
Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Shannen Kern

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the third book in the Grave Digger Academy Series, and it is definitely my favorite so far! The author has somehow found a way to fit in much detail and action in quite a short read. Typically, if books are shorter, it feels like we’re missing something and that the story could have been fleshed out a little more. While this is a quicker read, the author did a marvelous job ensuring the story is fully complete with no stones left unturned. Makayla is in her third year at the Academy, and it seems to get more interesting each year. Will her brothers keep her safe, or will the danger at school be too great for all of them? I highly recommend reading these books in order as they do build off each other quite a bit. I can’t wait to see what the author has in store for us next!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Rebeca Elliott Figueiras

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the third book in the Grave Digger Academy series. I would recommend reading the first two books prior to starting this one as the books follow on from each other and will give you a better understanding o the world and characters.
Makayla is thrown back into a form of isolation and seeking answers on her return to school once again. I felt for her as things were clearly different than they used to be, something was wrong and she was unable to get the help she previously had. It isn’t easy being put in that situation and so I admired Makayla for this as she works to figure out what’s going on.
While I wish the book was longer, the author did a good job of including character development which I love in books. I do wish the book had been longer and we could see more, it works at the length it is. It’s an easy read and I can’t wait to get my hands on the next book.

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Jamie Truex

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the third book in the Grave Digger Academy series. I have read all three so far and recommend reading them in order. It doesn’t give enough back story for you to fully understand what is going on if you don’t.

Makayla and her brothers expect the academy to be full to the brim with new students this year! Only when they get there, it’s anything but full. Something major has changed over the summer. Her brothers are forced to leave, but she must stay. She learns a lot about herself this year and a new insight into what’s really going on. Will it be too much for her?

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

New book, new year. Makayla is back for her third year at the Grave Digger Academy and it is worse than ever. Attendance is down, professors and students are scared and transferred out but Makayla is forced to stay. The crones do not trust her and want to keep her under their thumb. The school is in lockdown with a whole new set of rules, no one is to leave the premises. Not only that, but the crones think Makayla is too inexperienced to harness her legendary helpers and is forced to find a more ‘normal’ one.

This book is a lot slower paced than the previous two in the series. It was kind of like a montage of Makayla learning more about her potential and working on herself to get stronger. I liked how the author actually wrote about the struggle and the work Makayla put in. A lot of times, the main character is just all of a sudden super powerful and at full potential which makes for an unrealistic arc. I really enjoy this author’s writing. I am excited for the next installment of the series!

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Heather Bass

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have read a few books from this author and she never disappoints. I love the way she writes in perfect detail. This is the third book in the very addictive series of the Grave Digger Academy. You do need to read the other books in the series or you will be lost. I was so excited when I got this book so I started to read it right away. I could not put it down until the end. It only took me a few hours to read this story and I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Makayla is ready for her third year at the Grave Digger Academy. She is ready to see her friends after last year’s problem. Makayla is getting more powerful as she learns at this school. She is shocked when she notices that some of the teachers are missing and some of her friends. Makayla is also being watched by the Crones which means there could be trouble. She wants to know what is really going on but will it put her in danger?

Review @heatherbass
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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Darla Yocom

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the 3rd book in the Grave Digger Academy series. It is a must read for fans of paranormal fantasy fiction. I think out of the three books, this is the most creative and fans will appreciate it. There’s lots of adventure, fun and a touch of romance.

This series follows Makayla on her adventure within the academy after learning of her rare ability to see and communicate with the dead. The mysterious and secret school for people with her abilities turns out to be a great fit allowing her to learn more about her power plus uncover the mysterious realm called the afterlife.

This book presents Makayla and her friends with their biggest challenge to date. They are forced to fight a sinister plot to disrupt the balance between the living and the dead. There is a lot of growth throughout the series and especially in this challenging chapter.

I hope you enjoy stories that include humor, emotions, action, and suspense because this one is overflowing with it all!

I think everyone will be satisfied with the outcome of this story. It is so well written and has a good balance of characters, plot & incredible dialogue. I highly recommend.

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Mandy Ott

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was very excited to continue the Grave Digger Academy series by C. A. King! The third installment did not disappoint. Many of the same characters return, but things are very different at the Academy with many students and faculty leaving. This book started out a little slower but I believe all of the information learned will be beneficial in the long run. We are introduced to more helpers and find out Makayla may be much more than she seems. The Crones have Makayla and the Academy in their sites and seem determined to bring both down. But, with many of her old friends missing this year, Makayla finds her own strengths and magic within her isolation. The same great world building is used and I’ve become so invested in the characters. I cannot wait for the fourth book!

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Kerry Carr

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the 3rd book in the Grave Digger Academy series. I really recommend reading these books in order so you get the complete picture and complete understanding for the character.
This author is one I am always excited to pick up as I am never disappointed and am always taken on a paranormal adventure that I’ll never forget.

Makayla is returning back to Grave Digger Academy for her 3rd year. But just like the previous years it isn’t going to be easy for Makayla. When she arrives at the academy with her brothers who change their schools to protect her she automatically knows something is wrong.
After all the hype around the Academy Makayla expected the school to be busy so why was it so quiet?
When she notices that some of her friends and teachers haven’t returned she knows she needs to find out what is going on. But can she succeed in getting to the truth without the aid of her helpers? And how dangerous will things become for her when she tries to uncover the truth.
With people questioning whether she is on the side of good or evil she is in a race against time to find the missing people while also keeping herself safe.
Will she be able to survive the 3rd year at Grave Digger Academy?

This is a YA paranormal adventure which is full of twists and turns. It is a fast paced story with great character development. I can’t wait to see what else the author had in store for us with this series.

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Tracy Greenhalgh

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Grave Digger Academy III” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Grave Digger Academy III</a> by <a href=””>C.A. King</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
The third book in the series and I have been waiting to find out what has happened with Makayla, and once again the author has not let us down.<br />The story continues to evolve and is a little grittier and darker than the previous 2 but the plot and characters continue to evolve.<br />The Academy itself has had a turn around and is now where everyone wants to go but there has been a hold on transfers, and all who wanted to transfer out were allocated placements at other academies. So on return Makayla finds things very different. Rules are sharper and even the head mistress is being held under strong views from the Crones.<br />Can Makayla work within the new tough rules and make her way towards her destiny.<br />Another amazingly written book.<br />
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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Tia Martel

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

We’re back for year 3 and it just might be the last year at Grave Digger Academy. After last year, it’s a wonder there’s anyone left at this specific school, but what can you do when they refuse to let you leave.

While some things are best left buried, it’s impossible to keep anything hidden long when there is no one left to trust.

Makayla starts out this story with the start of term. It’s year three and maybe this year they’ll actually learn something, but when she arrives with two of her brothers in tow, it seems like things are getting grimmer at Grave Digger Academy.

I enjoyed book three just as much as the first two! It’s fast paced, and quick to follow. My only complaint is how quick it ends! Onto book Four!

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Naomi McDonald

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is not a standalone book. You need to read the first two in order to understand the backstory of what is going on in this one.
After reading the first two and loving them, I found book three to be somewhat slower. It took me a little bit to get into it because there’s not a lot of action happening up until about chapter twenty. BUT, you need all the information in this story for what is coming in book four.
That being said, I enjoyed the addition of new helper characters, and Makayla learning how to use her tools. And, as always, I enjoyed the unique interpretations of magic and worldbuilding. I feel like the slower pace of this story is building up to something intense for the next book.
Looking forward to continuing the series!

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Donya Pedigo

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the third installment of the Grave Digger series and while you can read it as a standalone, I’d definitely recommend reading the books in order, as a lot happens that you don’t want to miss out on. C.A. King has written this amazing, enjoyable YA paranormal series that encompasses not only magic, secrets, and dangerous adventures, but fun to get to know somewhat quirky characters.

Book three has Makayla returning to GDA for her year three with her brothers in tow as her protection detail. They feel they need to watch out for her, especially after her year-two trials and tribulations. But Makayla realizes things are amiss right off the bat, with missing entities and people. Is GDA safe? What happens when more people start disappearing? Will Makayla herself be next if her brothers aren’t allowed to stay with her? Will she be left all alone since her unique group of friends seems to have bailed on her, or will she encounter others to help her along the way? Can she solve the mystery, stay safe, and make it to her year four at GDA, or will the shadows close in as people question whose side she is truly on? Find out these questions and more in the fast-paced magical tale!

I’m so glad I found this series and can’t wait to see what happens next! Be aware going into this series that these books often end on cliffhangers that leave you salivating for more answers, adventures, and just plain great writing!

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Tausha Treadway

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King. This is such a fun series and while it can be read as a standalone I think they will be enjoyed much more if read in order. Its the continuing story of Makayla who has returned to school for a third semester. The only problem is none of her friends or professors have shown up? Where are they and what could have happened to them. Makayla is now tasked in finding them. Makayla finds a few new friends while her other friends are missing and they help her look for everyone. Makayla is also learning more about her powers and how to use them. Such a fun series especially for younger readers but this old lady still loved it!

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Amanda Haller-Doris

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So excited to get to continue to read this exciting and engaging series! Book 3 follows Makayla’s return to school, where there are all sorts of strange things happening and people are missing. I love that Makayla isn’t afraid to start digging into the secrets to figure out what is going on. The author continues to keep the audience engaged with the characters and really makes you feel connected to them. I definitely couldn’t put the book down until I got to the final page, I definitely was kept enthralled with the tale and I can’t wait to check out book 4 to see what will continue to happen!

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Deb Robinson

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the continuation of Makayla’s journey at the Grave Digger Academy. In this book she is off to school with her brothers in tow, just to find out that only a handful of students are returning. Her brothers are there for her protection after last year. Will they be allowed to stay?
The mystery of finding out why people are going missing is at the heart of the story.

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Lisa Helmick

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This covers year three of Makayla’s school year. It’s a good story and easily kept my interest. It was nice seeing all the characters and seeing what and where they are now at. Makayla runs into a bump in the road and has to figure out how to compensate. The ending is a surprise and makes me wonder what will happen in the next book.

I like the covers of these books! Really drew my eye! I feel the author could really expand on the story if so desired. There are so many ways that this could be taken. I almost felt the story was good up to a point then it was a quick abrupt ending.

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Amanda Glaspie

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The third book in this installment did not disappoint. There is so much detail in such a short book. Makayla finds herself back at the Grave diggers Acedemy fle the third year, but this time, she isn’t allowed to leave. In the book Makayla continues to grow in her magic and when she is forced to rely on herself, she finds her powers are much stronger than she ever imagined. Small details build up and all culminates in the conclusion of this book. I do not recommend reading this without the first two books; it is definitely not meant as a stand alone.

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Amelia Stansell

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the third book of the series. It just keeps getting better. The school isn’t known as the end of the line anymore it is now known for heroes. There are a lot of strange things happening. She never heard from her friends during break, the gargoyles that guard the school are missing, along with several other people. Will she be able to find everyone or is she in over her head?

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Samantha Snow

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

🤩 Book 3 is here && O-M-G, SOOOOO glad I gave this series a chance! 🥰 I loved Book 1 annnd Book 2 and even more so Book 3!! Was sooo looking forward to this installment, and am ever so happy with what I read! I was invested and super excited when this book was out for me to finish the story I started …LOL The characters were nothing short of amazing, the plotline, story was superb ♥️ The author is now on my top fave list!! 😊

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Callie Luna

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Grave Digger Academy III is Makayla’s third year at Grave Digger Academy. She is stuck at Grave Digger Academy due to her lineage and is being watched by the Crones. Students and teachers have disappeared. Maybe they have just not come back for the school year? Join Makayla and her friends as they continue to unravel the GDA secrets. I enjoyed this book because Makayla started to learn and practice more magic. I would recommend it for those in middle school but can be enjoyed at older ages as well. I look forward to reading the next part of the series.

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Elizabeth Sanchez

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Grave Digger Academy series must be read together, in order, to fully understand what is going on. The books continue to build on each other and book 3 picks up where Book 2 left off. And similar, it ends in a cliff hanging, urging the reader onto book 4. This book was a short story, and is easy to read in a day or two. It is action packed, and there is a lot going on. Makayla is back at the Grave Digger Academy, and must find new helpers. Her friends have pretty much abandoned her after the drama from book 2. While this sucks, it helps her discover her own strengths and build on them, making some new, unexpected friends along the way.

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Reviewed by @way2gosmartguy

Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Emily H

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Mackayla is back for her third year at Grave Digger Academy and all is not what it was. The student population has dwindled to a select few. Makayla is finding this year is not what she expected and finds a few new allies while her helpers are not around. Dark things are swirling around the Academy and Makayla will be the person who has to find out what is happening.

Another great read in this series. A bit darker than the first two but page turning fun. I liked how the story went, fast paced excitement and Makayla has a few surprises in store for her. Can’t wait for the next book.

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Kerry Baker

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It had been a while since I had read a book in this series and I was so excited to get right back into it. It was honestly like I had never put the books down. I was pulled back in straight away and reconnected with the characters with ease. I love the new additions to the book as well. They were great to learn about and added so much more to the story.
This book is still such a unique and original concept. It is unusual for me to read a book that is different to anything else I have read and yet every single book I read by this author seems to be just that. This book is as excited and well written as the others in the series and I think it is definitely prompting a reread. This is a fantastic book that I would highly recommend.

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Erin DeRom

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Book 3, Year 3

Year 3 had me hooked, I couldn’t put it down. I was lucky enough to have some time away from work so I could devour it undisturbed. This book, left me on edge and unsettled quite a bit (in the best way). I truly couldn’t put it down.

This should NOT be read as a stand alone, but I promise the first 2 are fantastic as well. I can’t wait to read book 4.

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Aranza

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Grave Digger Academy III by C.A. King

4 out of 5 stars

GDA is the third book in the series.  Is best to read the books In order to be able to follow the story line.  The characters are so much fun and different from what I expected. The way that magic is portrait is so different from what I’m use to see. I think this books are really good and definitely worth your time.

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Jennifer Reimer

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This has been a really incredible amazing YA paranormal fantasy series. When Makayla is back at school things are what they use to be, teachers and students a like are missing, and the way things were done are not the way they are now. Makayla decides to figure out what is going on and along the way makes new friends and learns new things. I love how the story just flows together and is easy to follow just like the others. I do believe that if you want to you could read all the books by themselves, but it would be more beneficial to start from the beginning. Makayla has been an amazing character and has really grown in the books, and really takes a leadership like lead. This book like all the others is filled with action, mystery, the supernatural, wonderful quirky characters, dramatic developments, tension, intrigue, danger, and plenty of twists and turns.

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Julie Johnson

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It’s the start of Makayla’s third year at the Grave Digger Academy. Things are a little different from last year and Makayla feels like she’s a target. First of all, where are all the students? What’s with all the new rules? Makayla knows there’s about to be an adventure and she’s not sure she’s ready to deal with it or the fall out.

I recommend reading this series in order as the background established in previous books is key to understanding what’s happening. Another great read by C.A. King! Now on to book 4!

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Shelly Kittell

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Wow, so many more questions brought up now. The mystery continues as Faunia and the Crones are out to get Mikayla. I felt like I was on the journey with them. Feeling left out and not being able to use her helpers, she has to get through a lot of this on her own. She still doesn’t really know who to trust. The adventure is there. She’s learning the magic as she goes. Griffin is playing an integral role and I’m waiting to see what it is. Nobody can remember him. I’m loving the twists and the characters. This really is a series you can dig into. You definitely need to read it in order to understand it.

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Cindy Rushin

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed reading the continuing adventures of Makayla. Being with her as she learns more about magic and the reality of who she is has been very interesting. The world created by this author is very vibrant and intense and the story has some very interesting twist and turns as Makayla works to unravel the mystery that shrouds the past and the history of necromancy and the witches that practiced it. This series just keeps getting better and better as it continues and I look forward to the next book in the series.

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Grave Digger Academy III (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Carlie Del Gallo

Grave Digger Academy IIIGrave Digger Academy III by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the third book in this fantastic series, and I am obsessed! Each book gets better and better! I could not put this book down. I enjoyed reading this book so much and following along with the characters. I LOVED this third installment of the series, and I cannot wait to read the next one!!

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