
A Way Out (Rock Star Book 2) by Tami Lund – Review by Michelle Austin

A Way Out (Rock Star Book 2)A Way Out by Tami Lund
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a great 5 star read and second chance romance. I really liked this couple and their story pulled me right in. Maria is finally free and when she shows up at her sisters for help she gets an unexpected surprise. Oz is surprised to see Maria at the door. As they spend time together traveling to her sister’s wedding they get to know each other better. Maria offers to help Oz. Will Oz be able to keep his feelings out of it? Overall, I really enjoyed this read. All of the characters added a great element to the story. My heart went out to Maria and all that she was struggling with and Oz has such a huge heart and what he did was so great, tugged at my heartstrings. The author does a great job with her writing and pulls you right in. If you’re looking for a great series to read, 1-click and get started today on this one. I look forward to reading more from this author.

Reviewed by @mab54615
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Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Lyndsey Fairley

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)Brutal Nights by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I wasnt sure how this one would go with how the previous book ended. (if you haven’t read Brutal Days do that first and that’s not a suggestion that’s a requirement lol)

Damon and Skylar, what a mess things have become and with being their age their feelings are strong but neither know what to do with them and then they worry about the thoughts of others around them (don’t we all at that age)

I won’t spoil anything here as this book was packed with lots of eventful things, reading them makes the story understood and it’s highly needed to make sense of it all.

Cannot wait to dive into Cruel Start! This series is one of my favorites.

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Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Melissa Saxton

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)Brutal Nights by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This kicks off right at the end of the last one with Gia discovering Damon and Skylar in a rather intimate moment.

Disregarding any crumb of friendship Gia is on the war path to make Skylars life miserable. what’s worse is she won’t let Damon protect her or retaliate as she feels she deserves the treatment she’s getting.

They concoct a plan to have a “fake” relationship so the buzz will die off but boy they both catch feelings real quick and the chemistry continues to build.

Real danger comes a calling from Skylars dad and she will be forced to come clean with her feelings and Damon may just learn how much like his brothers girlfriend Skylar really is…and may even shut down some demons he’s been carrying because of it.

Will they make it? Will Skylar stay or will her and her mom run and hide.. can Damon protect her and keep her like he’s wanted the entire time… and what of this obnoxious Gia…can her and Skylar kiss and make up?

Man I’m beyond hooked on this series!!!!

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A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler – Review by Betsy Melano

A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta, #2)A Match Made in Montana by Elsa Winckler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book in The Millers of Marietta series. I did not read the first book but had no problems figuring out the “extra” characters. This book focuses on Annie and Craig. Annie and her siblings have moved to Montana after their parents unexpectedly passed. Annie is using some of her inheritance to open a B&B. She loves to cook & feed people. In comes Craig, a marketing hotshot from Portland. Both Annie and Craig claim to not be interested in each other but it’s soon evident that they have a connection that they can’t ignore.
Overall the story moved along and the setting was well written. The main characters were easy to connect with. I will be reading the first book in the series soon so I can delve into Annie’s siblings story.

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Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Stephanie Runyon

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)Brutal Nights by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Skylar and Damon have been caught in her bed by her mother and Gia. When Skylar had gone into the living room to talk to Gia, Damon dressed and followed. Gia slapped Skylar and Damon intervened to prevent Gia from slapping her again. Skylar felt horrible that Gia wouldn’t talk to her and she was pretty sure Damon didn’t talk to her either. The following day, she went to work, Gia entered with her new friends. Gia taunted Skylar with remarks “I don’t know what he saw in you other than a cheap f*ck” :Bring me a Diet Coke, and don’t touch the straw, who knows how many diseases you might have after screwing half the guys in our class.” When Skylar exited work, her car tires were flat. Damon picked her up and took her home.

School wasn’t any better because there was a group wearing #TeamGia t-shirts. The laughing, rumors, and Gia even being so bold as to shove Skylar in the hallway made life almost unbearable for Skylar. Damon didn’t take too kindly Gia’s antics and plotted payback. However, Skylar tied his hands because she still cared about Gia. Just when things couldn’t be more stressful, Skylar noticed a strange car was appearing down the street from her house and then in the parking lot at her job. Her father was supposed to be released from prison soon. He had gone for almost killing her mother and hurting her. Only Gia knew this secret, but with the turmoil possibly ending their friendship, who could Skylar turn to.

Watching Damon change from being called Demon into someone with more compassion was entertaining. This book has all the witty remarks, justifiable revenge, and steamy scenes for that any romance novel would have. However, realistic elements of possible danger, destroyed friendship, and unpredictable twists are also included. The details are vivid and the alternating view from Damon to Skylar gives this book a full 5 stars. I recommend this series to anybody who likes relatable adult stories.

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Ladies of the Links (Ladies of the Links Book 2) by Haley Rhoades – Review by Katie Turner

Ladies of the Links #2Ladies of the Links #2 by Haley Rhoades
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ladies of the Links #2 is the second book to this series by Haley Rhoades. While I did not read book 1, it was still easy to dive into this story and enjoy the storyline between Christy and Ryan. It was obvious from the intensity of the beginning that this story would be filled of passion and regret, and it only grew stronger as the story progressed. I absolutely enjoyed it. Christy was a joy for me from the beginning as a favorite character. I loved the writing and absolutely recommend. Perhaps would be even better if reading book 1 first. But either way, definitely worth it! Writing and plot was spot on!!

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Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Juls Dick

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)Brutal Nights by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Brutal Nights is the next book in the Hidden Valley Elite series by Isla Vaughn, this book carries on from Brutal Days, which needs to be read first or it will make no sense. At the end of the last book Damon and Skylar’s relationship was discovered by her mum and best friend. This instalment follows the two characters in the aftermath of this, trying to work out what their next steps are while also navigating the complexity of high school friendships (and mean girls) while also dealing with an unwanted visitor from the past. I am really enjoying this series, looking forward to the next book already!

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A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta, #2)A Match Made in Montana by Elsa Winckler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars
A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler

A Match Made In Montana is the second book in The Millers of Marietta series and is a wonderfully written Second Chance Romance/Contemporary romance that I loved reading. I was hooked from the very beginning and had a hard time putting it down. This is a fairly new author to me but I enjoy her style of writing and attention to detail. Her characters are fully developed and relatable plus they make the story come to life. Although this the second book in this series it can be read as a standalone. Craig and Annie had a brief meet couple months back but now her sister Vivian is getting married to Craig’s cousin Aiden. Annie moved to Marietta after her wedding was called off. She wanted a freshstart so she bought and renovated a house she would turn into a B and B. Craig works for a marketing firm and is in town early to help with wedding stuff or that’s what he thought. These have some serious chemistry between them. They’ve both suffered loss of some sort can they be what the other needs? This is a sweet romance I highly recommend reading to find out what happens next. I’m looking forward to reading the next book in this series I can’t wait for Mitch and Riley’s story.

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Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Brutal Nights</a> by <a href=””>Isla Vaughn</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
I swear these books are too short! Book four in an eight part series is here and it was another good read. Damon and Skylar are still dancing around one another, but the attraction is too intense to ignore. Skylar finds out that her father, who has been in prison, is set to be released and he wants revenge. Damon, understanding what is about to happen from the experience with Riley and her mom, asks the one person he truly loathes for help. Will Damon be able to save Skylar in time? Each book in the series is good on its own, but to get a better background you should read them in order. Damon has always had to be tough and act like he didn’t care, he is your typical bad boy. I felt like he matured a lot over these last two books and we finally got to see that vulnerable side we have all been waiting for. I can’t wait to read the next installment of this seires.
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A Toast for Laurent (Vine Valley Book 1) by Theresa Paolo – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

<a href=”″ style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”A Toast for Laurent (Vine Valley, #1): A Small Town Fake Relationship Romance” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>A Toast for Laurent (Vine Valley, #1): A Small Town Fake Relationship Romance</a> by <a href=””>Theresa Paolo</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
When we are young we make promises to friends with the best intentions. Most promises aren’t too serious, or we don’t remember as time passes. Laurent and his friend Phoebe promise to get married to each other if they were both unattached at 40. Phoebe turns up after a significant amount of time to cash in on that offer. Laurent isn’t so sure he wants to make good on the promise after she left him behind without so much as a goodbye. Will they get a happily ever after? This was a good friends to lovers, second chance romance that can be read in one sitting. I have never read anything by this author before and I did enjoy her writing style. I look forward to reading more of her works in the future.
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A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler – Review by Alison Risher

A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta, #2)A Match Made in Montana by Elsa Winckler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Two sets of wounded families collide in Montana. Typical small town living assures readers of some hilariously awkward moments! The protagonists face some seemingly large obstacles to their potential happiness. One has a gaping wound in the psyche left over from childhood. Another has a more recent adult-sized hole in the heart. The author brings the loveable characters of a small town to life to witness life-altering events among the ho-hum of the everyday.

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A Way Out (Rock Star Book 2) by Tami Lund – Review by Ashley Mertz

A Way Out (Rock Star Book 2)A Way Out by Tami Lund
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Way Out by Tami Lund is available now in eBook
⭐️⭐️⭐⭐⭐ Book Review

A Way Out by Tami Lund is the second installment of the Rock Star series. Full of energetic, charismatic characters Lund wins you over in this romance novel. This is my first time reading a novel by Lund and it did not disappoint. Her story line was spot on, keeping my interest the entire way. In the very beginning I found myself trying to figure out who was who and how they all fit in, but once that was cleared up I could not put this one down. Oz was my ultimate favorite character with not only his devotion to the children but his devotion to his happiness. I will definitely get my hands on the remainder of this series and seek out other novels written by Tami Lund. I highly recommend this romance novel for a quick easy weekend pick me up.

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A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler – Review by Jasmin Marie

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta, #2)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>A Match Made in Montana</a> by <a href=””>Elsa Winckler</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>3 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
An easy-to-read, sweet story of second-chance romance. While this is the second book in the series, it isn’t necessary to read the first to understand the plot. Annie moved to Marietta after heartbreak with hopes of starting over with a B&B. Craig comes to Marietta for his cousin’s wedding and much needed rest. As the story unfolds, Annie and Craig’s chemistry builds as they figure out their feelings for each other. The characters in this book were relatable and fun.
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A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler – Review by La Toya Lewis

A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta, #2)A Match Made in Montana by Elsa Winckler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A Match Made in Montana is the second book in The Millers of Marietta series by Elsa Winckler. This was such a fun and sweet second-chance romance story. Although this book is the second book of a series, I had no trouble following the storyline. Annie Miller is a sweet and kind woman who moves to Marietta to be with her siblings and sets up a bed and breakfast after she gets her heart broken. Craig O’Sullivan is a workaholic that comes to Marietta from Portland to attend his cousin’s wedding and also gets some much-needed rest. I loved this story. Annie and Craig have great chemistry and a fun build-up. The story is written well and pretty realistic. I loved watching these two lower their guard and get to know each other. Also, lots of fun characters.

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A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler – Review by Tracy Greenhalgh

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta, #2)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>A Match Made in Montana</a> by <a href=””>Elsa Winckler</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
A really sweet small town romance, when you loose your family the town where the business you have bought steps up to be that family for you .<br /><br />When her fiance calls off the wedding by text Annie decides love is not worth it, she takes the knock back and pushes on with her bed and breakfast business, and gets set to help her sister with her wedding.<br />Craig arrives for his cousin’s wedding, and gets roped into helping Annies online marketing for her business.<br />From there we follow the pair, surrounded by family and small town gossip.<br />An enjoyable light read.<br />
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A Toast for Laurent (Vine Valley Book 1) by Theresa Paolo – Review by Gillian Fawell

A Toast for Laurent (Vine Valley, #1): A Small Town Fake Relationship RomanceA Toast for Laurent (Vine Valley, #1): A Small Town Fake Relationship Romance by Theresa Paolo
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Friends to lovers, hidden feelings, relationships of convenience, all of my favourite tropes in one book! So it goes without saying that I absolutely loved this book! Even if I did get frustrated with Phoebe at times, Laurent sounds like an absolute dream!! And so do the rest of his family who I can see a number of set ups already existing for! Highly recommended!


Reviewed by @sparkinside

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A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book #2) by Elsa Winckler – Review by Angela Hayes

A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta, #2)A Match Made in Montana by Elsa Winckler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


4 Stars


A Match Made in Montana is the second book in The Millers of Marietta series by Elsa Winckler. This is the first book that I have read by Ms. Winckler so I really wasn’t sure of what to expect from one of her stories, but now that I have read one, I will certainly be adding her other books to my TBR list.
This is a fun, small town, second chance, contemporary romance with humour, banter, emotion, family, chemistry, spice, taking a chance on love, and finding love unexpectedly.
Even though this is the second book in the series, it can be read as a standalone if you want. I hadn’t realised that it was the second book in the series when I snapped up a copy, and now that I have read it I will definitely be going back to read Book #1 before continuing with the rest of the series. It follows the Miller siblings who have moved to small town Marietta and the new beginnings that brings. The characters are wonderful, fully developed individuals with their own unique personalities, quirks and flaws- and who are quite endearing. The story itself is a sweet, heartfelt, and romantic- with just a sprinkle of drama to keep things interesting.
Annie Miller’s owns the new bed and breakfast in Marietta, Craig O’Sullivan is a marketing expert who is in town for a family wedding. But his meddling Aunt puts her matchmaking hat on which results in Craig helping Annie with a marketing plan for the B & B. They certainly have a great connection, but their lives are in different parts of the country- so a HEA is impossible. Right? But, the heart wants what the heart wants, so will they take a chance on love and the chance to forge a future together? This is well worth the read to find out.
A charming story…
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Elsa Winckler!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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A Toast for Laurent (Vine Valley Book 1) by Theresa Paolo – Review by April McCoy

A Toast for Laurent (Vine Valley, #1): A Small Town Fake Relationship RomanceA Toast for Laurent (Vine Valley, #1): A Small Town Fake Relationship Romance by Theresa Paolo
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m a huge fan of second chance romances and this one fit the bill! Such a fun read. I adored the MC’s and consumed this book in one sitting! A great read that’s easy to enjoy and hard to put down!

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Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Jessica Stone

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)Brutal Nights by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Jessica Stone

Oh man ohhhh man, I LOVE this series, I cannot get enough!!! I could rant and rave about this author and what she has done with this series and it still wouldn’t describe it.

First off, holy hell that was steamy, I thought after reading the first three books, no one could top my love for Riley and Cole, their chemistry, love story, the angsty back and forth… but man was I wrong. The chemistry between Damon and Sky is quite frankly, panty melting, this book had me in a literal chokehold. I love the direction the author went with the continuation of the series, there is still a lot of unsolved trauma seeping in for Damon from the previous books. Instead of all the drama revolving around Damon and his father, a-lot of it centered around sky and some issues with bulling from a best friend recently turned enemy. Sprinkle in a dash of family drama from sky to keep you on your feet and you have the makings of a wonderfully told story.
I cannot lie, as much as I feel like the author did them all justice I would have enjoyed more cameos from Riley and Cole or even a bit more insight as far as Phoenix and Shane go but also, I’m full of anticipation for the next couple of novels to see what lies in store for the two cousins.

I would, however, not recommend attempting to read any of the books of this series out of order, you will be thoroughly lost and sad when you realize you’ve spoiled these story’s for yourself, this author loves to leave these books as cliffhangers. But I HIGHLY recommend this series to anyone who likes enemy’s to lovers, forced proximity, alpha male, young adult type books. Grab the first one and get ready for a wild ride, because this series is fantastic.

Brutal Nights, Hidden Valley Elite Series, Isla Vaughn, Review, Itsy Bitsy Book Bits, Contemporary Romance, Romance, Jessica Stone, June 2023

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A Toast for Laurent (Vine Valley Book 1) by Theresa Paolo – Review by Christie Mitchum

A Toast for Laurent (Vine Valley, #1): A Small Town Fake Relationship RomanceA Toast for Laurent (Vine Valley, #1): A Small Town Fake Relationship Romance by Theresa Paolo
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A Toast for Laurent by Theresa Paolo is my favorite kind of second-chance romance. It pulled at my emotions but was a lot of fun with just the right amount of spice. Plus, it takes place around a winery, what wasn’t there to love????

This book had me hooked within just the first few pages. The author gave me a good, quick background on Laurent, and then boom, Phoebe entered the scene! She definitely made an impression. Even though she has been gone from his life for many years, she is still the one that got away, breaking his heart in the process.

Laurent and Phoebe were best friends at one time with the possibility of being so much more. One night the lines blurred, and she walked out the next morning taking his heart with her. Now, she needs him desperately, and she re-enters his life wanting him to keep his promise…marry her. They made a pact almost twenty years ago that if they weren’t married, they would marry each other. Laurent could never turn his back on her, and he doesn’t plan on doing that now. However, he also has to protect his heart. When he agrees to help her out, he makes one condition, she can’t fall in love with him. She thinks she can do that….right…she has had feelings for him to begin with, she just ran from them. Now, she might not be able to outrun them.

I was not prepared for the twists and turns in this book, not just the main characters, but the secondary characters. I love reading a book that has a few sub-plot points occurring simultaneously. Sometimes that doesn’t work, but it really did in this one. I adored all of Laurent’s siblings, and I even came to like Phoebe’s half-sister, Parker. I enjoyed the way in which Paolo brought both their past and their future together.

Theresa Paolo is a new author for me, but this book will definitely not be my last. I’m looking forward to other books in this particular series and discovering her others as well.

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A Way Out (Rock Star Book 2) by Tami Lund – Review by Heidi Schoolman

A Way Out (Rock Star Book 2)A Way Out by Tami Lund
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the second book in the Rock Star series and is 247 pages in length. This story follows Maria, a wealthy divorcee, and Oz, the hot guitarist. Maria heads out to be with her sister. But her sister is in out of state planning a wedding. Oz happens to be watching over the house and allows Maria to stay there. Maria has to be at the wedding and Oz kindly offers to go with her. From here, things start to get complicated!

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A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler – Review by Jennifer Gordon

A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta, #2)A Match Made in Montana by Elsa Winckler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A heartwarming contemporary romance which kept me happily turning the pages. Annie Miller moves to Marietta to set up a B&B in the picturesque Bramble Lane, following the death of her parents. Having her brother and sister near by helps Annie to heal and also to forget her ex fiancé, who left her just weeks before their wedding. Meanwhile, workaholic marketing whiz Craig O’Sullivan from Portland is on a two week vacation in Marietta to see his cousin get married. When his Aunt Janice asks him to help Annie market her B&B he didn’t expect to fall in love! However, with Craig living and working in Portland and Annie’s life being in Marietta, the couple have to decide whether their developing relationship is forever or not. The chemistry between Annie and Craig comes across in the narrative and I felt engaged with the likeable and relatable couple, hoping they would get their HEA. The setting was brought vividly to life by the descriptive narrative and the storyline had me hooked throughout. I look forward to returning to Marietta soon!

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Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Katie Matthews

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)Brutal Nights by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ok so Brutal Nights was everything I hoped it would be and more! Talk about angst in this book, it had it in bucket loads! I was fortunate enough that I didn’t have to wait after that cliff-hanger of the previous book and it was straight back into the action in Brutal Nights.
I really did feel for Sky, she definitely found herself caught up in the middle of something she really didn’t want to be in and all because she is such good friend and wanted to help Gia out on her quest for her senior year and unfortunately chemistry got in the way and thing didn’t go quite as planned!
This book was so easy to read and I honestly could not put it down, I was completely caught up in Sky and Damon’s story.
Brutal Days should be read prior to reading Brutal Nights – both stories were amazing read and I would highly recommend.

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A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler – Review by Torey Foster

A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta, #2)A Match Made in Montana by Elsa Winckler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Craig and Annie, two different people, with completely different lifestyles on different paths, but they have one thing in common, neither of them ever want to get married. This is a story of what happens when those two paths merge. What happens when opposites attract?
Annie wants to start anew and opens a bed and breakfast in a new town, but how will she get the customers to keep them afloat. Craig is all business, all the time, and he knows the ins and outs of marketing. When he comes to Marietta for a wedding, these two paths merge as they lean on each other for more than just business. Was it fate? Will these two different people fit together? Will they have a change of heart when it comes to marriage? Read it and find out.
This was a very enjoyable book. It is one that you just fall into and feel like you are a part of it all. Like the characters are your friends and you are with them through it all. I definitely recommend this book. The only reason I only gave 4 stars is because I am very stingy with 5 stars and save them for very few books that are all time favorites.

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A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler – Review by Tonya Merritt

A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta, #2)A Match Made in Montana by Elsa Winckler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m not sure if I’m just having a hormonal day or if this book has caused all my tears from happy to sad to so very happy. This book was written amazingly giving you the right amount of everything. Love, sex, tragedy, all the feelings, the best help, companionship it really has everything even some action. Definitely recommend this book to anyone who may need that sappy love story with plot.

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A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler – Review by Tausha Treadway

A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta, #2)A Match Made in Montana by Elsa Winckler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler. I have loved this series and this second installment was amazing. Its the story of Annie who has moved to Marietta Montana to open a Bed & Breakfast. She is trying to get over her fiance breaking up with her weeks before their wedding. The only problem Annie is having is getting people to book the Bed & Breakfast. When Craig comes to town to for his cousin’s wedding he just happens to be a whiz at marketing so his Aunt automatically tries to set him and Annie up. Neither Craig nor Annie are in the market for a relationship so they aren’t interested. So they just enjoy each other’s company for the 2 weeks he’s in town. When it comes time for Craig to leave they realize they might have real feelings for one another. Will Annie be able to let Craig leave without telling him how she really feels? This is such a sweet romance!

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A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler – Review by Kerry Baker

A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta, #2)A Match Made in Montana by Elsa Winckler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is a quick and easy to read romance story that focused on relatable and likeable characters. I thought Annie and Craig had such a great connection. It was sweet and entertaining watching them get to know each other and figure out their feelings for the other.
This is a new author to me and I enjoyed the pace the added to the book. It was easy to connect with and perfect or passing away a lazy afternoon. The book hit the right balance between fun and romantic, which for me also matched the characters and their personalities. This was a thoroughly enjoyable book and I am looking forward to discovering more of this author.

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A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler – Review by Bobbi Wagner

A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta, #2)A Match Made in Montana by Elsa Winckler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed reading this romance story. This is still a newer author for me which I enjoyed their writing style and how the story was brought to life with their attention to details. I found this book to be well written and hard to put down. I enjoyed how the characters pulled me into their world from the start. They are connectable, strong, supportive characters that made the story easy to read. I enjoyed watching their growth as well as their chemistry that had me coming back for more. This is a story about Craig and Annie. Annie has a B&B that Craig helps market her business. Will they find more in common than a business deal? They are great characters that add so much to the story. I really enjoyed reading this book. I highly recommend this book.

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Review by @bjwagner

A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler – Review by Tori Werkheiser

A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta, #2)A Match Made in Montana by Elsa Winckler
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

When i read the synopsis of this I was so excited to follow Annie in her journey of running her B&B in the mountains of Montana. I was a little disappointed in this book as a lot of the dialogue was corny to me and Annie seemed to say things out loud that most people would keep to themselves and I just did not enjoy that. It made me physically cringe at points. She was very open with her feelings of physical attraction to Craig but in a childish way. And her constantly calling him a hot sexy Irishman annoyed me to no end. The plot was okay and I enjoyed some of the chemistry between them but this was cheesy to me. Craig’s character was easier for me to handle and I appreciated him overall. I think I would have enjoyed this more had I read the first book because I felt confused at the connections and relationships between the other people in this book.

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A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler – Review by Jenni Bishop

A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta, #2)A Match Made in Montana by Elsa Winckler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

One small town.
One broken heart. One impulsive decision. One new start. One Marketing whiz.
A meddling Aunt. A wedding. A two-week vacation. A bed-and-breakfast.
A Match Made in Montana is the second book in The Millers of Marietta series. This series is about the Miller siblings so make sure you read the books in order as these wonderful characters cross over.
This second chance romance story fun and easy to read. This heart-warming tale is well written and is filled with mixed emotions, taking chances, laughter, family, tears, love, lots of chemistry with spicy undertones.
With just the right pace, some tension, and realistic characters that you can’t help but like it is easy to become invested.
Annie is from the big city, but the impulsive decision is the best she has made. A small town with family is just the place to heal.
Craig’s is determined to help but he sees so much more than a marketing campaign. The only problem is their lives are worlds apart.
With past hurt between them will they open themselves up and take a chance to the possibility of love.
This delightful story leaves you eager to read more of the series.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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