This is the second of the Four Horseman novels and I find myself anxiously anticipating the next two. In this quick little romance poor Ryder never seems to catch a break. One mess after another. He just can’t keep it together. Then the beautiful Gabrielle walks into his life. Will he make a mess of this too? Gabrielle, beautiful, strong and coolly intelligent. Will she take a second look at this poor mess of a guy? Everything is not as it seems, and the mysterious Dante complicates matters immensely. You will need to pick this little novel up and give it a quick read. In Drawing Strength From Words, C. A. King gives us strong characters and a unique little adventure. Collins Collins2019-10-17 22:59:432019-10-18 08:17:56Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 2) by C.A. King – Review by Jonell Collins
Drawing Strength From Words by C.A. King is a quick light read. It is book 2 in the Four Horsemen series. This book is about Gabrielle who is one of the horsemen which I thought was super cool and unique to have a woman in that role. I only say that because most things I have seen always portray them as men. Overall I enjoyed the book. I thought it was a fun read and I look forward to others. 4 star rating. R Lange R Lange2019-10-17 20:16:162019-10-17 21:13:08Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 2) by C.A. King – Review by Amber Lange
Drawing Strength from Words by C.A. King a five-star read that turns myths on their heads. This is number two in the Four Horseman novels series and they go from strength to strength, I read number one a while ago and then read number two and three in very quick succession and now I just need number four. Out of the three I have read so far number two is my current favourite as it just takes the whole story and adds something extra to it, this whole series has been full of twists and turns and has kept me in the edge of my seat all the way though, but this one just had the extra layer. Gabriel what a character, she really does pull I out of the box, ad when you add Ryder to the mix it just creates an explosive story that will suck you in, spitting you out the other side changed. Oxton Oxton2019-10-16 08:56:412019-10-16 09:33:17Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 2) by C.A. King – Review by Sara Oxton
This second installment of the Four Horseman novels was worth waiting for. As we meet the main character Ryder, he really touches the heart as the reader is given glimpses into the hardships he endured in his life. Once he meets Gabrielle, seeing the struggles they go through just to find happiness in the end made this book a very interesting read I look forward to future books in this series not only to find out how it ends, but to see all four horseman find love. Rushin Rushin2019-10-12 21:39:262019-10-12 22:02:45Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 2) by C.A. King – Review by Cindy Rushin
Drawing Strength From Words by CA King was a fun read. I would give this book a four out of five stars. This is the second book in the series. I love Gabby! She is a fun character to read just because of how disconnected she is from the current time. She doesn’t let that stop her though, her competitive nature and need to prove herself is so relatable. I loved the air of mystery and being able to put the plot together as I go. Ruiz Ruiz2019-10-10 10:13:552019-10-10 11:14:39Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 2) by C.A. King – Review by Mirela Ruiz
Drawing Strength From Words is the second novel in the Four Horsemen series by C. A. King. This is my third novel by this author.
Being one of the Horseman is a thankless job for Gabrielle especially when she is portrayed as some sort of brute in history. Begrudgingly she takes a back seat to her brothers, causing her heart to have a shield around it.
Ryder has been moving since his parents were killed, putting through the systems and on the side of the law for crimes he did not do. While he has never felt an attraction to someone before, becomes of the life he leads, that changes when he is thrown in the path of a mysterious beauty.
I wasn’t sure what to make of this novel because it had been a while since I read this series and was a little confused. But the plot pulled me in really quick.
Ryder was an interesting character with a background and history I wasn’t sure how I would be if I was in his shoes. Gabrielle was a strong and fierce woman. I would think she would be considering she has so many brothers. The dynamics and bitterness she had held creating even more of a suspenseful air about her. Wanting to know more about her.
I really enjoyed this story and I am looking forward to the next book. I wonder whose story are we going to read about next. Venable Venable2019-10-09 16:38:352019-10-09 17:10:59Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 2) by C.A. King – Review by Moriah Venable
Drawing Strength From Words A Four Horseman Novel Book 2 By C. A. King ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ This is a full length novel. Loaded with Paranormal Suspense and Romance. Make sure you read the series in order. You won’t be sorry, it is that good!
C. A. King has done it again. This story reads so well, you won’t want to put it down. It is fast paced and will leave you wanting more. As you read about Gabrielle ‘ s story. You will find you are supporting her journey. This story is a Four Horsemen Novel, but you will discover the sister has a part in this paranormal series. I love everything about this book, C. A. King’s characters, her paranormal setting, suspense, and romance, that will keep you reading. You can bet I will be looking forward to reading the next book in this exciting series. Mayberry Mayberry2019-10-08 20:10:042019-10-08 20:20:46Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 2 ) by C. A. King – Review by Cindy Mayberry
Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horseman Novel Book 2) By C.A. King
Drawing Strength from Words is book two in the A Hour Horseman series. I have read other books by C.A King and I would have to say that this is probably not my favourite. I have to say that I was a little lost reading this book, but then it may have been because I haven’t read book one. On saying that however I do have to say the C.A. King’s writing style of being able to let you get to know the characters is very much on par in this book. I would highly recommend that you start with book one in the series, and I hope you enjoy reading yet another great series by this wonderful author Kemp Kemp2019-10-06 02:24:372019-10-06 06:11:22Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 2) by C.A. King – Review by Sue Kemp
Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 2) by C. A. King. Once again the author takes readers on quite the adventure. I holy recommend reading these in order as the story continues. While this is one the shorter side it doesn’t hinder the storyline being told. I found myself on pins and needles more than once anxious to see what was going to happen. This author draws you in and you just want to stay a while. I was definitely sad when I was finished and can’t wait for more. The characters are complex and written so well. The storyline is well paced nicely. I’m so excited to see where we are taken next! Four stars and highly recommended! Kearney Kearney2019-10-03 21:02:082019-10-03 21:32:48Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 2) by C.A. King – Review by Katie Kearney
Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 2) by C.A. King
Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 2) by C.A. King was an excellent addition to this series. I love how King begins with the history of the Four Horsemen that is also seen at the beginning of book 1. This helps make this book an easy novel to read out of order in the series. This novel focuses on Gabrielle and Ryder. I loved seeing the characters from book one present in this novel though. Kong does an excellent job with the development of the story and also with the characters. It is filled with action and excitement. The story seemed to move easily and quickly. This was an excellent read and I highly recommend it! Degraffenreid Degraffenreid2019-10-03 19:46:562019-10-03 21:25:52Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 2) by C.A. King – Review by Madison Degraffenreid
C.A. King has done it again. After reading Book #1 I couldn’t wait to see where the story would take us in this one, but one thing that never changes is every time I read one of C.A. King’s books I get totally captivated and thrown into a world that you don’t wanna leave. The writing style that flows from chapter to chapter, it is mentally visual and written with some incredible characters. You are given twists and turns along the way that keep you on the edge of your seat wanting more. It’s full of action and adventure and romance. For this being a shorter read, it wasn’t lacking in anything. It is a book and series not to be missed, I highly recommend this book. Smith Smith2019-10-02 14:15:112019-10-02 14:41:55Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 2) by C.A. King – Review by Chantelle Smith
New from award-winning author, C.A. King – Meet the four horsemen: Michael, Gabrielle, Uriel and Raphael.
For centuries their sole purpose has been guarding the sealed gates to hell. Without keys, there was never any real threat. That was about to change…
For Gabrielle, protecting mankind was merely a job for which she received little credit. The vast insecurities of men altered history itself, portraying her as a masculine brute. Taking a back seat to her brothers seemed the right thing to do, but left a bitter taste in her mouth and an impenetrable barricade shielding her heart.
Ryder bounced around the system from the moment both his parents were killed. Between that and run-ins with the law for crimes he never committed, it seemed the whole world was conspiring against him. Never growing attached to anyone was rule number one: a rule he’d never broken until a white-haired vixen, with blocks of ice on her shoulders, walked right into his life. Melting through those frosty layers became all that mattered, even if that meant sacrificing himself in the process.
Award winning author, C.A. King, was born and raised in Halton County. She currently resides in Brantford Ontario, Canada with her two sons.
After the loss of her loving parents and husband, Ms. King was devastated. She decided to retire from the workforce for a year or two to do some soul searching. It was during this time that writing became her passion. She found she was able to redirect her emotions through her writing and decided to publish some of her works. 00:02:032020-04-07 07:09:35Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 2) by C.A. King
Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 2) by C.A. King 5 out of 5 stars Drawing Strength From Words is a Four Horsemen Novel Book 2 written by C.A. King and it’s not the first book that I have read by this author. Her writing is unique and realistic that I couldn’t put this book down that I read it in one sitting. This story is a paranormal thriller with a great mix of ancient myth and contemporary life with a chunk of humor, some fast-paced action and throw in some romance. Gabrielle, receives little credit for protecting mankind. The vast insecurities of men altered history itself, portraying her as a masculine brute. Taking a back seat to her brothers seemed the right thing to do, but left a bitter taste in her mouth and an impenetrable barricade shielding her heart. When Ryder’s parents were killed he bounced around the system. Between that and run-ins with the law for crimes he never committed, it seemed the whole world was conspiring against him. Never growing attached to anyone was rule number one: a rule he’d never broken until a white-haired vixen, with blocks of ice on her shoulders, walked right into his life. Melting through those frosty layers became all that mattered, even if that meant sacrificing himself in the process. Can Ryder overcome Gabrielle’s securities or will she stay cold? Can these two have a happily ever after or will they have a bad ending? I highly recommend this story…. You need to read this book/series to find out….. By Tracy Manderson Manderson2018-09-25 10:45:132018-10-30 08:29:04Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 2) by C.A. King – Review by Tracy Manderson
The second book in the A Four Horsemen series, by C.A. King, is Drawing Strength from Words. The author has a truly creative imagination and that comes through beautifully in the stories shared. Gabrielle, another of the horsemen, is paired with Ryder as the main characters within this second part of the series. These are dynamically unique characters that somehow work together when least expected. I found the combination both intense and refreshing. C.A. King continues to know how to keep readers fully engaged throughout the story and sitting on the edge waiting to see what is waiting just around the next corner. Beyond brilliant!! Bahm Bahm2018-08-13 11:49:022020-04-27 06:43:53Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 2) by C.A. King – Review by Heather Bahm
Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 2) by C.A. King is a paranormal apocalyptic mythical story that is an easy, light and enjoyable read. As with the first book it is a fast paced imaginative read. The characters are fun and engaging and will make you laugh out loud. C.A. writes magical stories that keeps you entertained from start to finish. The story line and word building helps you to imagine the vibrant and rich world in which they live. C.A. is one author that should always be on your read list as her stories flow well, are easy to read and connect you to a world of different possibilities to get lost in. Bishop Bishop2018-08-06 04:48:082019-01-08 04:48:54Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 2) by C.A. King – Review by Jenni Bishop
Drawing Strength from Words is the second book in the Four Horsemen series by C.A King. I have read all of Ms. Kings books now, and this series has quickly become my firm favourite of hers. That is really saying something, because I have seriously loved all her books- but there is just something about this series, and this book in particular, which has really captured my imagination. The story drew me in and I lost all sense of time and my surroundings, as the story swept me up on a fantastic adventure. I was so lost in the story, and so when the end came, I really wasn’t ready to leave- I wanted to keep reading. This is one of those few occasions where the writing is so on point, the storyline is so captivating, the characters are so believable and likeable, that you can’t help but wish the story was much longer, so you could stay in that world with them for a few more hours. I am excited that there is another book(s) coming This series is Ms. King’s take and twist on the four horsemen myth and what she has produced is a very creative and imaginative urban fantasy that has demigods, demons, good vs evil, mystery, suspense, action, drama, a little romance, and supernatural elements. Gabrielle is one of the 4 horsemen, who along with her brothers has been tasked with guarding the gates to hell. As the only female among the horsemen she feels the need to constantly prove herself. Especially when most people assume that she would be a male to do that job. Gabrielle really isn’t a people person, preferring her books instead. But, on a foray out into the world, she is drawn to a man who needs her help to evade some demons who are hell bent on capturing him. There is something about him that intrigues her like no one else has ever before. But, with evil stalking him and danger an ever-present threat- she will need all her wits and skills in order to figure it all out and keep them safe. Ryder has had a pretty hard life and has the worst luck ever. We meet him as he’s being sentenced for a crime that he didn’t commit- and finds himself having to do a year of community service at the Ancient History Library. But strange things have been happening, and he soon finds himself in a situation that he finds hard to comprehend. Out of the blue, a gorgeous woman sweeps in just in the nick of time. But the danger is far from over, and it’s no longer just his life on the line. With sinister plots and evil intent, will Ryder survive, or will the evil forces out for his blood win out in the end? Fantastic reading!!! Can’t wait for ‘Hitting the High Note”, which is Uriel’s story- the next book in this series!! Hayes Hayes2018-07-29 06:19:392019-01-30 06:20:14Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book #2) by C.A King – Review by Angela Hayes
Drawing Strength From Words by C.A. King is the second book in her Four Horsemen series. Finally, it is here! I read the first story and I could not wait for the second one! It is a remarkable paranormal series where it seems that it somehow becomes better with each book (like wine …). If you love mythology then absolutely this series is for you – I am sure you have heard the legend of the four horsemen before and let me tell you, the writer has put an interesting spin on it! Drawing Strength from Words is the story of Gabrielle and Ryder. Gabrielle is the second horseman and surprise surprise the second horseman really is … a woman! And what a woman she is – independent, powerful, resourceful, confident … and oh so lovable! Ryder, he is a perfect match for her – he is as closed as her but there is bond there and it keeps growing and … yeah, the writer is taking us on one heck of a ride, no pun intended. It is a beautiful story that mixes the ancient myth and contemporary life and love … what else do you need? Cannot wait for the third story, I wonder what that horseman will tell us … Teppih Teppih2018-07-28 18:54:242020-04-27 06:44:07Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 2) by C.A. King – Review by Jana Teppih
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