to the next book in the series.

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Tausha Treadway

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson. This is a great series and I can’t wait to read the next installment. This is Indigo’s story. Indigo is a gamer who ran away from home at the young age of 15. She was abused by her step dad and she just couldn’t deal with it anymore. Gideon and Indigo are roomates, nothing romantic just friends but Gideon is beginning to feel more and more for Indigo. Gideon is sweet, takes care of Indigo and is always there for her. When Indigo starts working on a government program that she is about ready to give to them someone tries to stop her. Her life is threatened and they obviously do not want her to put that program out. Gideon vows to not let anything happen to her and when you are with someone 24/7 its hard not to get feelings for one another. Can Gideon get Indigo to let down her walls? Read this great book to find out!

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Brandy Vaughn

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book in the series. While I haven’t read the previous book this does well as a stand alone story. The author weaves plenty of back story so you don’t feel lost with the characters. This store offers plenty of charged emotions, twisted adventures, strong women, and plenty of romance to keep you turning the pages. The author did a wonderful job with healing from trauma and the feelings of sexual abuse. This is a poignant yet heart-warming, story about friendship and finding love.

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