
Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Kimberly Wilkinson

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a very great read. This would be my first book i have read from this author. This is a story written about love and revenge. Just how far is someone willing to go to get revenge? This is a book you wouldn’t want to miss. Not to long of a story it can be read in one sitting. A story that is engaging and fast paced. This book had me turning pages till I was at the very end of it. It had a great story line and gret characters,, how will it end? Well you have to come read it to find out!

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Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Rebeca Elliott Figueiras

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Before reading this, I would advise checking the trigger warnings: unhealthy relationship spiral, physical domestic violence, adultery and ‘unaliving’. Please note that the story does not appear to encourage such things, but portrays them as part of the characters’ lives.
The revenge aspect of this very short novella is what drew me to it as I love psychology. Even though the story is very short, the thoughts and emotions leading to the actions of each character is described well and I was not expecting the ending (the final chapter), I enjoyed the surprise twist.
It’s a very fast-paced novella, full of suspense and a little fantasy of only 20 pages. I think that being able to put as much emotion and action into such a short story is quite the talent, especially when done so well! It kept me engaged and wishing it were longer. I didn’t feel as though the story was being rushed or that things were being added just for the sake of it, which was a nice change from other novellas I have read recently.
I would have loved this to have been longer as a full novel so that it didn’t end so quickly, but I am still very impressed with it at the length that it is.
I would recommend if you wanted a quick and interesting read, but please do read the content warnings first!

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Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Michelle Troyer

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a very quick read about jealousy, love and revenge. It’s dark, romance and adultery.

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Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Dahnielle Hibbert

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This one is a very short read. I do
believe there is room to make it a full story. When I say short I mean 7-10 minutes depending on how quickly you read. The characters could become characters the reader would come to care about. Anyhow considering the length and the characters and story as they are I would say it was both entertaining and disappointing. I wanted more backstory, more twists and turns, more character interaction and more story.

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Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Stephanie Nicole

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

While this is the first book that I have read from this author it will definitely not be my last. The dark paranormal novella was definitely one of the more interesting books that I have read this year. While it is a short novella it definitely packs the punch of a full novel. The mystery and suspense grip the reader from the very beginning and take them on a wild ride. Overall this book had so many things that made it great that I couldn’t possibly list them all but I will definitely be looking for more from this author.

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Glass Houses by Sinister Stynx-Review by Amanda Kimble

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Glass Houses by Sinister Styx

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. Glass Houses is a fun read. If you like dark paranormal then this is for you. The author knows how to write the words.

Ivy thinks her husband is cheating on her, but that isn’t the case. Well it’s not for long. She finds that her husband has mistreated her in front of everyone. The quote I chose for Ivy is: “Why can’t we get it right, Falcon?”

Falcon once again keeps hurting his wife. He doesn’t like that she thinks that he’s cheating, but he does it just to spite her. The quote I chose for Falcon is: “I know. I hate hurting you, too.”

Highly recommended for Dark Paranormal lovers.

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The Final Bite by Naomi Valkyrie-Review by Amanda Kimble

The Final BiteThe Final Bite by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

The Final Bite by Naomi Valkyrie

This isn’t the first book I’ve read by the author. The Final Bite is a short little read and won’t take much time out of the day. I enjoyed the read and if you don’t like male and male then this isn’t for you.

Quinn is back from the dead. He’s got three days to find a mate or it’s back to the dead for him. He is stuck in this small town where everyone knows everyone. When he follows a male who gets beat by a couple of wolves and saves him. The quote I chose for Quinn is: “Maybe we can get your mom and dad to babysit this weekend. I’ll take you to a nice place with room service, a luxurious bed, and a hot tub.”

Garrett is trying to find out what the alpha wants with his mom. He wants to find out what happened to his dad as well. When he finds out that he’s made a mate to Quinn he’s upset. The quote I chose for Garrett is: “Raincheck. It seems grandpa has come to visit.”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Romance lovers.

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Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Ashley Hasting

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is only 20 pages, but OH MY GOSH do you wish it was so much more because it can be. It’s such a dark story, but so good. It has a lesson in there, and I’ll let you read it to see what it is. Ivy and Falcon have a troubled relationship, but for a certain reason. It always leads to a bad place.

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Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Sara Grantham

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A tragic, but fast read that kept me hooked! Broken people, broken relationships, lots of drama, and a bit of magic. So much in one novella! I highly enjoyed this book by Sinister Styx and look forward to more.

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Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Mercedes Jones

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

It doesn’t take much to shatter glass. Ivy is married to her husband of two years, Falcon. They both love each other very much. Throwing lavish parties together is something they normally enjoy, but Ivy is suspicious of her husband seeing someone else and this party does not go the way it normally does. Falcon has taken things too far, and their lives will never be the same.
This was a quick read but such an interesting story. I would love to read another book from this author.

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Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Beverly Finnie

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Well definitely not what I expected. Glasshouses is a short story of deceit, denial, revenge, and murder. A continuous cycle that just keeps repeating itself. What the author wrote easily got that point across even though it was a short story. So much happened in the few pages this story took.
Ivy and Falcon accuse the other of being unfaithful. Falcon, so hurt by this, decides he will make the accusations accurate. In front of everyone they know, he humiliates her by dominating someone else.
The story itself was well written, it just wasn’t for me. Doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy it. It won’t take much time so give it a try.

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Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Candida Hopper

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a short quick read that packed quite a punch. I definitely felt an array of emotions while reading this story. This was a dark, twisted and unique story that puts the pieces together at the end. I wish this story was longer because I enjoyed it and didn’t want it to end. I look forward to reading more from this author.

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Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Glass Houses” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Glass Houses</a> by <a href=””>Sinister Styx</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
A fast paced novella that will have you turning the pages to see what happens next. These lovers are doomed to repeat their tragic end in every life that they live. How far would someone be willing to go for revenge? When I first looked to see how many pages/chapters were in this I thought I had read it wrong. I don’t feel like anything was missed in the telling of why these incidents happened and the author did a great job in that aspect. At the end I found myself wishing there were more pages to read though!
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Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Rosanna Ingram

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a quick read that has suspense, revenge, and a bit of magic.

Ivy believes that her husband is cheating on her…and that’s the crack that begins to shatter their relationship. What follows is acts of revenge that eventually lead to murder. However, that doesn’t seem to be the end…instead, it seems as though it is the beginning…again.

I read this story in less than 10 minutes. I was confused as to the extremes these two were going to in the name of revenge…but it became apparent at the end. After I finished, the whole story made sense. Overall, it was a good story that I enjoyed reading.

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Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

This is a short story read but boy oh boy……it packed a mind blowing punch. I want more!!

You meet Ivy and her husband, Falcon. They love each other tremendously…but there is doubt in the back of her mind from Ivy. Falcon and Ivy both have their own “spies” so to speak…..and this ends up being a heartbreaking story but also filled with doubt, distrust and jealousy….blended with a curse.

This story was amazing and the story line flowed so easily….and turning to the last page…Ahhh!!!! This was such a great read and I am looking forward to more from this author for sure!

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Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Angela Renee Diaz

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Real fast paced and short story. A man being accused of cheating. Ends up showing his wife how vicious he could be and regrets it. Turns out there curse and it keeps repeating. You can make mistakes even though your in love.

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Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Gabrielle

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a short story about being careful about what you do in life. It will have you thinking hard about your decisions and how they can affect your future. Ivy and Falcon are a loving couple until one day they are not. Distrust leads to anger which leads to pain. The couple made and makes mistakes and in the end, we find out how one wrong choice can change everything. This paranormal story is fast paced thriller that grabs your attention.

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Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Jenique Bornman

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a great short, powerful Novella. Really hits you with the feels right from the start.
The characters are great but I feel there could have been a little more character development that would definitely make this a 5 star read.

The storyline is great and there is really a lot of potential to make this a great Novella series that might be latter put into a box set. Just an idea

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Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Vanessa Estrada

Glass Houses by Sinister Styx
Glass Houses
by Sinister Styx (Goodreads Author)
Very good short story. It’s seriously very short. You will finish it in less than 10 minutes. Everything happens very quickly and it’s a bit confusing but I’m sure that’s the point, the reader is confused until the last page.


Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Erin Vosters

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This short story was very well written!

Ivy and Falcon have a certain lifestyle that is not normal, at least for me. Little do they know that there is something else in the mix.

I found this story to be very good and it definitely made me sit back and say “huh”.

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Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by April McCoy

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This short story was interesting to me… I felt like I was missing something, I didn’t realize it was just a short story and I couldn’t believe how intense it was. I loved the ending. Honestly, I think it could use a little work, by this I mean, with a little work this could be a full blown insanely good novel! But for a short story it was still pretty good.

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Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Ayla Phipps

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I honestly was not sure what to expect with this book. This being the first thing, I have read by Sinister Styx I went in with an open mind after reading the warnings. The story is about a married couple Ivy and Falcon, knowing they love each other Ivy suddenly starts feeling uneasy in their marriage. Surprisingly the couple shows a great deal of love for each other knowing they belong together but with the twist of a long-standing curse they can never truly be happy. The book is told from both Ivy and Falcon’s perspective, both showing and feeling their love to the other. Planning in his drunken rage after being accused of being unfaithful by Ivy, Falcon sticks to his plan only to later be filled with guilt and shame wishing he could take it back. Ivy shattered and filled with devastation and betrayal is tricked by an unlikely person later turned against her she wishes to remove him from the world. She knows that he is the person that twisted the doubt in her marriage and knows it can only be repaired with him gone. Finishing the book in a very short time I was let feeling stunned and heartbroken for Ivy and Falcon. All they want is to love each other but they know something is wrong because they always end up hurting each other and, in the void, once again seeing their memories flash before them. I look forward to reading more of the authors work for something so short they pull you in and hook you in the twisted worlds they create caring for the broken characters.

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Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Michelle Marlow

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Glass Houses is a quick little spooky novella. It is a quick read, able to be read within an hour. We are met with the main couple who you can immediately tell are having marital issues. It is slightly confusing and did take me a second to put all the points together. But once you do your mind will go “OH MY GOODNESS”. This was a well put together story and if you’re looking for something quick and spooky, look no further.
Review by @michellerenee6590

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Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Rayne East

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Captivating and twisted short story
This little tale is as twisted as it is dark. It is written so well that it reads like a full length story with just the right balance of detail and imagery. A love cracked by suspicion and shattered by revenge leads to an intense read. So much is put within the pages – mistrust, volatile relationships, deceit and even some paranormal aspects makes this a must read.

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Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Trista Priest

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was a very fast paced. well written novella. The author definitely left me wanting more about Falcon and Ivy’s story. The book is dark, twisted, and features jealous lovers. Check trigger warnings.

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Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Felicia Bates

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Glass Houses took mere minutes to devour but it left a long lasting impression. I was blown away by this short story and am having trouble articulating my thoughts and feelings without any spoilers. Providing you’ve read and taken the trigger warning accompanying this story into serious consideration, I would highly recommend this fast paced read. This is an author I would love to read again and would be curious to see what kind of impression a full length story would leave.

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Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was an intense read from the first page right up until the last page. Our characters, Ivy, and Falcon are perfectly matched for each other and seemingly have the perfect relationship. Then Falcon suspects that Ivy has betrayed him by cheating on him, so he decides to hurt her in the worst possible way and exacts revenge. This was a short read, but it was packed full of drama that escalates very quickly. A story of love, lust, anger, betrayal, deception, jealousy, and revenge.

Warning that this is an 18+ book due to the explicit sexual scenes and domestic violence.

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Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Barbara Bohls

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is a very quick read. It is very well written. It also tackles things that are of heavy circumstances. It hooks you at the very beginning and keeps you attached to the book throughout the whole story. It takes you on a journey of jealousy too revenge. It won’t disappoint if you are looking for something quick that can pack a punch.

Reviewed by: @bbohls
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Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Kimberly Filer

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

New to me author who write a great short story. If you’re looking for dark and twisted this is your go to book. It gets to the point quickly and keeps you hooked till the end. This author keeps you wanting more and I can’t wait to see what else comes next.

Glass Houses by Sinister Styx – Review by Ashley Johnson

Glass HousesGlass Houses by Sinister Styx
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was short and definitely not sweet! Very dark and twisted story and that ending!!! Will read more from this author!

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