Evil Sushi (Evil Sushi Series Book 1) by C.A. King – Review by Emily Walsh
Evil Sushi
By: C.A. King
My Rating: 5 of 5 stars
Evil Sushi (Evil Sushi Series Book 1) by C.A. King was a thrilling read that had me hooked.
Not my first read by this author, so I was excited to see this little wonder appear. The cover captured my attention (as does all the covers for this author) and once I read the synopsis, I was hooked, line and sinker.
As I am a fan of horror, and fantasy, this was a pleasant mix that really kept me reading. The detail was to shelf as per-normal with this author, and the story telling alluring. This book takes you into a darkness that has a bit of realism to it, making this read all the more heart pounding. The tone and flow matched and helped with keeping you not only engaged but on the edge of your seat.
Original and fresh this book is a must read, so please take my super high recommendation and my stamp of approval, that you will not beadle to put this book down, or look at certain things we eat, the same way again.
Happy Reading
-Review by @eawalsh