
Smooth Hoperator (Love on Tap Book 2) by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Smooth Hoperator (Love on Tap, #2)Smooth Hoperator by Sylvie Stewart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Having read Ales fair in love and war I couldn’t wait to get my grubby little hands on Smooth Hoperator ❣️📚

What is there not to love about our Sunny girl !? First off she’s a librarian ! She’s quirky and peculiar! She even crochets little goats 🐐 and she loves her grandpa Duke ❣️the only thing I could fault her for perhaps is the fact that she’s wasting her time on Sebastian when Carter , a perfect speciMAN is right under her nose …

So Carter picked up on irregularities and he didn’t like what was going down and when he starts ruffling feathers he gets threatened so he decided to go off the grid and heads home and spends a lot of time in the library and the family brewery .

Carter gets Duke on board with his theory and Sunny gets on board as well and in return Carter will do things to get Sebastian to notice Sunny but this guy is a real chop so I think she just needs to forget him and move onto Carter 🥰

It was good to catch up with old friends and skunky pets and dirty old birds 🤣I laughed hard so many times and found myself quoting bits I read to any willing ear ❣️📚there was also a bit of suspense and romance and really just a fun read where characters become friends ❣️📚

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Hole in the Rock by Rebecca Bischoff – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Hole in the RockHole in the Rock by Rebecca Bischoff
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this and then re read it with some of my little bookworms that visit my library and I must be honest it was a lot more fun the second time round because I could see through the eyes of a child ❣️📚

Being an animal lover I can imagine that having a dad that’s a taxidermist must be an absolute nightmare for Liza but when he decides to put the family on “ display” in a cave i think that was the last straw for her and she makes a decision to rescue herself for. This situation but for every action there’s a reaction right !? The latter isn’t always fun though and more often than not what we expect isn’t what we get and our decision don’t always only affect us but those around us and this is where myself and kids had great discussions and while they enjoyed the story they walked away feeling like they’d learnt something ❣️📚

A fun and interactive read for em and my little friends ❣️📚

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Sage Advice by Cori Cooper – Review by Heidi Sturgess

a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”>Sage AdviceSage Advice by Cori Cooper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Having read “ Ways to improve Bailey” I was looking forward to another fun filled read and I was NOT disappointed 😉

So Pyper is a little ray of sunshine , she’s bright , preppy , peppy but she also has a wee flaw , she wants to cancel prom ….she also realises she doesn’t always have the answers and she doesn’t know it all #surprise😉

Pyper is the girl you want to befriend and she herself has a beautiful and supportive tribe 🥰

I loved Pyper and friends and this is something I’d love to share with my teen daughters ❣️📚

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Love Is What It Is by Marina Hanna – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Love Is What It Is: A holiday RomanceLove Is What It Is: A holiday Romance by Marina Hanna
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m just loving this cover art !!!!❣️📚 get your pinna colade , settle in and enjoy 😊

Once bitten , twice shy !? I think not , hesitant yes but shy NEVER 🔥😉

Toni is about to vacay with her latest beau but things don’t go the way they were supposed to but she decides she still going to enjoy it She lays eyes on Mickey and she starts thinking a holiday fling may be just what the doctor ordered and I mean hello the man is a delectable speciMAN😉

Mickey is up for fun but no commitment and after meeting his ex I can’t say I blame him sheepers that woman is a drama queen but that’s what was so entertaining at times anyhoo Lori brings out something different in him 🥰

This is a read made up of sweet and spice and all things nice ❣️📚

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Planting Hope by Jennifer Raines – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Planting HopePlanting Hope by Jennifer Raines
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There’s a saying that goes “ If you have a garden and a library you have everything you need.” I couldn’t agree more and despite the fact that I’ve not a green finger I do try but on this instance this really is a healing garden ……

Holly is a born nurse but after a very traumatic experience in the emergency room she has to take a sabbatical to heal and get over the sense of not belonging so she travels across Australia following music festivals where she either works as a nurse or volunteer , she travels in her trusty “steed”!Norman and I must say he’s rather decorative but the meaning behind his art work is a lot deeper ❣️🚙

While finishing off at a festival she gets a call that her grandmother Mona is in hospital and she heads to Bendigo to be with her and that’s where she meets Christopher….let’s just say his reception was rather chilling ….

Christopher has demons of his own and he has misconceived ideas of Holly and who she is and her story let alone her relationship with her grandmother but there’s no mistake both of them love Mona ….

So Mona and Christopher were working with children on a garden , but the children all come from abusive backgrounds where the mother has died at the hand of the abuse and more often than not they saw it all go down and man my heart broke into a million pieces but there’s healing here and Holly is so good with the children and the gravitate towards her but Billy and Sophie have a special place in my heart and the relationship they share with Holly is just amazing 🥰

Watching Christopher ( Kit) discover Holly and the magic they share was beautiful but even more amazing was the garden and it’s healing and yes I cried alot but I also laughed a lot ( Jaffa reference 🤣🫣) there were some rather stressful and mail biting moments where I held my breath !

These characters are so endearing and climb into your ❤️ a brilliant read

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A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler – Review by Heidi Sturgess

A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta, #2)A Match Made in Montana by Elsa Winckler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Annie was meant to marry Ted but thank goodness she dodged that bullet !

She moves to Montana from Sacramento to live her dream of cooking for people in her B&B and she looses herself in her romance novels … what is not to love about this darling girl !?

Craig O’ Sullivan is in town for the wedding and when he pops by the B&B I really did LOL I’ve a picture mind so I played out that scene a few times and each time I laughed louder 🤣

Our Annie is a little challenged technologically but she catches on quickly and Craig has helped her get her B&B updated , he’s a bit of a marketing guru and soon enough he’s helping the community 🥰

Annie and Craig must be one of the cutest couples of my reading year ! Despite the fact that both are scared of marriage they’re heading to their HEA very quickly 😉😘
I love how Annie talks to herself and gets teased , there she reminds me of myself 🤣

There was a hint of sadness as well with the loss of Annie’s folks and the strained relationship between Craig and his parents but there was redemption which was a gentle reminder of how important it is to communicate and not just assume ❣️

I love the people of Marietta 🥰

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Grand Slam (Ground Rule Book 3) by Bree Kraemer – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Grand Slam (Ground Rule Book 3)Grand Slam by Bree Kraemer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Heath seems to have it all, a successful career as a baseball player but one thing is missing , someone to come home to …

It’s now off season for Heath and he’s got no real hobbies , most of team mates have families or better halves so he gets a little bored and lonely at this time and his sister , Hannah is about to have a baby , he’s about to become an uncle ❣️

Grace , a woman with heart , she’s not had it easy with her family but she’s not going to jet them get the better of her and she has a heart for animals so she already won me over 🐾❣️

Now Grace and Heath are no strangers to each other , their paths crossed with the bachelor auction which benefitted the animal shelter and she left a lasting impression on Heath but it seems it went both ways but Grace believes she’s beneath him and gives Heath a hard time in winning her over …

I loved watching Heath encourage Grace and he really got me going with his protective nature of Grace where her family was concerned , they really irked me I must be honest !

Besides and Heath and Grace my heart was stolen by our 4 legged sweetheart Maggie and I think she should get the award for match making ❣️🐾🤣

This was a real feel good read and just what my heart needed !

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Lap Baby by Amy Q. Barker – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Lap Baby: Emotional Women's FictionLap Baby: Emotional Women’s Fiction by Amy Q. Barker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

How beautiful and serene is this cover !? When you look at it , it feels like you are sitting with each of the characters and you’re listening to their story you feel their heartache and anguish ….

What really hit me is that this story is loosely based on true events and that in fact there really is a policy where children under the age of 2 were in fact on parents laps and in case of emergency they had to be placed in the floor .., I know as a mom I’d want to cling to my baby and ensure that he / she feels safe in my arms I cannot even begin to imagine the anguish these woman went through …

So we follow the story of the 3 survivors , 20 years later . Julie , the flight attendant . Paige , the only baby to survive . Marie who survived but her baby didn’t and has blamed Julie for her loss .

We follow how each of the survivors had to deal with remorse , regret , resentment , grief and trauma .
While there is alot of sadness there was also healing , redemption , forgiveness and moments where I wonder if I could walk away like these women did … this is one of these reads I want every woman to read 📚❣️

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Breathless Love (The Bennetts of Langston Falls Book 3) by KG Fletcher – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Breathless Love (The Bennetts of Langston Falls, #3)Breathless Love by K.G. Fletcher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Country music isn’t very big where I come from but I really wanted to have the ambiance right when I read this 😉 so thanks so the internet I had my tunes and ready …set … go 🫶🏼

Having read the first 2 books in the series and knowing Hank had a story to share I couldn’t wait to get into this read well that and I love visiting Langston Falls and it’s people ❣️

Hank and his band had music since high school days and they were pretty good they even recorded in studio but it was more his dream than that of his mates and they eventually go their own ways leaving our Hank feel a little despondent….

Ella-Mae our cute daisy duke , flip flop wearing beaut is just a ray of sunshine and when she bumps into our Hank things get interesting …

Hank is at a concert and sort of drowning in his sorrows when he gets bumped into by the adorable Ella-Mae and our boy Hank’s life is about to change and I must say despite the fact that he may be 2 sheets to the wind he’s real charming 😉

Did I mention Ella-Mae is the little sister of Travis Miller ?! Oops 🤣😉when she drops it on Hank she’s humble and every day about it ….

So Ella-Mae invites Hank to join them in the rest of their tour and I loved watching them discover each other , their music and their time together and yes Travis had me worried and angry at times but it couldn’t steal anything from these 2 beautiful people 🥰 I loved every moment of being around them ❣️📚

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A Toast for Laurent (Vine Valley Book 1) by Theresa Paolo – Review by Heidi Sturgess

A Toast for Laurent (Vine Valley, #1)A Toast for Laurent by Theresa Paolo
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The dedication had me smiling and pouring a glass of Chardonnay to begin my journey
“ Dedicated to wine . This series exists because of my love for you .” 🍷🥰📚❣️🤣

Laurent and his family have been running Vine Valley for over fifty years and if memory serves me right Laurent would be 3rd generation to run it alongside his siblings , I love his heart and how he wants to honour his grandpa and his legacy ❣️

They all seem to know their place and things run like a well oiled machine , we’ll mostly because life isn’t perfect 😉
Laurent = Sales and he’s got a serious knack for business and has taken the vineyard to new highs

Rhone is assistant winemaker and a bit if a free spirit

Nero is a real flirt and I think he could charm a nun out of her habit 🤣🙈

These boys are a good bunch and each brings something to the party and they’re just awesome !

Now Phoebe our blue green eyed blonde beaut was fortunate enough to grow up with this lot but her bond with Laurent was different and they made a pact to marry each other if they reached the ripe old age if 40 and were still unattached and when Phoebe marches in to lay claim to their pact I pour myself another glass of nectar of the gods (wine)🤣let the games begin

Phoebe has a strained relationship with her family and when het stepsister is getting married she needs Laurent to save face and he agrees but he has 1 condition to this agreement and Phoebe thinks she’s fine but Laurent isn’t an easy man to resist ….

I laughed hard , I cried even harder especially where Phoebe really opens up to Laurent I just really felt Phoebe there and yes I even got angry for many reasons , there were so many emotions going through me while reading about Laurent and Phoebe and their road to their own HEA …. Every page was great and every sip was mighty fine 😉

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My Goodbye Girl by Anna Gomez – Review by Heidi Sturgess

My Goodbye GirlMy Goodbye Girl by Anna Gomez
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I just loved the dedication
“ Dedicated to those who never got to say goodbye. Because the living is left to them “ this really hit home for me as I lost my mum and a very dear friend and I never got to say goodbye and I’d like to think I’m living my life in a way that honours them ❣️

Tessa met Simon on a Boeing 777 heading for La Gaurdia from Boston and it was an instant click ….
I can’t really explain it but watching it unfold was magical

Tessa being an author lives life and what it throws in our way through the eyes of others , she observes and her writing is a mix of reality and fiction ….

Simon is a committed scientist dealing in facts so these 2 amazing peeps are like worlds apart yet they’re perfect for each other ❣️

They meet sporadically across the world over the years and what starts as stolen moments soon deepens and Simon takes a bold step but then tragedy strikes and my heart shatters for everyone involved , I stopped reading for a day just to pull myself together and once I gathered myself I dove back in and what an emotional rollercoaster it was and oh so beautiful 😍

Simon and Tessa fought hard for their happily ever after and what a privilege it’s been to be part of their journey ❣️📚

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Ways to Improve Bailey by Cori Cooper – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Ways to Improve BaileyWays to Improve Bailey by Cori Cooper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Brace yourself for a laugh out loud kind of read and these are characters that become friends ❣️📚

Bailey and Dayton are brother and sister . Bailey has flaws and Dayton has taken it upon himself to “ fix” her flaws which I get to a degree but at the same time I just want to clip him around the ear because live should be unconditional. Bailey works at a frozen yoghurt / ice cream parlor called Froyo , her work friend Marnie has a “ gift” she believes she can match up couples by their choice of frozen yogurt, ice cream and toppings and while I think she may have a magic touch she really had me in stitches at times and she’s a really good friend to Bailey 🫶🏼

Then there’s our local odd ball Tanner who I should say is a good reminder of do not judge a book by its cover , he’s actually a real sweetheart and quite easy on the eye 😉with a heart of gold and one of my favourites ❣️

When the parlour is in trouble they all stand together to save it , which says alot about our little Froyo family and it’s visitors ❣️

I loved that words like “ nincompoop “ are used 🤣I enjoyed copious amounts of frozen delights and their adds ons 🥰 and Bailey I love you just the way you are ! You are uniquely you flaws and all x

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Someone to Watch Over Me (Wounded Hearts Series Book 3) by Debbie Cromack – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Someone to Watch Over Me (Wounded Hearts, #3)Someone to Watch Over Me by Debbie Cromack
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I first meet Angelo he just won my heart , this was my introduction “ Watching someone you love get their heart broken time after time and not being able to take away their pain is crippling.”
I could identify with him as a friend and as a parent I’ve been in this position but there’s so much more to this beautiful person ….

Angelo fell in love with Lucia at a very young age and their lives have been intertwined since childhood, they’re always together at school and at university but Angelo is older than her so his first and foremost role in her life is protector so naturally she wants him to be her first but he turns her down but girl his heart is in the right place 🤔🥰

Angelo has the voice of an angel but instead of following his heart to have a career in music he goes into the business world of accounting and he plays music on the side 🥰

Life throws Lucia a curveball and she heads home and home is not a place but a person Angelo receives her with open arms and is ready to walk a difficult journey with her … there’s loss , love , tears and some very real moments 🫶🏼

I loved how the families mould together and the love and support shared amongst them , I did get frustrated at times with Angelo and Lucia but the road to HEA is never going to be easy it 🤔 I loved every moment of being part of their journey and I’ll warn you in advance , keep the Kleenex stock on hand and make sure you have some comfort food ❣️📚😉

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Punk (Popov Boys Book 6) by Leslie Georgeson – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Punk (Popov Boys #6)Punk by Leslie Georgeson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned ….

A series is usually like an aging red wine , it just gets better with time 😉 and while I’ve not read all the books in the series I didn’t feel like I was missing out but there are references to previous books / characters so you’ll get a fuller experience and trust me every bit counts 😉🔥

I really enjoyed Miranda and Efrem 🔥these Papov boys are hard to resist 😉

Miranda is in the middle of a rather nasty divorce and honestly I must say good riddance to bad rubbish girl !

Efrem is hiding a secret , while he’s supposed to be the hunted he is in fact the hunter , on more levels than one 😉🔥

There more to this story than revenge , steam , action and thrills there’s redemption and forgiveness that softens this cruel and unkind world …. Be patient with them , let them share their story ❣️

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Hero Complex (Bluestone Series Book 3) by Isobel Reed – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Hero Complex (Bluestone Series, #3)Hero Complex by Isobel Reed
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my goodness I’m about to say take me cowboy 🤠 loving the cover ! I know I’m so easy to please 🤣❣️📚but I’m weak when it comes to cover art 😍😉

It’s soooooo good to be back in Bluestone ❣️

Ace , an injured marine needs to find peace and quiet , a place where he can heal his body , mind and soul , he rents a cabin on Ivy’s land and soon enough he’s hands on in more ways than one 😉

Ivy’s grandparents passed on and left her their ranch and while she’s no wallflower she needs more than money to run the ranch , she works hard and not a scared hair on that head of hers but we all need a little help even our darling Ivy ….

Ivy and Ace are each others healing balms and watching them together was a gift and yes I cried , hard I’m not even going to try and lie but it’s a beautiful story and worth every tear❣️📚

See you soon Bluestone , you’ve been good to my soul 😍

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Love Tools (Bluestone Series Book 1) by Isobel Reed – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Love Tools (Bluestone Series, #1)Love Tools by Isobel Reed
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my gosh I’m just loving this cover !!!! The dedication made me chuckle and think of my peeps when I’m reading because I’m forever sharing ❣️📚😉

Lilly inherits a hardware store from her estranged father , there’s an apartment above so her home is also sorted but is this English rose going to survive Montana !? 😉

“ Malbro man “ aka Jake and Lilly ( sweetheart ) get off to a rocky start but entertaining I must add but having said that I see the attraction small town living will have as opposed to city living and I’d like to quote a little bit of perfection “She wasn’t completely sure why , but she knew in her heart that Bluestone was where she needed to be “

Lilly makes friends with Sam and I just adore her I wouldn’t mind having her as my friend ❣️

Sam is Jakes’s sister so when Lilly gets invited to the weekly barbecue their paths cross again and let’s just say there are more sparks than in the fire 😉🫶🏼

I loved the people of Bluestone and Lilly and Jake kept me on my toes , we laughed and we cried and we had the most beautiful time together ❣️thank you guys for letting me part of you , see you soon 🥰

Lilly’s mom grated my nerves a bit

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Falling Again (Buckeye Falls Book 3) by Libby Kay – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Falling Again: A Buckeye Falls NovelFalling Again: A Buckeye Falls Novel by Libby Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh man it was good to back in Buckeye amongst friends and friends that have become family ❣️

Natalie , Anthony and their kids are no strangers to me and I must be honest I’ve wondered about their marriage because let’s call a spade a spade here , Anthony can be quite a douche at times and Natalie can be high maintenance and they put on a good show but we don’t always know what happens behind closed doors ……

Don’t get me wrong I know they love each other but sometimes life runs away and you loose each other and you need to find your back before you hit trouble . Anthony is the mayor as his dad before him was so he’s always busy , Natalie has her own events businesses which keeps her busy full time and then we have to adorable kids to add to the mix , it’s hectic and I so can identify and I think that’s what makes this book so rigid is that you can relate and sympathise with the characters

This was a beautiful story about redemption , love , friendship , reconciliation and that saying “ it takes a village to raise a child “ has now changed to “ it takes a village to reconcile “

Love my town and people of Buckeye 🥰

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Raising Elle (Sweet Valley Series Book 1) by S.E Reichert – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Raising ElleRaising Elle by S.E. Reichert
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Domestic violence is so common and I think it’s been for years which is heartbreaking but these days woman speak out which they didn’t in the days past and I commend every brave woman who said NO MORE , left , battled and survived!

Elle arrived in Sweet Valley with next to no money and basically the clothes on her back and some really nasty bruises 🥲what better place to heal than home with your family and loved ones .,,,

Elle suffered at the hands of Aaron both physically and emotionally and those wounds take time to heal and I’m so grateful Elle had her family …

Blake and Elle share a history and he had the potential to be a brilliant vet but life happened and Blake hasn’t had it easy but one has to hit rock bottom before you can rise from the ashes …

I cried … ALOT … this story and it’s characters just played my heart strings like a harp I felt compassion , empathy , fear , anger , frustration , love and so many other things all I can say is have a huge box of tissues on hand and the biggest bar of chocolate for comfort when you read this !

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The Innovator (WaterFyre Rising Book 3) by Nadia Han – Review by Heidi Sturgess

The Innovator (WaterFyre Rising, #3)The Innovator by Nadia Han
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m glad to see the suit is back 😉🔥

Grayson is no stranger to deceit and betrayal and it’s almost made him jaded but once bitten , twice shy , right ?! He’s a brilliant architect at that and all men have an Achilles heel ….

Natalie is a real family girl and she’s willing to “ degrade” herself to save her family and her legacy and that speaks volumes of her humble character already …

Grayson is connected with both Remington and Royce and their childhood experience , it’s his turn to do over secrets and connections

At times I really felt sorry for Natalie because Grayson was not be taken on without gloves , he’s a grumpy force to be reckoned with .,,

Together Natalie and Grayson kept me on the edge of my seat with hidden secrets and agendas and the intensity these 2 share 🫶🏼🔥

Holding my breath for the next instalment 😉

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The Daredevil (WaterFyre Rising Book 2) by Nadia Han – Review by Heidi Sturgess

The Daredevil (WaterFyre Rising, #2)The Daredevil by Nadia Han
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So it’s off with the suit and on with leather jacket and I’m still weak at the knees 🤣🙈

Royce is a volcanist and very much like the volcanoes he studies he’s unpredictable and volatile but there’s a healing balm out there and she’ll see the man that is hiding behind the facade ….

Michelle is a traveller and blogger and emotionally detached due to the demons that haunt her ,that gnaw away at her self confidence and self worth , she needs a man stronger than her demons ….

We met Michelle and Royce briefly in “ The Mastermind “ and I was eager to see how their story unfolded and date I say it but this book was more enjoyable than the first and that says alot !

It was fun travelling through Michelle’s eyes and it makes you itch to travel . I just want to thank NadiaHan for broaching the subject of ED , so many folks think it’s a “ teen thing” , Michelle is fortunate to have Royce on her side and his support and the way he build her just makes me love him even more ….

Strange and unexplainable things happen in Royce’s business and it impact on both him and Michelle and he’s determined to protect Michelle at any cost , this man really is a keeper

There was murder , revenge , dark twists and turns and of course there was spice and all things nice to add a well rounded effect , love you guys 🥰

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The Mastermind (WaterFyre Rising Book 1) by Nadia Han – Review by Heidi Sturgess

The Mastermind (WaterFyre Rising, #1)The Mastermind by Nadia Han
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There’s nothing that makes a girl weak at the knees like a man in a suit and this cover had me looking for a seat before I swooned 🙈🤣

Remington Starke is a man with a vision and he’s dangerous on so many levels , he’s a delectable speciMAN and he has a past , a frightful one at that big that just adds to his “ Yumminess” I know I’m such a weakling just to cave to these alphas ❣️🤣🙈

Audri is bright , creative and consumed by guilt and she’s got it bad for the man that is jut only her boss but her brother’s best friend and his past can threaten the both of them ….

This was a first read for me from this author and it was good ! It had mystery , suspense , thrills , chills and spice ! It was intense at times and other times there was just good old fashioned fun between friends 😉looking forward to the rest of the series 👍

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Where Fire Meets Flame (Yours From The Ashes Book 1) by Elena Kincaid – Review by Heidi

Where Fire Meets Flame (Yours From the Ashes, #1)Where Fire Meets Flame by Elena Kincaid
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hello the cover art is enough to make you combust 😉🔥

So I get why Riley has a jaded view on life and love after all she’s seen in her line of work as a PI and her mother leaving her and her dad when she was little shes on her latest case and as she’s about to leave armed with evidence she gets knocked out …..

In and out of consciousness and the smell of smoke lingering before Riley can actually panic her firefighter cones to get rescue , again ….

Tristan and Riley met by accident , literally , she was involved in an accident and he was on hand to help her

Tristan has a stage 5 clinger though and I think Shannon is a tad unstable and she just creeps me out and rightly so ! She does however add drama and suspense to the story

I just loved how Tristan watched over Riley the whole time and how protective he is , these 2 have some serious chemistry and left my kindle a little hot and bothered 😉

A quick hot read 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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Ten Thousand Shells and Counting: A Memoir (Teenage War Survival Book 1) by Nadija Mujagic – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Ten Thousand Shells and Counting: A Memoir (Book 1) (Teenage War Survival series)Ten Thousand Shells and Counting: A Memoir (Book 1) by Nadija Mujagic
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Life as a teenager is tough enough . There’s nothing kind about war . Having to deal with both at the same time can’t be easy ……

Where most teens are thinking about fashion , hanging out at the local hotspots Nadija is having to concern herself with loosing the roof over gears , stray bullets , friends that became enemies
survival , having to steal to survive but despite her dire circumstance she still manages to make you laugh at times and being humour to a tragic and traumatic time 🥲 it shows me the power of hope because without hope we have nothing …

I value and appreciate vulnerability and transparency, you know where you stand and Nadija put herself , her experiences and emotions on the line and shared her story and fir that I want to say thank you ! It’s so sad when innocents suffer at the hands of politicians and or leaders and every war has always been for that reason 🥲

I’ve just taken a deep shaky breath and said thank you again for the freedom I so often take for granted 🙏

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Underboss’s Retaliation (Sicilian Gods Book 2) by Via Mari – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Underboss's Retaliation (Sicilian Gods Book 2)Underboss’s Retaliation by Via Mari
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So the Larussio family is still feuding with the FebRosa family and we really pick up where we left off in book 1 ….

Dominic and Emilia are the focal point this time round and I felt there was a bit of a Romeo and Juliet spin to it which just hit the spot for me but thing gets really intense when these 2 lovebirds cross a line …. She’s willing to give it all up for him and he’s willing to protect her at any cost

There’s so much going on here drama ,violence , angst , steamy and swoony moments , heartache and I just had the time of my life , when I talk of the character people think they’re real ! I know I get really involved 😉❣️📚

Can’t wait to read the next one 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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A Spot of Earl Slay (Tea Time Troubles Book 1) by Aubrey Elle – Review by Heidi Sturgess

A Spot of Earl SlayA Spot of Earl Slay by Aubrey Elle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

How cute is the cover !?

All I want is London Fog ! I tried making it myself and it didn’t quite hit the spot , then I tried out local barista and she looked at me like I’ve gone quite mad 🤣 the craving is strong !!!!

Naomi snd Ella move to Fayette after she inherited a house and they’re in need of a fresh start and after living a sad but luxurious life this will do them both good . Naomi was married to a real snob and after the divorce he manipulated everything , she couldn’t find a job and the settlement was pathetic and because money is power she was having a time finding a job no thanks to her influential ex so this move was the perfect opportunity…,

I think they’ll enjoy this adventure …. Then they find a body in their shed and my heart drops but then they meet their neighbours , Barbra and Isabel and my heart starts beating again 😍

Barbra and Ingrid are the best , they loves their tea , Ingrid collects teapots and tea is the solution to any crisis or celebration! …..

Ella and Naomi stay with Barbra and Isabel while they wait for the heating to be fixed in their house and that’s how a beautiful friendship is formed and the sleuthing begins ….

I read this , finished it and read it again straight after ,
that’s how much I enjoyed this read !
I can’t wait to read every other book in this series !
I laughed at the banter between these people , the copious amounts of tea made and drunk and the mystery of who and why a woman was murdered was most entertaining 🫶🏼

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Little Red, the Detective (Science Folktales) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Little Red, the Detective: a science folktale (Science Folktales)Little Red, the Detective: a science folktale by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I just LOVE the cover 📚❣️

As a school librarian I’d love for my kids to read this especially now with our school participating in a national science fair 😉

It’s a different take on Red Riding Hood and I adore the twist 🫶🏼

So Red is off to visit her granny when she meets a wolf along the way , he gives her 2 types of plants so bring the inquisitive person she is she goes straight to her books for information, with this distraction eolf heads off to granny …

Red realises something is amiss and detectives skills are honest in because granny needs to be kept …

Beautifully illustrated 🥰

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The Crown of Stones: Magic-Borne (The Crown of Stones Book 3) by C.L. Schneider – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Magic-Borne (The Crown of Stones, #3)Magic-Borne by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I like the covers on all the books in the series but this feels a little different , like the magic is possessing Ian and after reading , even more so 💥

This is the end of the trilogy and be sure to have read the other books otherwise you’ll feel totally lost , I’ll be honest I was exhausted as I binge read but that in no way reflects on the book ❣️📚 what I would recommend is take a breather in between each one that way you will take more in and do the series justice 🥰

The fate of an entire race lays at Ian’s feet and sacrifices have to be made and again it seems like it all falls on Ian . Everything comes together and there’s action , love , drama and quite a bit of action , so a few boxes have been ticked 😉

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The Crown of Stones: Magic-Scars (The Crown of Stones Book 2) by C.L. Schneider – Review by Heidi Sturgess

a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”>Magic-Scars (The Crown of Stones, #2)Magic-Scars by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Again , just loving the cover art !

To me , it feels like Ian is seen as the saviour of the Shinree but at what cost ? He’s been beaten , tortured and broken , his people are free but still enslaved and oppressed and , people from all across are hungry for freedom and they’re looking to Ian , hoping he’s the one that’ll lead them but he’s needing to heal himself ….

What is his connection with The Crown of Stones ?

A sequel can either be better than the first book or it can go the other way and disappoint you , this did neither, that’s not a bad thing though , it keeps your interest , it makes you wonder and question and there was a little more spice this time round 😉

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The Crown of Stones: Magic-Price by C. L. Schneider – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Magic-Price (The Crown of Stones, #1)Magic-Price by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’ve not read fantasy in quite a while and I had a few reservations but I must admit I’m grateful I got the chance to read this , cover-art is just amazing 😉

The Shinree are a suppressed nation and “bred” as slaves and to serve and wait upon others ( this really saddens me )

Ian is a Shinree and cones from a family of warriors so it’s pretty much expected that he’s pulled into the ongoing war with the Langorians ….

Ian has a good heart but at times it felt like his goodness was being taken for granted and what’s a good story if there’s not a dash of romance 😍 all in all a magical welcome back into a world of fantasy 🍄

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Savage Lies (Hidden Valley Elite Book 1) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Savage Lies: A High School Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Book 1)Savage Lies: A High School Bully Romance by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There are 2 covers I’ve seen for this …one makes me wish I was back in high school 🤣🔥 and the other is just beautiful and I don’t feel as much of a cougar 🤣🥰 BOTH are 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Having read the “ teaser” Savage Start I couldn’t wait to get into Savage Lies and I was rewarded 💥

Hidden Valley is no different to any other High School when it comes to pecking order we have the leaders and the followers .
Cole , Damon and their cousins are the guys every guy wants to be and all the girls want to be the arm candy of ….

So we pick up a year later with Riley starting at Hidden Valley , hoping this is a fresh start , she bumps into Cole , she knows who he is and what they shared but he’s got not glue but he knows there’s something that had him attracted like a bee to nectar … these 2 are off the charts 🔥

Cole just wants to finish school and get out from under his father and he has his eye on the goal until Riley and her mom come to town , again , the plot thickens when it comes to light that Riley’s mom and Cole’s dad are an item , wounds of loosing his mom are still raw and I feel Cole and his frustrations but poor Riley beats the brunt but make no mistake our girl gives as good as she gets , she’s no fading wallflower….

Be warned of the cliffhanger 🫶🏼

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