
Toxic Blonde (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 2) by David Stever – Review by Erin Wolf

Toxic Blonde: A Johnny Delarosa Thriller (The Delarosa Series Book 2)Toxic Blonde: A Johnny Delarosa Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I give Toxic Blonde: A Johnny Delarosa Thriller (The Delarosa Series Book 2) by David Stever, 5 stars.

PI Johnny is back and this time his case involves yet another cheating spouse. But hey, there’s good money in it. Only, this isn’t so simple. His client quickly fears for her life, and then the client’s uncle comes to him and says that there’s much more than just the husband cheating. He sounds a bit paranoid, but Johnny quickly realizes that it may all be true. But who or what is behind it all? Just how far will they go?

I loved the first book and could not wait to read this second one. I was yet again blown away. The author pulls you in with action quite quickly, unlike some books who draw it out. Then there are the characters, both the returning ones and the new ones. I love Johnny and the people he works with, it’s so great to seem them all again. You get to meet quite a few new people attached to this new case too. Every one if them is interesting and you’re left with who is actually guilty — like the great Agatha Christie, you can see how each one could be a suspect.

This book harkens back to the great PI novels of old, but adds an updated approach with new technology and younger secondary characters. I love that Johnny himself as well as his partner are older, they’ve seen more and have a different take than the young detectives. In my opinion, this is not something we see enough of.

If you are a fan of the classic whodunit, but with an updated twist, I highly recommend this book and series. You do not have to read book one to follow the story, but I do suggest it since it is also so good.

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Review by @erinwolf79

Toxic Blonde (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 2) by David Stever – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Toxic Blonde: A Johnny Delarosa Thriller (The Delarosa Series Book 2)Toxic Blonde: A Johnny Delarosa Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book in this series and PI Delarosa is back. This is a story full of action, suspense and mystery even some sitting on the edge of your seat page turning. In this installment Delarosa is back on a case. He takes on a case he thinks will just be a typical case until he has to invest his two friends help in solving it. These are a great group of characters that make you feel right there with them. I highly recommend reading this book and the previous one in this series.

Review by @bjwagner
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Toxic Blonde (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 2) by David Stever

 ~  ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

Toxic Blonde (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 2) by David Stever


#noir #hardboiled #femmefatale #sexy #crime

Hosted by – Itsy Bitsy Book Bits

Genre – Mystery, Thriller, Crime

Page Count – 306 pages

Publishing Company – Cinder Path Press, LLC

Goodreads –

Infidelity pays the bills, so says a wise old private eye. But for PI Johnny Delarosa, his routine cheating spouse case turns into a tangled mess when his client, Mary Ann Bellamy, is run off the road and left for dead. Her husband, the owner of a cutting-edge aerospace technology firm, puts his career and marriage at risk by having an affair with his senior executive, the sexy, enigmatic Keira Kaine—the most brutal femme fatale to ever travel the pages of crime fiction. When a whistle blower appears, along with the FBI, Russian mobsters, and an eccentric computer hacker, the case weaves through a maze of surprises that lead to a violent and stunning climax. Delarosa, along with his assistant, Katie, and partner, Mike, must learn who he can trust before the case turns into a homicide—his own.


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David Stever is a novelist, screenwriter, and film producer. He writes the Johnny Delarosa mystery-thriller series, debuting with AUBURN RIDE, paying homage to the great detective fiction of the past. The series has been called “noir for the 21st Century.” Fans of hard-boiled, crime thriller books, complete with sexy femme fatales, will love the Delarosa series.

He is a member of the Private Eye Writers of America, the International Thriller Writers, and the Maryland Writers Association. Originally from Tyrone, Pennsylvania, he lives in Columbia, Maryland with his wife and family. Please visit  and be sure to sign the mailing list for news and updates!





Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever – Review by Lisa Helmick

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a fast paced old style mystery. It is full with top notch sleuthing. The characters are full of curiosity and smarts. There are a few main characters and many secondary characters. They made me smile and wonder what could possibly happen next. This story starts off with a bang and keeps moving until the very end. Not sure if I could be a PI…Watching DeLarosa go through the paces to try to figure out who is really behind these incidents. Some times seem very exciting but other times the sitting and waiting would be too much. I did love his insight into his trusting and no trusting of people.

This is a first time author for me. I enjoyed the trip he took me on. If you are interested in sleuthing and mob connections mixed with unknown people and a couple million dollars…pick this up.

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Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever – Review by Julie Lounello

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever is a five star novel. This book is one that you will pickup and not be able to put down. I loved the action and the thrill right from the beginning. As I picture the main character in my mind’s eye, he is one sexy private investigator. Even though he is older, he seems like he would be one that would catch my eye. The author does a great job of painting the picture of what he writes about and it almost felt like I could close my eyes and see the movie playing out in my head and that is when you really know that it is a great book. When Johnny meets his clients, they meet in a back booth in a bar. The clients all come to him through word of mouth and they are all high paying ventures. He is very secretive and feels the need to be since he is a private investigator. As you read this book, you will see into the life of what it would be like to be Johnny Delarosa.

Review by @julie-lounello
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Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever – Review by Anastasia Dodson

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ooo sooo mysterious!!! I loved this book!! I devoured this book in a few hours and it was one of this books that kept me on the edge of my seat enjoying all of the crazy things that were happening.
This book is about Johnny, who is a P.I. And was hired on a case by the gorgeous Clare. She wants him to find money that was lost 30 years ago for her mother. Many people are searching for that money so the stakes are high and some people will stop at nothing to get their hands on the long lost money. Will Johnny be able to find the money or will get get plowed down by all of the other looking for the same thing?!
I enjoyed this book the authors writing style. I am looking forward to reading more books by this author!!

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Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever – Review by Candida Hopper

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Scarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller
by David Stever

This book was a great read! It had plenty of twists and turns and kept me guessing. I love the characters in this story, they made it so much more entertaining. This is the first book I have read by this author and it will definitely not be the last. I was hooked from the start and I couldn’t put it down till I got to the end. This author sure knows how to write an awesome book. I highly recommend this book, I can’t wait to read the next one.

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Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever – Review by Madison Degraffenreid

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever


Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever was an exciting and fun thriller. I was at the edge of my seat during several parts of this novel and absolutely loved the action. Delarosa was a spunky and excellent main character. I loved his character development and that of the supporting characters. I also enjoyed the detail the author took into each setting, scenario, and background of each character. I absolutely could not put this book down. Being the first book of this series and the first novel I have read from this author, I look forward to reading more. This is going to be an amazing series.

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Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever – Review by Susan Mowdy

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I lover a good thriller and this one didn’t disappoint!

Johnny has seen it all so it seems nothing can surprise him until Claire. Claire drops some serious cash to find what happened to $2 million from 30 years ago. I love how this made me feel like I was thrust into a 1940’s black and white mystery. It literally sucked you into this time warp and the story itself was amazing. It didn’t let you up until the very end!

I’m very picky about my mysteries but David Stever is definitely an author I will constantly one-click!

Review by @listersda

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Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever – Review by Sheri Schrader

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Scarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever is the first in the Johnny Delarosa mystery series. I was intrigued by the cover because of the nod to the noir novels of the past and this did not disappoint. The story is a modern-day but still resembles the thrillers of the past. There is a drop-dead gorgeous woman who needs help, a hard-boiled detective, and various crime/mob characters. I really enjoyed the writing and how it set the scene for this book. The characters are great and I look forward to the ones who come back in the future stories. The story was fun and had some twists and turns. I felt like I was watching an old thriller. I look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

Review by @sherimichelle1

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Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever – Review by Chantelle Smith

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a read! This is the first time in a long while I have thoroughly enjoyed a Crime book entirely. David Stever is a new author for me but I can’t wait to see what else he brings! Scarlet Fever is full of suspense, action, adventure & mystery, and it will leave you wanting more.

Everything about this book was excellent! I was absolutely captivated I have been on the edge of my seat throughout the read, I couldn’t stop reading. The characters in this book were the best I’ve read in a long time, following their journey in this read really had me connect with them, they really made this book edge even further to being incredible. I found this read mentally visual, I could picture the scenery and surroundings, you will be transported into this read for the entire read and not want to put it down!

I can’t wait to see where this author takes these characters or even what else is to come from this author! Until then do not miss this read you will most definitely not be disappointed!

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Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever – Review by Karyn Taylor

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Scarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller is the first book in the Johnny Delarosa Thriller series by David Stever. It is a private detective thriller story that will keep you gripped the whole way through. This is the first time I had read any work by this author and I’ll definitely be reading more.
Johnny is a PI who works out of the pub he co-owns with his former partner in the police force, Mike. He also has the added help of new amateur sleuth Katie, who he rescues from kidnappers at the very beginning of the book.
In this book they are searching for £2 million pounds which went missing 30 years previously. This missing money is related to mob activity so therefore attracts the attention of many undesirables. As the body count rises, several attempts on Johnny’s life happen, and then the disappearance of his client, Johnny knows this is not an easy case. In fact, if his team all come out alive it’ll be a bonus.
Scarlet Fever is fast paced and full of so much intrigue and suspense, you’ll be sucked right into the story and it won’t let you go.
I really look forward to reading more books in this series as, if this first one is anything to go by, we are in for a fantastic series.

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Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever – Review by Jenni Bishop

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever is a thriller mystery that had me hook, line and sinker and had me on the edge of my seat, sometimes with my heart jumping. This is reminiscent of old detectives/PI’s but in modern times which adds to the feel of the story. The PI and friends are smooth and well-seasoned and can spot trouble a mile away except that is where this case is taking them. David’s writing sucks you into the drama and the danger and takes you on a journey that is so vivid you feel like you are on the case with them. This gripping tale will have you thinking all the way through and just when you thought you knew what was going to happen, you were thrust somewhere else.

Johnny takes on a case with nothing more than a couple of names and a huge retainer. But little does he know that this case would take him to the seedier side of life and perhaps come out with
his life, or not!

This is my first read by David and I enjoyed it so much that I look forward to more from Johnny and his buddies.

If you like good old fashioned detective stories with a modern twist then this is one book you should grab on to and enjoy the ride.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever – Review by Katie Matthews

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Crime thriller’s aren’t usually my type of read however I had seen a lot of recommendations for the story saying how good it was so I thought that I would give it a go and I am so glad I did – the story was really good! I was hooked straight away by the authors imaginative and creative writing style – it is one of those stories that you can easily imagine being made into a movie. I really liked the characters – I thought that they were well thought out and developed well over the story. There were some good twists and turns in the story too which made it very unpredictable!
This book is a definite must read for any crime fans and also for anyone looking for a little something different to read – I highly recommend it!

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Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever – Review by Kerry Carr

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was an amazing story, full of intrigue and suspense.

Johnny Delarosa is a retired police detective turned Private Detective when he retired.

Johnny was hired by Claire to find a missing 2 million dollars that her mother told her was hers.

So starts a adventure full of twists and turns as Delarosa trys to solve a 30 year old mystery. However, things are what they seem and people arent who they claim to be which makes his job even harder.

This book will have you gripped from page 1.

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Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever – Review by Maura Harper

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

SCARLET FEVER is one of those books that pulled me in from the very beginning. Each chapter is quick and to the point. I found myself visualizing the words as I was reading this story.

In addition to visualizing, I could “hear” their voices as I read. The female antagonist sounds like Kathleen Turner and the male protagonist sounds like Bob Hoskins.

The story is full of suspense and had a wonderful ebb and flow to it

I absolutely recommend this story

Review by @mauraharper

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Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever – Review by Tausha Treadway

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Scarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever. I loved this book. Its similar to the old PI novels with an old grouchy PI and a beautiful lady. This is the story of Ex Cop Johnny Delarosa who is now a Private Detective and has pretty much seen and heard it all. One day a beautiful read headed mystery woman, Claire Dixon walks into his bar and gives him $20,000 as a retainer to find 2 million dollars that was due her Mom. Only thing is the money is missing Mob Money because her mother was married to a Mob guy. When Johnny starts looking for the money lots of shady characters come out and dealing with the Mob was not in his plans. He’s got to find this money because he’s so attracted to Claire and wants to prove himself to her. Will he find the money before he loses his life and will Claire share his attraction? Read Scarlet Fever to find out!

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Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever – Review by Erica Fish

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Scarlet Fever by David Stever is the first book in the Johnny Delarosa Thriller series. David Stever writing style in this book reminded me of an old time thriller where you know what is going to happen but you still can’t believe it happened. His characters are fully developed and has a clout around their personality that he created. The story is a simple story of missing money, mafia, and a detective. Claire wants Johnny to find her the money from her mob-wife mother that was stolen. Will Johnny take the case? Will Claire get what is coming to her nor will everything go wrong? You will be waiting on the edge of your kindle to see how this one ends.

Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever – Review by Heather Lovelace

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This thriller had me reeling immediately and I couldn’t devour the pages quickly enough. This was the first book of Stever’s I have read and I thoroughly enjoyed this mystery. The characters were strong and well developed. There were plenty of twists and turns to keep me guessing. There are simply not adequate words to explain how great I found this book except to say I am downloading the next in the series as we speak. For any mystery fan, this is a must read!

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever – Review by Michelle Austin

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever was a great 5 star read.

Johnny is a PI and he meets Claire when she walks into his office and wants him to do a job for her. She is looking for 2 million that disappeared 30 years ago. He’s a little suspicious of Claire but agrees to take the job. When Johnny starts to get a little too close things start happening.

Will he get the money for Claire?

Overall this was a thrilling, action packed, edge of your seat read. I was done before I knew it.
This is my first read by David and I really enjoyed it. His writing style pulls you right in and all of the secondary characters added a great element to the story. I enjoy books that keep you guessing and this one nailed it for me. I look forward to reading more from this series. 1-click and get started today.

Reviewed by @mab54615
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Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever – Review by Liz Vrchota

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Who doesn’t love a sexy and fierce lead? Mix it with the good parts of old detective work and classic mystery movies you get the recipe for a great read. I have not had the pleasure of reading anything from David Stever prior to Scarlet Fever, but I am glad this was my first taste as I will be back for more with baited breath.

I loved how this book read like an old movie, yet it is set in present time. All the good stuff I loved watching in older crime movies was strong assets to this story. It was gripping and I had to follow along quickly to figure out how things were going to end. I was pleasantly surprised that I didn’t predict the ending quite right. Another positive with a thriller novel.

I don’t wanna spoil the details for you, think they are well worth discovering yourself. But I will say I adored Johnny and Jean Harlow. The other characters we just as fun to read! Even the ones you want to hate you have to hate to love by the end. I can’t wait to see what the next Johnny Delarosa thriller will hold.

Review by @lizaileen
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Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever – Review by Lyndsey Fairley

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever
5++ stars

I absolutely loved this book. I love a good mystery, a good suspense and this delivered on it all. I had my suspicions on who and why but it did keep me guessing until the end.
These characters were great and the writing made me feel like I was right there with Johnny.
I don’t want to say anything that will give this away but i will say, this story had me hooked from beginning to end, and I can’t wait to read more about Johnny and his jobs.

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Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever – Review by Kerry Baker

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Scarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever is an exciting and fast paced book that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
I read a lot of crime books and really enjoy the genre but this is the first book in a long time that felt like a good old fashioned crime story for you to sink your teeth into. A lot of the time now it feels like authors are trying too hard to make the story complex but with this book the author does a great job of keeping you, as the reader, engaged without making everything too complicated.
The story had a great gangster feel to it. The good guys were good and the bad guys were bad. You had that sense of what is right and what is wrong throughout the whole book. This is the type of book that you really get behind the characters and what to help solve the mystery.
This was the first book that I have read by this author and I can honestly say I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I look forward to exploring more of his work.

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Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever – Review by Sara Oxton

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Scarlet Fever by David Stever a four-star read that will set you a on fire. This is my first read by this author, but it wont be my last, I always enjoy a good crime thriller and this was good, it has a darkness that you don’t often see now, it harks back to when I used to read the noir thrillers that got me hooked on reading. Jonny Delarosa is such a good character; he is the epitome of the private investigator. Throw in the mega hot redhead and you have the fixings for a great story and David Stever puts all of those fixings together and create a great story.

Review by @saraoxo

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Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever – Review by Emily Walsh

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller
By: David Stever
My Rating: 4 of 5 stars

Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever was a thrilling mystery that had my hooked, and on the edge of my seat.

My first read from this author I was stopped in my tracks by the cover, which drew me to the synopsis, and you can say the rest is history. It didn’t take me long to get sucked into this drama, and I have to say, I was quite impressed with the writing, detail and the dark grittiness, that almost takes you back to those old PI books from your parents closet. I will say there was some predictability to it, but in all it was a well crafted read, that keep me hooked and engaged.

Overall this book is worth your time and energy. The characters are smooth, cool and alluring. The setting is dangerous but a little sexy, and the tone matches the plot and setting perfectly. The side and supporting characters rounded out the story, and made it realistic and entertaining. The mystery was fun and full of danger, it kept me guessing and wondering if our MC will bight it. A little nail biting action, and the fear that maybe this author might actually do it, will keep you flipping the pages.

To end this book gets my super high recommendation and my stamp of approval.

Happy Reading

-Review by @eawalsh

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Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever – Review by Kaitlynn Taylor

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Scarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever


Scarlet Fever was my first book by David Stever, but it certainly won’t be my last. I thoroughly enjoyed this Johnny Delarosa thriller from start to finish! Right from the beginning I was hooked, the storyline was so detailed, incredibly intriguing and the best part it was always unpredictable! I was kept on my toes the whole way through, sitting on the edge of my seat wondering how everything was going to play out! Honestly, I loved every second of this book and I look forward to reading more from this author in the future!

I would absolutely recommend Scarlet Fever to anyone looking for their next thriller read!

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Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever – Review by Debi Kircher

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever

5 ++++++++++ STARS

I sincerely don’t have time to write this review because I have to go one click the next in this series like 10 minutes ago. I don’t even have words to describe how much I loved this book …I can honestly say though that it is my favorite book in this genre to date!!!!!

I loved every single thing about this story, the characters who I got so invested in that I feel like I know them, the surroundings..I have those all pictured in my mind right down to the feel of the material on the booth seats, I can even see the position of the garage in the alley where the Z4 and the Buick are parked. It was like I closed my eyes while reading and was watching this play out as a movie.

When I’ve said in the past I couldn’t put a book down I truly always mean it…but this one I not only couldn’t put it down I could not even move outside of this book. This author has an amazing talent in putting all of his words together and totally hijacking his readers, or at least thats what happened to me.

I absolutely can not wait to see what comes next for Johnny, Mike, and Katie.

Amazingly Awesome Story…Read it, You will not be sorry I promise!

Review by @debikircher

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Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) By David Stever – Review by Laura Furuta

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1)
By: David Stever
5 out of 5 stars

The story Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever is a thrilling mystery book that is amazing to read. It pulls you in from the very beginning and didn’t let me go until I had finished the final page. I loved reading about the character of Johnny Delarosa. He is a private investigator who is a retired officer, intelligent, resourceful, and has a reputation of putting his clients first. He is determined to investigate and solve a case that is presented to him by Claire Dixon. Even though he seems to feel that there is something off, with the help of a bright young amateur sleuth, he is determined to push forward. This starts events that keep the PI guessing as to the truth and trying to stay one step ahead. How much danger are Johnny and his young amateur sleuth in? Will he find out the whole truth behind the case he is investigating? Read this book to find out. This story has times when I was turning pages wondering what was going to happen next. It is a story that kept me on the edge of my seat. There is an impressive cast of additional characters that come alive on the page just as Johnny does. I felt like I was right there with him and found myself lost in the book. The story does a wonderful job in making you feel like your reading an older detective series genre. It is a book that will keep you on your toes and guessing. Highly recommended.

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Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Scarlet Fever: A Crime ThrillerScarlet Fever: A Crime Thriller by David Stever
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A story full of action, suspense and mystery. This story had me sitting on the edge of my seat through most of it, a page turner for sure. The characters are strong, relatable and make the story pop and feel real for me. P.I. Johnny is hired to find a long lost fortune. His search takes him on a journey that he won’t soon forget as he takes on an intern that may or may not be helpful. I highly recommend reading this book to find out if Johnny is on a wild goose chase or if the money is real.

Review by @bjwagner
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Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever

Scarlet Fever (A Johnny Delarosa Thriller Book 1) by David Stever
Genre – Mystery / Thriller / Crime
Page Count – 213 pages
Publishing Company – TCK Publishing
Private investigator Johnny Delarosa’s seen it all. Cheating spouses, greedy embezzlers, insurance scammers—it’s all part of the game to him. But when a drop-dead gorgeous redheaded mystery woman walks into his bar and drops a $20,000 retainer in his lap, he knows he’s met his match.
Claire Dixon wants the hard-drinking Johnny to find $2 million that was stolen from her mob-wife mother thirty years ago, but the money is only half the mystery. When every lowlife in Port City suddenly comes out of the woodwork to claim their share of the take, suddenly Claire’s nowhere to be found—and the body count starts to climb.
With the help of a bright young amateur sleuth, can Johnny crack the case before the streets of his beloved Port City run scarlet?
With a wink and a nod to the hard-boiled detective fiction of yesteryear, David Stever offers up a heaping helping of old-school noir sure to satisfy every thriller lover, even genre purists. Scarlet Fever is the first book in the Johnny Delarosa Mysteries.


David Stever is a novelist, screenwriter, and film producer. He writes the Johnny Delarosa mystery-thriller series, debuting with SCARLET FEVER, paying homage to the great detective fiction of the past. The series has been called “noir for the 21st Century.” Fans of hard-boiled, crime thriller books, complete with sexy femme fatales, will love the Delarosa series.

His short story, WICKED WIND, appeared in the June 2015 issue of HEATER. He produced the feature film, COFFIN, (2011), starring Kevin Sorbo (Hercules) and Bruce Davison (X-Men). He is a member of the Private Eye Writers of America, the International Thriller Writers, and the Maryland Writers Association. Originally from Tyrone, Pennsylvania, he lives in Columbia, Maryland with his wife and family.


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