
Scotland : Stunning, Strange, and Secret : A Guide to Hidden Scotland (The Hidden Gems Series) by Christy Nicholas – Review by Gabrielle

Scotland: Stunning, Strange, and Secret: A Guide to Hidden ScotlandScotland: Stunning, Strange, and Secret: A Guide to Hidden Scotland by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book is full of bite size nuggets of information of places and history of Scotland. The history is an easy and interesting read and the list of places to see and visit will have you eager to start your journey. The author talks to you in a comfortable and friendly tone. It would be nice to see more pictures included though. There is a little something for everyone in the list of places to visit. The appendix and website resources were a nice addition. The author shows us that there is so much to do and see in and around Scotland. This is a book you should add to your list if you are planning a trip to Scotland.

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England: Cultured, Classic, and Charming: A Guide to Hidden England (The Hidden Gems Series) by Christy Nicholas – Review by Gabrielle

England: Cultured, Classic, and Charming: A Guide to Hidden England (The Hidden Gems Series)England: Cultured, Classic, and Charming: A Guide to Hidden England by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A quick and easy read that highlights ways to travel to and in England and then many of the spots that you may want to visit. It is written so that it is easy to understand and helpful. It is a book that should be added to your list if you are planning a trip to England for the first time. Although I don’t think there were a lot of hidden gems in the list of places to visit, I do think it was a good list where just about everyone can find something that they enjoy. It would have been nice to have included a few more photographs. The author does a nice job of giving you an idea of some of the things that you can find to explore in England.

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No Rest for the Wicked (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Gabrielle

No Rest for the Wicked (Life is Hell #1)No Rest for the Wicked by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is an interesting start to the Life is Hell series. Delilah needs a vacation and she goes to Juniper Lake thinking that the small town will be a nice break, little does she know what is in store for her there. This vacation comes with a plethora of paranormal beings and one sexy sheriff.
I enjoyed meeting Delilah and being along for the adventure that is her vacation. There is more than one surprise for Delilah in this little town. I loved that Delilah is a strong woman who can stand on her own and is more than ready to fight for what is right. Her story moves at a good pace and is full of engaging characters. The author has created a delightful little town with interesting characters that pull you into their adventures and have you eager to return for more.

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Give Us Bad Boys & Billionaires by L.M. Mountford – Review by Gabrielle

Give Us Bad Boys and BillionairesGive Us Bad Boys and Billionaires by L.M. Mountford
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a collection of hot and quick reads. They contain many different genres and plots. Each of the stories is a short read and you can pick any story when you like and get some spice when you want it. If you are new to this author, it is a nice way to try out their writing style to see if it is to your taste. As with most collections there were some stories that stood out more for me than the others. There is not much in character development as these stories are big on the titillation and some lean towards the taboo. While I enjoy these kinds of stories, I do wish that some were expanded and had more character development to them.

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The Missing Red Envelopes by Yobe Qiu – Review by Gabrielle

The Missing Red EnvelopesThe Missing Red Envelopes by Yobe Qiu
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a sweet and fun read. I enjoyed meeting sisters Lorie and Weina as they celebrate the Lunar New Year. It was interesting to see what they did as a family to celebrate and the great relationship that everyone in the family has. The sisters work together to figure out what happened to their red envelopes.  As an Asian myself it is nice to see a book that shows more of the Asian culture with readers.

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Curse of the Forbidden Island by C.A. King – Review by Gabrielle

Curse of Forbidden IslandCurse of Forbidden Island by C.A. King
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a quick and sexy read. On her last leg Selene finds herself taking a chance on a job that seems too good to be true. Soon she has more questions than answers. Will her curiosity cost her another job or will Selene finally find one that she is good at?
I liked the idea of this book but found the actual story missing something for me. I would have liked a bit more depth to the characters and their connection. Selene does not stand out for me and as much as I was interested in the plot I was not pulled in to the story. The male characters that we do get to meet are intriguing and it would have been nice to see more of their personalities. This is a quick adventure that gives readers a titillating story with a touch of the paranormal and mystery.

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The Human Mating Site, Box Set 1 (The Human Mating Site Series) by B.L. Wilde – Review by Gabrielle

The Human Mating Site Box Set 1 : A Steamy, Dating Humour Novella's 1-4The Human Mating Site Box Set 1 : A Steamy, Dating Humour Novella’s 1-4 by B.L. Wilde
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This collection of stories is a fun and entertaining read. As Bella deals with the pain of her breakup she soon finds that she has a decision to make, will she let the pain and heartache consume her or will she take her future into her own hands? Each new man gives Bella a new adventure. It was nice to see Bella begin to grow and find herself as she goes through each relationship. I like that Bella is a strong woman who is trying to take back her life. Bella goes through a lot of different emotions with these men as she returns to the dating scene. These novellas move at a good pace and I was pulled into each new journey that Bella takes. The author does a nice jo of giving Bella new experience with each new man and I wonder what will find Bella next.

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Shifter Shorts by TK Lawyer – Review by Gabrielle

Shifter ShortsShifter Shorts by T.K. Lawyer
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is an interesting collection of stories. Each story gives readers a look into a different characters and their journeys. Some are darker than the others and may be a trigger for some readers. These are all quick reads that give you a taste of the authors writing. There a shifters of all sorts in these stories and each couple has their own adventure to go through. Shifters and their mates must figure out how to communicate and work towards finding a happy ever after. There are some strong characters in these stories and emotions come in to play. It was nice to see that there were different kinds of shifters in these short stories. I would have liked a bit more character and plot development with these stories. I felt as if the stories were interesting but I was not invested in the characters and their plight.

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The Alien & the Crime Boss by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Gabrielle

The Alien & the Crime BossThe Alien & the Crime Boss by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Leilphun and Kasper are both dealing with their own problems. One is on the run while the other is trying to lay low and hopes that things will go his way. When their paths cross the excitement begins. Can they trust each other and the emotions that are beginning to take shape?
I enjoyed meeting Leilphun and Kasper. The two work well together. Each of the characters is strong and it was nice to see their relationship take shape. The sci-fi element gives this story an interesting twist. It was nice to see the two work to fight for what they feel. Their story is a fast paced and quick read that grabbed my attention right from the start.

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Bad at Being Good (An MM Brother’s Best Friend Romance) by A.L. Morrow – Review by Gabrielle

Bad at Being GoodBad at Being Good by A.L. Morrow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Benji made a promise a long time ago and now he finds it harder and harder to keep that promise. Milo has grown up from the boy he used to be into a man, a man that Benji promised to stay away from. When grief brings these two men together emotions come into play and their attraction cannot be denied.

This is an engaging story that pulled me in right from that start. Milo and Benji are each dealing with their own problems but together they may be able to find their way. It was nice to see the relationship grow between the two men. Emotions take center stage in their story and will pull on your heart at times. The two learn that life is full of ups and downs but with the right person at your side you can survive and even thrive. The author does a nice job of bringing these characters and their emotions to life.

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I Am A Bold Asian Boy (Asian Family Series) by Yobe Qiu – Review by Gabrielle

I Am a Bold Asian Boy: A Positive Affirmation Book for Asian Boys (Asian Family Series)I Am a Bold Asian Boy: A Positive Affirmation Book for Asian Boys by Yobe Qiu
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a nice book that helps to give young Asian boys a way to feel strong and self-assured. It helps to show that they can be proud of who they are and their culture. Each new page gives a new reason for them to be strong. It also contains nice illustrations of different cultures and different activities. It is a good way to give young children positive support. It is a quick read with colorful picture making this a good book for young children.

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Arriving Home (Lake Juniper Series) by Chelsea Lauren – Review by Gabrielle

Arriving Home (Lake Juniper Series)Arriving Home by Chelsea Lauren
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is an interesting story, Elijah books himself on an author’s retreat hoping to find that spark again but what he finds is so much more. Austin just happens to be working the author’s retreat and when the two meet the sparks fly. Neither man is sure of the step to take but they cannot deny what they feel.
It was nice to see the way their relationship progressed through this story. Each man is dealing with his own trauma and must decide if he wants to take a chance with his heart. Who knew a fake relationship would take them on a journey to this? Their story is sweet and low angst. It was nice to see how they supported each other and were willing to fight for what they wanted.

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The Men of Eden Cove Manor by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Gabrielle

The Men of Eden Cove ManorThe Men of Eden Cove Manor by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a fast-paced story that brings readers into the paranormal world. Lucifer decides to take a chance and investigate the mysterious Manor while the residents are away. Little does he know that when he enters the house he is not alone. Soon Lucifer is drawn into a world that he never imagined existed. Will he survive or has he pressed his luck too far this time?
Lucifer’s adventure is an interesting one. He finds not only Mordecai but others who make a difference in his journey. The men of the manor each have their own personalities but we do not see a lot of them. It would be nice for these men to have more depth to their characters. Readers get a lot of glimpses at what the characters are like. Lucifer and Mordecai are very one dimensional for me and I did not get lost in their story. The plot is an interesting idea and I would have liked a bit more information on the past and the circumstances that they find themselves in now. It was nice to see all the friendships and connections that the characters have in this story and how strong love can truly be.

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Tracker (The Talisman Series) by Tam DeRudder Jackson – Review by Gabrielle

Tracker (The Talisman Series)Tracker by Tam DeRudder Jackson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is an intriguing story about Celtic warriors of this time. This story brings readers a look at the world belonging to The Talisman series. Tracker gives readers the story of Riley and Lynnette. When the two meet their lives are turned upside down. I enjoyed seeing the way these two bonded. The two work well together and it was nice to see them fight for what they know is right. I liked seeing how Lynnette grounds Riley and how together there is nothing that can stop them. Their story is fast paced and has strong characters. The author has woven a world full of magic and emotions and I am interested in seeing what will happen next in it.

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Mystical Midlife Mate (Boudin, Barbecue, and Hoodoo Series) by Reggi Dupree – Review by Gabrielle

Mystical Midlife Mate: A Paranormal Women's Fiction Novel (Boudin, Barbecue, and Hoodoo Book 2)Mystical Midlife Mate: A Paranormal Women’s Fiction Novel by Reggi Dupree
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is an interesting read. The author has created a world full of magic, mayhem and strong characters. I like Gwen and the strength that she has, she is certainly not a damsel in distress. It was fun to see so many different paranormal creatures in this town. Not only does the main character have a lot to say but the supporting characters make themselves known as well and do not just fade into the background. Gwen is dealing with a lot and she must find a way to save everyone and everything dear to her. This story is fast paced and has some twists and turns that you may not see coming. The author has mixed a good amount of humor into the story as well giving readers a creative world full of memorable characters. I enjoyed seeing a strong older woman as the main character and not some young girl just finding her way. The author writes a strong story that brings you into the world and I am wondering what will happen next.

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Mr. Wimp (The Human Mating Site Book 1) by B.L. Wilde – Review by Gabrielle

Mr Wimp (The Human Mating Site #1)Mr Wimp by B.L. Wilde
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a quick read about a woman finding a new life after years of marriage. Bella is taken by surprise when her marriage ends. Never realizing the rut she was in and how lost that she was. Yet Bella is not going to take this lying down. Soon she decides that she will take life by the horns and find herself again.
I enjoyed seeing Bella realize her worth and begin a new chapter in her life. Her adventures have just begun and it will be interesting to see where Bella will go from here. It was nice to see Bella become strong and come back to her true self from the place she had let her husband take her and their marriage to. This book is an interesting way to start this series and I look forward to seeing where Bella goes from here.

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Mr. Barsins’ Toy Emporium by Lois Wickstrom Review by Gabrielle

Mr. Barsins' Toy EmporiumMr. Barsins’ Toy Emporium by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is an interesting read that will grab the imagination of young readers. The four young children have an adventure that they will always remember. The toy store and Mr. Barsin is a world full of magic and wonder. Each of the children have unique stories and they must come together on this journey. Just like in this author’s other books there are lessons to be learned. The children must find a way to work together and help each other to defeat Mr. Barsin. It was nice to see the children grow and find there way. Magic and friendship shine throughout this story giving young readers an exciting ride.

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Conversations with the Tarot by Maria DeBlassie – Review by Gabrielle

Conversations with the Tarot: Bewitching Meditations on Reading the CardsConversations with the Tarot: Bewitching Meditations on Reading the Cards by Maria DeBlassie
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is an interesting look at tarot cards and what they mean to this author. It includes poems and insights from the author. Readers also get to see how the cards have guided and influenced the paths taken in her life. Maria DeBlassie shares her thoughts and ideas around the cards and their meanings, yet the reader is encouraged to make up their own mind. If you are interested in tarot cards and how they might work this is a nice way to introduce yourself to the idea. Seeing this authors journey and how they changed her life may help you understand and appreciate tarot cards and what they can do for some people.

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Mesmerised (Hybrid Lovers Book 2) by Toya Richardson – Review by Gabrielle

Mesmerised (Hybrid Lovers #2)Mesmerised by Toya Richardson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is an interesting story about finding love and what you would do to keep that love. It was nice to see the way Donna and Antoine’s relationship takes shape. Donna has had a hard life and when she has had enough it takes Antoine’s intervention to save her but will it be enough? Their story is an engaging read. I like the idea of the Angel and vampire hybrid. Antoine and Donna are strong characters and both have dealt with a lot but are ready to fight for a future together. This book has a mix of everything, the author does a good job of mixing the action and the romance. Emotions play a strong part in this book and I enjoyed seeing Donna blossom with the support and help of Antoine.

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Murder in a Gated Community by Laura Koerber – Review by Gabrielle

Murder in a Gated CommunityMurder in a Gated Community by Laura Koerber
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is an interesting story full of peculiar characters and their lives. Each of the characters has a story to tell. As we see the way their lives intertwine, we also get to see the problems with the HOA of the community. From garden spots to barking dogs this story has many things that will grab your attention. I enjoyed seeing the characters interact and all the problems with the HOA. It was fun to see the different personalities and how they deal with all that goes on in the community. I enjoyed getting to meet the characters living in this community and getting a glimpse into their lives.

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Saved by the Everyday Hero (Limited Edition Romance Collections) by Naomi Valkyrie & Various Authors – Review by Gabrielle

Saved by the Everyday HeroSaved by the Everyday Hero by Amelia Hayden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

There are many stories out there full of heroes, form secret agents to superheroes. This collection centers around those heroes that you might meet in your everyday life. No less super and just as much heroes These authors have created worlds and characters full of life and emotions. The stories vary in heat and action. As with most anthologies there were stories that stuck out more for me than others but as a whole this is a good read. I enjoyed stories from authors that I am familiar with and found new ones to enjoy. Each story is special and unique in its own way. Love comes in many forms and shines no matter who the hero is.

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Love Bites More (The Darkness & Light Duology, and the Love Bites World) by TL Clark – Review by Gabrielle

Love Bites MoreLove Bites More by T.L. Clark
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

An interesting story about the strength of love. Friends Elan and Arwyn soon find that friendship may just be the beginning of what they want. When Hassan enters their world things begin to change. Emotions play a big role in this book and you are taken on a ride full of ups and downs. There is no stopping fate and these three men learn to follow their hearts. It was nice to see the way that their relationship grows and deepens. Each man has a distinct personality and together they are something that no one can tear apart. Theirs is a fast-paced story full of a good mix of emotion and action.

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When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve – Review by Gabrielle

When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy TalesWhen Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is an interesting collection of stories. They give a new look into fairy tales. You will recognize many of the characters that give these stories a helping hand. They will remind you of tales that you heard as a child and when magic ruled. The author has brought the old and familiar into the present day. It was nice to see the way the stories evolved and tied together. I enjoy reding new and updated fairytales and this collection had some engaging reads. Some stories and characters stood out more than others abut as a whole this collection was a good read.

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Bound by the Hinterlands by Bree M. Lewandowski – Review by Gabrielle

Bound by the HinterlandsBound by the Hinterlands by Bree M. Lewandowski
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is an interesting story full of the paranormal and romance. Cressida has had a hard life. Her mother has passed and her father is controlling and abusive. Now he makes her life even harder by marrying Cressida off to a stranger, a baron from another land. Cressida takes this in stride and does her duty. Yet soon she finds that this new world and its people have stolen her heart but all is not as it should be. As Cressida and Caravahl try to find their way an evil is trying to take what it wants. It was nice to be along for their adventure but I did not fall in love with the characters. For me there was more telling than showing in their story and I did not get lost in this world but there is a good amount of character development and the plot does move at a good pace. It was nice to see Cressida and Caravahl learn to fight for what is truly important. We see their strength and what it can achieve if given the chance.

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Rise of the Hunter (Blood Prophecy Series) by Barb Jones – Review by Gabrielle

Rise of the HunterRise of the Hunter by Barb Jones
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is an interesting book that combines a lot of myth and magic. There is a lot going on and the reader really has to pay attention to what is going on. It is the fourth book in a series so you need to have read the previous books so as to understand this world and its characters better. Lots of characters and timelines are going on in this book but it all is going on at the same time through the book so every few pages it is another character or time that you are reading about. While it all connects it can be a bit hard to follow. With a lot of different characters having their say it was sometimes hard to get immersed in the story. The main focus of this book is the character The Tall Dark Man and the beginning of a new story arc. As much as I like the idea of this story, I always find it hard with so many changing narrations and times lines so quickly.

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People Safari by Feather Chelle – Review by Gabrielle

People SafariPeople Safari by Feather Chelle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this short and fun look at humans from an animal’s perspective. A family of deer are guided on a tour of a human town by a racoon. They get to see many of the differences between humans and animals and the way they live. This is a cute story that people of all ages will enjoy. While visiting the humans can be fun the young deer also finds out just how unnerving it can be. This is a cute read that gives readers a look at how animals might interpret the way we live. The deer family has some good questions and the pictures are fun and invite discussions. This story is an easy way to start a discussion with young children. The descriptions that the racoon uses to explain the way humans live are very entertaining and will bring a smile to everyone.

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Sleeping Love by Natalina Reis – Review by Gabrielle

Sleeping LoveSleeping Love by Natalina Reis
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is an interesting retelling of a fairytale sleeping beauty. I enjoyed meeting Ayo and Yi and getting to be along for their journey. Magic and Eastern kingdoms take center stage in this story. It was nice to see Asian main characters. Yi and Ayo are both strong characters and must fight hard to find their happy ever after. Their story is a sweet romance filled with a nice mix of cation and emotions. Not only do we get the main story but many of the supporting characters have their say. The plot is good but does drag in some places. The author does a nice job of bringing a new twist to an old tale.

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Tally and the Angel: Book Three, Japan by Eleanor Dixon – Review by Gabrielle

Japan (Tally and the Angel #3)Japan by Eleanor Dixon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This story takes Tally and her father to Japan. When Tally lost her mother, she gained an Angel and he has been with her ever since. As Tally and her father explore Japan Tally finds herself with a mystery to solve. It was nice to see Tally encounter some of the Japanese culture. Tally is a smart and inquisitive young lady; I liked the way she listens and discovers the many Japanese customs. Tally learns many lessons on her travels and adventures and it is nice to see the way she matures through her journeys. Life is full of challenges and Tally takes them full on. This is an engaging read that pulls the reader in. Tally’s adventures are a great way to introduce different customs and lives to young readers as well as giving them an exciting story to immerse themselves in.

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REIGN: The Rise of the Lich (The Silver Blood Knight Book 2 by Carol McKibben – Review by Gabrielle

REIGN: The Rise of the Lich: The Silver Blood Knight (Book 2)REIGN: The Rise of the Lich: The Silver Blood Knight by Carol McKibben
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is an interesting story full of magic and paranormal. Alongside Reign are the Morretti brothers and together they must work with and take care of Adam the human mage. Now they must fight the evil and save Italy. This is the second book in this series and it would be good to read the previous book to better understand and enjoy this book. I like the world that is being built in this series but I am having a hard time connecting with the characters, it was nice though to see the way everyone fights together against the evil. There are many different paranormal creatures in this world both good and evil. You never know what they might encounter next. The journey for those involved is not over yet and I am interested to know just what they will do next.

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Aliens on Earth Anthology (Limited Edition Romance Collections) by Various Authors – Review by Gabrielle

Aliens on EarthAliens on Earth by Mandy Melanson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a nice collection of stories. Each author brings readers into a new world and characters. I enjoyed these stories and would find it hard to pick just one as a favorite. Alongside the authors that I read there were a lot of new authors for me to enjoy. This collection has a good variety of characters from an alien dating app to alien mafia and a lot of what is in between. These short stories give you a glimpse into so many worlds and many different relationship, there are also different heat levels and matches that there should be something for just about everyone in these stories. It was nice to find myself immersed in different journeys and configurations but always finding the love shine through it all.

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