
Treasure Hunt (Grandma’s Closet) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Treasure HuntTreasure Hunt by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Treasure Hunt is Book Four in the Grandma’s Closet Series. It is a delightful children’s book that follows the adventures of a young girl named Carrie. When a potted plant arrives from the florist on Carrie’s doorstep the care instructions say to Dowse the plant. Carrie remembers that one of the boxes left in the closet when Grandma moved across town was labelled Dowse. She goes to the closet and inside the box finds two dousing rods which she uses to try to find treasure. What Carrie finds in her adventure is far more valuable than water or buried treasure. A great book with an important underlying message about what is truly important in life. I love how the author can take a simple story and make it whimsical, fun, and entertaining for children while also conveying important messages and lessons. The illustrations are colorful and really bring the story to life.

View all my reviews@tarab

Depending On You by Jessica Aiken-Hall – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Depending On YouDepending On You by Jessica Aiken-Hall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

For the last 20 years Cate has been running from the secret that she has tried to leave in her past. A secret so dark that she was hoping would never be revealed. But when the case gets reopened of the man that she murdered all those years ago she is concerned that she is going to lose everything. She figures the only way to get herself out of it is to once and all own up to what she did and to tell the truth.

Patti has also been harboring a secret for the past 20 years. She was there with Cate the night that the man was murdered, and she has been running from it ever since. She got married and had kids of her own and moved hundreds of miles away. She left everything and everyone behind, not just the secrets but friendships and family. But now with the case reopened she must go back and help Cate.

Cate and Patti have been running for 20 years but now must decide if it is time to stop running. Once the case has been reopened new evidence surfaces, old wounds are opened, memories are dredged up, and secrets are revealed. Cate and Patti’s friendship is put to the test as the secrets they harbor starts to drive a wedge between them.

As always, the author did an amazing job with the story. I admired the strength and resilience of both Cate and Patti and the unbreakable bond between them. I loved the friendship they had that stood the test of time regardless of the years and hundreds of miles between them. When push came to shove, they were always there for each other. I read the book from cover to cover and was unable to put it down because I needed to know what would become of Cate and Patti. I needed to know what happened that faithful night when a man was killed. This book took so many twists and turns that just seemed to come out of nowhere and left me wanting more. It seems that Kate and Patty were not the only ones harboring secrets for the past 20 years. If you want to know more, you’ll have to read the book yourself. I highly recommend this Book!

View all my reviews @Tara Johnson Barnes