
Brushed up on Murder ( A mobile cat groomer mystery book1)by Ruth J. Hartman – Review by

Brushed Up on Murder (A Mobile Cat Groomer Mystery, Book #1Brushed Up on Murder (A Mobile Cat Groomer Mystery, Book #1 by Ruth J. Hartman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my goodness how cute is this cover !?

Having cats of my own and being involved in feral cat care this one tickled my fancy and then I also have a friend that is a groomer and yes she’s also a mobile groomer so naturally she came to mind when I read this 🤣🙈📚

Molly Stewart loves her job and how can she not she works with such floofy friends 🥰🐾

So Mr Durbin drops his kitty off for treatment and while there he gets a text but begire walks out he asks her to drop kitty off at his home after treatment which she goes but she can’t seem to find him and when she dies she’s in for a shocker ! He’s dead in his garden 🙈 now he wasn’t the town favourite by no means but her uncle becomes the chief suspect so she has to find his killer and clear her uncle of the crime ….

The vet is easy on the eyes and I wouldn’t mind take my furry friends to him 🥰🐾🤣but he’s also good in helping her solve the mystery and yes the sheriff was a little difficult at first but he to comes around , thank goodness !

A fun afternoon read to enjoy while devouring a good cuppa and a brownie 😉

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The Changed Man (The Olympic Peninsula Series, Book 4) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Heidi Sturgess

The Changed ManThe Changed Man by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Having read the previous books I was rather curious about Jake so I started this hoping I’d find sone of the answers to the very many questions I had ….

Jake has resigned as CEO and is I hoping to live out his passion which is writing thrillers and one of his books have made it to NY bestseller lust and there’s talk of making a movie so I’d say he’s well in his way ! Yet he’s still nervous his family won’t approve and that’s why he writes under a pen name 🤷‍♀️ I think he should take bragging rights ! He’s talented !
Anyhoo he causes quite a stir when he heads to Port Townsend for his brother , Jake’s wedding 💒

Jake has alot going on , he has quite a bit of baggage because of family issues and he’s mourning the loss of his friend who died in front of him so cut the guy sone slack when you want to get frustrated with him ok !?

I loved every moment if this real and I fell in love with the Victorian homes and I could see myself living in one 😉🥰

Jake is also after his own HEA like his siblings and Chiara catches his eye but there’s just 2 glitches 🙈 she’s his nephews guardian and she’s married ! I’m like Sheez this guy needs a break !

At one stage I did feel like I had more questions than I did when I started this but remember patience is a virtue 😊

While the saying goes that a leopard doesn’t change its spots just be gracious and give Jake a fair chance 🥰

I did feel a lot reading this and felt I needed sone sweet comfort food when I was done 🥰🤣🙈

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Oscar and Emmy Foster Kittens (Oscar and Emmy Series) by Terri Sabol – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Oscar and Emmy Foster KittensOscar and Emmy Foster Kittens by Terri Sabol
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Yet another book that I wish every shelter and rescue could have 🐾❣️

Having been involved myself with feral care and fostering this story really touched me and the thing is children are like sponges and if we can get the mindset right at the foundations then we have great building blocks for the future ….

Adopting and fostering is a big step and this book and it’s illustrations explain everything so beautifully and both adults and children can learn so much from this read 🐾❣️📚lessons in caring and nurturing is given but also the harder part , letting go to their new homes and that’s a life lesson that is both heartbreaking and rewarding 🥰

I’d love to have copies in my school library to share with my little friends !

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Murder on West Main (A South Shore Mystery) by I.M. Foster – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Murder on West Main: A South Shore MysteryMurder on West Main: A South Shore Mystery by I.M. Foster
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my gosh this giver is one of those you can just climb into and be transported in time 😉

So Colin arrives the office a little early so that he can get work and get into the boss’s good graces because he was taken to task for looking unkept after a night in the saloon 🙈so he still looks a mess 🤣 but instead of finding the kar work he needed he cones across his boss , dead , in his office 🙈

Look the man wasn’t very likeable and there are many suspects but poor Colin in the main suspect at the moment fortunately Daniel , the coroner believes he’s innocent as does his sister Kathleen so there’s that at least 😉

Anyhoo Daniel and Kathleen are out to prove Colin’s innocence and things do get a little hairy and you keep second guessing yourself as to who really is guilty and yes there’s a dash of romance to take the edge off 😊

A relaxing and fun read ! I love being an armchair sleuth 😉

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The Winemakers Box Set (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Heidi Sturgess

This is a 3 book boxset 🥰


Well if the cover is anything to go by we’re in for a colourful and beautiful read ….

There’s so much to love about this book but a few quotes really stood out for me like this one where Julia compares the taste of wine to people

“It’s like making a new acquaintance. Some are pleasant enough , but after they leave , nothing of their presence remains . Others linger , their nuances and flavours persisting in their wake.”Age appears to be best in four things -d wood best to burn , old wine to drink , old friends to trust and old authors to read .” ❣️📕

All I wanted to do while reading this is save for a ticket to Portugal and drink copious amounts of wine and port 😉

At times it felt like I was reading a fictional non fiction , Giovanna really put alot of effort into research of the wine making process and for those efforts I thank you !

Griffin and Julia’s relationship was like aging wine it only kept getting better , pardon the play of words there , I couldn’t resist 😉

There was also more body to this story than just wine and port , I learnt about love , family , letting people in , embracing different people and cultures ❣️

This is a read I’d highly recommend ❣️📚


Sometimes we make bad decisions and when they done to haunt they come with a vengeance and I’m afraid this was the case for Pedro , yes he’s the man we all love to hate but there’s something that makes me feel sorry for him to a degree …..

Anne comes across as a bit if a fading wallflower but don’t underestimate her and her inner Amazonian warrior woman ….

As per the first book I was ready to pack my bags and head out to follow them wherever they were , I’m a picture person and the places I “went” to and the people I “ interacted” with while reading this was just amazing . These people are complex , deep and intense but there’s a live and respect for them and their stories that you need to experience for yourself ❣️📕


My “ passport “ was stamped with my “travels” between Portugal and Spain 😉

Having read the first 2 books I was ready to keep my glass filled and a bottle of “nectar of the gods “ on hand 😊🤫

Isabel is no fading wallflower and she has strong ideals and firm morals . When her brother , the king asks to o to Spain in order to resolve a crisis she agrees but I didn’t think she was expecting her “travel companion “ the annoying , liberal , handsome and oh so charming Viscount Henrique 😊

Henrique accompanied Isabel against his will to sone degree but I don’t think he minds teaching Isabel his ways 🤣🥰😉and while he’s clever and has street smarts and seems arrogant to a degree he can sympathise with Isabel and the position she’s in which just makes me like him so much more 😉<br /><br />I love the quotes at the beginning of every chapter ! I loved the rich history ! I loved watching their romance bloom 🥰but having said that I did feel a little sorry for Isabel and disillusionment she had of the politics of her country …,

All in all a rich and enjoyable read ❣️📚

4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Heidi Sturgess

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my gosh I just fell in love with the cover ! I mean hello how can I not ?!

A word of advice before you start this tell your friends and family you’re going to be unavailable for ANYTHING for the next 48 hours it’s going to be stretch or starve or take ou🙈t 🤣🙈😉


Sarah isn’t sure of what’s true and what’s not and decides it’s best for her if she leaves Rafe but now his reputation is in jeopardy and she reaches out to him to try an salvage his rep but girl I must give it to you , you lay down the law and wonder if it’s because she doesn’t trust him or herself 🤣🙈and the tension between them is off the charts 🤫😉and he’s lost her once and he’s not going to risk it again ……,


I just adore a runaway bride because there’s always something beautiful that comes from it 🥰

Samantha realises walking down the aisle is going to be the biggest mistake of her life but running away has pros and cons but our girl does a runner and heads for their family cabin where she meets Jake , who’s “working “ for her folks so after much deliberation he stays on but now they’ve got a problem of keeping their hands to themselves and the dealing with her ex who I might add is quite a piece of work and she seriously dodged the bullet if you ask me !

I loved every moment with Samantha and Jake 🥰


Another weak spot for me is a single parent 🙈 and Serena is no exception 😉

She hasn’t heard from her dad in a while and when she pops by his house to look for him her heart as well as mine skip a few beats when she realises his house has been broken into and it’s a downright mess and her first thought is that it’s her abusive ex ( grateful she’s rid of him ) but this time he’s innocent and it seems mob related as her dad has written about them and release date is looming and when she turns to the police for help she becomes a target and at this point I’m chewing my nails near to the bit with fear and anxiety and I think if it wasn’t for Mark , our delectable FBI agent I’d have had a nervous breakdown. At first I was a little frustrated with his reluctance but in the end he didn’t disappoint me so squishy hugs to you my friend 😉 Sam you’re a sweet brave boy and stole my heart !


Candace attends her high school reunion and I just know trouble is heading her way 🤣what was meant to be a one night thing with Greg turns into more and while they had different ideas the outcome turned out mutual so all is well that ends well 😉

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I looked at this cover and read the blurb I already fell in love 🤣❣️📚what can I say I’m a sucker for a good cover because it’s almost guaranteed that what’s in between is going to be brilliant !

Abigail is a pop star but at heart she’s a teacher and after her latest world tour she gets the opportunity to go “ under cover “ and complete her teaching degree , she’s a student teacher at a high school and just as she thinks she can breath a little easier she meets her vice principal and he’s a little rough around the edges but oh so easy on the eyes and while I get where he’s coming from , to a degree I can’t help but feel sorry for Abigail , I mean hello give the girl a break …..

Everett has his hands full trying to be chemistry teacher , look after his sister , his “ secret job” and be vice principal ( I’d also be a little flustered 😉) but things are getting a little more intense for him because he now has to deal with Abigail aka Kaia and she ruffles his feathers but like I said he could cut her some slack …. Also he’s got a chip on his shoulder thanks to an ex girlfriend and between us I could just kick her on the shins for being so unkind but you know what it’s her loss !

Anyhoo these 2 have a love hate relationship if you like but then fate intervenes “ Kaia” needs a love interest thanks to some sly slithering snake who I shall not mention , she doesn’t need airtime with her nasty intentions 🙈😡anyway Everett agrees to be the fake fiancé ( wicked giggle and rubbing of hands ) and then things get interesting and I found myself laughing , crying , getting frustrated and feeling disgusted and disillusioned by people but good will always overcome especially when cheering the right team 🥰

My heart really hurt for Abigail because on stage she oozes confidence as Kaia but take away that mask she can play behind and you have a girl that just wants to be , she wants to fit in , she want’s acceptance like the rest of us and it makes her human and I think more often than not that’s the case in real life isn’t it !? As for Everett , you’re a honey but let things go my friend … an enjoyable and fun read and it’s one is like to share with my teacher friends 🥰📚

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Charming Chapter (Boomer Babes Book Club Romances) by Lori Haas – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Charming Chapter : A Later-in-Life Just Kisses Romance (Boomer Babes Book Club Romances 1)Charming Chapter : A Later-in-Life Just Kisses Romance by Lori Haas

Loving the cheerful cover !

I so enjoyed this book for so many reasons 😊😉I laughed hard and I ooo and ahed it really was most enjoyable and deserves every one of its ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️’s

Laura passed a bookstore , went in and started browsing and the way she describes it I could just smell and touch those books 🥰📚 anyhoo Angela approaches her and it’s almost an instant friendship that is formed . They go for coffee , chat about books and the idea of starting a book club , they’ll meet once a month , share dinner and their thoughts on said book ( sounds heavenly ) and that’s how “Boomer Babes Book Club “ is started and let me tell you what this really is an enjoyable bunch of ladies and you just want to climb into the book and be part of their posse !

These girls are more or less the same age but in different phases of life and when it’s her turn she chooses Rebecca and this lead her to research more of her family tree which in turn then led to her trip to the UK 🇬🇧

Now that’s she’s in the UK things really get interesting and it just reminded me that you’re never to old for love and sone really good wine and dining 🥰and hello nobody can be immune to that British accent ! I did warn her if she didn’t fall for x’s charms I’d take him 🤣🥰

A read I’d love to share with my bookclub girls ❣️📚

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Porter and Midge: Paws and Responsibilities: A Kid’s Guide to Welcoming a New Dog (Porter and Midge Children’s Book Series) by Jennie Chen and Giselle Nevada – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Porter and Midge: Paws and Responsibilities: A Kid's Guide to Welcoming a New Dog (Porter and Midge Children’s Book Series)Porter and Midge: Paws and Responsibilities: A Kid’s Guide to Welcoming a New Dog by Giselle Nevada
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

On my giddy heart ! If every SPCA, animal rescue unit and pet shop could have potential owners read this before any adoptions I think we’d have more happy homes and less broken hearts !

This book not only teaches lessons on love and playing but it teaches our little friends how to groom , feed , train and how to socialise their furry friends 🐾❣️

There’s so much love , patience , joy and understanding between our friends and it’s really a heartwarming read 🐾❣️

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A Girl, Stuck (Found Families Series) by Kelly Elizabeth Huston – Review by Heidi Sturgess

A Girl, StuckA Girl, Stuck by Kelly Elizabeth Huston
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

While I regret not having read the previous books I’m grateful to have got my hands on this one and will be sure to read the previous books 😉🥰📚

We all deal with hurt or disappointment in different ways so when Harriet takes the distraction that comes her way I get it but I’m also a little weary because hello Harriet you’re getting mixed up with crime families and their doings 🙈🤷‍♀️

I respect that Harriet wants to honour her father and his memory but at the same time I don’t think he’ll want her in danger but a girl has to do what she has to do I suppose 😍

The characters are relatable and likeable and there’s a dash of romance , there’s suspense , there’s wit and some laugh out loud moments the only criticism I have is the cover art , this one did no justice to what’s between the pages 🥲

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Family Ties Family Lies by Jacqueline Boulden – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Family Ties Family LiesFamily Ties Family Lies by Jacqueline Boulden
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was just a reminder again of 2 things 1) that secrets always have a way of coming out and 2) sometimes ignorance is bliss because what we don’t know won’t hurt us ….

Rose ( love the name ) is a photojournalist and os injured ( more like trampled) while at a rally that turned a little wild so her camera is broken , she’s a little worse for wear with bruised ribs and an arm in a sling and now she’s got to go home to help with her mother after receiving a x CD all from her aunt and right now heading home is the last thing on her want to do list …..,

Rose’sI’m is diagnosed with terminal cancer and she calls her brother Kirk to come home and she uncovers what looks like a mystery in their family attic when she finds books , a travel bag and photo albums that hints at her father having another life and with her mum not answering her million questions and asking her to let sleeping hogs lies her curiosity is peaked even more ….

I loved every minute of this read , I learnt a few life lessons , I cried, I laughed , I got frustrated and irritated , I was reminded about how fragile life is and the liberating power of saying I’m sorry and forgiveness and I met some interesting characters along the way .

This is one of those books that when you read the last page you need some time to “ process “ it’ll stay with you ❣️📚

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Bailey and the CEO: A Corporate Love Story (A Better Man, Book 1) by Amy Q. Barker – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Kiss Me in this Small TownKiss Me in this Small Town by Willow Winters
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my gosh I just cried my heart out
I’m actually surprised I got any reading done ! Maybe it was my state of mind or maybe it was because my heart just felt so for Griffin and Renee , perhaps it was a combination 🤷‍♀️ anyhoo it was a good read and a release for all my inner toil it would seem 😉🥰📚

Griffin opens a bar the hometown Renee grew up in and Renee grew up in an abusive home and again trauma plays a big role , and my heart aches for her and her mum and quite frankly I want to dish out to get dad what he’s been giving for years snd see how he likes it !? He’ll probably cower away like the coward he is 🤮

Before I get carried away let me focus again 🤣 you can sense the tension between Griffin and Renee from the very first moment their eyes nest and you can’t help but cheer them on . Griffin has a heart of gold and he just perseveres and I so appreciate that of him , he follows his heart and he’s gentle with Renee and he heals a part of that very hurt and his family are so welcome and exactly what Renee and get mum needed 🥰

Don’t get me wrong there was steam and these 2 do get up to mischief in the workplace 😉but they’re a perfect match and I’m grateful for every tear I shed over them 🥰

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Motherland (The Tom Grant Series Book 3) by Samantha Adair – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Motherland (Tom Grant #3)Motherland by Samantha Adair
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

While this series can be read as a stand-alone I would recommend you start at the beginning for a more full rounded read and that is my no fault of the author but a personal choice ❣️📚

Isabella is a brave and honourable girl she made a promise to her dad and she’s going to fulfil it and it’s not going to be an easy task as she’s a wanted woman …..but she knows she can rely on Tom to help

Tom and Isabella share some history so I can just imagine how he felt when she reaches out to him out the blue and it’s not a small thing she’s needing him for either

So Isabella and Tom head “ hone” hopefully without being detected but as luck would have it they’re spotted by an d friend it is he for !?

When Isabella and Tom are separated the real action and suspense starts and there were some moments I was on the edge of my seat , holding my breath …

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Fearless Love (The Bennetts of Langston Falls, Book 5) by KG Fletcher – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Fearless Love (The Bennetts of Langston Falls, #5)Fearless Love by K.G. Fletcher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love the Bennett family and I love visiting them in Langston Falls ! I know I’m not allowed to have favourites but if I were to have a favourite it would have to be James ❣️🤷‍♀️🤣🙈😉

Loving the dedication to author’s dad , really special bond and love shared , much like Roy in the Bennett family 🤗

Ok so the patriarch of the Bennett family , Roy had a heart attack that shocked the family and now he’s on the way home to recover and they’re in need of a nurse and that’s how Sara , our travelling nurse comes into their lives …..

Sara and Noah are the nicest peeps and Noah is such a sweet kid and she’s raised him by herself but he’s coming to an age where he wants to settle and have roots like a normal kid would and I’m soooooo grateful it’s Langston Falls anyhoo their first friends are Tinkerbelle ( cutest little fur princess) and Crystal that runs the motel they’re staying at temporarily…,

James was ready to propose to Sam and then she ups and leaves !? Like girl I get it but I don’t get it 🤷‍♀️ so James is licking his wounds and is a little jaded but it won’t last long because between Sara and Noah all resistance will crumble 😉

Sara is running from something and I love the way James encourages her to face up to her past and he doesn’t run from her or the situation , this man is a real honey❣️

There’s so much to love about this book and I could carry on forever telling you about it and what these people mean to me but if I do that I’ll be taking away your opportunity to get involved with them ❣️📚😉 go ahead and join them 🥰

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The Complete Echo Series: A Heartfelt Romance Collection (The Echo Series) by C.R. Alam – Review by Heidi Sturgess

The Complete Echo Series (Echo #1-4)The Complete Echo Series by C.R. Alam
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

These were the people to “hang “ with fictional friends that become fictional family ❣️


Rae does her friend a favour and does an interview with a home designer , thing is when she gets there said home owner is there and he’s not very welcoming to say the least but for the sake of his sister Kay he “tolerates” his house guest for the weekend and it pays off well for Kay and him in the long run …, the very long and beautiful run …😉

Dean is a delicious and delectable speciMAN but a little jaded after being left at the altar and he’s met his match with Rae though and she gives as good as she gets and the 2 of them had me in stitches in the beginning with their banter …

Rae didn’t have the best childhood and after her mum dies her grandparents raised her so after they passed on she essentially had no family so her friends are her family and she’s especially close to Brandon and has even travelled with him and his band I really felt I could identify with Rae on a few things like the loss of her mother and her thoughts on friends being family and the fact that a man and a woman can be friends without romantic attachments ….

Dean and Rae are good together and Rae has a big heart , Dean needs to sort his “demons” Pune gore he looses the best thing that came into his life and he can thank his lucky stars for a friend like Chris and Brandon that’s so gracious and becomes a friend …..

The people working for Dean may be old but they’re wise and I just love his driver and wanted to hug him he’s a real sweetheart 🥰 all in all he had a loving tribe and his family is warm and loving and they adore Rae and they’re just what she needs ❣️I fell in love with Rae and Dean and yes I wanted to shake him a little but he does come to his sense and they have their HEA but I want to see Brandon get his HEA…… looking for to His Forever Muse


My nerves are shattered as Calliope is escaping her prison , my heart aches for her but at the same time it soars because she is so brave and determined ! The man she was involved with was a monster but he is also a man that comes from a very powerful family , this isn’t going to be an easy battle for her ……

So we catch up with Rae who is being rushed to hospital to have her baby and her bestie Brandon is on hand to get her to the hospital , her husband Dean is on his way to meet them and again I feel my heart beating faster because the precious bundle is coming to early but she’s in good hands ….

Brandon is not only a talented musician it a gifted artist and he’s already had his first exhibition which was rather successful and after a crazy work tour he takes a breather and starts touring and it’s in Morocco where he meets up with his “ muse” his forever love , his best friend and band members sister Calliope aka Callie and as youngsters they were tight and feelings were there but never talked about it acted on , their paths parted but what a beautiful reunion in Morocco and then Paris , hand on my heart ❣️

Brandon and Callie are just poetry in motion and there were moments we here my heart stopped with fear thanks to man that won’t be mentioned ( he deserves no airtime) but it also soared because of Popo with her delicious meals and warm heart , you just want to sit around her table , hug her , eat her food and talk your heart out with her . Then there’s Callies tribe , her Amazonian warriors ❣️Genevieve, Anais and Madeleine that protects her so fiercely but love just as hard and let’s not forget the precious little Eleanor aka Ella ❣️all these people just climbed into my heart and made me part of their family !




Again I just got lost in the cover art ❣️love the dedication ❣️📚

So now we’re all friends or rather family it really felt good to be amongst my people again 🫶🏼 knowing Rae and her history I was curious to hear how the other family lived…

I can only imagine the shock Rowan must’ve had first of loosing her father and then his dying words and wish 🥲so Rae can’t meet up with her family but Chris goes on her behalf and he has alterior motives and none are sinister but the man has his own issues and he’s protective of his friend , bless his heart …..

So Chris and Rowan didn’t get off to a good start but soon enough they’re working as a team to arrange the wedding , promote the inn , get the community on board oh and find out who is trying to sabotage them around every corner …. I know such excitement !

Kieran is a good soul and a protective brother but his heart is in the right place and I just fell in love with his nature 😉

Alit of people saw Chris as a threat which in turn put Rowan in a difficult position so out of pure desperation she makes a rash decision that puts both her in Chris in the limelight but man what sun it was to watch these two , they’re so different yet so similar , a perfect match I must say 🥰😉

Gibbs worked on my last nerve but again you can’t fault the old guy , his heart is in right place he’s just not always good at showing it and more often than not comes across as a real gruff and grumpy old man , please be patient with him and his show him love , I know these people have become part of me so I just want others to love them like I do 😘

This is a story of love , redemption, regret, forgiveness, remorse , hope and so much more but it’s also laced with anger , jealousy and vengeance.
I was kept on my toes , I laughed , cried , held my breath and cheered friends on and I’ve a new found respect for cats 🐾🤣, just saying !


Having read the previous 3 books I knew I was in for a treat but this one was like a good red wine it only gets better with time 😉❣️📚

Loving the cover art and it really captures the characters natures , Cutis looks nerdy and with his rockstar persona you’d expect a certain arrogance but I tell you what , just watch him with kids and your knees will turn to jelly and the cover captures that perfect and as for Lina is captures her seriousness 😉so yes in this instance you can judge a book by its cover ❣️📚😉

So Curtis and his band are on your and Lina Is part of the protection detail , things get little more than tense when they’re witness to a lethal stabbing and now the mafia is after him and Lina is now full on protector and the hunt is on , the hunt for blood and the hunt for love , I know it sounds weird but read it and you’ll see where I’m coming from

Lina is very serious and Curtis is a lot more laid back and they bring out the best in each other I think , like yin and Yang ☯️ and I loved watching them find each other in between the twists , suspense and tension of their quest to stay safe . I enjoyed going with them to so many different places and sampling different cuisine 😉🤣it really was just a brilliant read from start to finish !

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Fade into the Night (Philly Heat Series) by Becky Flade – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Fade Into the Night (Philly Heat series, #5)Fade Into the Night by Becky Flade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This series is like fine wine it ages we’ll with each addition 📚❣️😉

When you’re about to bring up your breakfast while reading you know you’re in for a treat ! I know it sounds a little twisted but when you’ve a visual mind and the writing is brilliant it’s inevitable!

Before I go any further I just must say how much I enjoy this descriptive writing style I can almost smell and taste the delicious coffee shop , I can see the elderly couple in the restaurant, I’ve formed a very vivid picture of the characters by
Becky’s descriptions of them … love it when I live a book like this , I get totally lost !

Noah is on the hunt for “Romeo” a killer that leaves rose petals and beautiful music but a grotesque scene behind and right now he’s in Philly but he’s changed his MO and something feels different …..

Sadie our undercover Land Rover driver zoots around on her line green Vespa looking more like a college youngster than the professional forensic artist that she is has crossed paths with Noah , it was a painful time in her life but she found comfort in Noah …..

Noah and Sadie are very comfortable around each other and Sadie is very perceptive of Noah’s character and I think that’s why they work well together

I’m not going to lie I had moments where I thought I’d loose my stomach content , my heart rate went sky high and I held in to the edge of my seat this was a brilliant read !
There’s was enough suspense and tension to keep me on my toes and not get totally lost in Sadie and Noah ( I can’t help it they’re amazing ) this was one of those reads that I wanted to shout about from street corner but held onto to that thought because orange isn’t my colour 🤣🙈

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Jade: Hidden Scars: A Forbidden Age-Gap Romance (Book 1) by A. Akinosho – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Hidden Scars (Jade #1)Hidden Scars by A. Akinosho
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I just wanted to lick the cover and make it mine 😱🔥🤣🤷‍♀️🙈

Naseer and Jade are a couple you’ll either love , hate or love to hate 🤣😉🙈I know there were times that they irritated me a little but their strong points outshone those weak moments 🥰

Naseer is a a grumpy , miserable but delectable speciMAN and it would seem he had a weak spot where Jade is concerned because let’s face it how does one resist this kind , loving and beautiful girl ?

Both have been through a lot and have scars but they’re each others healing balm and darn it they kept me on my toes 🤣 but they’ve got a special place in my heart 😉

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Knight In Peril (A Jorja Knight Private Investigator Mystery) by Alice Bienia – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Knight In Peril (A Jorja Knight Private Investigator Mystery #6)Knight In Peril by Alice Bienia
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I just love when I read a book and it actually feels like I’m right there in that very location with the characters ! It’s like I just want to grab my passport , pack my bags and go 😉

Jorja arrives at Istanbul airport and her best friend isn’t there to meet her and when she arrives at the hotel all her things are there and nobody can reach her and nobody has heard from her in a few days 🤷‍♀️😱 has Gabriella been abducted !?

The hunt is on for Gabriella but Jorja has her hands full with a foreign country , foreign language , strange culture and customs , bribery , corruption , greed , lies and dangerous characters .

Despite the feelings of anxiousness , fear , suspense and everything else there was a strong sense of the value of friendship and friends are the family we choose , our family not by blood and Jorja went all out for hers , she’s someone I’d want in my tribe 😉

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Group Hug by Ariella Talix – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Group HugGroup Hug by Ariella Talix
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I saw this I couldn’t help but scream “ SIGN ME Up“ I’m like the HIG queen 😉🤗 and hello it was released on HUG DAY 😉🤗

So I got more than I bargained for and that’s not a bad thing especially if you like MMF 😉

Weston has had a rough time of late and he’s basically left with the roof over his head but desperate times call for desperate measures and he needs to find himself some housemates to keep said roof over his head …..

Interviews start and there’s 2 promising candidates and it would seem more boxes are being ticked than just housemates 🔥😉

Petra and her 4 legged family member are licking their wounds after walking away from a relationship and they need a roof over their head and space to breathe ,heal and do her writing

Callum can cook so I’d take him in on that alone 🤣he’s looking to make his way on life and in his career and I don’t think he was bargaining on the distraction of his housemates ……

These 3 special peeps and their canines kept me well entertained 🤣😉❣️📚

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Sweet Dreams by Claire (Capture the Light Series) by Nanette Littlestone – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Sweet Dreams by Claire (Capture the Light, #2)Sweet Dreams by Claire by Nanette Littlestone
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I know it’s still early in the year I know but this is going to be one of my favourite reads of the year !

Just a fair warning warning don’t read this on an empty stomach or when you have a craving for a sweet treat because this read is filled with delectable and delicious temptation 🥰😉

I loved being Ireland and being in the bakery with Claire and her family and she’s been working there since a wee one and it’s only natural for her to want to try new things and I get her mums reservations and watching them at loggerheads made me sad to a degree but their story and relationship was also real and endearing …..

The bakery is catering for a wedding and they did their trusted cupcakes but there wax an accident along the way and said cupcakes are no more so there’s our Claire in a flat spin but her knight that caused the accident comes to her rescue and provided a kitchen so she can bake a batch if delicious goodness ! Everyone falls in love with her delectable creations but mom is not on board , until she is ….

I laughed hard , I cried hard and o thoroughly enjoyed this read and these are book peeps that become family and live in your heart forever 🥰

I loved watching her and Finn find each other , they laugh , they have fun and they get up to mischief ! They’re so refreshing 🥰 this is one I’ll be resting again and sharing with anyone who’ll lend me their ears ❣️📚

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Elusive Surrender (Sinful Duets Book 3) by Via Mari – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Elusive Surrender (Sinful Duets #3)Elusive Surrender by Via Mari
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh man it’s been a treat to read these duets and while I’m on the edge of my seat to sink ny teeth into the last one I’m also hesitant because I don’t want it to end 😉

This duet has ELUSIVE which is about Alexis and Sheldon while TENACIOUS is about Nick and Allie .


Sheldon and Alexi’s cross paths quite by chance when Alexis finds herself in quite the predicament, let’s just say wrong place ,wrong time , wrong person lucky for her Sheldon is called upon for protection ….

Sheldon and Alexi bring out the unknown hunger in craving in each other for each other and guess what we’re the fortunate souls ( sone would say depraved ) we are to bear witness to this 😉🔥

These 2 kept me on my toes and they were in some tight and dangerous situations , my heart was beating harder than it should at times and it wasn’t just because of the suspense and danger 😉be prepared !


I can’t believe it’s coming to an end 😪

So my journey ends with Nick and Allie 😍

Nick is one of those delectable men that always gets what he wants and Allie is the first to say no to him and not fall at his feet and succumb to his charms but girl you’re not going to be able to fight it for to long have you looked into those eyes 👀🔥🥰

Allie is fiercely independent and has walls around her heart , self preservation and all and with her being a nurse she sees a lot and needs to be able to distance herself emotionally but I don’t think she’s ready for what’s coming get way when her path crosses with Nick’s ….

Nick and Allie are on the same team but fighting different aspects of it , Nick is fighting the traffickers while Allie works with the after effects and they’re in a war of evil and epic proportions which sickens me to the pit of my stomach.

Other than Nick and Allie’s relationship I loved the friendship between Allie and Lexi she’s a real good friend, she’s loyal , honest and supportive, a real keeper !

I just loved this duets and these people have become my tribe ❣️📚

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Auctioned Surrender (Sinful Duets Book 2) by Via Mari – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Auctioned Surrender (Sinful Duets #2)Auctioned Surrender by Via Mari
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m still in love with these covers they’re simply beautiful and that match the content within ❣️📚

In this edition we get spoilt with Auctioned which is the story of Damian and Bryanna and Relentless which follows the lives of Derick and Layla 🥰


Damian is part of an elite team of bodyguards that protect billionaires and when the niece of one of these prominent families goes missing it’s Damian that is sent to rescue her from a human trafficking ring !

It seems like it’s a cut case , go in , grab the girl and get out bit this delectable speciMAN is about get more than her bargained … he’s trying to rescue someone who doesn’t want to be rescued but unknown to him the enemy has a bargain chip to hold over Bryanna so don’t get to frustrated with her …..

Don’t read Bryanna wrong she comes forth as a bit of a damsel but she’s strong and fiercely protective of her loved ones and yes like me she has a weakness when it comes to Damian 😱🔥

Also if I was Bryanna I wouldn’t fight Damian for just let him have his way 🤣 he’s an alpha and know what he wants and despite his frustration he’s still patient in the teaching of “ his ways”🥰🔥

I liked that I got different perspectives from different characters it feel like you have a better idea of the characters and what makes them who they are , they climbed into my dark heart 😉


These books are like aging red wine , each one gets better with time 😉

This time round I got uk spend time with Layla and Derick and let me tell you what Layla is a force to be reckoned with 😉

So Derick is also part of the elite team that protects people but he’s responsible for 2 of the most powerful mafia kings in the world 😱 and they ask him to look after Layla and boy does he have his full she’s full is sass , she’s feisty and fearless and he has to call in all sorts of favours to keep her safe.

I know the word word Maui’s scares people and yes sone of them are bad but there are those that have hard nos’s when it comes to trafficking so you guys are my heroes ! Anyhoo Layla is a woman on a mission she needs to find and save her sister and friend before it’s too late and I get why she’s kitting about who she can trust but Dereck is on her side and gosh it takes her a while to realise but when she dies they’re a formidable team 🔥

My kindle was a n fire , blood pressure sky high and I broke out into a sweat on more than occasion !
This was a read with with drama ,suspense ,angst , tension , spicy steamy romance ,tension , action and so much more !

Fair warning if you’re a sensitive reader rather avoid this series but if you like reading on the dark side …. Welcome you out world !

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The Human Mating Site, Box Set 1 (The Human Mating Site Series) by B.L. Wilde – Review by Heidi Sturgess

The Human Mating Site Box Set 1 : A Steamy, Dating Humour Novella's 1-4The Human Mating Site Box Set 1 : A Steamy, Dating Humour Novella’s 1-4 by B.L. Wilde
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It was very clever to do so in instalments because you’re left hanging and wondering who , what and why 😱😉

Bella girl loves her romance novels but real life isn’t the same as where we loose ourselves , being single in your 30’s and trying online dating can be both fun and intimidating and we get to join Bella on her journey and I tell you what it’s been entertaining to say the least 😉


After 12 years of marriage Bella’s husband decides he wants to move on and it would seem a third party is involved but I’ve my doubts but that’s a story for later , she’s now going to enter the scary world of 30 something dating and I say scary but it’s actually quite amusing and liberating and it may it may not boost your confidence a little ….

Joel I just want to tell you that you’re a chop for cheating on Bella and then you still have the cheek to make her feel like you walking away was her fault 🤮 shame on you !

Bella you go on as many dates as you need girl , have fun and find your knight in shining armour 🥰😉


Bella girl is still out having fun and when hunky Batman Liam crosses her path I cheered from the sides 🤣😉 he’s like a walking fantasy 🤣🔥

Liam is a love them and leave them kind of man and I must say I had a little chuckle when Liam offers himself up as the “sacrificial lamb “to help Bella out with “training and research “

Bella then meets Jack online and where does she meet up with !? At the bar ! I’m like hello girl you’ve got your hands full now what 🤷‍♀️


So Bella has left Liam eating her dating dust bubbles and now is getting a taste of Jack 😱😉

The jury is out on Jack on whether or not he’s a Casanova or not but let’s not get to excited because Bella decides to take a breather and I can’t say I blame her , she has been busy but while deciding to take a sabbatical delectable Jensen messaged her …,

What’s a better distraction than a girls weekend away !? Jensen is a delectable soeciMAN and I hope he stays around a little …..


This one is my favourite by far 😉

Let’s just say Jensen added ALOT of fun , games and spice 🔥

I had fun with these guys but not as much as Bella did 🤣😉🔥

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Recipe For Revenge (An April May Cozy Mystery Book 2) by Hazel Smith – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Recipe For Revenge: An Unputdownable Small Town Cozy Murder Mystery (An April May Cozy Mystery Book Book 2)Recipe For Revenge: An Unputdownable Small Town Cozy Murder Mystery by Hazel Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved how this book started with such a special and heartfelt dedication ❣️

When I started reading this I couldn’t help but have a good giggle because we often hear how we take anything to God and April quite literally does just that praying for her Lululemon rain jacket to arrive 🤣🙏
I was invested right there and then so I let my family know that they’d have to stretch or starve and I’d be unavailable for the next couple of hours ❣️📚🤣

Big city girl April now works as a reporter in small town Laurel Lake along with her 4 legged bestie Ralph 🥰🐾 and Wesley the local vet seems to be rather taken with her as well and after helping solve a string of break ins and poisonings the locals seem to be warming up to her as well and hello she went from suspect to mystery solver!

Well this time round April has her hands full and she still can’t crochet 🤣 the grocery store burns down and despite the fact that the owner was as miserable as sin there’s a mystery to solve and April finds herself in a dangerous situation on more than one occasion …

April and friends will make you wish you were part of their inner circle and their “ adventures “

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A Heart So Savage (The Savage Duet Book 2) by April Moran – Review by Heidi Sturgess

A Heart So Savage (The Savage Duet #2)A Heart So Savage by April Moran
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m such a spoilt little brat I didn’t have to wait to start this I literally closed “ A King so Savage” has a quick tea and cookie break and went straight back into my little bubble 🤣📚❣️

Just a fair warning again , if you don’t take to dark , depraved , violent reads avoid this and if this is your first rodeo start at the beginning role you’ll be doing yourself a hugs injustice ( just saying )

Yes my little dark heart still loves Kingston , I know I’m weak and I think Ava really is the only one that gets me 🥰😱🙈

Kingston and Ava are the definition of love to hate and hate to love the push and pull between these 2 had me screaming , shouting , chewing my nails to the bit and breaking out in hives !

I almost enjoyed this round more 🤫😉

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The Magic Man (The Olympic Peninsula Book 3) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Heidi Sturgess

The Magic Man (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 3)The Magic Man by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Having read the previous 2 books I was rather keen to get stuck into this one because you read of the different family members and you get furious don’t you , so when the opportunity comes knocking to discover more you grab it 😉

Two things that bring families together , weddings and funerals . Fortunately in this instance it’s a wedding ! Yay !
So Teresa is getting married and David her brother , who’s been working in Africa , joins them in Port Townsend .
Something is off though , he doesn’t seem himself and there’s a fiancé in tow ….

Family friend , Maddie catches his eye and you can feel the tension between them and David is having a tough time fighting his desires and walking on eggshells to keep Sylvie happy….

Maddie being an actress has an opportunity with the local theatre and she feels she can’t pine after David forever and she catches the eye of Kilo….

  1. There’s so much to love about this book but what really gets me and what I appreciate is the “ humanness “ of the characters , they’re real , their issues are real and they work through them 🥰

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Renewed (Fateful Justice Series) by Sara Vinduska – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Renewed (Fateful Justice Book 6)Renewed by Sara Vinduska
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m such a sucker for cover art ! Loving this one and it was definitely judging a book by its cover in this instance for me and yay it was a good judgement 😉

When I read the dedication I already teared up and I just want to say thank you to Sara Vinduska for being vulnerable , for sharing a piece of her heart ❣️

Hayden is out checking the ranch perimeters when he’s shot , there’s a blizzard on the way and home is far away especially in his injured state thank goodness for Gunner his trustworthy horse that gets him to safety , one of the rental cabins …..

Ruby is on the run and is hiding in a remote place , she can hear , breathe and heal she can also think of her next move , she’s just made a fire to warm her rental cabin when she sees a horse and a man slumped over in his saddle …..

Despite her fear she brings him in , he’s bleeding and has been shot after all she can’t just leave him and there I know she’s a survivor because despite her fear of her past she doesn’t hide away she takes the bull by the horns , you go girl !

Ruby and Hayden find their rhythm while she’s nursing him and like Ruby I love his milk drinking ways 😉 Hayden realises she’s on the run and being confined they start sharing with each other and there’s an undeniable chemistry between then and Hayden is a saint in so many ways , he’s gentle , patient , kind and caring but he’s also protective and when her past comes knocking on the door , things get scary but Hayden and his family are there and Ruby is enveloped within their family …..

This was a read that my heart didn’t even know it needed and the cherry on top was my milk drinking cowboy 🤠 loved every page and Ruby deserves the peace that Hayden brings to her 🥰

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Mission Target (Jake Wolfe Thrillers Book 7) by Mark Nolan – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Mission Target (Jake Wolfe, # 7)Mission Target by Mark Nolan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’ve done myself a huge injustice ! I’ve not read all the books prior to this and I feel like I robbed myself 😢 so take it from me and start st the beginning not because I felt lost or confused but purely because it’s been such a good read 🥰📚

Drugs on a good day are bad news but when they’re being used as a weapon we’ve got serious trouble on our hands but Jake and Cody 🐾 are a team one shouldn’t underestimate 😉

I was quite worried and fearful at a stage because Jake was getting closer to answers and that means there’s a target on his back and both have their own issues to deal with yet they kept their cool . I love their relationship and dependence on each other , bonds between man and animal are so much tighter than that of human to human , animals are fearless and loyal but Cody is a kind and gentle character🐾

A mail biting edge of my seat read and again I just want to say start at the beginning 😉❣️📚

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Dangerous Rhythm (The Echo Series Book 4) by C.R. Alam – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Dangerous Rhythm (The Echo Series, #4)Dangerous Rhythm by C.R. Alam
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Having read the previous 3 books I knew I was in for a treat but this one was like a good red wine it only gets better with time 😉❣️📚

Loving the cover art and it really captures the characters natures , Cutis looks nerdy and with his rockstar persona you’d expect a certain arrogance but I tell you what , just watch him with kids and your knees will turn to jelly and the cover captures that perfect and as for Lina is captures her seriousness 😉so yes in this instance you can judge a book by its cover ❣️📚😉

So Curtis and his band are on your and Lina Is part of the protection detail , things get little more than tense when they’re witness to a lethal stabbing and now the mafia is after him and Lina is now full on protector and the hunt is on , the hunt for blood and the hunt for love , I know it sounds weird but read it and you’ll see where I’m coming from

Lina is very serious and Curtis is a lot more laid back and they bring out the best in each other I think , like yin and Yang ☯️ and I loved watching them find each other in between the twists , suspense and tension of their quest to stay safe . I enjoyed going with them to so many different places and sampling different cuisine 😉🤣it really was just a brilliant read from start to finish !

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Whispered Surrender (Sinful Duets Book 1) by Via Mari – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Whispered Surrender (Sinful Duets #1)Whispered Surrender by Via Mari
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my ! I’m drowning in this cover art ! It’s just so beautiful ! Much like what is in between the pages 😉

Also warn friends and family you’ll be unavailable to do anything as you immerse yourself into your book bubble , take snacks and drinks ( you know to survive ) and you’ll face reality when you get there 🤣

What is more delightful than getting 2 books on 1 !? I know my greedy little heart was soooooo happy 🤣🥰📚these women are fearless and will do anything for their men , to love and protect them 🥰 rest assured they get their HEA and there will be times where it looks impossible but take heart ❤️


Sasha is just beautiful and such a graceful dancer but she’s also Jay’s kryptonite… she’s broken and feels used up but Jay is something else and I felt sorry to a degree for Sasha because she thinks she’s not worthy of love and affection and Jay is so patient with her and is determined to prove her otherwise …

Jay has his hands full because he’s also trying to protect Sasha from an outside threat but I like how despite their struggles there’s time for spice and fun 🔥

Sasha and Jay sure kept me on my toes , enjoy them 🥰😉


We’ve met Jay and Sasha now it’s time to make new friends , Matt and Marenah ….

Matt lives life on the risky side and when he goes undercover and joins the mafia to gain confidences and intel my blood runs cold and I can feel my heart beating on my throat , then the Russians get their hands on him and I actually feel sick because I know what is going to happen , we’ll my mind runs wild and gory 🙈

Marenah is the granddaughter to the Russian mafia and she wants answers but she’s being hunted by the Russians and those in Chicago and she walks into the lions den when she goes looking for answers about her grandpa , now she’s captive with Matt ….

Matt and Marenah are wanted people and they’re in for the fight of their lives and I was on the edge of my seat for most of this read but again I can breathe at the end and my blood pressure returns to normal with a HEA 😉

Thank you guys for a suspense filled trip ❣️📚