
Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Kelli Harper

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Here we have another friend of Cray. The Rhymes are spot on, the illustrations are fantastic and engaging as per usual. I really enjoy these stories. The quick easy lessons that captivate the little minds around me. I will continue sharing these stories with the Littles.

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Stephanie Robb

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have really enjoyed this series so far. Each story is full of beautiful illustrations and wonderful prose. In this story we learn that it is ok to be afraid and admit you are afraid. I would highly recommend all of the books in this series for all ages and abilities to either read together or alone.

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Nicole Thompson

Let me tell you, “Hay Goes Home” by G Pa Rhymes is an absolute gem of a children’s book. I loved the way it emphasizes friendship and overcoming those little hiccups we all face in life. Cray the Crab and Hay the Fox make an adorable pair, and their journey to Hay’s mother’s birthday party is a blast to follow.

What really struck me about this book is the way G Pa Rhymes uses playful rhymes. They flow perfectly, making the story a treat to read aloud. Plus, Erica Leigh’s illustrations are super charming and really bring Cray, Hay, and the world they travel through to life.

The friendship between Cray and Hay is so heartwarming. They support and encourage each other the entire way, making it a great example for kids. And as they face their challenges, you really see how important it is to persevere and know when to ask for a helping hand.

Honestly, “Hay Goes Home” is the kind of book that stays with you. The story’s great, the illustrations are a joy, and the messages about friendship and overcoming obstacles are spot on. I’d definitely recommend this one for any child’s library.

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Candice Estes

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hay the Fox is headed home for her mother’s birthday party, and she is taking Cray the crab with her. Along the way, Hay and Cray learn how to be braver and how to ask for help. From being afraid of crossing rapidly moving water, to being afraid of an unexpected animal in a cave, the friends must learn how to manage and find their way safely home. The illustrations are beautiful, and the story is short with a rhyming cadence that makes it quick and easy to share with young children. I would recommend this book for any child who may be struggling with feeling scared or unsure. This is a great book for young kids, preschool age or older.

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Shannen Kern

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

We were so excited to pick up another book by this author! I haven’t found anything I disliked about his books yet because he has such a way with words. Rhyming is great for kids, but I find myself bouncing along with the rhythm as well. Somehow, he created something that is part rhythmic fun and part valuable life lesson. The list of courage builders at the end was something I hadn’t seen before and made my kids add more ideas to their own courage lists! We all experience these big feelings like fear, panic, relief, and bravery, so to learn about it in a children’s book was fascinating! It should absolutely be focused on more with earlier development. The illustrations were icing on top of a delicious cake as well. I highly recommend sharing this with kiddos in your life whether that’s in your family or in your classroom!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hay Goes Home is Book Four in The Adventures of Cray Series. It is a children’s book told in rhymes that follows the adventures of Cray the Crab and his friends. On his latest adventure Cray is going with his friend Hay the Fox to Hay’s mom’s birthday party. To get there they need to travel through the woods, cross the river, and get through overgrown shrubs. They must overcome numerous obstacles along the way but thankfully they meet some new friends who help them. A beautiful story that teaches important lessons about friendship, teamwork, perseverance, courage, and the importance of asking for help. The bright and colorful illustrations really bring the story to life.

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Crystal Brehant

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

These books by G Pa Rhymes are always full of beautiful illustrations. I absolutely love them. I read these with my son and we enjoy them. They always have a great lesson too. This one teaches about courage and that it’s okay to ask for help sometimes. Cray and Hay are great friends going on an adventure. They also meet some new friends along the way.

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Angela Plate, March 2024

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is another super cute story by this author. It teaches lessons on friendship and bravery while keeping us adults interested. It’s a beautifully illustrated story that can be read and enjoyed by anyone.

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Lisa Helmick

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another superb story from this series. Cray goes on an adventure that would be unknown to him if he had not befriended Hay. Leaving the beach he sets off for the woods. This one covers how one can be brave and asking for help as both animals need to learn to utilize that in here. There are great tips for building courage in the back of the book.

As always I want to mention the illustration in here. Between the wonderful story and the brilliant illustration this is a winner for kids and adults! I look forward to more adventures with Cray.

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Hannah Porter

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Once again the artwork is fantastic, really eye catching 🥰 I do love the little adventure that Cray goes on lol and how he and Hay got to meet all those cool other animals. They not only became friends with them all but the other animals helped teach them a valuable lesson along the way. I also enjoyed the list the author included at the end . I will definitely be trying it out. I truly look forward to reading more stories by this author 🥰 if you haven’t read any books yet I 10/10 recommend 🥰

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Jayme Raffauf

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another great book in the Adventures of Cray book series. Cray the Crab and Hay the Fox go on a sweet adventure to get Hay to his mother’s birthday party. They face many obstacles along the way and get help from each other and from some friends. They also learn how to be brave and how to work together. This is a great book for early readers.

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Felicia Bates

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hay Goes Home may be my favorite adventure of Cray yet. I loved the illustrations and the change in environment with woodland friends! As always, the book read smoothly and my seven year old loved reading it to me. I love that there is a lesson woven within the pages, in this case, don’t be afraid to ask for help! Another great read in a wonderful children’s series.

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Tausha Treadway

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes. This is such a great story for younger kids. This whole series is wonderful and my nephew and I have loved them. We’ve read them all together. In this addition Hay the Fox and Cray the Crab are headed to Hay’s mom’s birthday party. On their way they run into a few obstacles but figure out ways to overcome. On the journey they learn that it is ok to not know everything and its ok to ask others for help. Making new friends along the way and finally arriving at the party they have the best time. The lessons taught in this addition are its ok to ask for help, its ok to need help and new things are fun. These books make wonderful gifts for families with small children and teachers for their classrooms. I have loved every one of them and my nephew has too!

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by La Toya Lewis

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes is the fourth book in The Adventures of Cray series. In this book, Cray goes with his friend Fox Hay to her mother’s birthday party. Along the way, they run into situations that test their bravery. This is a great story that shows how friends will be there for you if you just ask and how to be brave in scary situations. The different scenes make it easy for kids to understand how to be brave even when they are afraid. It also shows how to advocate for themselves by asking for help and how to help those who ask. All great lessons for kids to learn early. The illustrations are beautiful as usual.

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cray was so excited to be going to a birthday party!! It is Fox Hay’s mamma’s birthday high up in the mountains. It would be a long trip, but also an adventure! They saw animals of all kinds, plants high and low, and they even needed help along the way. It can be scary facing new things, but you can still be brave. Asking for help when needed can make adventures less stressful. This book was so cute!! If helps younger kids build courage through out different obstacles they may come across in life. Being scared and facing those fears. I think that this book is wonderful for kids, BUT it is also great for adults to read too. The tips in the back are so helpful and I encourage adults to read this one!!

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Emily H

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Hay the Fox is going home for his mother’s birthday. Heading out with this friends Hay finds himself a bit lost. Hay has a hard time remembering the way, but with the help of new friends he is able to get to his mom in time.

I love all the illustrations in this series. They are vibrant and only enhances the book. I thought this was a great story for children, it showcases problem solving and is a fun adventure.

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Cindy Rushin

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoy these stories about Cray and his friends. This story about Cray’s friend Hay and the journey both of them took to attend Hay’s mother’s birthday party. The journey involved many adventures that that required Hay and Cray to work with other individuals they met on the way to solve the issues. I enjoy reading this series about Cray and her many friends. Each story has an uplifting message that I feel many children need to hear.

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Cindy Mayberry

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another outstanding story by an outstanding author. Hay and Cray are the most unlikely pair. Yet their friendship and willingness to work together is a pleasure to read about. This is most definitely a must read to all children’s libraries. Hay is headed to his mother’s house for a party. Along the way they are met with many obstacles. As the two work together they find more friends to help guide them. This story also comes with rhyming time. It was just so fun to read, and the pictures are bright and colorful. They really catch the children’s eye and interest. My children enjoyed this story and asked for it again and again.


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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Darian Vester

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have fallen in love with Cray and his group of friends. My son is currently obsessed with foxes so we couldn’t wait to read about Hay. The story is easy for little ones to follow along and for young ones to read. It’s a great book to read if you’re wanting to go over rhyming words with kids. I enjoyed the illustrations and I’m sure kids will as well. I also liked the 8 tips to build courage by Misty Black in the end. Going over these plus the bravery from the book will also help kids wanting to encourage their friends or family.

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Tanya Wall, February 2024

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Traveling with his friend Cray, Hay is headed to a birthday party.They saw so many things on their travels. But most importantly they problem solved and faced their fears together. Another lesson learned is how to ask for help when something is hard.The illustrations are beautiful and this is a great read aloud for any young kiddo.

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Megan Conley

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the super cute story of Cray and Hay as they go to visit Hay’s mother for her birthday party. I absolutely love the lessons that Rhymes teaches little readers throughout his books (and there are more than one) and I love that he does it through rhyme. As you are reading this book out loud to your littles, it becomes very sing-songy and just such a great time. And not only do we learn valuable life lessons through very catchy rhymes, the illustrations are absolutely astounding. The colors are deep and rich and just mesmerizing. I can’t get enough of Cray and his adventures with his friends. These are fantastic books to read with your littles!
Reviewed by @meggs1717

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Elizabeth Sanchez

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hay Goes Home is another cute story from the Adventures of Cray series. It’s Hay’s mom’s birthday and he is bringing Cray home for her party. They meet a lot of other animals in the forest along the way. The illustrations are adorable. My 8 year old easily read it to me, but had some questions on the big words on the last page (affirmations, imperfection). The book is filled with positive messages, such as asking for help is okay, and encourage kids to be brave. These books are great for preschool and young elementary kiddos.

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Reviewed by @way2gosmartguy

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars
Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes

Hay Goes Home is a wonderful children’s book that children of any age can enjoy. My almost six year old son loved this book and the colorful illustrations brought the story to life. This is a cute story about Hay and his friend Cray and their journey to Hay’s moms birthday party. But along the way they encounter some obstacles like overgrown plants and a river. With the help of a new friend and each other they get through the obstacles together. This is a sweet story that shows children that working together and bravery and asking for help will get you through most things. I highly recommend reading this book and we look forward to reading more from this Author.

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Katie Matthews

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another really sweet story form this lovely series. My 5 year old absolutely loves the rhyming element to the books from this series and he definitely loved Cray and all his friends! I love that each story has a different meaning behind it – this one was all about helping people who are a little scared and that its ok to admit when you are afraid and need a little bit of help and encouragement from your friends.
The illustrations that accompany this story are so beautiful and really do complement the story well.
I can’t wait for more adventures from Cray and his friends!

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Laura Jones

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Christie Mitchum

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a beautiful tale of friendship, courage, and bravery!!!

Cray the Crab and Hay the Fox are off on a journey to celebrate Hay’s mother’s birthday. In addition to the exciting journey, they encounter some roadblocks and obstacles. They rely on each other, but they also meet some new friends who can help them reach their final destination.

Hay Goes Home is a book for all ages! It teaches children how to be brave, the importance of friendship, asking for help, and building courage, but it also reminds adults of those life lessons that we sometimes forget!

The illustrations are stunning, and I love the rhyming in the book. One of my favorite features was the tips at the end to build courage. Again, this is a book that can be enjoyed by all ages!!!!

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Jenn Brown

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My kids loved this book and made me read it to them several times. they love Cray and Hay and their woodland adventures.

As a parent I really like how the characters show kids it’s okay to be scared and how to overcome it and be brave. I think this would also be a great resource for teachers as well.

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Natalia Gonzales Castrejon

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hay Goes Home was such a great book! I’m loving all of these reads. My 3 year old has enjoyed this book, and he was so happy to see the bear being nice to Hay and Cray! I also love the encouragement at the end of the book!

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Ayla Phipps

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This has got to be my favorite book in the series so far, always such beautiful illustrations. Paired with such important lessons for growing minds to learn early. Courage and bravery have many different meanings, and, in this book, they are linked with asking for help and getting to know someone before judging them. With both of my younger sisters currently pregnant with their first babies I plan to get both of their bundles this entire series for future use.

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Toni Sellers

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another wonderful story from The Adventures of Cray. My grandkids love these books, and so do I each has a great message for kids. Cray the crab and Hay the fox set off on an adventure to Hay’s moms birthday party. Along the way they run into a few obstacles in which teach, friendship, teamwork, being kind and helpful and to be Brave. So well written and great for kids and adults.

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