
War in Sorcery’s Shadow by Elise Carlson – Review by Kat Mellon

War in Sorcery's Shadow (Ruarnon Trilogy #3)War in Sorcery’s Shadow by Elise Carlson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

War in Sorcery’s Shadow by Elise Carlson is the 3rd and final book in the series. Although geared towards YA, it definitely appeals to an older audience as well. LGBTQ+
The 3rd book is a little slow to start off and it did take me a bit to get into it, more so than the others. Once it did pick up, however, it was hard to put down! Multiple POVs provide an interesting view point on a scene, which was really cool to see. Several chapters were technically the same event or part of the timeline, but different POV . Without spoilers, there were some twists that I did not expect (which I always enjoy) and I absolutely recommend it.

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