
Operation Blackbird (Brass Compass Series Book 2) by Ellen Butler – Review by Christine Baranek

Operation BlackbirdOperation Blackbird by Ellen Butler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Operation Blackbird
By: Ellen Butler

This is the second book in the Brass Compass Series. I will say that I think that this definitely stands alone and would make sense if you had not read the first book. This is due to it being a connection to the first one rather than a follow up. I love that this book focuses on the cold war. I truly didn’t know too much about it before, but I really learned more and enjoyed that this focused on espionage. I felt as if I was transported to the 1950s and I was truly invested. I love this book and hope to read more by Ellen Butler soon!

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Operation Blackbird (Brass Compass Series Book 1) by Ellen Butler – Review by Christine Baranek

The Brass CompassThe Brass Compass by Ellen Butler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Brass Compass
By: Ellen Butler

This is the first book in the brass compass series. And boy is it a good one. I cannot wait to read more in this series. I have started dipping my toes into the water with Historical Fiction and this is a book that has really sealed the deal with me continuing with historical fiction. This was well written and grounded in facts. I love that this book has a female heroine who has gone as a spy in the U.S. who is sent into Germany during WWII. It follows her and her mission, but also her as she falls in love. I definitely recommend this book! It is amazing.

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The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney – Review by Christine Baranek

The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy MysteryThe Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Muffin Shop Murder
By: Holly Tierney

This was the sweetest mystery book I’ve read lately. It truly has a small town feel and just the most wonderful characters. Delilah is such a fun character, I enjoyed how she handled the various predicaments that we thrown her way. I also loved Nile and Elinor, I thought Elinor was laugh out loud funny. I really enjoyed the small town feel of Snowflake Valley. This was definitely a cozy mystery. I loved it so much! This is my first Holly Tierney Book but it definitely won’t be my last!

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The Exchange by Nadija Mujagic – Review by Christine Baranek

The Exchange: A NovelThe Exchange: A Novel by Nadija Mujagic
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Exchange
By: Nadija Mujagic

This was such an amazing suspenseful book! I was completely unable to put this book down until I finished it. I literally lost sleep over this book and I do not regret it one book. This book had such an interesting premise but it also focused on how many people make decisions they regret if they are in Los Angeles trying to find their big break. I truly don’t want to give too much information as I don’t want to risk spoiling this book for anyone. The premise is this – Sam flees to L.A. escaping her small town and her past. This is where she meets Corey, who woos her and charms her. He also offers her a big break. But it comes with the agreement to do some questionable things. Corey takes her and the reader on an absolutely insane psychological ride. I definitely recommend this book, just make sure to start it when you have time to finish it. I can guarantee you won’t put it down.

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My Inner Critic by Christine Bernard – Review by Christine Baranek

My Inner CriticMy Inner Critic by Christine Bernard
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My Inner Critic
By Christine Bernard

This book is absolutely amazing! I have never felt so seen by a book, by an author, by a main character. In so many ways, Emily’s story was my story. This was such a relatable book, I definitely feel like Emily most of the time. I definitely appreciated how accurately Christine depicts struggles with depression and anxiety. I also truly love how Christine shows that it does get better. I truly love this story and recommend it to all!

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Handle With Care (Chase Care Book 1) by R.L. Dunn – Review by Christine Baranek

Handle With Care (Chase Care Book 1)Handle With Care by R.L. Dunn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Handle with Care
By: R.L. Dunn

This is such a good and complex book. There was a lot going on, but in a very good way. It was the kind of book that you don’t want to put down because you are afraid you are going to miss something.
I love the concept of coworkers that become friends that become something well.. Not so simple to define. I thought that Selma was a wonderfully complex character, who had so many things going on it was hard to not feel sympathetic for her. Truthfully, I also loved Dr. Hunter. I thought that the way he handled the dilemma of the virus and how driven he was to solve it was an amazing twist to a plot line that I thought I had completely figured out, boy was I wrong.
I definitely enjoyed this book and I thoroughly recommend it!

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Evan (Billionaire Blind Dates Book 2) by Toni Denise – Review by Christine Baranek

Evan (Billionaire Blind Dates #2)Evan by Toni Denise
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

By: Toni Denise

This is a Billionaire Blind Date Romance. This book is the continuation of the billionaire best friend romance series. However, it definitely is a stand alone. It is not necessary to read any of the others and you will not feel lost at all.
I’m going to leave this at a very vague review, as I do not want to risk spoiling anything. Evan and his friends have agreed to set up their friends on blind dates. So far, they have been very successful. Now, its Evan’s turn. He isn’t expecting much because he isn’t sure he really wants to settle down or truthfully, if they can even find anyone worth settling down for. But he is willing to give it a try, especially since he is the silent partner in a new business venture in town, a blind date restaurant. He loves the idea so he is willing to give it a try. He has a few awful dates, but then one hits it off. But this date may be more complicated than meets the eye.
I truly enjoyed this story. It was an easy read that I definitely recommend.

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Shore Lodge by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Christine Baranek

Shore Lodge: A high-stakes psychological thriller (The Millersville series)Shore Lodge: A high-stakes psychological thriller by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Shore Lodge
By: Susan Specht Oram

This is such an amazing Thriller! Once I started I could not put it down. Every page had more twists and turns that kept me hooked. Everytime I thought I had it all figured out, I was wrong. This book kept me up until 2 am and I have no complaints. I may be tired but it was so worth it. The betrayal in this was absolutely palpable. Jacklyn’s husband has passed away and she is falling apart. The grief is causing her to forget things that she needs to do. Her son talks her into going to a wellness retreat. However, before she goes she signs over a power of attorney. She thinks this wellness retreat is the best idea ever, until she realizes it is actually a psychiatric hospital. One that she cannot leave. Will she ever get back to her own house and her pet dog?
This is one you definitely do not want to miss!

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Taylor’s Law by Jennifer Raines – Review by Christine Baranek

Taylor's LawTaylor’s Law by Jennifer Raines
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Taylor’s Law
By: Jennifer Raines

This is the first book in the Anderson Series and it won’t be the last that I’m going to read. This book sucked me in from the beginning and is the kind of heart warming story that keeps me up reading to see if everything works out in the end.
I love Ella, she has the kind of heart that I admire. The kind that is willing to fulfill a promise regardless of the kind of situation she’s in. When Ella’s sister makes her dying wish to be to raise her daughter, it seems like a no brainer for Ella to say yes. What she doesn’t envision is a letter arriving claiming paternity of her sister’s daughter. And that person wants to take custody of Tessa. Ella is prepared to fight and she shows up at Taylor Law to answer the letter. What she doesn’t expect is Taylor, someone she is is going to fight, but also feels an overwhelming response to him one that she can’t explain.
This is the type of easy story that you really can’t put down, filled with emotions and relatable characters.

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Grace Under Fire (The Anderson Sisters Book 2) by Jennifer Raines – Review by Christine Baranek

Grace Under FireGrace Under Fire by Jennifer Raines
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Grace Under Fire
By: Jennifer Raines

I love the Anderson Sisters Series! This is the second book in the series, but it definitely reads as a standalone. It is simple to follow along and you really don’t need any background to understand.
Grace Anderson is undergoing the biggest challenge of her life. There is a succession plan for her family’s farm, however, that plan was designed to take place a while from now. Due to a family emergency her timeline has moved up, and it is clear she is going to need some help. She wants to buy the farm outright without anyone’s help, however, the bank doesn’t seem willing to do this.
Enter Ryan. Ryan is Grace’s best friend’s brother. The one that she hasn’t seen since the day of her friend’s funeral. The one that she is so angry with for reasons she doesn’t understand. Obtaining the farm means that Grace is going to have to run into him a lot. She is going to have to begin to work through her feelings towards him. But what if her feelings are even more complicated than she thought? And what if he might be the only person who is able to help her save her families farm? Will she be willing to end her rule to trust no one it it means saving the farm?
I love the Anderson family. They are such readable characters and the kind of family that clearly has its ups and downs but in the end has each others backs. Ryan is a very interesting character, one that is hard to pin down. I definitely loved this story and recommend it for a quick, fun read!

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StoryTeller’s Tale (Wretched Soulz MC) by Manda Mellett – Review by Christine Baranek

StoryTeller's Tale: Wretched Soulz MCStoryTeller’s Tale: Wretched Soulz MC by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

StoryTeller’s Tale
By: Manda Mellett

This book is absolutely amazing. Manda Mellett is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors, as her books keep me up until I finish them. I would complain, but every one of the stories leaves me thinking about life a little differently. They are truly page turners.
The storyteller is such an amazing character. He has so much to him, he is more than what meets the eye. Sheri is a wonderful character who has never found anyone to love and cherish her. Someone who puts her first. Crazy thing is, it takes a terrifying, life changing event for her to find someone who values her. The Storyteller and The Club are two things that Sheri could never have imagined. But she learns they are so much more than a club, its about people that value one another.
Definitely read this one. I cannot tell you adequately enough how amazing this book is!

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Hot For Me (The Balefire Series Book 4) by Tam DeRudder Jackson – Review by Christine Baranek

Hot For Me (Balefire, #4)Hot For Me by Tam DeRudder Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hot For Me
Tam DeRudder Jackson

I want to start out by saying that this is the fourth book in the BaleFire Series – but it is the first one I’ve read and it definitely works as a stand alone.
Adam is part of the hit band Balefire. Cristy is one of the hottest pop singers on the planet. She has agreed to join Balefire on their tour. They both know that their collaboration will drive their fans crazy. However, what they don’t realize is that this collaboration will be electric in so many ways than one.
This book was amazing and watching Cristy interact with Balefire was amazing. I truly loved Cristy’s character and the depth she had to her. I loved the way that the author wrote and I have to say that now that I have read the fourth book I will be ordering books one through three right away. It is the perfect romance between two world famous stars.

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Sharing His Nanny (Forever Our Girl Book 2) by Tori Chase – Review by Christine Baranek

Sharing His Nanny (Forever Our Girl, #2)Sharing His Nanny by Tori Chase
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sharing His Nanny
By: Tori Chase

Let me start by saying this book is so far outside the realm of what I usually read. Normally, I’m good with steamy content, but I keep it to a heteronormative relationship. This book was the first I have ever read that deals with polyamory. This will not be the last. What I learned through reading this book is that the character depth when it involves relationships of this type is so much deeper than in a heterosexual relationship. The growth between these four characters was tremendous. Not only within their relationship and establishing their boundaries / rules. But also within themselves. I loved the character of Stella. I felt like she was a totally relatable character and the growth within her was truly amazing. She felt like a completely different person at the end of the story, one who truly believed in herself and what she was capable of. I also loved Charles and watching him weigh his feelings regarding everyone. I also really loved the character of Charles’ ex. I felt like the addition of her really added to the story experience. I definitely recommend this story, because I feel that Tori does an amazing job establishing and developing the characters. I also absolutely loved the ending.

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Straight for the Kill (Benoit and Dayne Mystery Book 3) by Winter Austin – Review by Christine Baranek

Straight for the Kill (Benoit and Dayne Mystery, #3)Straight for the Kill by Winter Austin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Straight for the Kill
By: Winter Austin

Let me tell you, I have never been so grateful for a snowy day in my life. I don’t know how I would have survived if I had needed to be productive while I was reading this book. This definitely grabbed me from the first page and didn’t let me go until the very end. I loved the last book I read by Winter Austin, Hush my Darling, and I never imagined that her next book would be even better. This is filled with twists and turns and I definitely never saw the ending coming. I loved the development of the characters and their depth, with each book I read in the Benoit and Dayne series the characters become even more multilayered and complex. This time, I loved the aspect that the killer harkened back to a series of deaths when the major characters were children. I also loved that this book dealt with the ups and downs of small town life. The sheriff’s department definitely had a lot of skeletons that had been buried to deal with.
I definitely think this book is amazing – I read it in one day and almost in one complete sitting! I cannot wait to read more of these characters!

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The Golden Garza (Red Cage Book 4) by S. Ann Cole – Review by Christine Baranek

The Golden Garza (Red Cage, #4)The Golden Garza by S. Ann Cole
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Golden Garza
By: S. Ann Cole

This book is the fourth installment in the Red Cage Series. This is my first book that I’ve read of it and it definitely stands alone. I am now going to go back to the beginning of the series to read the rest. Not because I was lost and confused, but rather because I really loved the characters and I want to read more about them. The Garza family definitely has interesting dynamics and it kept me wanting to learn more about them. I also love that this is a best friend’s brother story. I have really found myself enjoying these stories right now. I truly enjoyed learning about Tripp and Soleil and loved the development of each of them. This is definitely a steamy book and I totally recommend it!

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Saving the Bellydancer (Green Brotherhood: SEAL Team XII Book 3) by Debra Parmley – Review by Christine Baranek

Saving the Bellydancer (Green Brotherhood: SEAL Team XII Book 3)Saving the Bellydancer by Debra Parmley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Saving the Belly Dancer
By: Debra Parmley

I love this book! It was such a fast read with a beautiful love story. I loved Cutter and Zarifah. The way that Cutter worked to prove to Zarifah that all men are not the same. He made it his mission to prove to her how a woman should be treated. I loved Zarifah and definitely understood why she was not ready for a relationship with anyone. Cutter made her see that the right one is worth taking a chance on. I have to say that the Green Brotherhood books have been amazing so far and I cannot wait to read more!

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Hit on You by Brooke May – Review by Christine Baranek

Hit on YouHit on You by Brooke May
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hit On You
By: Brooke May

The story of Luke and Nickolai is one of the best love stories I’ve ever read. I kept wanting to read more and lost sleep reading this one. Watching how they both processed the past baggage of their relationship was absolutely fascinating. But also watching the trepidation with which they approached one another was amazing. I loved the character of Luke. I thought that she definitely was someone with a past that they were trying to hide. Nickolai was complex in his own way. I definitely recommend reading this one!

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Chatroom With A View by Glenn Maynard – Review by Christine Baranek

Chatroom with a ViewChatroom with a View by Glenn Maynard
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Chatroom with a View
By: Glenn Maynard

This book is so fast paced. It is also truly chilling. I don’t know if I have read a book that has haunted me quite like this in a while. The author chooses to begin the book right in the middle of the action – in the middle of a completely chilling scene. And from there he never takes his foot off of the gas. Troy truly lives a chilling life and the premise of a gene that makes one prone to being a killer really is an interesting concept. For me, as I read, I really found myself wondering how much of Troy’s behavior was his upbringing and his experiences and how much of it has to do with the potential for a propensity for killing via a specific gene. I definitely liked this book and definitely recommend it for anyone who enjoys a good thriller that will keep you reading!

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Fear Inc: Volume 3 by Melinda Valentine – Review by Christine Baranek

Fear Inc.: Volume ThreeFear Inc.: Volume Three by Melinda Valentine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Fear Inc: Volume 3
By: Melinda Valentine

I absolutely loved this book. The character sucked me in and I truly wanted to keep reading. Kasper was very relatable, I think everyone made mistakes when they were young because they were scared. Those mistakes that we wish we could take back. I also loved Krystal. I think that their interactions were amazing. Kasper’s feelings when he sees Krystal be taken were absolutely palpable. I have to say this was a true page turner. I definitely recommend this one!

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Throwing the Curve (Playing for Keeps Book 2) by Lauren Fraser – Review by Christine Baranek

Throwing the CurveThrowing the Curve by Lauren Fraser
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Throwing the Curve
By Lauren Fraser

This is the third book in the Playing for Keeps series. It contains some of the same characters that were featured in the second book, but it definitely functions as a standalone.
I loved watching the dynamics between Ryan and Peyton play out. From the fact that they were pretending being together for a party to actually developing feelings. I think it is an accurate portrayal of those situations where everyone tells themselves that it is a one time thing but inevitably someone ends up feeling something. I also liked Ryan this time around. He was a character in the second book and I wasn’t a fan of his, but this time around he definitely seemed like more human and relatable.
This is the second book I have read by Lauren Fraser and It most definitely will not be my last. I truly love her writing and her ability to develop characters. Her books are not to be missed.

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Everything to Me (Playing for Keeps Book 2) by Lauren Fraser – Review by Christine Baranek

Everything to Me (Playing for Keeps Book 2)Everything to Me by Lauren Fraser
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Everything to Me
By Lauren Fraser

I loved this book so very much. The characters were so well written and their story was so believable. I loved how well the author portrayed Pete. How he was feeling just jumped off the page. Kendall is one of the most likable characters I have ever read. I truly wish there would be a spinoff about her and her job. I loved everything about her, her complex relationship with her family, her situation with Pete, and her job. I definitely recommend this romance to everyone! It is so good and I cannot wait for the next book in the series.

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Chasing Redemption (The Quimby Grove Series Book 2) by Shannon Nikole – Review by Christine Baranek

Chasing Redemption (Quimby Grove #2)Chasing Redemption by Shannon Nikole
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Chasing Redemption
By: Shannon Nikole

This is the second book in the Quimby Grove Series. While, it is not necessary to have read the first and it does act as a stand alone, many of the characters are from the first book in the series and it does sort of help to have read the first book. I truly enjoyed this story and the characters. I liked the addition of Marley and thought that her interactions with Max were so amazing. I also thought that this was such a relatable story. I truly love Quimby Grove and cannot wait for more of the characters and this wonderful small town. I wish that there were real Quimby Grove and Starlight books. I would love to visit them. These wonderful characters are becoming something that I really love to read about. I also love that this features a suspense element. The crimes that were occuring while Max and Marley were trying to figure out their lives really kept me wanting to read on. I really wanted to keep reading but I also didn’t want the story to end! I absolutely love Quimby Grove and recommend it to anyone!

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The Hawke Family Complete Collection by Gwyn McNamee – Review by Christine Baranek

The Hawke Family Complete CollectionThe Hawke Family Complete Collection by Gwyn McNamee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Hawke Family Complete Collection
Gwyn McNamee

Sometimes you stumble upon a series and you wonder where it has been your whole life. You can’t read it fast enough and yet you also do not want it to end. The Hawke Family is that series. Each book gets better than the last. These characters have so much depth to them and there is so much drama that it keeps the pages turning. Plus they are so very steamy. They are so good, I definitely recommend them, especially if you are looking for a new series that won’t disappoint!

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The Husbands by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Christine Baranek

The HusbandsThe Husbands by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Husbands
By: Naomi Valkyrie

This book was not my usual fare. It delved into topics that I don’t necessarily avoid, but that I don’t go out of my way to seek out. Lately, I have been expanding what I am trying to read and boy am I glad that I did. This book is such a great blend of genres – it touches on the job of assassins, then it goes deep into romance and then touches into polyamory. I truly enjoyed this book because I definitely didn’t know what to expect so I had an empty mind. I truly enjoyed how this book really explored how one untruth can cause a massive ripple effect. This wasn’t the main focus of the book, but I saw how it really resonated throughout. Because of Dorian’s original lie the entire book had many twists and turns and many others were impacted. I love how there was a real reaction to the men and their indiscretion – if you can even call that it. It wasn’t a blow up, but rather it is what I would view as a real reaction – a request for space and time. I definitely recommend this book, especially for those who want a change of pace and a book that is guaranteed not to disappoint.

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A Dowry of Snails and Mud by Brittany Tucker – Review by Christine Baranek

A Dowry of Snails and MudA Dowry of Snails and Mud by Brittany Tucker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Dowry of Snails and Mud
By: Brittany Tucker

I went into this book not knowing what to expect. I picked it because the premise seemed promising, but then I never read anything quite like this – Historical Fiction with queens and kings and dowries. But I thought I would give it a chance.
I am so glad I did. Within the first few chapters I was hooked. I loved everything about this – the small village that is always under attack, the prince who is being punished by his father and set up to fail. A girl who wants all her problems to go away but she has been promised for marriage. Add to that snails and a good sense of humor and this is definitely a must read. I did not want to put it down. I definitely hope that there is going to be a sequel to this because I truly grew attached to the characters. I truly recommend this to anyone who is looking for a fun read!

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Night Hawke (The Hawke Family Second Generation Prequel) by Gwyn McNamee – Review by Christine Baranek

Night Hawke (The Hawke Family Second Generation #0.5)Night Hawke by Gwyn McNamee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Night Hawke
By: Gwyn McNamee

This is my first book by Gwyn McNamee and it most certainly will not be my last. This was an incredibly steamy romance that, like the characters, left me wanting more. Isaac and Jack were written with such depth and intrigue that I truly enjoyed them. This was definitely one of the best books I have ever read. I will caution that this book is incredibly steamy. I loved that about it though. This is the prequel to the Hawke Family series, however it definitely stands alone. I have not read a single book in this series and I was able to follow it all without being the least bit confused.

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My Pearl Heart by J.N. Sheats – Review by Christine Baranek

My Pearl HeartMy Pearl Heart by J.N. Sheats
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My Pearl Heart
By: J.N. Sheats

Let me start out by saying that I did not love the first little bit of the book. But, I do not DNF books and therefore persisted. And let me tell you how glad I did. I am giving it 5 stars despite the rough start for me. That is how good the rest of the book is. I truly loved all the twists and turns in this book and there were some that completely blindsided me. I LOVED all the characters, even the ones that the reader is meant to despise. I thought that they were all well written and made complete sense for the story line to make sense. I do hope that there is going to be more about Jasmine, James and Cadence. This book left on the perfect note for a sequel. I want to see what becomes of these characters, that is how much I enjoyed this story. I definitely recommend it!

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Married Blind (King of Screen Book 2) by Morgana Bevan – Review by Christine Baranek

Married Blind: A Marriage of Convenience Hollywood Romance (Kings of Screen, 2)Married Blind: A Marriage of Convenience Hollywood Romance by Morgana Bevan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Married Blind
By: Morgana Bevan

This was such a fun book. I love that although this is deemed a “Hollywood Marriage of Convenience” I could really picture something like this happening in real life. I loved the characters. At first, I thought Finn was an awful character, he was just really unlikeable. However, as the book went on, I really liked his development and his reasons for keeping himself guarded. I mean expecting Abi to be a gold digger or opportunist really wasn’t a big stretch. Abi was such an amazing character who truly loved her friends and sister, which is how she ended up married to Finn. She was such a charmingly lovely character, despite not having the easiest life she never seemed jaded or angry. I definitely recommend this lovely story as it was an enjoyable and fast read.

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Underboss’s Retaliation (Sicilian Gods Book 2) by Via Mari – Review by Christine Baranek

Underboss's Retaliation (Sicilian Gods Book 2)Underboss’s Retaliation by Via Mari
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Underboss’s Retaliation
By: Via Mari

For those of you who don’t know, Via Mari is an amazing author and her books literally never disappoint. Underboss’s Retaliation is no exception. I loved the plot and the characters in this one. This is a great enemies to lovers story with a plot unlike no other. This one will take you on a wild ride as you read it. I found it so hard to put down. The banter between Dominick and Emelia was amazing and I definitely didn’t know what was going to happen between them as I read. I love the added dimension of them being from rival families. This book did not disappoint at all!

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Taming Beckett (The Playmakers Series Hockey Romances Book 1) by G.K. Brady – Review by Christine Baranek

Taming Beckett (The Playmakers, #1)Taming Beckett by G.K. Brady
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Taming Beckett
By: G.K. Brady

I am a sucker for a good romance. I am even more of a sucker for a bad boy romance. This is possibly one of the best bad boy romances I have ever read. And I completely recommend reading this one, because I could not put it down. I loved Paige “Andie” and her attitude, temperament and behavior. She is one of those girls everyone knows. The one who has tried her best to fight past the cards that life handed her and she did it on her own terms. However, I related to her character so much because she was married to an older man hoping that he would give her the stability she never had in childhood. Beckett, is the best type of bad boy – the kind who has a party boy image but really has one girl that he holds a flame for, and even he may not realize it. I love that they have a history from college and that neither really has changed one bit. I love that they changed and evolved but in the end really stayed true the essence of who they were when they met. I found myself rooting for them every step of the way. I also loved the plot point of Beckett and his hockey career. You could feel him fighting for redemption in every aspect of his career.

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