
Five Tries to Get It Right by Kathryn Dodson – Review by Jenni Bishop

Five Tries to Get It RightFive Tries to Get It Right by Kathryn Dodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book it is as heartbreaking as it is heartwarming. The characters are well developed and yet complex. Broken hearts and reunited friendships that lead to traveling together to try to heal but will it be enough. Some heart breaks are tough to get over. Just when all seems hopeless a bright and shining star finds a way to break down all the walls.
Five Tries to Get It Right is a beautiful and haunting tale. A story of beautiful friendships, sisterhood, heartbreaking loss, love, betrayal, grief and mental illness just to name a few. It was easy to relate to Kate having dealings with mental health myself. It is a story that shows how resilient and strong women can be when all is said and done even if they don’t feel like it. Letting go of the past is sometimes easier said than done.
The story is vividly rich in its telling and well written. It is one that should not be missed.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Five Tries To Get It Right by Kathryn Dodson Reviewed by Phylis Carpenter May2024

Five Tries to Get It RightFive Tries to Get It Right by Kathryn Dodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the first book by this author that I have read and thoroughly enjoyed it. I usually don’t read books that aren’t strictly romance or mystery but I think I will after this one. Can’t wait to read more by this author as well. Once you start reading the story just draws you in and keeps you wondering what will happen next.

Lydia and Kate have been friends for a long time. Both are at a rough time in their life. Lydia’s husband died and her daughter left home to take a trip. Kate and her husband got a divorce and then she finds out he has gotten the other woman pregnant. She had started a business from scratch and was doing quite well with it until she decided to take it Public. Then the Board of Directors voted her out of the Company and made her a billionaire.

When Kate attempted suicide and decided to give up on life, Lydia was by her side every step of the way trying to get her friend to feel better. They decided they both needed to get away and take a trip. They picked five places they went before when they were younger to revisit and decide what they were going to do with their lives from this point on.

Check out this book. I think you will be glad that you did

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Five Tries to Get It Right by Kathryn Dodson – Review by Shelly Kittell

Five Tries to Get It RightFive Tries to Get It Right by Kathryn Dodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What a beautiful piece of women’s fiction. This story brought out all the feels. Dealing with a life crisis brought these two back together. In dealing with the aftermath, they decide to take a trip like they did in their 20’s. The ensuing discussions and talks have them working through their life and the issues they each have. The writing is so descriptive. You feel it as you read it. I could empathize with some of the issues. The characters were each unique. That ending was a surprise. This is a story that I highly recommend if you love women’s fiction. It’s a must read.

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Five Tries to Get It Right by Kathryn Dodson

〰️ 🌿 💕 〰️ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE 〰️ 💕 🌿 〰️
Five Tries to Get It Right by Kathryn Dodson
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Women’s Fiction, Adventure
Page Count – 201
Cover Designer – Get Covers
GOODREADS – Five Tries to Get It Right by Kathryn Dodson
BOOKBUB – Five Tries to Get It Right by Kathryn Dodson
When her best friend hits rock bottom, a lonely widow convinces her to join a worldwide voyage retracing their wild youth in a last-ditch effort to heal heartache and reclaim meaning.��Lydia is a small town teacher who can’t imagine life alone after her husband’s death. Kate built a successful career, but now faces emptiness after divorce and professional failure.��The longtime friends travel to the exotic locales of their youth, trying to find meaning amidst heartache and loss. In Spain, Amsterdam, the Caribbean, Australia, and finally Costa Rica, they reignite passions for life and love that time had extinguished. But Kate still plans to end it all, until a surfer from the past offers Lydia another chance, forcing her to choose between saving her friend or herself.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Five Tries to Get It Right by Kathryn Dodson

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Five Tries to Get It Right by Kathryn Dodson

Kathryn Dodson grew up writing and riding horses in far West Texas. She graduated from SMU in English/Creative Writing and went on to get an MBA from Thunderbird and a PhD from Clemson. Now she spends her days writing about women who become their own heroes.

She has worked on both sides of the US/Mexico border and has held jobs with governments, chambers of commerce, and other businesses. Kathryn loves to travel and has visited 30 countries and 44 states. This inspires her novels about interesting women in fascinating places.

Originally from Texas, Kathryn had the good fortune to live in Spain, Mexico, Tanzania, and several U.S. states, and the good sense to end up in Carlsbad, California. She loves travel, fiery food, hanging out with the neighbors in the front yard on Friday evenings, and reading.

Author Interview with Kathryn Dodson



〰️ 🌿 💕 〰️ PREORDER 〰️ 💕 🌿 〰️ Five Tries to Get It Right by Kathryn Dodson

〰️ 🌿 💕 〰️ PREORDER 〰️ 💕 🌿 〰️
Five Tries to Get It Right by Kathryn Dodson
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Women’s Fiction, Adventure
Page Count – 201
Cover Designer – Get Covers

Goodreads – Five Tries to Get It Right by Kathryn Dodson

Bookbub – Five Tries to Get It Right by Kathryn Dodson

When her best friend hits rock bottom, a lonely widow convinces her to join a worldwide voyage retracing their wild youth in a last-ditch effort to heal heartache and reclaim meaning.��Lydia is a small town teacher who can’t imagine life alone after her husband’s death. Kate built a successful career, but now faces emptiness after divorce and professional failure.��The longtime friends travel to the exotic locales of their youth, trying to find meaning amidst heartache and loss. In Spain, Amsterdam, the Caribbean, Australia, and finally Costa Rica, they reignite passions for life and love that time had extinguished. But Kate still plans to end it all, until a surfer from the past offers Lydia another chance, forcing her to choose between saving her friend or herself.