
Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Shannen Kern

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was the first book I had read by this author, and it was an amazing start! It’s a historical romance but with a healthy dose of mystery involved as well as some ghostly encounters. I feel like I’m pretty good with predicting where a book is heading, but this is one that kept me on my toes the entire way through! Just when I thought I had it figured out, it snapped me a different way. I loved it! The romance has some steam to it but doesn’t rely on it for the base of the plot. The chemistry between Tess and Trey is out of this world! The scenes were described with such craft that you feel like you’re experiencing the story firsthand. I highly recommend picking this up if you’re looking for a fast-paced read with a dual timeline, this should be your next book without a doubt!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Divine Vintage (Divine Vintage Series) by Sandra L. Young – Review by Brandy Rymer

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young was a hauntingly beautiful romance with vintage clothing as the cause of a great read. I adore the detailed descriptions of the stunning period pieces of clothing that the author describes throughout this story. What a great concept to build a series around, vintage clothing and an inept sense of experiencing the woes of those who have passed. This was a great read from the very beginning of the story when we meet Tess and Marcy, who run a vintage clothing store that Tess has just recently opened. The characters are so entrancing and have such a wonderful connection with their spiritual side that they embrace so deeply. You feel as if you are right there experiencing the events as they are happening to Tess whenever she gets dragged into experiencing the lives of those who have worn the vintage clothing. It is such a great new concept that is not only intriguing as you follow along with the mystery of the ghost’s past but also so captivating as you watch Tess and Trey navigate their magnetic pull to one another. This is a great new series that includes a haunting tale of mystery with a great budding romance.
@Brandy Rymer

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Megan Conley

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Divine Vintage is the intertwined love story of Tess and Trey and Edward and Phoebe. Tess and Trey meet when Trey and his grandmother, Esther, come into Tess’s newly opened vintage clothing store. It’s a whirlwind from there when a literally spark between Tess and Trey ignites a shocking revelation in Trey’s family’s murder-suicide of Phoebe and Edward. Young’s ability to seamlessly go between the storylines of the characters is flawless and amazing. I loved how she is able to rope the reader in from the beginning and keep the reader on the edge of their seat until the very end. This story has it all…intrigue, paranormal, love, suspicion, romance, and mystery all wrapped up in a neat little package. I can’t wait to see what awaits the other characters in the upcoming books in the series.
Reviewed by @meggs1717

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Carrie Cross

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“Divine Vintage” by Sandra L. Young is a beautifully written book that brilliantly mixes the elements of spirituality, drama, and romance. The author’s skillful storytelling, combined with her knowledge of wine-making, creates a unique and captivating story that leaves readers mesmerized.
One of the essential themes of the book is the exploration of personal growth and transformation. The author subtly portrays the importance of self-reflection, self-awareness, and pursuing one’s passion. This theme makes the story relatable and inspiring, making it a must-read for anyone who has felt stuck in their life.
Overall, “Divine Vintage” is a beautifully written, captivating, and inspiring book that will delight readers with its excellent storytelling and meaningful themes. It is an exceptional book that must be on the shelves of all book-lovers.

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Divine Vintage (Divine Vintage Series) by Sandra L. Young – Review by Candice Estes

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When Tess Burton moves to Michigan City and opens her own vintage clothing store, she can’t possibly foresee the changes that are headed her way. On her first day of business, an elderly woman, Esther DeLeon, and her nephew, Trey Dunmore, walk into her store, to inform her of a fashion show featuring clothing from the early 20th century at Esther and Trey’s family home, Carver House. Tess agrees to model, but does not expect to be swept up into a mystery that nobody knew existed. The story had always been that Edward Carver had killed his young bride, Phoebe, on their wedding night, and then himself. However, Tess discovers, through flashes of history brought to her by touching belongs of Phoebe’s including the gown that she is to wear for the fashion show, as well as from Phoebe’s diary, that the story that had always been accepted, may not be accurate. When Trey begins to have similar visions, though he is not open to them at first, the pair must try to sort out the mystery as well as their own feelings for each other and rather or not they are being influenced by the feelings of the deceased couple. This is an excellent book, with great characters and world building. This is both a mystery and a guaranteed happily ever after with ghosts and supernatural elements to keep you guessing.

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Divinely Dramatic (Divine Vintage Series) by Sandra L. Young

☆•°•☆•°•☆ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ☆•°•☆•°•☆
Divinely Dramatic (Divine Vintage Series) by Sandra L. Young
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Ghost Romance
Page Count – 310
Cover Designer – Diana Carlile
Vintage fashionista Marcy Alexander reluctantly agrees to costume a community theater play and ends up with more drama than one girl can handle. While revitalizing her squelched artistic desires, she must harness her aura-reading ability to untangle a ghostly mystery from 1966.
After losing a bet with his prankster buddies, director Mike Figueroa’s main goal is to bring off the best show possible. The artsy, fill-in costumer provides more hindrance than help as he’s both drawn to and annoyed by her.
Dogged by a persistent ghost, and an ailing mom who urges her to finally pursue her dream career, Marcy needs to solve the mystery from the past before she can figure out the riddles of her own heart.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Divinely Dramatic (Divine Vintage Series) by Sandra L. Young

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Divinely Dramatic (Divine Vintage Series) by Sandra L. Young

Sandra L. Young’s appreciation for vintage clothing inspired her to write a series of three cross-genre novels, heavy on the romance, historical mystery, and ghostly sizzle. Her debut, Divine Vintage, published in 2022, followed by Divinely Dramatic. She’s had a blast wearing pieces from her extensive vintage collection for signings, podcasts, and other presentations. For readers outside Northwest Indiana, she’d be happy to zoom in for book clubs. Just reach out through her web site at And for the multitude of readers who have left reviews, she extends heartfelt thanks. The kind words inspire her to keep sharing her quirky genre-mix novels. Stay tuned for Justine’s story, The Ghostly Diva, to wrap the trilogy!



Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Jayme Raffauf

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this book. There was an instant connection to the characters of Tess and Trey and I was pulled right into their story, their sizzling connection, and of course, their tie to the century-old family story of Phoebe and Edward. This was a quick read and just so enjoyable. I loved the way the different characters channeled the older family members involved in the mysterious happenings 100 years earlier. The paranormal component of the story just added to the fun and romance of it all. Great read.

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Amanda Williams

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a solid four stars for me. My first read by this author but definitely not my last. Descriptive world building that took me to the time they were talking about. I enjoyed the romance and the characters were likeable. I also enjoyed the mystery aspect to this book.

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Shannon Fowler

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a sweet paranormal mystery. Main characters Tess and Trey are cute, flirtatious, easy going and very likable characters. Even the secondary characters of Marcy, Aunt Ester and Jake seem to have their own stories to tell and I would definitely love to read them. Even if you don’t believe in the afterlife or supernatural beings, this is a fun cute story to read. It is also an easy-to-read story. I love the way Jake is brought into Tess and Trey’s lives. I love how Tess and Trey are brought into each other’s lives. Definitely recommend this author and story.

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Reviewed by @shannonlovesbooks

Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Stephanie nicole

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was an incredibly interesting and detailed read. This story has everything that you could possibly ask for including wonderful characters in Tess and Trey, romance, vivid descriptions, and of course an old murder mystery that needs solved. This story was the perfect mix of old and new, the plot was original, the characters play perfectly off of each other, and the details are beautiful. So if your looking for a great new story to read this week then make sure you pick this one up today.

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Karen Pearman

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a new author to me so I wasn’t sure what I would be getting but it turned out to be an enjoyable ghost story. She turned out to have quite a niche for describing the characters and the turn of events going on around them. About halfway through this book I was immersed in the story and couldn’t put this book down. Her detail of the vintage clothing and the city of Paris was spot on perfect. I loved the take on solving the past mystery as I truly wasn’t expecting what she gave me. I would highly recommend this book to anyone that loves mystery, paranormal and old school glamour.

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Ashleyann Sanabria

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I wasn’t sure about this book, as it seemed like it would be largely historical, which isn’t usually my preference. I am so glad I picked it up despite my initial hesitation! The book ties together a historical plot with romance, and paranormal aspects, while taking place in the present day. The story had me on the edge of my seat for most of it. The mystery was well thought out and keeps you guessing. The romance was full of tension and passion. The book keeps you guessing form the beginning. If you enjoy reading about an old mystery, a romance transcending time, contact with the paranormal, and a new budding romance all at the same time, absolutely pick this title up!

Reviewed by @asanabr1

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Christie Mitchum

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Divine Vintage is a delightful and different sort of read! Sandra Young has woven a tale of mystery, a bit of the paranormal, and romance that will keep you reading way into the night.

Tessa has used her inheritance from her grandmother to finally realize a long-held dream of opening a clothing boutique that specializes in all things vintage. On her opening day, she crosses paths with Trey Dunmore whose family has a long and somewhat scandalous past that includes a murder suicide. She somehow gets drawn into modeling a gown from the murdered woman’s, Phoebe, trousseau, and she soon sees visions that call into question of who really murdered her. Maybe it wasn’t her newlywed husband after all. This is the beginning of a mystery that just might end with Tessa’s own HEA.

What makes a great read for me are several things….a good plotline, a good pace, and great characters. This was a great combination of all three! The plotline was quite enjoyable! The mystery mixed with the paranormal not only thickened the plot but made the story click along at a great pace!

All the characters helped connect me to the story as well. Speaking of the main characters of Tessa and Trey, they were very likable. I was amazed at Tessa’s ability to connect with the items that induced her visions. It wasn’t just on the physical level but also at the emotional level. She helped connect the two storylines….hers and Phoebe’s. Tessa was a free spirit, much like Phoebe. She very rarely questions her ability. Trey, on the other hand, is pretty skeptical and at times questions his feelings for Tessa. Oh yes, there is that magnetic pull between them. However, he wonders if it is because of their shared visions or are the feelings genuine? Thankfully, Trey doesn’t let me down. Despite his reservations, he really is a great support to Tessa and is a great leading man.

The secondary characters of Esther, Jake, Phoebe, Edward, Nick, Stephen, and Victor really are characters in their own rite, and really do add depth to the story. Young also adds a side plotline of homelessness that does indeed connect everything.

If you like historical fiction, you will also enjoy Divine Vintage. The author really does transport you back to the turn of the 20th century, I could clearly see myself in the gilded ballrooms and glamor. This is a great pick if you like mystery, paranormal, romance, and historical fiction!

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Skylar Daniels

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the author’s debut book, and she came in with a bang. This book is well written with a wonderful storyline that pulls you in and with engaging characters, I did not want to put the book down. This book is historic, romantic with mystery that are all in one. I highly recommend this book. You will not be disappointed. I look forward to the author’s future books.

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Keri Leach

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I adored how this book ties history into romance into mystery! It kept me on the edge of my seat and the more I read the more I couldn’t put it down! True love brings together Tess and Trey, and in turn they begin to uncover a mystery from the past. The perfect writing of Sandra Young allows the reader to feel as if they are living the story, whether it be past or present day, and this is what lures me in. For this to be this author’s debut novel, I can’t wait to see if this book has a sequel!

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Jo Frizzell

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story was fabulous! I loved meeting the characters and getting to know them! I wanted to visit the town and see her shop. Watching the relationships build warmed my heart. I’m a sucker for stories with successful relationships and this is such a sweet story. The suspense and mystery just made it even better. It’s a great read, especially if you like romance and mystery.

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Santana Hicks

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Tess loves vintage clothing, so much so that she spent most of her savings to open up a vintage clothing store in a small town. One day, a woman by the name of Esther, comes into the store and invites Tess to model some of her relatives vintage clothing. Once Tess was wearing the gown, she was flung back into time VIA a vision of the previous owner, Phoebe. The tale is said that the husband killed his wife and then himself. Tess feels as if there is more to the story.

Trey, who is a relative of Edward (Phoebe’s husband), is skeptical of the whole thing. After some convincing he joins Tess on her mission to clear his relatives name. As more visions surface, more suspects surface as well.

Tess and Trey spend more and more time together and as time goes on, they start to develop feelings but with everything else that is going on, they can’t tell if the feelings are real or somehow influenced by the visions.

Join the couple in discovering the truth of a century old murder. The author had a wonderful idea when they thought of this book. I loved the concept. My only issue is the way people conversed in this book. It was stiff in my opinion. Other than that, it’s a great book.

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Corine Lombardi-Quiles

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was AMAZING!
Now I love historical crime novels but this was a masterpiece.
The author kept me encased word for word, it is addicting the more you read.
This has everything you want …a twist of time travel …love …and murder.
This was truly an adventure and this should be on everyone’s to read list this year.
Perfect for book club or just a good read.
Finding out this is a series has me so excited for more.
If I could have any super power, now I want premonition.
This was so well crafted with the words and vision jumping of the page. This author knows what they are doing and I need more.
Five stars isn’t enough for this.
One of the best books I ever read.

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Lucy Machard

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So this was a debut by this author, and I was excited to see what she had in store. I am a HUGE history buff, so this being a historical fiction book really piqued my interests. While it doesn’t have a whole lot of detailed history, it is still a wonderful book. I really like how it ties in with the modern age, with the flashes to the past. While I would have love to have more background and more perspective from the historical characters in the book, I really enjoyed this novel, and plan to read more by this author.

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Tracy Wilkin

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A story of intrigue, finding love, past and present and stepping back in time. Moderately dramatic, this story had many elements that made it an interesting read. Decadence and dastardly liaisons are also prevalent in this saga and the authors attention to detail on point. A real page turned that kept a readers attention from start to finish. Engaging with the characters was effortless and the unfolding of the story was meticulous and well thought out. thorough and complete drama that was well worth the read. 4 stars.

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Piper Foster

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed the time setting of this book and how descriptive they were if the clothes in this time period. This was a fun fast paced read. It’s a lovely historical romance and this book makes the time period relatable to me.

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Donna Dawkin

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Every once in awhile, the glimpse of a dance floor and sounds of the past would slip through Tess’s fingertips as she stocked the shelves of her very own boutique, Divine Vintage with beautiful items from times gone by.
Until she met Trey, Ester and their scandalous family tree, Tess didn’t think too much of her connection to vintage garments.. a chance opportunity to model century old family heirlooms and Tess found herself tredding carefully between the present and past, sometimes uncertain if the past had more sway on her future than she liked.
As Tess takes step after step closer to owning her unique power, she hopes she can right the wrongs of the past and believe in the connection she feels to Trey
This is a fun unique read that seemingly has two story lines and we hope desperately for a happily ever after and a solution to the intricate weaving whodunit!

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Jana Lewis

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a unique mystery that spans two centuries. I liked that the storyline connected the two time periods [I won’t go into detail so I don’t spoil anything – you’ll just have to read it!] in a different way. Tess is a spunky character with a special ability and uses her passion for old fashions to open a special vintage clothing store in a small town. The visions she sees through the material tell the story of the people who wore them, helping her to solve a mystery of a long-disputed murder-suicide. Tension and romance round out the story and make it an enjoyable read!

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Nakyshia Leger

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was so intriguing and imaginative in a way that fascinated me from the first page. Being from South Louisiana, the lore of old mansions and homes has always been a love of mine. Tess loves adventure and used everything she had to open a shop where she sells vintage clothes. While modeling some of her clothes, Tess has visions of the original owner and her murder. When she meets Trey, she discovers he is a descendant of the accused murderer who wants nothing more than to clear his family’s name. Although he is skeptical, Trey agrees to join Tess in trying to use the visions and an old diary to discover the truth behind the murder.

I loved the way this book was written! The transitions between Tess’ world and the memories transitioned beautifully and were so easy to follow. Tess is spunky and up for anything, which has her diving right into the visions. Trey is her opposite and weary, but his pull to Tess has him agreeing to help her. Their connection is enthralling and kept me turning page after page! I loved joining them on the journey to discover the real story behind the murder connected to Tess’ magical dress.

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Review by @nrl0522

Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Darla Yocom

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book has a bit of everything – drama, mystery, suspense, romance, social justice, ghosts, visions, and breathtaking imagery.

The story begins by the introduction of the characters, Phoebe and Edward.  This young couple is constantly surrounded by dramatic events, most brought on by themselves. While the opening includes only a brief introduction of these two, you only receive tidbits of information throughout the book regarding the pair, which adequately builds up the suspense as you try to piece together their lives.

The author also introduces you to the main characters, Tess and Trey.  Their instant connection is electric and reflects a heavy hand of fate. I found myself rooting for them to push past the “getting to know you faze” and decide if they felt any sparks.

Both couples are captivated with each other but drama stirs the pot yet helps expand the suspense and drama throughout the story.

You can immediately conclude that the author has an unbelievable love for vintage fashion.  When the lead character, Tess begins the story with the opening of her new vintage boutique, Divine Vintage, you are immediately transferred into masterful descriptions of what can only be described as classic exquisite pieces that told a story of the time in which they were created.  She describes the many facets of the timeless pieces decorated with beads, sequins, and delicate lace. She also paints a magnificent picture of show-stopping sweaters, frame fitting dresses, flowing fabrics, dazzling statement pieces, sparkling jewelry, chiffon layers, and gorgeous gowns from all eras.

I think the reader will enjoy this book and perhaps peak their interest in vintage fashion. I give this book 3 out of 5 stars.

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Julie Johnson

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a one-of-a-kind book when it comes to uniqueness and with this being the debut novel by Sandra Young, I’m sure there is more greatness to come!

I really loved how the story of Tess and Trey in modern time became entangled with the lives of Edward and Phoebe from family history. Tess’s love of vintage clothing got her an invitation to model in a show with the ever hunky architect, Trey. While Trey isn’t as impressed with vintage clothing, he quickly finds himself falling in love with Tess….or is it Phoebe?

There are several twists and turns that keep the reader on the edge of their seat during this sweet love story of time gone by. I look forward to more books from this new author!

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Reviewed by: @faithfulgirl4

Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Ariel Jensen

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Every article of clothing has a story, though many of us will never know the truth in the threads. For Tess, however, she begins to experience the history of a dress and the original owner’s final moments. Those feelings become amplified from the first moment she lays eyes on Trey. Will they be able to uncover the century-old mystery? Is what they’re experiencing truly their feelings or just a shadow of ghostly desires?

Author Sandra L. Young weaves a fantastic tale of romance and mystery among the threads of history and murder. From the get-go, I was drawn into the balance among the various characters: Tess’ whimsical but fiercely independent nature contrasted with Trey’s calculated and calm demeanor. The varying levels of paranormal belief, how their backgrounds play a part in their present interactions, and how they develop as individuals and together all build an intriguing tale. It was a delightful addition for me as a seamstress and lover of vintage clothing to have this story be so strongly tied to specific period pieces.

For everything I liked about this book, minor stumbling blocks brought the overall rating down. For example, occasionally the author would take a clear stance on a particular “hot topic” (eg. homelessness). While I did appreciate the tie-in to the overall story, the initial appearance was abrupt and felt out of place.

Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a romantic tale and those who want a first read into a book regarding ghostly encounters.

Review by Ariel Jensen

Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by S. Bittles

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I don’t usually read the paranormal genre but this book did not disappoint, 5 stars!!

We are given a unique, intriguing and mysterious storyline to both the past and the present, as well as very lovable characters. The Author takes great care and attention to detail with their world building and descriptions of the many vintage items. I will be buying a physical copy of this book for my shelf!

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by April McCoy

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I can get behind any book that showcases mystery, murder, history and characters you can’t help but grow to love. That happened here and so much more! This book was exciting and entertaining! The perfect book to get cozy with and forget the world for a little while. I really enjoyed the authors writing style and felt the plot flowed so nicely! My first from the author but definitely not my last!

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Sarah King

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Tess has decided to open a vintage clothing store in Michigan City, IN. While prepping for her opening, Esther Deleon and family member Trey Dunmore come in with fliers about a Special Tea and Style show celebrating the anniversary of Carver House. Not willing to pass up the opportunity for model the trousseau gown, knowing it may help built her business since all the clothes in the show would be vintage. During the show, Tess is accompanied by Trey. Tess experiences flashes of history while wearing the dress of Phoebe Carter who was murdered one hundred years ago. These flashes and glimpses of history have Tess investigating Phoebe’s murder -was her husband really who committed the crime as everyone believes? Trey helps Tess hoping to possibly clear the stain on the family name. As the two work together they develop feelings for the other, something neither is looking for. But, are the feelings really that of Tess and Trey? Or are they feelings that are lingering from the past flashes that are experienced?

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. Murder, mystery, love, and a bit of paranormal whats not to love. Young did an amazing job with her character development and relations. She does a great job of painting a picture that is easy to imagine. I can not wait to see what Young comes up with next. Worth the read!

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