
I Loved You Yesterday (Trading Heartbeats Trilogy Book 1) by Julie Navickas – Review by Christine Baranek

I Loved You Yesterday: Book One in the Trading Heartbeats TrilogyI Loved You Yesterday: Book One in the Trading Heartbeats Trilogy by Julie Navickas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I Love You Yesterday
By: Julie Navickas

This story is absolutely amazing. Years ago, Mavis walked away from everyone she loved and possibly the love of her life leaving only a simple note. Now the past is coming crashing down around her and she doesn’t know what to decide. Josh Templeton is completing a divorce from the woman he thought he loved. However, her parting words to him implied that he was never in love with her because he was still in love with another. Austin, Josh’s twin brother sees what is about to happen and the only way to prevent it is to face it heads on. Reeling from his divorce, Josh finds the letter that was left to him by his high school love. In his mind, he is still in love with her and must find her. What he doesn’t know is that when she left she was pregnant and in love with his twin brother. As Josh sets out to find Mavis, she is nowhere near prepared for what is ahead. Who does she love is it Josh Templeton or is it his brother Austin? Mavis had always hoped that the past would stay in the past, but the past can’t stay secret forever.
This book was sooooo good! I didn’t want to put it down as I was reading about Josh, Mavis, and Austin. I didn’t know what was going to happen but I also found myself unsure of what I hoped would happen. This was well written with very well developed characters!

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Together We Stand Volume 2: A Charity Anthology for Ukraine by C.A. King, JA Lafrance, Rose Bak, A.N. Waugh, AM Cosgrove, Crystal St. Clair, Sky Purington, A.L. Morrow, TL Mayhew, C.L. Collier, Jordan Leger, Zorha Redwolf Edwards, Emery LeeAnn, Pandora Snow, M.A. Abraham, Tricia Daniels, Raven Belasco, M.K. Moore, KL Fast, Illustrated by Mikki Noble – Review by Christine Baranek

Together We Stand, Vol. 2Together We Stand, Vol. 2 by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Together We Stand

This anthology is put together to help raise money for Ukraine. I have read many of the books. One thing I truly loved about this anthology is that it has something for everyone. Also, it introduced me to authors I haven’t heard of. I want to spotlight my two favorite stories in this anthology.
Clara’s Story Part Two by C.A. King was possibly my favorite story. It is very relatable as it tells the story of a mother who wants the best for her child, but her paranoia definitely gets in the way. She is well intentioned but this story is definitely a tear jerker. This story was full of endearing characters and I really truly enjoyed it.
Rock Star Lawyer by: Rose Bak was another amazing story. This one is a romance that takes on opposites attracting. What I love more about this is that it talks about a rockstar who puts on a concert to help the people of Ukraine. I love how timely this story is and that it gets to the heart of the reason the anthology was put together.
I cannot recommend this enough, especially since it is a great way to get multiple books by many authors.

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Ashes of Sin and Stardust (AnchorX) by Lindsay Murray – Review by Christine Baranek

Ashes of Sin and StardustAshes of Sin and Stardust by Lindsay Murray
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ashes of Sin and Stardust
By: Lindsay Murray

This book is fantastic. It is the second book in Anchor X, but it is definitely able to be a standalone. I’ve never read the first one, but I promise you I will now! This is definitely a hot and steamy romance. However, more importantly it is an interesting look at trauma and mental illness. The characters are so well developed that they become more than just characters, you feel connected to them. Due to this connection, I feel the author’s warning is definitely needed. This is a look at trauma, abuse and mental illness and how the characters work through them together is something that can be tough to read and intense at times. However, I would not use this to discourage anyone from reading this fantastic book, rather, just to be mindful that it can be very intense.

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Hard Lover (Houston After Dark Book 2) by Deborah Garland – Review by Christine Baranek

Hard Lover (Houston After Dark #2)Hard Lover by Deborah Garland
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hard Lover
By: Deborah Garland

Deborah Garland has really done an amazing job with this story. It has elements that appeal to all readers. Hard Lover is the perfect mix of suspense and spice and steam. This book is book two in a series, but it definitely functions as a standalone. I never read the first book and it was not hard to follow along and I didn’t feel like I was missing any important background information. Callie and Noah have an amazing chemistry and I truly felt that they kept me guessing! Definitely a spicy read but I loved it!

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Fairly Royal (The Fair Series Book 4) by Grace Grahme – Review by Christine Baranek

Fairly Royal (Fair, #4)Fairly Royal by Grace Grahme
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Fairly Royal
By: Grace Grahme

Phillip is the Earl of Auburne and he has sworn of all women. Well, officially he has sworn off dating, but in his world this means that he has sworn off all women. By not dating, this, by default, makes him an incredibly eligible bachelor. This also means that the paparazzi and all women find him desirable – which means he ends up as tabloid fodder frequently. In an attempt to make the paparazzi leave him alone, he decides to find a girlfriend. I mean, if you give them what they want they have to leave you alone right? The only girl that he knows that might actually go for this idea also happens to be his best friend’s little sister. They both have no idea what to expect when they begin this “relationship” But Anna sets forth rules for the both of them to follow. These rules are meant for their relationship seem real. What Phillip can’t anticipate is that while being a make believe couple, he will develop very real feelings for Anna. However, Phillip has learned over the years that both the paparazzi and tabloids make a real relationship impossible. What he is developing with his feelings makes him want to try to be real. He can only hope that this time will be different.
This book is such a fun easy read. I love that it takes both the eligible bachelor idea and combines it with the idea of a fake romance that develops feelings. The characters are very real and lovable and the plot moves at a fantastic pace. If you are looking for an easy romance to read with some great characters this is the perfect book for you!

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Ashes (Modern-Day Fairy Tale Book 1) by MK Harkins – Review by Christine Baranek

Ashes (Modern-Day Fairy Tale, #1)Ashes by M.K. Harkins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

By: MK Harkins

I cannot tell you the last time I read a book that hooked me from the very first page. Ashes is one of those books. The books that you don’t want to put down from the very first word you read. I have to admit, I loved beyond belief the playlist that starts out this book. Before I could continue reading, I had to go play every one of the songs listed to get the vibe that the author was trying to portray. Then I picked the book back up and proceeded to read it in one setting. This book is a fairy tale complete with fairy godmothers, evil step mothers and wicked step sisters. It also has an orphan who has walled her heart off from anyone and everyone from getting close to her ever since her dad died. Oh and to top it off Ashley (our main character) is a social outcast because you know working and living in a funeral home will do that to you. But when a pop star crosses her path, she just might consider letting her guard down. Except, those step sisters I mentioned are planning on dating him and Ashley has been explicitly told to stay out of his way. But with a little help from a fairy godmother things just might be turning around for Ashley.

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Love’s Mulligan (Stroke of Love Book 1) by CA Miconi – Review by Christine Baranek

Love's MulliganLove’s Mulligan by C.A. Miconi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love’s Mulligan
By: C.A. Miconi

This book was really really good. What happens when you give a former love a second chance? Harrison has a major image problem. His team decides that he needs to get married in order to improve his public image. His team has also found the perfect bride who happens to be a popular model. When he arrives at the hotel that is to be the site of his wedding, he discovers that his high school love is working as the event planner. Harrison left Kellie behind when it became clear that he was going to make it big. Harrison finds himself in a huge predicament. Will he go through with this wedding to the model? Or will he pull off the most important move of his life and convince Kellie that he is still in love with her? Both Kellie and Harrison have a lot on the line and a lot to lose if this wedding doesn’t go off as planned. Yet, can the heal the hurt and discover that they get to call a mulligan and try over again?

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Murder Most Pemberley (Eliza Darcy Mysteries Book 1) by Jessica Berg – Review by Christine Baranek

Murder Most PemberleyMurder Most Pemberley by Jessica Berg
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Murder Most Pemberly
By: Jessica Berg

Eliza is an American who is traveling to England for the very first time. She’s headed there to meet her family, some of whom she has never met. From the beginning, it is clear that there is mystery surrounding the Darcy Family. He father NEVER talks about them and she has never met most of them. But she is invited to a family reunion and she would love to meet them.
She’s a girl who isn’t used to excitement. In fact, she is planning on packing her wool socks instead of her pretty underclothes. She can’t even tell you the last time that she needed pretty underthings. On the plane, it seems that she may have misread the situation. From the second she enters the airport, she meets an amazing man. He happens to end up in the seat next to her on the plane. They hit it off immediately and sparks are flying. On top of being cute he also has an amazing personality.
Despite Eliza’s intentions for the reunion, things take a very different turn. A dead body definitely has different plan for her. When the investigation proves to have clues that may reveal the reason her father no longer speaks to his family and mystery surrounds them, Elize finds herself wanting to help with the investigation.
Eliza has always had a love of Agatha Christie novels and she is optimistic to put her learned skills to use. Soon more and more clues appear that show that there are more bodies around. She needs the help of her aunt and that man from the plane to help keep herself from being the next body that is discovered.
This book was really really good. I loved the banter between Heath (the man from the plane) and Eliza. It definitely kept me guessing as I read.

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Something About Aimee (Girls from the Street Book 1) by S.E. Smith – Review by Christine Baranek

Something About Aimee (Girls from the Street Book 1)Something About Aimee by S.E. Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Something About Aimee
By: S. E. Smith

This book is SOOOO good! I loved the characters and their romance so much! Aimee is a delivery girl who is living on the streets. She has a great system of friends and a job that isn’t too bad. One day a very urgent delivery comes through and Aimee is just the girl for the job. In more ways than she can ever imagine. She is used to paying attention to the things going on around her. When on this delivery she senses danger and saves the life of the foreign stranger in the lobby. Qadir’s life is forever changed by Aimee, not just because she saves her life but because he is completely transfixed by her. He believes that she is his soulmate. Can they fall in love despite their very different backgrounds? And can their love survive their very different lives and upbringings?

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Enemies of Doves by Shanessa Gluhm – Review by Christine Baranek

Enemies of DovesEnemies of Doves by Shanessa Gluhm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Enemies of Doves
By: Shanessa Gluhm

If you take nothing else from my review its that you NEED to read this book. This book was absolutely amazing and I was unable to put it down. This book takes place in two different time periods and each chapter alternates. However, the story is coherent throughout and told so seamlessly.
In 1932, two brothers experienced a night that they will never forget. A night that will haunt them for the rest of their lives. This night also will shape their futures. This portion of the book then jumps ahead approximately 10 years later and we see how the boys are living now. Clancy is the brother that seems to get away with everything and has gotten lucky his whole life. However, if you ask him he is sure to disagree. He is easy with the girls, his dad prefers him (well more than his brother which is not saying a lot), and he just overall has it easy. At least that is how his brother Joel views it. Joel’s life was transformed that one night in 1932 and he was left of the permanent reminder of the choices that he made. This reminder turned him into a freak, he received a mysterious scar across his face. The brothers swore not to ever tell what happened that night. However Joel is accused of murdering his father and is sent to jail for the rest of his life.
In 1991, Garrison has just lost both his parents in an accident and his grandmother is dying before his eyes. She has been talking a lot of nonsense, but she says something that gets Garrison thinking she is telling the truth. She lets it slip that the grandfather who he has known his whole life is not his actual grandfather. Garrison sets out to find this Clancy, the man whom his grandmother mentioned. However in his research, it seems that Clancy has fallen off the face of the earth. The only link to finding Clancy is through his brother Joel. A man who has transferred prisons multiple times due to his violence. Joel is an angry man and will only give up information and an interview if Garrison can find his love that got away.
The story that evolves from these encounters is absolutely unbelievable and amazing! I don’t want to give any more information because I don’t want to give spoilers. I will tell you that I did not want to put this book down. I fell asleep reading it and picked it right up when I woke up in the morning. This is a story that you definitely should not miss.

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Enchanted in Time by Nikki Lynn Barrett – Review by Christine Baranek

Enchanted in TimeEnchanted in Time by Nikki Lynn Barrett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Enchanted in Time
By: Nikki Lynne Barrett

I truly enjoyed this story. It kept me guessing throughout. I have to say that I normally shy away from books that include paranormal elements. However, I went out of my comfort zone with this one and it was an excellent choice. While some of these elements featured prominently in the story it did not feel forced or even farfetched. I really really found myself loving these characters and invested in their futures.

Roxanne has just faced a major tragedy. She carries around the blame and guilt for that day and it is manifesting itself in her life in different ways. To help distract herself she takes a job caring for the award winning author Claudette. Claudette is dying and refusing to go into a hospital or nursing home, rather she would prefer to stay in her house.

As the job begins, Roxanne is warned that Claudette is not amenable to having a caregiver. However, on Roxanne’s first day she discovers that is not necessarily the case. Claudette takes a quick liking to Roxanne and she asks her to help Claudette finish her final book. She also asks that Roxanne become her ghost writer after she passes away.

As Roxanne begins to read over the notes Claudette has for her, strange things begin happening to Roxanne. She is hearing music coming from a music box in the attic. Then she begins to hear voices. She believes at first that she is losing her mind and that what she is seeing and hearing is related to the tragedy she experienced. However, she quickly realizes that ghost writer has a completely different meaning to Claudette. Roxanne is seeing and hearing the main character in the book Claudette is asking her to help finish. As time goes on, Roxanne realizes that this book is far more personal than Claudette has ever let on and that Phillip, the main character in the book she is writing may not be as fictional as she once thought.

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Amber Waves of Grace by Jessica Berg – Review By Christine Baranek

Amber Waves of GraceAmber Waves of Grace by Jessica Berg
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amber Waves of Grace
By: Jessica Berg

This was such a sweet read with great characters. Corrie has just moved home to her family farm after a tragic accident has left her dad unable to maintain the farm. To top it all off her only farmhand just quit. Corrie is beginning to somewhat resent returning home and taking over the farm. It will take a miracle for the family farm to stay afloat. She is too stubborn to admit she needs help.
Sometimes help comes in ways other than you asking for it. It starts with her former boyfriend the pastor in town, Luke, who she has a very rocky past with. It is followed by his brother Aaron who wants to help as well. Corrie reluctantly accepts their help and Aaron is quickly becoming a very key piece to the farm as well as maybe more to Corrie. Corrie is truly beginning to fall for Aaron and it seems that the feeling is reciprocated. However, would Aaron still like her if she knew about her past?
Meanwhile, a stranger from out of town comes crashing into Corries life. This pregnant woman becomes a large piece of her life. Violet is definitely becoming a part of the Lancaster (Corrie’s) family. As violet becomes more important to the family, there are mysterious fires being set to the farm. Is it somehow related to Violet? Or is it the work of a disgruntled farmhand who doesn’t want to see Corrie succeed?
I have to be completely honest, I loved this book. I was hesitant upon beginning to read this due to the fact that I am not generally a big fan of brothers who are vying for the same girl. However, the way that the author handles this is amazing. I truly developed feelings for the characters and found myself crying at multiple points as I was reading. This was such a heart warming book and I loved that there were many happily ever afters in it as well.

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The Mastermind (WaterFyre Rising Book 1) by Nadia Han – Review by Christine Baranek

The Mastermind (WaterFyre Rising, #1)The Mastermind by Nadia Han
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Mastermind
By Nadia Han

Oh my goodness! This book is absolutely amazing and I could not put it down. I have to say as a general rule I am hesitant to read “brothers best friend” books but I have to say that this book definitely will have me thinking twice about avoiding them. The characters in this book were very well developed and I have to say that the plot was absolutely amazing. I love that it took what can be a very “normal” plot and made it into something that I’m not sure I will ever stop raving about. The characters are so multifaceted with dark secrets and pasts that definitely helped to develop them. I love that it has the added bonus of two characters that have known each other forever and have shared a spark since then. I truly loved Audri and Remi and was completely invested in them. I truly cannot recommend this book enough and am so glad that it is the first in a series as I definitely want to read more.

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One in A Billion (Pierce Brothers Book 3) by Belinda Williams – Review by Christine Baranek

One In A Billion (Pierce Brothers, #3)One In A Billion by Belinda Williams
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

One in a Billion
By Belinda Williams

Victoria is a journalist. Her career is struggling and she needs to gain access to an interview that will turn her whole career around. Her eyes are set on a billionaire, however, he is incredibly private. Seth is that billionaire in an industry that has taught him how to get what he wants. What he wants is a media advisor who happens to be Victoria. Can they both get what they want? Are they able to meet in the middle? Or are they destined to be apart.
The beginning of this story reminds me a little of the movie How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days. Not the whole premise of the book, rather just the fact that the whole thing begins with the female being not truthful at the start. Seth is definitely jaded about love when the book begins. However, the evolution of the characters and their story definitely was reminiscent. However, despite it being a familiar story arc, I really truly did love this story. Belinda Williams is an author that I have really grown to love and I especially love the Pierce Brothers stories. It was a very fast and easy read as I have grown accustomed to. I can only wait anxiously for the next book in the series. I definitely think this makes a great beach read!

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Spoilsport (Pierce Brothers Book 2) by Belinda Williams – Review by Christine Baranek

Spoilsport (Pierce Brothers, #2)Spoilsport by Belinda Williams
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

By Belinda Williams

This is such a lovely romance. Nadia is a nurse who has a very quick mouth or smart mouth, depending on how you look at it. She prides herself in never falling in love and just using men to suit her needs. She is definitely the queen of one night stands. Luke is a single dad with a daughter and a thriving construction company. When Nadia’s house begins to start falling apart around her, she calls the one person she trusts most in this world, Chelsea. Chelsea just so happens to be dating Luke’s brother and Luke just happens to be visiting when they come to look at Nadia’s house. Nadia doesn’t want to admit, but Luke got under her skin, but he also is the best one to help her fix up her house. Luke fully knows that he is not only smitten with Nadia, but also her house which is a fixer upper to say the least. When Luke wins the contract for her house, they know they will be spending a lot of time together, but will they be able to rekindle what they felt during that one night stand?
I love Nadia’s character and the way that she talks. I truly loved her attitude toward life. I found myself desperately hoping that Nadia and Luke would be able to figure it out because their banter might have been the best part of the book to me. I highly recommend this fun romance!

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Mr. Nice Guy (Pierce Brothers Book 1) by Belinda Williams – Review by Christine Baranek

Mr. Nice Guy (Pierce Brothers, #1)Mr. Nice Guy by Belinda Williams
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mr. Nice Guy
By Belinda Williams

This book was such a fun story! Chelsea is a girl who is a roommate with Tom. Tom is her brother’s best friend and a paramedic. Chelsea has done nothing but date men who are absolutely awful choices. Her most recent one borrowed money from her and called it an investment. Which would mean he doesn’t have to pay her back. Chelsea’s best friend Nadia has proposed an idea… that she date a nice guy for seven days. And that nice guy just so happens to be Tom. So for seven days Tom is going to show her what it would be like to date a “nice guy.” She doesn’t know what to expect but she does know that each day is different from the next. Tom just knows that he can admit that he would like Chelsea to be more than a roommate and his friends sister. However, as the seven days move on, what he doesn’t expect is for him to discover that he isn’t ready for a relationship. He can’t admit how hurt he is by his past relationship. Will the two of them be able to get past it? Or will he manage to mess this up?
This book was a really fast read but I really enjoyed it. The characters were very relatable and I found myself rooting for Chelsea and Tom! I definitely recommend this book to everyone!

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The Happily Ever After Bookstore by Bernadette Marie – Review by Christine Baranek

The Happily Ever After BookstoreThe Happily Ever After Bookstore by Bernadette Marie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Happily Ever After Bookstore
By Bernadette Marie

This is a story that is told in three parts. All three parts are told surrounding the Happily Ever Bookstore and contains the same characters. Each also tells of a romance that takes place very quickly. In the first story, we meet Charlie and Sadie. They have bumped into each other in the bookstore and strike up a conversation. Charlie in a spur of the moment decision buys Sadie her book. Leona insists on wrapping the books up. When they get home each discovers they were given the other’s books. Sadie has received the book that Charlie has purchased for his grandmother and Charlie’s grandmother has received a holiday romance. Charlie’s grandmother is so pleased with the romance and it seems to have created a spell on her. She has been in a nursing home with alzheimers and doesn’t remember Charlie despite him having visited her daily. However, after reading this romance she has come alive. She knows him and remembers him. Meanwhile, Sadie is determined to return Charlie’s book to him. They meet again and what continues is what I can only call the most magical love story.
The second story follows Fiona and Price. They were married a long time ago and both chose their careers over one another. But perhaps, their past held sadness they didn’t want to face either. Fate would have it that they both have ended up in the same small town and what begins with dinner continues to be a story about lost love and what happens when pride is put aside.
Our final story features Leona. Leona owns The Happily Every Bookstore. Despite have had many happy ever afters found through her she seems to think she will never have her own. One day Jon comes to repair part of the building and he finds himself drawn to not only the building but also the magical owner of the bookstore. Jon and Leona work together to become business partners. They begin to foster a love of their own.
Each of these stories was amazing and so heartfelt. I loved the final story the best. I think that each story appeals to different types of love. But I loved the story of Leona who felt happily ever after passed her by. But rather it showed up when she least expected it.
I truly cannot recommend this book enough! It was so well written and I’m off to find if the other has written any other books!

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Power Play (Astoria Bay Thunder Book 1) by CJ Cartwright – Review by Christine Baranek

Power Play (Astoria Bay Thunder #1)Power Play by C.J. Cartwright
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Power Play
By CJ Cartwright

I LOVED this book! I read Body Checked right before I read this book (which means I read them out of order) and I have to say I loved that they followed the same timeline, I have never read a series that does this in books before. This means that many of the same events are being told but from a different perspective than in the other. In Power Play, we are still reading about events that follow the Astoria Bay Thunder, a hockey team. However, we are seeing the romance between Levi and Brynn. Brynn is a photographer who is trying to reinvent her life and make it on her own as a photographer. Levi is the captain of the Thunder and a very private person. Brynn first meets Levi when she wins a contest to go see the Thunder Play. However, when she sees Levi, she can’t believe her eyes. Levi looks like her first love, however, he has a different last name. When Levi sees Brynn he feels as if he is seeing a ghost. He left her long ago at her parents’ request and has thought about her every day since then. Maybe this is the second chance he has been hoping for. Brynn gets booked for a photo shoot with the hockey team and it involves a weekend in a cabin with the team. Perhaps, they will get their second chance after all.
I cannot say how much I was rooting for Brynn and Levi. I loved everything about the team and this series. I hope that CJ Cartwright plans to continue this storyline with the other players. It was such a warm and heartfelt story that I really cannot recommend to anyone enough.

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Body Checked (Astoria Bay Thunder Book 2) by CJ Cartwright – Review by Christine Baranek

Body Checked (Astoria Bay Thunder #2)Body Checked by C.J. Cartwright
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Body Checked
By CJ Cartwright

This book is absolutely amazing! I read it so fast and it held my attention throughout. This is the kind of romance that isn’t over the top and is very believable. I also felt that the main characters really felt believable. Truthfully, I wanted to be friends with all of them.
Tia is the main female character. She has lived a life full of mistakes when she was younger and they are coming back to haunt her. She goes on a cabin weekend with her best friend to act as her assistant on a photo shoot. She wasn’t expecting that this photoshoot was for a calendar of the men of the local hockey team. She decides to indulge herself and allow herself a weekend only fling with the man who seems to get under her skin more than anyone else ever has. Bridger is smitten with Tia and after the weekend, he wishes that their tryst will continue. Tia and Bridger end up falling for each other, however, once they do her past comes to haunt her. She feels that she will never live down her poor choices of her past. Is Bridger the man who is willing to look past her mistakes and see her for who she is today. Or will he be persuaded by her past to run for the hills?
This book is truly amazing and I cannot say enough for how much I enjoyed it. It truly is an enjoyable read and a quick one a that.

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The Prospect of Death (An Alyssa Chalmers Cozy Mystery) by Carmen Radtke – Review by Christine Baranek

The Prospect of Death (Alyssa Chalmers mysteries, #2)The Prospect of Death by Carmen Radtke
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Prospect of Death
By Carmen Radtke

Historical fiction is a genre that I have just recently began dipping my toes in the water of. However, I have to say that this book makes me wonder why I haven’t been reading this genre longer. This book follows a group of single women who have made their way on a ship to Canada. They are headed to a city of single miners who are looking for wives. They are all met with a wonderful welcome and quickly the women are getting married off. We meet Alyssa, who is different from the other women in that she isn’t looking for marriage, rather she is trying to get back to England in a day and time where a single woman cannot be on a boat alone. However, she has caught the eye of two of the men who were on the ship with her, professionals and not miners. In Canada, one of the men in the town dies and one of these girls is accused of killing her. The men are in a tizzy and are demanding her to death. Alyssa on the other hand has her misgivings about their assumption and she and the two men who love her set to clear the accused’s name. Which is a very big task given the solidarity of these men. I was amazed to read about the quick thinking Alyssa has and the attention to detail. She definitely has a calling as a detective. However, I also thoroughly enjoyed the side plot of the men vying for her heart. It illustrates to me the old adage that love finds you when you least expect it. I truly enjoyed this story and recommend it to anyone and everyone!

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Truth or Kill (Twisted Legends Collection Book 1) by A.C. Kramer – Review by Christine Baranek

Truth or Kill (Twisted Legends Collection, #2)Truth or Kill by A.C. Kramer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Truth or Kill
By AC Kramer

It is rare for me to find a book by a new author that I cannot put down. I am always trying new authors and new books, but only my tried and true authors are the ones that I can read in one sitting. However, this book defies my normal standards and I can honestly say that I could not put it down. The characters are amazing and I truly want to see more of what happens to their romance. This book focuses on a “camping trip” that Sydney is invited on. However, what is one’s typical version of camping this is far from it. While on the trip, people start dying and it is up to Sydney to figure it out. That is unless she loses her mind in the process. I do have to say that this plot is much darker than those I typically read and will provide a caution for that. But this book is amazingly well written and I plan on reading more from this author.

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The Colors of Friendship (The Colors Trilogy Book 1) by K.R. Raye – Review by Christine Baranek

The Colors of Friendship (Colors Trilogy, #1)The Colors of Friendship by K.R. Raye
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Colors of Friendship
By K.R. Raye

This book tells the story of three college students who are friends embarking on the edge of independence. As a 30 something this book really hit home on how I viewed myself and my friends in our twenties. These three friends are navigating college together and the author does a great job illustrating college life, their love lives, parties, etc. However what I believe the author does best is illustrate how relationships can change over time. It shows how, with startling accuracy, how simple it is for women (and men) to fall into an abusive, controlling relationship. It also does an excellent job showing what the friends of those in these relationships go through. I will admit, the story hit home for me in many ways. The Colors of Friendship is the first in a trilogy and I cannot wait to read the second book. Because as we all know, the decisions we make have lasting impacts on the people around us. I can only hope that the second book continues to explore these friendships and their relationships with the same level of depth that was featured in this book!

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Finding Starlight (Quimby Grove Book 1) by Shannon Nikole – Review by Christine Baranek

Finding Starlight (Quimby Grove #1)Finding Starlight by Shannon Nikole
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Finding Starlight
By Shannon Nikole

Have you ever picked up a book, fallen in love with the characters and then wished it would never end? This was me with Finding Starlight. I knew from the second I started it, I was going to enjoy this book. I am a sucker for a well written book that takes place in a small town. And I knew this book was going to deliver on that front. What I didn’t expect or anticipate was the suspenseful journey that was going to accompany this small town novel. I found myself up late finishing this book. I am absolutely thrilled with the storyline and am glad to see that it is the first in a series. I cannot wait to read the rest of the series as it comes out. This book will appeal to anyone who loves romance or suspense. I cannot recommend it enough!

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Isabella Bride of Ohio: American Mail Order Bride by Debra Parmley – Review by Christine Baranek

Isabella, Bride of Ohio (American Mail-Order Brides Series)Isabella, Bride of Ohio by Debra Parmley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Isabella: Bride of Ohio, American Mail Order Bride
By Debra Parmley

This is a very well written historical fiction novel. Isabella is a new immigrant to America from Sweden and sadness is all she knows in this new world. She arrived at Ellis Island with her parents, who were struck with an illness and had to quarantine upon their arrival. Unfortunately, they never made it off Ellis Island. She obtained work in a factory, however, it soon burned down and she was without a job. She finds a job as a housemaid when a friend brings her a mail order bride magazine, filled with notes from prospective men who are looking for brides. She begins to correspond with Mr. Jenks, a man from Ohio who promises her the life she has always dreamed of. She is promised a big house, with beautiful gardens and a white picket fence. He is saying all the right things and she is excited to travel to Ohio to meet him. He sends her the money to travel to Ohio to meet.
While on the train, Isabella is nearly abducted by men who wish to traffick her. A man she met on the train comes to her rescue. He says that he is not quite a constable, but he works with them. The chemistry she felt with him was undeniable and she cannot help but keep wishing that he had swept her of her feet and kissed her after rescuing her. She keeps finding herself daydreaming about him. However, she can’t stay focused on him long, as she has promised herself to Mr. Jenks and he is waiting for her when she gets to Ohio.
When she meets Mr. Jenks, she is overwhelmed by the urgency in his presence. He cares all about what she looks like and how she presents herself to his world. She finds herself agreeing to marry him and married all within the first week of meeting him. She feels that Mr. Jenks never heard her concerns or what she wanted. She was disappointed that she was unable to wear her mothers wedding gown as this is all she has ever dreamed off. And she was not allowed to carry her fathers Bible as it was deemed as too old looking.
Soon, Isabella feels that Mr. Jenks is changing before her eyes. He is becoming angry and quick to dismiss her. This isn’t the marriage she had dreamed of when she responded to his advertisement. She also can’t tell if she is beginning to imagine his coldness toward her. No one, not even Isabella could ever imagine what the future holds, however.
The relationship between Mr. Jenks and Isabella is the focus of this book. I have to say this book was very good. It did a great job portraying what I imagine the emotions are in being a mail order bride. It also did a really good job exploring complex relationships. I cannot express how much I enjoyed this book!

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PREMEDITATED: A Trust Betrayed, Lives Sabotaged, A Love Undaunted (Agents of Justice Book 2) by Susanna Haymond – Review by Christine Baranek

PremeditatedPremeditated by Susanna Haymond
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Premeditated: Betrayal of Trust
By Susanna Haymond

This is a page turning suspense that I really had a hard time putting down. In this story, anti-drug activists are being found overdosed or nearly overdosed on kronilian. The perpetrators are working to take down people who are not only drug activists but people who work closely with the DEA. This makes this case even more urgent.
As the agents, Grant and Josh are working hard to determine who might want to take down these anti-drug activists. They find themselves enlisting the help of a former DEA agent who now works for the FBI. When a very close friend of Grant and Josh finds themselves dosed with the kronilian and needing to be in protective custody, they find they have to ask their new partner for help. But what happens when it seems that there is a leak within the agents. Who can they trust? Will they be able to stop these perpetrators?
This book was very well written and definitely kept me guessing until the end. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys suspense novels.

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As Close to Perfect by Maria Jane – Review by Christine Baranek

As Close to PerfectAs Close to Perfect by Maria Jane
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

As Close to Perfect
By Maria Jane

This is a very quick read romance that was very relatable. The characters were also so lovable. Bree has been hurt by love many times and because of this she has created a list of rules to help her from being hurt. She is waiting on the physical aspect of relationships until she truly knows someone. She has rules about what counts for dates. But her number one rule is that she is not going to date any more jocks. That is her normal type and she has been hurt so many times that she has decided that all jocks are meant to hurt her.
Bree first meets Nate when she is picking up her take out order of Chinese food. He has ordered the same thing and he lets her take his order. The initial attraction is undeniable, but Bree has ruled out all jocks, so he is off limits.
Nate reappears at her tennis club, something new she is trying to meet men. She becomes her tennis partner and their chemistry is completely undeniable. She continues to put him in the friend zone and dates a series of men that meet her lists of qualifications. However, Nate stays in the sidelines supporting her after each failed date and just as a steady support system. Is is possible that Nate might be worth breaking her no jocks rule for? Is is possible that her type is Nate? Might she have finally met her perfect match?
This book was so very good. My only complaint is that the last few chapters seemed very rushed. I would have loved to have spent even more time with Bree and Nate and the complexities of their lives. I cannot recommend this book enough.

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Deadly Sommer (Nora Sommer Caribbean Suspense Book 1) by Nicholas Harvey – Review by Christine Baranek

Deadly Sommer (Nora Sommer #1)Deadly Sommer by Nicholas Harvey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Deadly Sommer
By Nicholas Harvey
This book is the best type of suspense. The type that is filled with believable characters and a believable storyline. The main character is Nora and she is new to the Cayman Island Constable force. She has taken this position after facing a tragedy. She is also the first to admit that she is only alive because she does not want her friends and family to feel what she is feeling right now. She also is the lucky chosen constable who is tasked with participating in a series of games to free a hostage who is being held by a mad man. This mad man is Live Streaming every single one of these games and the entire world is watching and waiting to see what will happen to Nora and this hostage. The Cayman islands are a nice peaceful place that don’t see this type of crime frequently, to say they are unsure how to handle this is an understatement. Add to this, the hostage is the daughter of a prominent American businessman. In comes the FBI to help the American citizen. What they see is that this is they type of case where no amount of experience will help. What will succeed is following their gut.
This story had the most amazing characters and was an amazing look at family and friendships. It also was a look at how people handle trauma. I’m not sure that the author set out with this to be the purpose, but it struck me that many of the characters had faced a recent trauma and were responding in very different ways. I will most definitely be reading more of the Nora Sommer Books!

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Illegal by K.J. Gillenwater – Review by Christine Baranek

IllegalIllegal by K.J. Gillenwater
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

By K. J. Gillenwater
I was absolutely unable to put down this book. It is a quick, page turner romance. Wyatt is working at the U.S. Embassy when a gorgeous woman catches his eye. She has come in in an attempt to reapply for a visa after being deported. She is helped at the window by Wyatt’s coworker. When Wyatt overhears a conversation between his coworker and an unknown caller, Wyatt knows he must help this beautiful woman.
Meanwhile, Selena has been deported from America and she is quickly discovering that everything she thought she knew about her mother and her life in America is a lie. She is the daughter of a major drug lord and head of a cartel. Her father has been looking for her for years.
Wyatt chases after Selena after hearing the phone call and from there they travel across Mexico in an attempt to escape the danger that they think is ahead of them. Meanwhile, they form an unlikely romance.
This book is one that that I really cannot recommend enough. It is filled with believable characters who are on an unbelievable adventure. I found myself rooting for Wyatt and Selena individually and for them to be together.

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The Last Cabin Girl (Detective Josie Thompson Series) by Tom Swyers – Review by Christine Baranek

The Last Cabin GirlThe Last Cabin Girl by Tom Swyers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Last Cabin Girl
By: Tom Swyers

This book is amazing. I never read books in one day, but I did with this one. I was absolutely unable to put it down. It is one of the first books that addresses the world with COVID and I have to say, if I didn’t know that part of the story was based in reality it would make for an even more chilling thriller.
Josie is the main character. She has moved to a cabin in the woods along the river along with her children. They are hiding from her husband, well her soon to be ex-husband if he will ever sign the paperwork. They are living in a cabin from her childhood. She was 12 when she saw her first body in the river. She swears it was pink. The town will never let her forget it.
Just recently Josie saw another dead body in pink in the river. She is becoming very paranoid just as rumor is spreading about a new flu-like virus that is killing people in China. Her ex is becoming increasingly threatening and violent.
Josie works as a waitress. Her usual Zumba group is the local gossip mill. That’s where she finds out her ex is dating someone fairly seriously. That is also where she first hears of the mysterious app designer. She never expects that he would come into the diner and sweep her off her feet.
Soon, her ex is missing and suspected to be dead and more bodies are turning up. Unfortunately, she becomes a main suspect which is when the real drama starts.
I truly can’t speak enough for how hooked this book had me. Everytime I thought I had figured out what was going to happen next, there would be an unsuspecting turn of events. This definitely had me on the edge of my seat. I love how the new pandemic was intertwined and how it all played into Josie’s paranoia. This book is definitely one that I recommend.

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Ancient Reflections: A Mythic Trilogy by Tamara Agha-Jaffar – Review by Christine Baranek

Ancient Reflections: A Mythic TrilogyAncient Reflections: A Mythic Trilogy by Tamara Agha-Jaffar
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ancient Reflections: A Mythic Trilogy
by Tamara Agha-Jaffar
This book looks at Greek mythology from the viewpoint of the females that experienced it first hand. As a teacher, I am very familiar with these myths and I truly think that hearing these stories from a female’s point of view was lovely. I enjoyed how the author kept the feelings that women have now in mind as she wrote. It definitely makes characters that can at times seem very unrelatable as we study Greek mythology much more relatable. I truly enjoyed reading these stories and will be remembering these viewpoints as I teach Greek mythology next time. If you aren’t a teacher but also enjoy mythology you will enjoy these stories as the characters are so relatable.

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