
Depending On You by Jessica Aiken-Hall – Review by Hailey Hop

Depending On YouDepending On You by Jessica Aiken-Hall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story is filled with suspense, mystery, secrets and a murder. The author’s ability to bring the book alive and make the reader feel like they are in the book is incredible. I really could not put this book down!
Cate and Patti have been friends for years. They have hidden a secret, but what happens when that secret may come to light?
I recommend not only this book, but any other from this author as well. She is a great writer that will always keep you on your toes.

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Journeys Through Collection: Volumes 1-3 by James Talisman – Review by Hailey Hop

Journeys Through Collection: Volume 1-3Journeys Through Collection: Volume 1-3 by James Talisman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I had a hard time putting down this series. The author’s ability to not only create several complex universes and characters, but tie them together and have them flow naturally is spectacular! I fell in love with so many characters in these books. I loved seeing them develop as they learned how to truly harness their abilities.
Readers are drawn in immediately as we are teased with each universe’s main characters. It made me yearn to know more, thus I could not put it down! These are complex books, so I did read a few chapters over to make sure I did not miss any key information, but totally worth it!

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The View from Here by Leon Stevens – Review by Hailey Hop

The View from HereThe View from Here by Leon Stevens
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I could not put this book down! The author’s ability to portray so much detail in such a short amount of time was phenomenal! The reader is sucked in from chapter one when Thomas sets out on a hike. What he experiences on this journey is so engrossing that I didn’t want to stop reading. I really hope that there is a second book so I can see more of Thomas and April. I loved their connection!

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Sinful Vow (Dark Mafia Sins, book 1) by Emily Bowie – Review by Hailey Hop

Sinful Vow (Dark Mafia Sins, #0.5)Sinful Vow by Emily Bowie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Luca has always followed Aly. When Aly was to be married away, Luca decided to take matters into his own hands. He kidnaps Aly. All hell breaks loose between the two mafia families. How will Luca and Aly make it through this?
The author makes the author feel like they are experiencing all the emotions the two main characters feel. This book has the perfect balance of emotions and steam. I cannot wait for book 2!

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ConQuest: The Art of Selling at Cons by Megan Mackie – Review by Hailey Hop

ConQuest: The Art of Selling At ConsConQuest: The Art of Selling At Cons by Megan Mackie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book will help any author thinking of selling at cons- whether the con is small or large. The author breaks it down for the reader on what to do and not to do at cons of all sizes. I personally would have never thought of many of the key points the author brought up. From how to lay out your table to individuals you will encounter on your con quest, you will be more prepared than other first time authors at cons.
I recommend this book to any author who is going to or is thinking of selling at cons.

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Fate, Frankincense & Funerals by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Hailey Hop

Fate, Frankincense & FuneralsFate, Frankincense & Funerals by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Honestly, I have never read a MM romance book because I was afraid I wouldn’t like it. Oh man was I wrong!
This author was able to pack so much detail, emotions, and a unique world in only 57 pages! I’m still stunned on how amazing this book was. I could feel every emotion the author was portraying so easily.
When the two main characters, Acheron and Errapel, meet, the reader can actually feel their mate bond. The two connected so smoothly.
The only thing I would change is to have more pages to read! I loved this book. Definitely pick this book up!

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Twilight’s Curse (Twilight Realm Series Book 1) by K. M. Wray – Review by Hailey Hop

Twilight's CurseTwilight’s Curse by K.M. Wray
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Twilight’s curse by K.M. Wray had me hooked in the first chapter! We start off with Nix, the Prince Phoenix who became an orphan at a young age when his parents were murdered. This tragedy causes Nix to go into hiding to stay safe. When we meet Zoe, she has an equal amount of sorrows and pain due to being a lab rat by her mother’s hand.
I absolutely could not get enough of this book and am so excited there will be more books in this series! The authors ability to build worlds, characters and scenes with ease is fantastic. I love reading fantasy books and am so happy to have found this amazing author! Check this book out!!

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Check In (Bobbins Sisters Series Book 2) by Debra Parmley – Review by Hailey Hop

Check InCheck In by Debra Parmley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Check In by Debra Parmley begins with the reader meeting Len, an officer who was recently injured. He goes to a friend’s barbecue where he sees LeAnn, and the two fall head over heels for eachother. It is love at first sight for the two. Their relationship is easy going yet loving.
I liked watching these two characters develop. It was easy to relate with them. I think pretty much everyone can relate to some aspect of the characters or their lives. It is a quick read with a great storyline.

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Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour) by Victoria Zak – Review by Hailey Hop

Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour Book One)Rock Me To The Top by Victoria Zak
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rock Me to the Top starts out with Joe finding out some amazing news and wants to share it with Melody- his best friend and crush. He finds Melody dancing on a bar due a minor setback in her dream. When Joe convinces Melody to go on tour with him and his band, Gracefall, the electricity between the two skyrockets.
This is a book I could not put down. I had to know more of their connection, to the point where my husband had to tell me to come to bed! Haha, but really this is an addicting book and I think I just found myself a new author to follow! Pick this book up, you will not regret it!

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Weep, Woman, Weep: A Gothic Fairytale about Ancestral Hauntings by Maria DeBlassie – Review by Hailey Hop

Weep, Woman, WeepWeep, Woman, Weep by Maria DeBlassie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Weep, Women, Weep starts out with Mercy and Sherry living their lives the best they can while planning their futures in the city. All that changes when La Llorona drags Sherry under water and almost gets Mercy. After that day, Mercy’s life changes. Mercy gets hit with a lot of difficult life events that leave the reader wondering how she has the strength to keep going. I loved watching Mercy develop into an independent woman
I honestly really liked this story. It made me realize that no matter what life throws at you, you can keep going and make good of your situation. Mercy is a strong hearted woman who never gave up, even when faced with terrible situations.
I definitely will be checking out more of this author’s books!

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Runaway to the Outback (Welcome to Bunya Junction, Book 2) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Hailey Hop

Runaway to the Outback (Welcome to Bunya Junction, #2)Runaway to the Outback by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Runaway to the Outback is Jonas and Pandora’s story. We start out with Pandora coming into Jonas’ bar in a very small town. Pandora is dressed like a bride, but it turns out she is just a model for the dress who stormed off the set.
Instantly, the two have a spark between them and it is hard not to feel excited for the two. I kept screaming in my head for Jonas to make a move! These characters are pretty relatable and their actions are things many others have seen in their lives. Jonas reminds me a lot of my husband by saying things that come out wrong or things he shouldn’t have said at all. I really did enjoy this book of the series and cannot wait for book 3!

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Ye Gods! The Law is an Ass! (Donovan Trait Book 2) by Seelie Kay – Review by Hailey Hop

Ye Gods! The Law is an Ass!Ye Gods! The Law is an Ass! by Seelie Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ye Gods! The Law is an Ass! by Seelie Kay is an intense vampire novel that I was unable to put down! The amount of detail the author portrays is astonishing. I honestly felt like I was in the book!
Donovan and his bride, Shirley, end up on the run after breaking their agreement with the Coalition. They were supposed to allow this vampire counsel to oversee their conception of their children, but Shirley ends up accidentally pregnant on her wedding day. What will this family learn along their journey for survival?
The author did an amazing job with setting the moods in every different scene. The author was able to portray so much emotion without overdoing it, and I really admited her for this.
I do suggest that you read book 1 of this series beforehand if you have not done so yet. It will help you love these characters even more!

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Stormwood by Luna Mayfield – Review by Hailey Hop

StormwoodStormwood by Luna Mayfield
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Stormwood by Luna Mayfield is an easy paranormal book to read. We start out with Luci inheriting an estate that has been in her family for generations. Luci and her fiancé Bennett go to see the new estate that night again that is when things go down hill. Who is this mysterious person that seems to come and go at will?
This book is an easy read. It is fast paced and easy to read in one or two sittings. The book itself isn’t too scary but still has an eerie feeling as you read it.

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Jake the Growling Dog Shares His Trail (Jake the Growling Dog Book 3) by Samantha Shannon – Review by Hailey Hop

Jake the Growling Dog Shares His TrailJake the Growling Dog Shares His Trail by Samantha Shannon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My son absolutely loved this book! We start out with Jake and Neet exploring a trail when Jake notices suspicious tracks. Both he and Neet become scared, imagining scary beasts! But thanks to a few other dog friends, Jake is able to find the source of the tracks and overcome the fear.
This book is an easy read but tackles a tough issue for kids! This helped my son to explore his fears and learn to overcome them. I definitely recommend parents of young children to buy this book!

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Raven Woman’s Tavern by Laura Koerber – Review by Hailey Hop

Raven Woman's TavernRaven Woman’s Tavern by Laura Koerber
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Raven Women’s Tavern by Laura Koerber was a book I got sucked into. Everything in this book is easy to grasp, but has great details. The reader can imagine the scenes, whether it be a frail old man walking down the road with his dog or a terrified bar keeper trying to keep calm in front of militia.
I had a very tough time putting this book down when it got to Baylor and his struggles to survive. The author did such a great job portraying the character’s emotions that I felt like I was there with him!
The only thing I wish to have from this book was more! I’d love to see the characters develop more or see more into the beginning chapters so that I felt more immersed. Overall, a great read!

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Journeys Through TimeSpace (Journeys Through Book 2) by James Talisman – Review by Hailey Hop

Journeys Through TimeSpaceJourneys Through TimeSpace by James Talisman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Journeys Through TimeSpace by James Talisman is exactly the ‘more’ that I wanted from book one of the series!! I was super excited to be able to see some of my favorite characters brought back and learn more about their past, present and future!
This is a complex book that you will not be able to put down. I read this book twice! The amount of detail the author was able to give readers with stories that jump back and forth was risky but it truly paid off. It had me hooked. I cannot wait to read more from this author!

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Dark Bastard (Dark Sparrow Novel Book 5) by India Kells – Review by Hailey Hop

Dark Bastard (Dark Sparrow, #5)Dark Bastard by India Kells
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dark Bastard by India Kells will pull you in from page one! The amount of sorrow and pain I was able to feel from Sam in the first few pages literally had me hooked. The author’s ability to express his feelings is incredible and had me wishing I was able to save Sam myself! By a simple mistake, Sam calls a woman named Ellie and so the story begins between the two.
When tragedy struck both Sam and Ellie, I was pulled in once again. I had to know what fate had in store for these two. I had a really hard time putting this book down. I enjoyed the author’s writing style and ability to make intense moments seem very fast pace and exhilarating, but have peaceful moments feel easy and calm. It really made me feel like I was in the story!

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Bared. (A Green St. Girls Romance) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Hailey Hop

Bared. (Green St. Girls #1)Bared. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Bared by N.D. Jackson hooked me in right at the beginning! We start immediately seeing Athena’s heart shattering as her best friend, Charlie, is on her death bed. My heart strings were pulled as I felt their emotions.
Athena promises to live her life to the fullest. She opens Shamrock Pool Hall and Pub and that is where she meets Tru, the man who she cannot seem to keep away from or keep out of her head. Their electrifying relationship is phenomenal and the author did a splendid job of showing our spicy Athena taking on the very handsome pool player, Tru.
Although both main characters are wealthy, they are very relatable, and I appreciated the book for that. I didn’t feel out of place and was able to picture the scenes perfectly. This book made me feel their desires, sorrows, fears and happiness. I recommend this book, especially if you want one that is hard to put down!

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Terrifying Love – A Halloween Anthology – Review by Hailey Hop

Terrifying Love: A Halloween AnthologyTerrifying Love: A Halloween Anthology by Serena Nova
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book definitely kept my attention. It was hard to put down! The authors all did an amazing job capturing fear, heartbreak, fear, and excitement in a small amount of time.
There are 7 short stories as well as a poem for each short story that work together beautifully. The poems would draw me in, and then the author would captivate me with unique stories that I probably would have never read on my own had they been separate books. I’m glad I gave this book a shot because I was introduced to several different authors- some of which have been added to my must read list!
I highly recommend giving this book a chance, and then going to read the authors’ other works. I know I am!

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