
Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly – Review by Amanda Kimble

Finding His ZenFinding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly

This is the second book I’ve read by Tammy and I love it! She has a way of bringing the characters to life. She is an amazing author.

Zenia, Zen as everyone calls her, is excited that she is going to meet her favorite idol. She had his poster on her wall when she was 16. The quote I chose for Zen is: “If I’d known that this was the way I’d meet the swim star I’d admired since I was a teenager, I would’ve worn some perfume or at least a little more makeup. I never expected it to be this intimate.”

Sebastian, aka Seb, is a known Olympic Swimmer. He’s going back to his hometown after being away for years. This is the place where he learned to swim. The quote I chose for Seb is: “I’m serious, Zenia. I’m not throwing out empty compliments to win you over, I swear. I really mean it. I see how you talk to people, even with your family, your sister. It’s within you, this force of support and motivation. Your sweet, genuine nature makes it easier for people to believe when you tell them they can achieve anything, that their dreams are attainable. I saw it yesterday when you were talking to new clients. You honestly want to help them triumph in whatever goals they set for themselves. It’s really admirable and much more selfless than what goes on in my world of glitzy functions and media exploits.”

This is a fantastic book and I highly recommend it for you!

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Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly – Review by Kerry Carr

Finding His ZenFinding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a lovely romance story. The characters are so likeable that you feel every emotion they go through. It was a nice easy read and goes to show dreams can come true if you really want it.

Zenia (Zen) is the owner of a fitness and aquatic centre. After spending loads of time and money on remodelling it she is ready to relaunch the business. To help with publicity she hires an Olympic swimmer Sebastian DuMont. Not only is Seb an accomplished athlete he has also been Zen’s crush for years.

When the couple meet the attraction is real and both of them want to explore it further but with Seb’s agent reluctant to let him retire and Zen’s sister wanting to make a name for herself in the famous scene will they get a chance to see where things lead or will Seb’s public life be put before his personal one.

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Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly – Review by Lyndsey Fairley

Finding His ZenFinding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoy this authors writing and this was such a great story. Its a quick read but has al you could want in a book.
We meet Zen and Seb and they were so great to read about. And their chemistry was so fun to read about. I always let myself get lost in a good story and I did this here. Cant wait for more.

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Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly – Review by Robin Rankin

Finding His ZenFinding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly

I enjoyed the book and was happy with the way things worked out but I also found myself getting frustrated.

Sebastian is prime example if liking but also wanting to pop someone. He needed to be an adult and make his own decisions about his life instead of allowing people to dictate to him what to do and who to be with.

Zenia was happy but I got a feeling of some sadness there. Like maybe she felt she wasn’t as good or important as her younger sister. Could be me projecting my feelings of inadequacy who knows.

I don’t normally have strong negative reactions to characters while reading but I had a very strong negative feeling about Zenia’s sister. I’m not sure if it was her attitude or her occupation but it was almost instantaneous and quite surprising for me.

Give it a try, you might have different feelings from me regarding the characters.

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Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly – Review by Rachel Moss

Finding His ZenFinding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly was a great read! It was also a very quick read, which was a plus for me. Very romantic, this book quickly draws you into the pages and doesn’t want to let you go. Not steamy at all, it was just a good romance. The characters were great, and the storyline was really good as well. Once I started reading this book I could hardly put it down. This is the second novel I’ve read from this author, and I wasn’t disappointed at all. I highly recommend reading this novel!

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Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly – Review by Kerry Baker

Finding His ZenFinding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly is a fun romantic story that will really capture your attention. It is quite a short story overall however that does not take away from how good it is. For me it is the characters in this book that make it. They have such a great chemistry together and all their interactions to me come across as sweet and entertaining.
This whole book is perfect for that lazy afternoon type read where you just want to get lost for a few hours. It is exactly what I did when picking up this book and it was a great way to relax and enjoy a fun story. I always enjoy books by this author and this is definitely a favourite of hers so far.

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Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly – Review by Jenni Bishop

Finding His ZenFinding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly is a captivating romance story that is sweet and has a little drama thrown in. The chemistry is sparking, and it is easy to become invested in the characters and their journey. The story flowed nicely, and I found myself invested in the outcome. It is a small-town romance that is an easy feel good read that delights and makes for a nice afternoon read.


Reviewed by @jennadb

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Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly – Review by Candida Hopper

Finding His ZenFinding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Finding His Zen
by Tammy Mannersly

This was a short and sweet romantic read. I read this book in one sitting and when I finished I didn’t want it to end. I became invested in Zen and Seb and wanted everything to work out for them. There is attraction and chemistry between them, but there are other factors that get in the way of these two pursuing something further. Do they find a way to see if their attraction can become more? This is a must read to find out. This author always brings a great read to the table. You will not be disappointed. I highly recommend this book.

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Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly – Review by Karyn Taylor

Finding His ZenFinding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Finding His Zen is a great short read by Tammy Mannersly. I had read another of Tammy Mannersly’s books recently (Drawn To Him) and really enjoyed it, so was looking forward to reading more of her work. Although Finding his Zen is just over 100 pages, the author has packed a great story into those 100 paged and I really enjoyed this book.
Finding His Zen is a small town romance. When top swimmer Sebastian DuMont comes back to his home town to open a new leisure centre his thoughts of retiring and moving home are increased when he meets the lovely owner of the centre, Zenia Andino and is totally taken with her. She’s already a huge fan of his having had had posters on her wall as a teenager.
Needless to say many obstacles are put in the way of the 2 of them trying to start a relationship with each other. In particular Sebastian’s horrid manager who I totally despised throughout the book and also Zenia’s sister who I also was not a fan of at all both were massive obstacles to Seb and Zen having their HEA.
I really enjoyed this book. I loved Seb and Zen. Both are great characters that you can’t help but totally adore and want everything to work out for the pair.
This was a great short read that I devoured in about 90 minutes and did not put down until I was finished.

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Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly – Review by Lisa Helmick

Finding His ZenFinding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a quick read and quick love. We meet Zenia (love that name) who meets her teenage crush. Problem is her sister steps up and claim she is dating the Olympic champion. So do toes get stepped on or does someone relent? I liked Seb. He seemed very down to earth and relatable. His agent however I thought was slimy and mean.

Overall it made me smile. Plus there is that first kiss….so hot! Really first kisses are my favorite to read and this one is pretty good. This is enjoyable.

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Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly – Review by Debi Kircher

Finding His ZenFinding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly

4 Stars

I did not want this book to end, it was a quick one sitting read yet had everything you need to feel fulfilled when it’s over. I really would have loved more but that’s just personal preference.

Seb and Zen were awesome, their back and forth was a lot of fun and the drama that came with everything was enough to make the feelings feel more real. I truly had no idea how it would all turn out till the very end and that in my opinion is what makes this an awesome read.

I enjoy this author’s writing style and will definitely read more in the future, I highly recommend picking this book up, it was awesome

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Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly – Review by Liz Vrchota

Finding His ZenFinding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I can always count on Tammy Mannersly for a strong feel good romance when I pick up one of her novels. Finding His Zen did not stray from this and was a fabulous rainy day read for me. I really love how she brings to life the small town and characters, making you feel as if you have gone a vacation to a quaint sleepy town. In this one we get to meet Zen and Seb, and I have to say these two had such a cute chemistry that is was fun to read and I found myself cheering for them the whole way through. Zen has agreed to help Seb with a celebration but what the two don’t expect is the feels to be so strong between them. These two have a perfect push-pull and the way they come together doesn’t feel contrived or over the top it is quite perfect and believable. I really enjoyed this one and I am so excited to see what we get next from Mannersly!

Review by @lizaileen
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Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly – Review by Kelli Harper

Finding His ZenFinding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Book Review: Finding His Zen
Author: Tammy Mannersly
A quick read. Sweet, clean love story. Sebastian our male main character is a star in his own right, having come from the small town and become a famous swimmer and role model for many. Zenia, is our quiet reserved female main character that is a business owner and has hired Sebastian to be at the opening of her newly renovated fitness center. But things take a turn when the sparks fly at the first meeting.

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Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly – Review by Tausha Treadway

Finding His ZenFinding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly. I loved this book. Its the story of Zenia Andino who is the owner of the newly refurbished Gym originally owned by her Grandfather. She is a beautiful hard working woman who knows what she wants and what she needs to do to get it. As a young girl she has always idolized Swimming Superstar Sebastian DuMond and he is coming to town to help her reopen the gym. Sebastian is excited to come back to his home town and get away from all the stress of his life but he never expects to be bitten by the love bug when he meets Zenia. When Sebastian’s agent starts to interfere Zenia and Sebastian might not ever have a chance to see if there relationship will go anywhere. Zenia’s pain in the rear sister is another issue. She always has to one up Zenia so she claims to have had a relationship with Sebastian. Will Sebastian leave town without really getting to know Zenia or will the be able to have a shot? Read Finding his Zen to find out!

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Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Finding His ZenFinding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a short romance story which I enjoyed. This is not my first story by this author but it is one of my favorites by her. I was pulled into the story right from the beginning and was engaged to the end. I enjoyed watching the characters grow throughout the story. I had no issues connecting with them as they brought the story to life. They made me feel as if I was part of the story as well. This is a story about Zen and Seb. Zen is a well known swimmer. Seb is the owner of a fitness gym in Zen’s hometown. Zen agrees to do Seb’s celebration but he never expected to be so taken with her. She has had a crush on him since she was a teenager. What will happen with these two? I enjoyed their chemistry together which was so great to see. This made a great afternoon read which I highly recommend as well as this author’s other books.

Review by @bjwagner
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Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly – Review by Lucy Berson

Finding His ZenFinding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have come to absolutely love this author. This was a great contemporary romance. Once I started reading, I could not put this book down until I finished it. The characters pulled me in and I fell head over hells. It was sweet and romantic but also had just the right about of drama…. I will read anything that this author puts out!!!! I can not wait for more!

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Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly – Review by Lianne Probert

Finding His ZenFinding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Finding his Zen by Tammy Mannersly is a sweet, feel-good romance.

Sebastian is a swimming superstar who is ready for a quieter life after a hectic career, he’s happy to be back in his hometown.
Zenia is a small-town family girl. After taking over and refurbishing her grandfather’s gym she’s excited to have a superstar swimmer cutting the ribbon. The pair have an instant connection, but as always things never run smoothly, and you’re left wondering if they will ever find a way to make it work.
This story is an easy read and the characters will keep you reading and leave you wanting more. The author knows how to write lovable characters and that’s really what keeps you hooked throughout. By the end you are really invested and rooting for these guys!

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Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Finding His ZenFinding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a lovely small town contemporary romance by Tammy Mannersly with some wonderful characters in Sebastian and Zenia. When Sebastian DuMont, a superstar swimmer agreed to open the Poseidon’s Shore Health Club in his hometown at a discounted fee he had not expected to be tempted by the new owner Zenia. Zenia Andino can not believe her luck when Sebastian agrees to attend the reopening of her fitness facility. Especially as she had idolised him as a teenager and even had his poster on her bedroom wall. When the pair meet they both feel an instant attraction and connection but between the interference of Seb’s agent and Zen’s fame-hungry sister any potential relationship is over before it began. Sebastian has to decide whether to keep up with a lie which is good for his fame or follow his heart and investigate his feelings for Zenia, as long as they are still mutual.
Although a fairly short read it has plenty going on to keep the reader happily turning the pages. The storyline flows along nicely and offers an easy read whilst the plot has plenty of romance and drama with twists that keep you guessing to how the story will end. I loved the two main characters and was cheering Seb and Zenia on and was hoping that they would get their happy ever after. A great read for an afternoon’s escapism.

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Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly – Review by Laura Furuta

Finding His ZenFinding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Finding His Zen
By Tammy Mannersly
5 out of 5 stars

I loved reading the book Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly. It is a story that had me hooked from the very beginning. I loved reading about the characters of Sebastian DuMont and Zenia Andino. Zenia is a young woman who is a successful owner of a business. She is intelligent and independent. She also has always idolized Sebastian. Sebastian can’t wait to return to his hometown and headline the reopening of Zenia’s business. He can’t believe how quickly he feels a connection to Zenia. What does the future hold for Sebastian and Zenia? Read this book to find out. This is a story that was hard to put down until I had read the final page. I grew to care about Sebastian and Zenia with each chapter that I read. I wanted them to find happiness. The author does a wonderful job of making both the storyline and the characters come alive on the page. Don’t miss out on an entertaining book. I highly recommend reading it.

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Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly – Review by Heather Lovelace

Finding His ZenFinding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This story has all has all of the right feels. Wonderful characters, sports, just the right amount of conflict – I really enjoyed Mannersly’s writing style and found this book to an extremely enjoyable and easy read. This is the perfect book for an afternoon of leisure. Loved it.

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly – Review by Angela Hayes

Finding His ZenFinding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Finding His Zen is a sweet, contemporary romance by Tammy Mannersly. This has all the ingredients needed to draw you in and keep you invested.
-A captivating story ✔ CHECK
-Wonderful characters ✔ CHECK
-A swimming superstar ✔ CHECK
-Small town romance ✔CHECK
-Angst and drama in the form of a fame-hungry sister and an interfering agent ✔CHECK
-Sweet and romantic storyline ✔CHECK
The story is quite captivating, with enough drama to hold my attention and keep me interested in the outcome.
Looking forward to more from Ms. Mannersly.

Thank you, Tammy Mannersly!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly

 ~  ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

Finding His Zen by Tammy Mannersly


#inkspellpublishing #TammyMannersly #FindingHisZen #Romance #OnTour #ItsyBitsyBookBitsTours #BookSpotlightShowcase

Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits

Genre – Romance

Page Count – 103 Page

Cover Designer – Lisa Messegee – The Write Designer


Swimming superstar, Sebastian DuMont, agrees to headline the reopening of the Poseidon’s Shore Health Club at a discounted fee, grateful for an excuse to visit his beloved hometown. However, he hadn’t expected to be tempted by the lovely Zenia, owner and operator of the fitness facility.

All of Zenia Andino’s dreams come true with swimming superstar, Sebastian DuMont, attending her gymnasium’s reopening. She’d idolized him as a teenager with his poster pinned to her bedroom wall, but meeting the hunky celebrity in person gives her heartbeat an excited new rhythm.

Before they can test the waters, Seb’s agent interferes and Zen’s fame-hungry sister alludes to an affair with the Olympian. Will Seb keep up the lie for continued fame and fortune? Or is it finally time to follow his heart and feed the special spark he felt with Zen before the opportunity extinguishes forever?


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Tammy Mannersly is an Australian author based in Brisbane, Queensland. She loves writing romance, has a fondness for animals, is crazy about movies and enjoys a great Happily Ever After. Her passion for writing started from a very young age and led her to complete a Bachelor Degree in Creative Industries majoring in Creative Writing at Queensland University of Technology. Her novel, Persuading Lucy, is a 1st Place WINNER in the 2018 Chatelaine Books Awards for Romantic Fiction, a Chanticleer International Book Awards competition.

Author Interview With Tammy Mannersly