
A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler – Review by Julie Johnson

A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta, #2)A Match Made in Montana by Elsa Winckler
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3.5 stars for this read.

I enjoyed this story but if I hear “beading” or “throbbing” again anytime soon, I might cry. It was overdone. I found Annie to be a very likeable character and her determination to get her B&B up and going is commendable. I also found Craig to be likeable but I like Hunter even more.

This story deals with lost love situations but not all love is romantic love. The comparisons and contrasts of the relationships in story are what really drew me in and kept me reading. Choices made based on past experiences with love influence what Annie and Craig think of their futures.

Overall, an enjoyable book. I did not realize that this was part of a series. It can be read as a standalone without missing out but I am curious to know more about Ted. I’m not sure if he’s in the first book or not.

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A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler – Review by Rebeca Elliott Figueiras

A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta, #2)A Match Made in Montana by Elsa Winckler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the second book in the Millers of Marietta series. The fact that I dind’t realise until half way through the book that this was likely not the first goes to show that this can be read as a standalone. I will be going back to read the first book though. There is background that is missed but not reading the first book for example the previous couple’s story but overall, this doen’t impact the current story line as all vital information is given.

This has quickly become one of my favourite romances. It’s fun, easy to read and sweet. I enjoyed the humour from page 1, it was brilliant. Annie and Craig are perfect. I love them! They’re fun characters and relatable. Annie was my favourite by far. Her comments and actions are unintentionally funny and she reminds me of a couple of friends in that way.

The author’s writing is descriptive without being too much and simple without being patronising. It’s easy to follow and a great read for when I was feeling down.

I loved this book and look forward to discovering more from this author!

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A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta, #2)A Match Made in Montana by Elsa Winckler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Match Made in Montana is Book Two in The Millers of Marietta series. Although it is part of a series it can easily be read as a standalone. The story centers around the characters of Annie and Craig who initially attempt to deny the attraction they both felt when they first met.

Annie is getting over her fiancée calling off their wedding with only weeks to go until they were to wed. Also grieving the loss of her parents, she needs a change of scenery and moves to Marietta where she uses her inheritance to open a B&B on Bramble Lane. Unfortunately, she has yet to have many customers booking rooms and business is slow. Craig is a genius at marketing who just happens to be in town on a two-week vacation for his cousin’s wedding. His Aunt Janice decides that it would be a good idea if he used his marketing skills to help Annie bring customers to her B&B. Neither Annie nor Craig are looking for a relationship due to bad past experiences, so they choose to make the most of their two weeks together and enjoy each other’s company. When they realize they have feelings for each other can they still part ways after the two weeks is up? Or does fate have more in store for them?

This was a beautifully written story with a believable storyline, lovable characters, and a great setting. The characters of Annie and Craig were well suited for each other, and I found myself cheering them on to be together. Both Annie and Craig were carrying around baggage from their previous relationships that were preventing them from seeing themselves fall in love with anyone in the near future. Yet, when they first met months prior to Craig coming to Marietta for a vacation neither had been able to stop thinking about the other. Each tried to deny their feelings, but fate had other plans. Annie and Craig must work through their emotional baggage and try to leave their past behind. This book had love, passion, chemistry, romance, and a feel-good vibe that leaves you ready to read the next book in this series.

View all my reviews@tarab

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Kristin Boutelle

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)Brutal Nights by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Brutal Nights is the continuation of Brutal Days. I love how Brutal Nights picks up right where the previous book left off. The main character’s development does grow as the story goes on. The characters show how vulnerable they are when their walls are down. The story flows seamlessly from one character to the next.

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A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler – Review by Shelly Kittell

A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta, #2)A Match Made in Montana by Elsa Winckler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a well-written sweet and entertaining romance. The male and female protagonists were quite charming and the flirting was delightful. Aunt Janice and her matchmaking ways brought Annie and Craig together. This is book 2 of the series. It can be read as a standalone. The writing is light and positive. Though they both have some baggage, they somehow deal with it and get through it. I love how well the whole book flows and just falls into place. A nice, quick read for the romance reader.

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Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Helen Dawkins

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)Brutal Nights by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I absolutely loved this book! This is the 4th book in the Hidden Valley Elite Series, but it is a part of Damon and Skylar’s duet, so you technically don’t need to read books 1 & 2, but I recommend it as they interconnect!

The connection and energy between Damon and Skylar is off the charts. I think this second part of the duet is better than the first, but there is less of the bully aspect in part two. Skylar and Damon have just been discovered, and everyone is pissed. Especially Gia. So what will they do? Confess their attraction? Absolutely not, because why on earth would they do something like that? HAHA.

I am heads over heels for Sky. She is an AMAZING person, and friend. My heart absolutely breaks for her in every situation. She gets the short end of the stick every time it seems.
Damon grows A LOT in this book, and it is so beautiful and mesmerizing to read as it unfolds in front of you. You get to see deep into both of their minds, and in the end, they both have to ask their selves, what do they truly want? Not only do Damon and Sky have to deal with what they have done behind closed doors, Sky also is battling a horrible situation with her father, that threatens everything in Skys life.

Will their true feelings come to light? If they do, does it even matter or have things gone too far past repair? Will Damon or ANYONE be able to protect Sky from her father? How will this end? In love… or in possible death? Will Damon and Sky stand up for what they truly want, or will they let everyone else’s feelings and wants to dictate their future?

I highly recommend this book, duet, and entire series! It is a show stopper!
There is plenty of drama, spice, angst, and also pure love.

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A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler

❤️ ~ 🏞️ ~ ❤️ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ❤️ ~ 🏞️ ~ ❤️ ~
A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler
Amazon UK –
Barnes & Noble –
Apple Books –
Genre – Contemporary Romance
Page Count – 203
Cover Designer – Lee Hyat

Seeking a new beginning after the death of her parents, Annie Miller impulsively moves to Marietta and sets up a bed-and-breakfast in picturesque Bramble Lane. With her brother and sister by her side, it’s a place to heal and forget the fiancé who left her just weeks before their wedding day. Now all she really needs are some customers…

Marketing whiz Craig O’Sullivan is wedded to his work in Portland, but with the cousin he sees as a brother getting married soon, he heads to Marietta for a two-week vacation. As long as his beloved Aunt Janice doesn’t decide to play matchmaker on his behalf he’ll be fine. But when Janice sets him up to help sweet Annie Miller market her B&B, he doesn’t mind at all. There’s something about Annie that makes him want to sell her on the idea of happily ever after. With him.

Craig’s life is in Portland, Annie is bound to Marietta. Can they trust themselves and each other enough to open their hearts and let love in?


Click here to view the Book Trailer for A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler

Elsa has been reading love stories for as long as she can remember and when she ‘met’ the classic authors like Jane Austen, Elizabeth Gaskell, Henry James The Brontë sisters, etc. during her Honors studies, she was hooked for life.

She married her college boyfriend and they are fortunate to live in the picturesque little seaside village of Betty’s Bay, South Africa.

She adores writing kissing books with strong, beautiful, feisty, independent and headstrong heroines and dashing Alpha heroes who loves fiercely and protects the ones they love. Her stories typically incorporate the family background of the characters to better understand where they come from and who they are when we meet them in the story.



Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by April McCoy

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)Brutal Nights by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Isla just gives us such an incredible story every time. We are transported to a world with her words, where the emotions are Hugh, the tension could be cut with a knife, and we get sucked further and further in. This series is shaping up to be a new fave of mine. It’s so good. I could drown in angsty love and this give us that and then some!!! Cannot wait to read the others in the series!

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Hero Complex (Bluestone Series Book 3) by Isobel Reed – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Hero Complex (Bluestone Series, #3)Hero Complex by Isobel Reed
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my goodness I’m about to say take me cowboy 🤠 loving the cover ! I know I’m so easy to please 🤣❣️📚but I’m weak when it comes to cover art 😍😉

It’s soooooo good to be back in Bluestone ❣️

Ace , an injured marine needs to find peace and quiet , a place where he can heal his body , mind and soul , he rents a cabin on Ivy’s land and soon enough he’s hands on in more ways than one 😉

Ivy’s grandparents passed on and left her their ranch and while she’s no wallflower she needs more than money to run the ranch , she works hard and not a scared hair on that head of hers but we all need a little help even our darling Ivy ….

Ivy and Ace are each others healing balms and watching them together was a gift and yes I cried , hard I’m not even going to try and lie but it’s a beautiful story and worth every tear❣️📚

See you soon Bluestone , you’ve been good to my soul 😍

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Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Elizabeth Sanchez

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)Brutal Nights by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Brutal Nights picks up exactly where Brutal Days ends- so do not read it as a stand alone. Things have turned into quite a mess for Skylar and Damon. Neither was expecting things to go this way, but such is life. This book, like the others in the series, are a good mix of suspense and romance, with a bit of comedy and typical teenage drama. I did not want to put it down, and look forward to the rest of the series. The book alternates POV between Damon and Sky. I like that it continues to tie in the characters and story line from the previous books. The ending is a perfect happy ending for the characters involved, after a peak of action. Highly recommend this series to anyone who enjoys YA romance.

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Reviewed by @way2gosmartguy

Love Tools (Bluestone Series Book 1) by Isobel Reed – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Love Tools (Bluestone Series, #1)Love Tools by Isobel Reed
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my gosh I’m just loving this cover !!!! The dedication made me chuckle and think of my peeps when I’m reading because I’m forever sharing ❣️📚😉

Lilly inherits a hardware store from her estranged father , there’s an apartment above so her home is also sorted but is this English rose going to survive Montana !? 😉

“ Malbro man “ aka Jake and Lilly ( sweetheart ) get off to a rocky start but entertaining I must add but having said that I see the attraction small town living will have as opposed to city living and I’d like to quote a little bit of perfection “She wasn’t completely sure why , but she knew in her heart that Bluestone was where she needed to be “

Lilly makes friends with Sam and I just adore her I wouldn’t mind having her as my friend ❣️

Sam is Jakes’s sister so when Lilly gets invited to the weekly barbecue their paths cross again and let’s just say there are more sparks than in the fire 😉🫶🏼

I loved the people of Bluestone and Lilly and Jake kept me on my toes , we laughed and we cried and we had the most beautiful time together ❣️thank you guys for letting me part of you , see you soon 🥰

Lilly’s mom grated my nerves a bit

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Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Maria Colon

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)Brutal Nights by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

How far does a gal go to make her best friend’s supposed dream come true in high school… when it’s based on all the things, she claimed she was against prior to? And what happens when that gal happens to blur the lines because of the “it” guy?

Skylar’s world becomes nothing but chaos when the best friend learns just how far she went to help make her the “it” girl. And Damon stays along for the ride.

Through mean girls, life lessons, growing pains and growing up…Damon and Skylar evolve and then a ghost from the past appears. She grounds him as he helps her spread her wings a bit.

Of course, we have appearances from our favorite secondary characters, and I can’t wait for what’s coming next…but then I remember that this series will come to an end, and we’ve got to wonder what comes next.

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Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Maria Colon

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)Brutal Nights by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

How far does a gal go to make her best friend’s supposed dream come true in high school… when it’s based on all the things, she claimed she was against prior to? And what happens when that gal happens to blur the lines because of the “it” guy?

Skylar’s world becomes nothing but chaos when the best friend learns just how far she went to help make her the “it” girl. And Damon stays along for the ride.

Through mean girls, life lessons, growing pains and growing up…Damon and Skylar evolve and then a ghost from the past appears. She grounds him as he helps her spread her wings a bit.

Of course, we have appearances from our favorite secondary characters, and I can’t wait for what’s coming next…but then I remember that this series will come to an end, and we’ve got to wonder what comes next.

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A Toast for Laurent (Vine Valley Book 1) by Theresa Paolo – Review by Mary Espinoza

A Toast for Laurent (Vine Valley, #1): A Small Town Fake Relationship RomanceA Toast for Laurent (Vine Valley, #1): A Small Town Fake Relationship Romance by Theresa Paolo
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A Toast for Laurent is the first book in the Vine Valley series by Theresa Paolo. It is about small town second chance romance with twists, turns, friendships, romance and possible love. Of course, everyone knows that a love story needs some intrigue and drama…and Theresa Paolo didn’t disappoint in bringing that aspect into the story.
We are introduced to Laurent and Phoebe, and the story takes us back to twenty years ago when they made a promise to marry each other if they were both still single when they reached forty. Unfortunately, Laurent finds himself heartbroken after a spicy night with Phoebe, and she disappears without a word! Even though Laurent is heartbroken, life goes on and he finds himself tending to the family grapevine and doesn’t think about love, then after all those years Phoebe is back! Phoebe has the intent on seeing her and Laurent’s pact through, but what does Laurent think of the plan, especially after the pain she caused. What happens next makes for a fun read that is hard to put down! I’m a sucker for a good book with love and drama! Theresa Paolo did a good job of making sure that you knew the backstory as well as what was currently going on, I didn’t feel like details were left out, she did a great job!
This book is the first in a new series, so I will definitely be reading each new instalment as they release. Looking forward to A Thirst for Franc (Book #2).
Happy Reading!

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Mary Espinoza, June 2023

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Allyson Ware

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)Brutal Nights by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Damon and Sky’s drama continues.. you definitely need to at the very least read Brutal Days prior to reading Brutal Nights because Brutal Days ends on a cliff hanger that is continued into Brutal Nights. The drama does not cease in this novel. The love that Sky holds for her best friend (or ex-best friend) is amazing, even through the thick of the argument they are in.

I cannot recommend this series enough to anyone who is a fan of romance that has an actual plot line. These are also very short, easy reads. They take me an hour or two maximum for each novel. So you end up with a great book series that helps you reach your reading goal for the year more quickly!

Review by @aware
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Someone to Watch Over Me (Wounded Hearts Series Book 3) by Debbie Cromack – Review by Faith Jackson

Someone to Watch Over Me (Wounded Hearts, #3)Someone to Watch Over Me by Debbie Cromack
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was beautifully written as I love to delve into childhood lovers romances like this one. I love how these characters bring a balance to one another that makes your heart pitter-patter. A love as innocent as theirs makes you root for them no matter what the challenges. I’m all for stories like these and their endings. Great build-up and addition to the series!

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Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Michelle Mulvey

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)Brutal Nights by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Brutal Nights was such a good read. Brutal Days and Brutal Nights are Damon’s books. After that cliffhanger at the end of Brutal Days, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this one. Damon seemed like he was the most
Blah out of the 4 guys. After reading this,
Your going to fall
Inlove with him. I honestly didn’t think Damon had it
In him but I totally
Swooned for him.
Parts of this book reminded me so much of
Riley’s story. This definitely had a lot more going on. Gia and Sky were best friends but will they be able to remain best friends when Gia refuses to hear Sky out? Gia and her family have done a lot for Sky and her mom especially when they needed it. Will Gia be there for Sky when it really counts?
Run don’t walk….RUN and get this book today.

Review by @xchellex

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A Way Out (Rock Star Book 2) by Tami Lund – Review by Vanessa Watts

A Way Out (Rock Star Book 2)A Way Out by Tami Lund
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Having not heard of this series before and this being the first book I picked up I didn’t know if I was going to wind up lost somewhere along the way and have to go back and read the first book before finishing this one. Lucky for me these are standalone books that can be read out of order and still understood.

Maria is going through some stuff, after leaving an unhappy marriage she is like a lost soul trying to refind her path in life and with her daughter in tow. She makes the choice to head to her sister’s house for some familial love and comfort only instead of finding her sister there she finds Oz. Her sister is off planning her secret wedding Maria is supposed to be at and Maria just wants a little peace amongst her chaos. Oz, the caretaker of all things including people, offers to go to the wedding with Maria and as the two grow closer Maria decides to finance Oz’s band. Now as the chemistry builds there is just one problem Maria now becomes his boss. Can the two figure out a good balance between work and the budding chemistry between them? Or is this romance doomed before it ever gets off the ground?

I was pulled in by the characters’ story, the drama and challenges faced that really brought these characters to life for me. Now instead of having to go back and read Ms. Lund’s other books to understand this one I will do so by choice because the writing was fantastic and blew my expectations out of the water. I cannot wait to see what other books she has to offer and dive i to more of her amazing writing.

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Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Jenique Bornman

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)Brutal Nights by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This series just keeps getting better and better.
Damon and Sky’s storie continues after the major cliffhanger… and the author did not disappoint.
The angst, tension and you know what kind of tension I’m talking about…. builds to an all time high in the conclusion of their story.
It does have a HEA but first the author takes you on an intense rollercoaster ride.
These two are my absolute favorite characters in this series so far.
Amazing read with top shelf writing!!

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Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Beverly Finnie

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)Brutal Nights by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I feel like this series is a guilty pleasure series for me. I’m almost 40 and I’m sucked into the drama and everything this author is putting on the page. She puts these high school kids through the ringer. Brutal Nights is the duet to Brutal Days and I can say I read and love them both. Damon and Skylar’s story is a whirlwind. You can see the similarities between Cole and Riley’s and Damon and Skylar’s stories. However at the same time I enjoyed Damon and Sky’s story more.
Damon is damaged from his mom’s suicide. Skylar is damaged from her abusive father. Typically 2 damaged souls can be the glue to put the other back together. But when 2 people as stubborn as these 2 are fighting the attraction, How’s that possible?
Book 4 in the series and book 2 in the duet picks up right where Brutal Days left off. Full of betrayal and true colors coming to the surface. Will Sky and Damon open their eyes to see what’s right in front of them? Will they be the savior the other needs?
Time to read and find out. I hope you read Brutal Days first. If not, you must do so before jumping into Brutal Nights.

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Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Cindy Mayberry

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)Brutal Nights by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

High School is bad enough, with making and keeping friends. But when you throw a boy into the mix, things change. Friends fight, boys want more and girls are trapped between both worlds. This author has once again impressed me. High School is being brought back in this series. The story is fast paced and once you start you can’t stop til the end. The characters are spot on with their emotions as well as strong within themselves. I am really enjoying this series and look forward to reading the next book in this series.


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A Way Out (Rock Star Book 2) by Tami Lund – Review by Michelle Collier

A Way Out (Rock Star Book 2)A Way Out by Tami Lund
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the 2nd book in the Rock Star series. Marie leaves her unhappy marriage and runs to her sister. Unfortunately her sister isn’t home, but Oz is there. The chemistry between Maria and Oz off the charts. I love these 2 characters so much. They were just so well written.

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A Way Out (Rock Star Book 2) by Tami Lund – Review by Katie Matthews

A Way Out (Rock Star Book 2)A Way Out by Tami Lund
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I first read the synopsis of this book I wasn’t sure I would like, I love rockstar romance reads but it didn’t grab my attention straight away but I am SO glad I did read it – this was an amazing read and definitely one of my favourite books this year. I didn’t feel like I would like Maria but I was so wrong, she was great female lead, she had a strength that I don’t even think she believed that she had and the chemistry between her and Oz was great. I really liked Oz as well, he wasn’t what I expected at all.
Overall this was a great read, I absolutely loved it and I am definitely looking forward to reading more from this author again in the future.

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A Toast for Laurent (Vine Valley Book 1) by Theresa Paolo – Review by Katie Matthews

A Toast for Laurent (Vine Valley, #1): A Small Town Fake Relationship RomanceA Toast for Laurent (Vine Valley, #1): A Small Town Fake Relationship Romance by Theresa Paolo
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this story so much. It was a really great read. I had a thing for Laurent from the very beginning, he was such an honest and refreshing character. Phoebe was great too, I’ll admit I wasn’t too sure at first but she really did grow on me and I loved the chemistry that there was between them, it was so genuine and real. I do love a small town romance read too so this was definitely going to be a winner for me. I am so excited to read the rest of this series! Great story, wonderful characters and fantastic writing! I highly recommend this read!

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Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Rayne East

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)Brutal Nights by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Enemies to lovers
This is book 4 of the Hidden Valley Elite series and this is the conclusion of Skylar and Damon’s story. There is no holding back in this story for Damon. He goes all in. Skylar has to face some hard truths too. I loved this book and I love the whole series. The writing just draws you in. This author is a firm favourite. Bring on the next book. Highly recommend.

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Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)Brutal Nights by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars
Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) is a Enemies to Lover’s/Dark Romance that will have you turning the pages till the end. I highly recommend reading this series in order as each book plays off the last plus you get to know the characters better and whats been going on. Going in I kinda had an idea of how everything was going to play out. Some I was spot on while others no where close. Damon and Sky are both playing a deadly game when it comes to their hearts. Neither one wants to admit to the other how they really feel. Emotions run high in this conclusion to Damon and Sky’s story. Afraid I’ll give something away im going to highly recommend reading this book to find out what happens next. I’m sad this series is over because I want more but super excited about this Author’s next series.

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Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)Brutal Nights by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Brutal Nights is book four of the Hidden Valley Elite set, but it’s book two of Damon and Skylar’s story. You definitely need to read the first book to their story, but I would personally recommend reading the whole set, in order. There are people and events mentioned that you will have a better understanding of with that knowledge before hand. Book three left off with a HUGE cliffhanger and book four doesn’t make you wait long to see the consequences of that encounter. You won’t want to put these books down until you know how each one ends! I’m not at all sad to say that I have given up some sleep with the “just one more chapter” line that turned into 4am reading easily. A couple times. LOL. Skylar (aka Sky) only wanted to finish up her senior year, write for the school blog, help out her friend Gia with her senior mission, and to go off to college. When Gia’s big mission turns into an undercover blackmail, things get messy for Sky quick. How did things get so crazy so quickly?? Damon (aka D) can’t help but like Sky. She’s the only girl to ever turn him down. She sets his world on fire and makes him blind to stuff. Blackmailing Sky and fake dating Gia seems like a great idea. Where can he go wrong with that arrangement? He hates Gia though. She talks to much, her perfume bugs him, and she’s super clingy. But as things get messy for Sky he doesn’t want out of the arrangement. He could care less about Gia except that he wants Sky. Getting caught in a web of lies with Gia, Sky becomes her best friend’s enemy and with that more problems. The school is on Gia’s side and with that Sky is on the no fly list. D has to put things right with her somehow. With Sky’s present crashing around her and her past sneaking up behind her, Sky is crushed by the weight of everything. Danger is coming and she and her mom need to get out of dodge quick! But will they be to late? Will Damon ruin his whole future over two girls? Will he finally settle his own demons? Will Sky stand up for herself? Or will she crumble at her past flashing back into her life and mind? So many things happen and this book will have you on your toes thinking about what might come next! If you like new adult, romance, enemies to lovers, super tense, spicy banter back and forth, and mega drama filled books then you will love this whole set!! It is so good! I have read two sets from this author now and I love them both!! I can not wait to finish this one!! I know that there are more great reads in my future. Grab these books!! You won’t be disappointed!!

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Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book #4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Angela Hayes

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)Brutal Nights by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


4.5 Stars


Brutal Nights is the fourth book in the Hidden Valley Elite series by Isla Vaughn. It is a New Adult (High School) bully romance, with plenty of engrossing details, an enemies-to-lovers element, angst, drama, secrets, jealousy, friendship, lies, intrigue, chemistry, steam, emotion, dark games, agendas, danger, and more.
This series just gets better with each new instalment, and this conclusion to Damon and Skylar’s story had me in its grip the whole way through. So much has happened, but Ms. Vaughn doesn’t take it easy on them- and toyed with my emotions in the process.
As this is the fourth book in the series, and the second part to Skylar and Damon’s story, I highly recommend reading the rest of the series before starting on this book, or at the very least, read Book #3 so you are up to date on their little saga- and can jump into this book without feeling like you have missed something.
I am excited to see what “Cruel Start” (Book #5) will hold… Bring it on!
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Isla Vaughn!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Shea Gilkerson 6/22/23

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)Brutal Nights by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh, Gia. I spent so much of this book angry at her, regardless of her list and her high school dreams of “success”. Skylar and Damon have been discovered, and Gia is pissed. She has managed to stay popular despite Damon not being with her, and she uses her newfound popularity to be absolutely awful to Skylar.

Sky has decided the only way to right her wrongs is to stay completely away from Damon and take what Gia dishes out. Damon has no desire to stay away from Skylar at all, and approaches it the way he approaches everything. How will it end for Skylar and Damon? WILL it end, or will they continue to be drawn to one another?

Damon matures greatly in this story, and it was really a pleasure to see. The fight he puts in for things to be the way they should be has him digging deep into what he really wants.

Skylar is making herself miserable, but doesn’t want to buckle. She fights Damon as hard as ever, as he fights back. They make jabs at one another, barely restraining their attraction. This was such a good read!

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Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)Brutal Nights by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

I continue to love this series of the Hidden Valley Elite with my every being….Book 4 with the continuation of Damon and Sky’s story…I cannot help but have so much love for these two characters. Plenty of angst, drama, tension, spice and everything oh so nice. I am completely invested in this series, and I do highly recommend reading this series of books in order right from the beginning.

Damon and Sky have this love/hate relationship still stewing between them, especially when the aftermath of the downward spiral friendship between Sky and Gia comes tumbling down. Damon wants to protect Sky from the ugly lies and bullying that Sky is enduring. When Damon and Sky come together in a “fake date” relationship…..will true feelings between them come into play or will someone get hurt at the end? Will Damon be able to even protect Sky from who is coming back for her and her mother with a wicked vengeance?

Highly recommended read…..I loved this story of Damon and Sky and pick up to where what happens next. I love this author’s storytelling and I am already anticipating the next book in the series. A true must read.

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