
Notebook Mysteries ~ Decisions and Possibilities by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Decisions and Possibilities (Notebook Mysteries, #2)Decisions and Possibilities by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So while Emma hungers for adventure she’s a smart girl and gets herself an education and now she combines her passions , she adds a few people to her team and each of them have a talent or gift of their own that they bring to the table and they make for a dynamic crime solving team and just keep in mind all is not as it seems ….

I think a lot of Emma’s success is due to the love and support of her team , family and friends and again I’m reminded of how tough things were back i. The day and our Emma is fearless and she has heart and courage in her side .

Again we’re spoiled with yummy recipes! Thank you 🌸

Notebook Mysteries ~ Emma (Notebook Mysteries Book 1) by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Emma (Notebook Mysteries, #1)Emma by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Emma works in the family bakery but she’s hungry for more and for adventure but as a girl back in the 1800’s her options and rights were very limited fortunately she manages to twist her fathers “ rubber arm” to join the delivery wagons and start her adventures ….

This was a read that attracted me for various reasons . Emma’s spirit reminds of my youngest daughter who is fearless and it feels like Mulan vs Nancy Drew going back time , that’s how I described it some of the girls who asked me about what I was reading

I must just say thank you for adding the most delectable and mouthwatering recipes🤗

I’m looking forward to some more fun and adventure ❣️📕

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Hard Lover (Houston After Dark Book 2) by Deborah Garland – Review by Heidi Sturgess

a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”>Hard Lover (Houston After Dark #2)Hard Lover by Deborah Garland
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Well hello ladies get yourself a tall glass of crushed ice because you’re going to need it 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

This one took me by surprise because what I thought was going to be hot and dirty , which it was , turned out to have so much more to the story and while I can’t really be blamed to only expect hot and dirty ( I mean hello that first visit to the club had me fanning myself and looking around to make sure nobody could “ see” what the school librarian is reading😂🥰🔥)

Grant and Callie are siblings and Noah is friend and colleague to Grant so he’s not new to Callie in fact she’s had a crush on him for the last 6 years and while Noah wants to he won’t go there as she’s his friend little sister and he’ll have Noah’s guts for garters …..

Callie wants to taste that forbidden fruit and I’ve warned that first visit to the the club is off the charts ….🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Noah’s past comes to haunt him and this is what brings thrills , chills and nail biting suspense to my hot and dirty and it just hits the spot and ticks all the boxes ! This is definitely one to shout from glass tops ❣️🔥😉

Hard Lover (Houston After Dark Book 2) by Deborah Garland – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Hard Lover (Houston After Dark #2)Hard Lover by Deborah Garland
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Well hello ladies get yourself a tall glass of crushed ice because you’re going to need it 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

This one took me by surprise because what I thought was going to be hot and dirty , which it was , turned out to have so much more to the story and while I can’t really be blamed to only expect hot and dirty ( I mean hello that first visit to the club had me fanning myself and looking around to make sure nobody could “ see” what the school librarian is reading😂🥰🔥)

Grant and Callie are siblings and Noah is friend and colleague to Grant so he’s not new to Callie in fact she’s had a crush on him for the last 6 years and while Noah wants to he won’t go there as she’s his friend little sister and he’ll have Noah’s guts for garters …..

Callie wants to taste that forbidden fruit and I’ve warned that first visit to the the club is off the charts ….🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Noah’s past comes to haunt him and this is what brings thrills , chills and nail biting suspense to my hot and dirty and it just hits the spot and ticks all the boxes ! This is definitely one to shout from glass tops ❣️🔥😉

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Jake (Billionaire Blind Dates Book 1) by Toni Denise – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Jake (Billionaire Blind Dates Book 1)Jake by Toni Denise
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So hale and his mates get together for a round of poker and now that he’s free again they’re all keen to set him up but he’s a little nervous , he wants someone who sees him for Jake the man and not his purse strings ……

Lauren has a thing against rich men , she doesn’t like that see woman as an “accessory “ she feels that because they’re so wealthy they can dictate and while it’s true in some instances I feel it’s an unfair “judgment” but she her reasons …

So Jake and Lauren seem to hit it off but there’s a slight twist in the tale … Lauren’s friend Catherine has a brother Cade and she works for him but get this he’s Jakes’s friend so you can imagine their surprise when Jake visits Cade and puzzle pieces start fitting together …. I had a chuckle but I was also nervous as to Lauren’s reaction but it turns out I had no worries that is until Lauren’s mum pulls a nasty move , girl this is your daughter back off ! I was mad 😡 but these 2 ride this challenge as well …..they’ve got their cheerleaders 😍

Such a fun read actually and it was so easy to love these characters and cheer them on in their journey of love and happiness ❣️

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The Girl Who Escaped by Mark Nolan – Review by Heidi Sturgess

The Girl Who EscapedThe Girl Who Escaped by Mark Nolan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So I read the synopsis and I’m like all in ! Then I start the first chapter and already with the first sentence I’m drawn in … “ …. she couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling they were being watched.” How do I resist this !? I don’t ! 😂📕😉❣️ I dive right in !

What do you expect from a sole survivor!? We had a traumatic experience and one of the ladies involved also went mute and she actually went hoarse from the shock and I think this is what happened here Angie was in shock but when anger kicks in your fighting spirit is determined not be a victim over and over again and lucky for Angie she people on her side fight with and for her !

This is really one to shout from rooftops . Thrills , chills and twists and turns ! Just warn your family and loved ones that they’ll be sending for themselves because once you start you can’t put it down 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

I was not disappointed my nerves were shattered and my nails chewed to the bit 😳 would I recommend this !? Oh yes !!!!

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I Loved You Yesterday (Trading Heartbeats Trilogy Book 1) by Julie Navickas – Review by Heidi Sturgess

I Loved You Yesterday: Book One in the Trading Heartbeats TrilogyI Loved You Yesterday: Book One in the Trading Heartbeats Trilogy by Julie Navickas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m just loving the cover and I couldn’t wait to get lost in between the pages of what looked like it was going to be a brilliant read and it was a new author to me and I was not disappointed 🥰

Secrets never stay hidden and they have a way of revealing themselves and this so true as to the events in this book and look let’s be honest love isn’t always easy and often it’s a messy thing and it hurts but rather love and lost than not love at all ….

Mavis and Josh were high school sweethearts and when she discovers she’s pregnant she leaves town and while she thinks she’s doing the right thing she’s actually not and then she tell his twin brother well what’s that all about !? I know I sound all judgy and I hear her heart but making such big decisions on behalf of another is selfish but as I said I saw her heart , I had to stop reading for a bit as my emotions were all over the place I felt angry , sad , empathy , frustration …..

So I picked up where I left off and soon enough the past catches up to Mavis and there’s Josh who wants her back and Austin that won’t let go and things look a right mess but stick around ….

Mavis , Josh and Austin , thank for allowing me to a part of this journey to be a part of your lives and for sharing yourselves with me , love you guys ❣️📕

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Fairly Royal (The Fair Series Book 4) by Grace Grahme – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Fairly Royal (Fair, #4)Fairly Royal by Grace Grahme
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Well hello if Phillips is anything like I imagine him to be I’ll put on some naughty Santa lingerie and let him unwrap me 😂🤶🏻

Phillip is to be the next marquee but he stays humble and is determined to make his own mark in the world and he doesn’t easily conform to the limitations and rules set upon him because of his stature and Anna is exactly what he needs and she makes him happy ❣️

Anna is a little spitfire and while she is mindful of Phillip’s position she doesn’t let anyone dictate to her and she is determined to be accepted for who she is and for that she has my respect because it’s so easy to cave and she has backbone she wasn’t afraid to take on anyone who gave her a hard time , good grief she faced Phillip’s mom and gran that already says enough . She’s faithful to him and sees him for the man he is not for the stature and stays that comes with him so she’s a gem !

I loved getting lost in these pages , I laughed I got frustrated at times and there were a few times where I wished I could have dishes out a few slaps to some deserving unkind souls !!!!

Posh posh what a read ❣️📕

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In Plain Sight (Logan McKenna Mystery Series Book 8) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Heidi Sturgess

a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”>In Plain Sight: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 8In Plain Sight: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 8 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just love this cover ! Owls are my thing ❣️🦉 besides Bella making her appearance again there was so much to this read …..

Logan is enjoying married life with Ben and her work with the raptors is rather fulfilling and the people she works with seem nice , that is until she finds one of them dead and while everyone else thinks it was natural causes Logan thinks otherwise and in doing so puts herself at risk …..

A read that ticked many boxes for me and I thoroughly enjoyed each , I even read some pages aloud at our family gathering ❣️📕🦉

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Ritual Obsession (Blood Obsession Book 1) by R.L. Dunn – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Ritual Obsession (Blood Obsession Book 1)Ritual Obsession by R.L. Dunn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So before I start I just want to say 3 things

1) Pay heed to the content warning

2) Have nerves of steel . Expect the unexpected. Have a strong i constitution.

3 There’s a cliffie!

Ok so I was as keen as mustard to get into this book and at a stage I felt it was a little slow but man hang in there you will not be disappointed!

Bobbi has a lot going on in her life then you add a new job , new people , new department oh and a deranged serial killer … quite the combination

There’s a lot going on and I don’t say that in a bad way , it keeps you interested . I like Bobbi and Max as individuals and as a team . I felt both horror and sadness for victims , survivors and their families . There’s we’re also characters that bought out the ugly in me , like I would not spout on them if they were on fire , real nasty folk …

So before I devour the read I’m letting my nerves settle ❣️📕😱

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Shake Down (First Coast Thriller Book 1) by Armand Rosamilia – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Shake Down (First Coast Thriller Series)Shake Down by Armand Rosamilia
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So Clayton didn’t really grow up with the best role model for a father and he’s determined to do better and becomes a cop and all seems well but then the gambling monster takes over and he looses not only his job but his family , a very hard price to pay .

Clayton may have made mistakes in the past but everyone deserves another chance , right ? So he’s got a job , his family back and it just may be coming together for him ….

I feel sorry for Clayton he’s really trying hard but life just keeps throwing curve balls at him , what seemed like a stable job is now not so kosher , his boss is involved with the cartel , both his father and sister are coming at him from different angles and then the FBI wants a piece of him as well , good grief something has got to give !

All I’m going to say is expect the unexpected because all is definitely not as it seems . Despite the thrills and chills this book gave me it also allowed me to be sympathetic…

I think I’d like to read some more ❣️📕

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Murder Most Pemberley (Eliza Darcy Mysteries Book 1) by Jessica Berg – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Murder Most Pemberley (Eliza Darcy Mysteries Book 1)Murder Most Pemberley by Jessica Berg
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my goodness what’s not to like about his book !? It’s starts with a quote from Lizzy Bennet Darcy so I was already sold ❣️📕

I was in stitches before I even paged my first page “ Sexy underwear or granny panties …” 😂😂😂😂 and then Belle , Eliza’s best friend teases her about her choice of books and the fact that she’s actually packing books on a trip and well I must say I’m very much like Eliza there ❣️📕😉

The characters are just loveable and quirky from aunts and uncles to cooks and friends they all just have this way to climb into your heart and make you smile and wonder .

There’s was more than just giggles though there was a mystery and family secrets that kept me guessing and on my toes and all is not as it seems 😉

We can’t forget the romance either can we !? ❣️There we’re endless cups of teas and delectable treats to have with these lovely folk …

I read some critique about this book and I was saddened because there’s so much to love about this read ❣️📕and I just want more !!!!

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Ashes of Sin and Stardust (AnchorX) by Lindsay Murray – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Ashes of Sin and StardustAshes of Sin and Stardust by Lindsay Murray
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my goodness where so I start !? Well first off it’s a loooooooong book do bake sure you have time to read it , once you start you won’t want to put it down ! There are trigger warnings in the beginning and please take heed to these 😉

First off I just love the cover art ❣️📕 what happens between the pages in mind blowing but before I go any further I just want to honour the author and say thank you for touching on so many subjects that people look at as taboo from ADHD , BPD , BDSM to many other things this is a real human story that will pull you and your emotions through the ringer and I guarantee you that you’ll enjoy every moment …..

Often I think subs chose the lifestyle because they’ve been hurt and the control they lost is regained but letting their Dom take control , it’s given willingly , it feels safe , am I making sense !?

Alice hadn’t had it easy , she’s experienced loss , abuse and pain and Reuben is her personal heroine and healing balm , both addictive and soothing and if I’ve got be honest I’d I was into BDSM I’d love a Reuben of my own 😳🙃

I did say it was a looooooong read but it was also over quickly and I think it’s because these people became real , I became part of their tribe , their lives , their love , their trial and tribulations ❣️📕

This one to shout from the rooftops ❣️📕🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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Saved by Love (Bellevue Bullies Book 7) by Toni Aleo – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Saved by Love (Bellevue Bullies #7)Saved by Love by Toni Aleo
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved the cover ! The title is so very very apt ❣️What was between the pages I loved even more !!!

Before I even start my review I just want to thank the author for taking a subjects that many think is taboo , especially in adults . Thank you for honouring those that live with it everyday , thank you for honouring those who live with those who deal with it everyday . Thank you for making other people see it from a different perspective , I’m so grateful for you . I appreciate you ❣️

Evan and Owen are twins , both play for the NHL, the Adler family is a hockey family only has retired due to mental health reasons and I could only begin to imagine the disappointment Evan must’ve felt but he doesn’t lie down and fade , yes he struggles but he becomes coach to the girls gymnastic team…..

Callie , what a gem of a girl ❣️our first introduction was at a press conference for Nico , her brother in law and you can just feel the love she has for her brother in law and her family . Nico goes public with his diagnosis and this is where I just got into an emotional mess ….Callie has always had a crush on the Adler twins one , however is taken , the other not and I think we have a match ladies and gentlemen 😉

Watching Evan and Callie was a privilege, a journey filled with tears and hurdles but filled with love , support ,friendship, hope and encouragement ❣️

A shout from the ice rink and bars kind of read ❣️📕

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Thief (Popov Bratva Book 4) by Leslie Georgeson – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Thief (Popov Bratva #4)Thief by Leslie Georgeson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Now when I looked at the cover I had a chuckle because damn girl that face is delectable but it also shouts mischievous and I just knew I was in for a treat 😉

So Dominik works for the Russian mob , he “acquires “ high end vechiles for them and imagine his surprise when his next “ acquisition” won’t be handed over so easily and this cookie is tough she’s not giving up her car for anything so she hops into the passenger seat and Dom has his hands full and even more so when he realises she’s a famous country singer …. He has himself in a pickle I’d say so he lets both her and her car go but it doesn’t end there ….,,

Dominik has dirt on Leah that could end her career if it comes out so she agrees to “forget” what happened , Dom heads out to clear his ahead and as true as hot chocolate in winter his path crossed with Leah’s again ….

These 2 are just irresistible and they are responsible for a few hours of entertainment for which I was most grateful 🤭😉

While I felt this could be read as a stand-alone I do enjoyed it I want and looked up the previous books and I’ll be following with a hawk’s eye so I don’t miss anything ❣️📕

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Scandalously Yours (Titans of Manhattan Book 5) by Anise Storm – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Scandalously Yours (Titans Of Manhattan #5)Scandalously Yours by Anise Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love cover art and this is no exception ! It actually captures the story within ❣️📕

Kristopher seems to have it all , a successful career , a beautiful family and life seems good but his wife looses the plot and they’re legally separated and she’ll stop at nothing to hurt him including using his kids as pawns and that’s just a hard no for me and I just want to slap her so hard she sees stars 😳

Alessia has finished her studies and residency and she’s about to embark on the next chapter I. Her journey called life . While she’s in the Bahamas for a medical conference her path crossed with Kristopher and they set the night in fire with an evening filled with passion ❣️🔥

Kris and Alessia have to work together not only as doctors but they have to deal with his soon to be ex wife and her antics and kris adores Alessia but can’t drag her into his crazy life …..

I enjoyed all the Titans but this one hit a different spot and these are my favourites ❣️📕 a read filled with drama , romance , a bit of suspense and a crazy journey to find each other !

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This Time Around by Jane Suen – Review by Heidi Sturgess

a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”>This Time AroundThis Time Around by Jane Suen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It’s so good that Katie is heading home for her friends wedding I’m so proud of her for standing up to that nasty boss of hers 🤭😉

We hit a tiny glitch , the bride doesn’t want any singles at her wedding so Katie gets hitched with her ex high school boyfriend , Chase, and there’s some unresolved issues …..

Chase had his heart broken by Katie and when he agrees to be her plus one I think there’s more than vengeance in his heart …. His life has also changed drastically, he became an instant daddy to Timmy when his parents were killed in an accident and he’s a real hands on daddy and man he just makes my knees go like jelly and little Timmy is a real sweetheart ❣️

Things between Katie and Chase seem to pick up where they left off but they really do need to clear the air and they’re so perfect for each other and add Timmy to the equation and it’s the perfect little family ❣️

Just loved Katie and Chase , they just stole my heart ❣️📕

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Rivals (Mafia Elite Book 7) by Amy McKinley – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Rivals (Mafia Elite, #7)Rivals by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just love this cover !!! What a delectable morsel Nico is ❣️🔥😱😉

So Mia is her daddy’s pawn and she’s not having any of it and is determined to bust their trafficking ring wide open and I say good I. You girl ! Look there’s no love list between get dad and her stepbrother Ricco and quite frankly I wouldn’t spit on either of them if they were on fire ! They’re nasty and a real waste of space !

Mia goes to the one person she knows that can protect her , Nico and within a few days the family envelope her more than her own flesh and blood , these men might me mafia but they have a moral code of sorts and they love and protect fiercely , Mia is right where she belongs 😍

I loved Nick and Mia and their story kept me on the edge of my seat ! Another brilliant instalment ❣️📕

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Collateral Damage (Mafia Elite Series Book 6) by Amy McKinley – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Collateral Damage (Mafia Elite, #6)Collateral Damage by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my goodness! My first meeting with Hailey was rather frightful ! She’s on her way to meet her stepdad when she gets taken by men in ski masks , what a way to start !!!!!

Trey , our hot doc is quite the hot commodity amongst the ladies and he’s quite oblivious to it all and Sandy , his older charge nurse is most efficient in “ protecting “ him from all this unwanted attention from his “ fans “ 😂🤦‍♀️but what do you expect !? He’s HOT , a doctor and part of the mafia family 😳🔥 and he’s lost the barista he dated , he pretends he’s ok but that man is hurting 😥

When Hailey gets taken , her stepdad , who is married into the Carmichael family , that owns the hospital , reaches out to Trey for help , hoping his connections to the underworld would help ….but all is not as it seems and both Trey and I are a little suspicious of how the “ abduction “ went down , let’s call it , a sixth sense …..

Trey might be mafia but that heart of his is filled with kindness and compassion for his patients and that’s the biggest attraction for me but this is about how I feel is it !? This is about Trey and Hailey …..

I thoroughly enjoyed the twists , thrills and you definitely need to expect the unexpected 😉 that’s all I’m going to say 😱🫢

Despite the fact that this book can be read as a stand-alone I enjoyed it sooooo much that I’m going to binge read the previous 5 ❣️📕😱😉

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Ruthless Heir (Mafia Elite Book 5) by Amy McKinley – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Ruthless Heir (Mafia Elite, #5)Ruthless Heir by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This series I like should of read wine is just keeps getting better with time ❣️📕

So Summer is attacked in her flat that she shares with a friend , she’s scared so she runs, a girl needs to survive though and she finds a job at a finance company and one night she need to keg her gait downed heads to a bar for a drink or 3 ,one thing leads to another and she has a hot passionate night with the mist delectable stranger 🔥🔥🔥🔥 who turns out not only to be her new boss but also the next in line to head a mafia family , it would seem she left the pot for the frying pan ……

Luc has worked hard to get to where he is and he started at like ground zero , he’s also heir to his mafia family throne unbeknown to him….

Luc knows Summer is hiding something from him but she’s his personal heroine well I must admit they’re both addicted to each other 😱🔥😍 but they’ve got to get past a few hurdles and if they survive it they’re rock solid ❣️

Luc and Summer are the type of characters you’ll just love , their journey is filled with angst , fear , suspense , intrigue and hot , steamy chemistry that will leave you breathless 🔥

I’m so excited for the next book but at the same time I want to read slower because I don’t want it to end but it’ll all come full circle and I’ll know the entire family 😍it’s a real catch 22 😉❣️📕

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Savage Secrets (Mafia Elite, book 4) by Amy McKinley – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Savage Secrets (Mafia Elite, #4)Savage Secrets by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my goodness, these covers and the men just keep getting better ❣️🔥

Please read the previous books so you can get the best experience out of this series ❣️📕

This one gets right from the start though and I’m not sure if it’s because it’s just so good or if it’s because I was so ready to devour it ❣️📕😂

So Marco thought his Elena had died 4 years ago so imagine his shock when he sees her again …

Elena just wants a normal life so she goes into hiding after giving up her position in mafia family but someone is out to get her and it’s not the enemy she should’ve feared but the one that claimed her heart so many years ago …..

This one was a real rollercoaster ride 😱❣️

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Born in Darkness (Mafia Elite Book 3) by Amy McKinley – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Born in Darkness (Mafia Elite, #3)Born in Darkness by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Good grief ! I’m a hot mess ! This coverart has me all hot and bothered 🔥🔥🔥

Again , you can read this on its own but I highly recommend you read the previous instalments in this series , it’s not that you’ll feel lost but there are references to incidents/ people so you’ll enjoy a fuller experience reading them ❣️📕

Emiliana went through an extremely traumatic experience and this time we find out what happened to her and instead of fading she rises from it and she’s darker , braver and alert and will orotect those she loves with everything within her ❣️she’s always loved Stefano and it’s as if they were made for each other and yet they have to survive on stolen kisses …..

Stefano is my favourite 😍 there’s just something about him … he knows his Achilles is Emi and his father will easily use her as a weapon against him , he doesn’t want to hand over the throne to his son but he pays the ultimate price and he’s so evil I don’t think there’s a place in hell for him 😱

We finally get to find out who the deceiving so and so is and man let me tell you I also felt like breaking a few bones !

I like the friendship between the girls forming from all 3 books , I wouldn’t mind being part of their tribe 😉

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Blood Oath (Mafia Elite, book 2) by Amy McKinley – Review by Heidi Sturgess

a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”>Blood Oath (Mafia Elite, #2)Blood Oath by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Well hello have you seen this cover !? I just melted into a puddle and wanted to yell “ take me , I volunteer” 😂🔥😱

So this is book #2 in the Mafia Elite series and it does help to have read book #1 but if you haven’t you won’t feel lost 😉

So Enzo and Sophia loved each other as children but tragedy rips them apart 🥲

Enzo is next in charge of his mafia family and years ago he distanced himself from Sophia to protect her and with the mafia duty always comes first but he’s never stopped caring for her and when she and is threatened he’s very quick to protect her ….

Sophia is the youngest and only daughter in her family so her brothers are soooooo protective of her but she’s determined to make something of herself as an up and coming fashion designer ….

Heading for Milan to show her designs I was starting to wonder if it ever would happen with the Russian around and there’s something or someone that’s very underhanded I hope they know what game they’re playing because they are going to get burnt messing with Sophia ….

I must just say I enjoyed the “ twist” of having a female assassin , a femme fatale , something different 🔥

Now to get onto the next instalment ❣️📕

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No Way Out (Mafia Elite, book 1) by Amy McKinley – Review by Heidi Sturgess

No Way Out (Mafia Elite, #1)No Way Out by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So Liliana belongs to one of the mafia families which makes her a mafia princess which sounds great but being a female she’s probably going to be married off to either a monster or an older man or both 🤮 in any case they do this to strengthen the family or for power … sick I know but daddy dearest is going to meet his match because our girl isn’t going down without a fight 💥😉

So Max is a soldier but to me he’s her knight in shining armour that will protect with his life and devour her in one bite 🔥💥 he’s is soooooo yummy and I’d offer myself on a platter to be protected 🤣😱🔥

There’s was enough spice and suspense to keep me on my toes but there was also a few tender moments , I know I’m twisted to say a mafia read has tender moments but hey it’s all in the eye of the beholder 🤣❣️📕🔥😉

Brilliant way to get into the families 😉

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Let It Be Love (A Mustang Prairie Romance Book 5) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Let It Be Love: A Mustang Prairie RomanceLet It Be Love: A Mustang Prairie Romance by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I just fell in love with the cover and even more to with what’s between the covers ! ❣️📕

I wish I had read the other books in the series , it’s not that I felt lost or anything but the people of Mustang Prairie is the kind of place you go to each time and feel like you’re home ❣️

So the mayor of Mustang Prairie, Eric , is dating music starlet Kiki and a normal relationship is difficult enough but add in crazy thing like paparazzi, fans , crazed manager and who knows what else and I think one might be ready to head for the hills but love will always prevail ❣️

  1. A fun read and I’ll be sure to read the others and more from ND Jackson ❣️📕

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Enchanted in Time by Nikki Lynn Barrett – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Enchanted in TimeEnchanted in Time by Nikki Lynn Barrett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Roxanne had experienced some deep heartache and Lisa so when the opportunity roses for her to be caretaker to one her of favourite authors , Claudette Grayson , she jumps at the opportunity, I mean hello who wouldn’t !?

Claudette is 93 and she has lived a good life but now with her age , damaged hip and the onset of dimensia , she needs care but won’t leave her home and it’s comforts and she recognises something in Roxanne and asks her to help finish a book before it’s too late ….

Roxanne cat turn the offer down and so starts a journey that has me in tears more often than not. Roxanne is riddled with guilt and my heart breaks for her with the “visits” she gets from Derek and Aiden and my heart really did feel like Humpty Dumpty 💔

This is one of those reads that haunts you long after you’ve read the last page ❣️📕

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Taylor’s Law by Jennifer Raines – Review by Heidi Sturgess

a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”>Taylor's LawTaylor’s Law by Jennifer Raines
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This wasn’t an easy read but it was also a beautiful read , I know it doesn’t make sense but once you read this you’ll agree with me I’m sure ….

Chrissy is sick , with cancer . Her sister Ella is taking care of her and her daughter Tessa so it wasn’t really a surprise that it’s Chrissy’s wishes that she becomes a Tessa’s guardian ….

Not only has Ella lost and buried her sister , she’s found out she’s a legal guardian and then just to to make matters worse she receives a letter from the very same lawyers firm that gist her family dearly 🥲 good grief how much more must one person deal with !?

Jake and Tessa are fighting their attraction and Jake wasn’t aware of the family history but both want what’s best for dear Tessa ….
While I cried a lot there were a few moments where I just wanted to beat Chrissy with a tennis racquet for the position she left poor Ella by hiding things from her and not playing open cards …..

I cried , I laughed , I got really angry but at the end of the day what will be will be and one just has to have faith that love will prevail ❣️

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The Letter Carrier by L.C. Lewis – Review by Heidi Sturgess

The Letter CarrierThe Letter Carrier by Laurie L.C. Lewis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story is based on a true story so it really hits harder than normal . I just want to say thank you to the family for sharing their lives and story with us , what a privilege it has been . Thank you to Laurie for honouring this family in such a beautiful way ❣️

Any book set in the time Hitler and his bad men tried to take over the world usually makes me feel quite sick but at the same time I’m left in awe and wonder at the resilience of people and their determination to survive and come out on the other side …..

Michelle and her family lived in France till the Nazis invaded and life as they knew it took a really bad turn but never do they give up , never do they loose hope and never does their faith falter . I walked away with so many humbling life lessons ❣️

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Key to His Heart by Kristina Beck – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Key To His HeartKey To His Heart by Kristina Beck
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my goodness! I read this , finished it , drowned myself in comfort food and Kleenex and then read it again !

I see a little of myself in TJ as in when I love I love hard and I love with everything and I’ll will do anything for those I love and sometimes that bites me in the rear but for most part people appreciate it anyhoo I was fortunate to find my soulmate and have been blessed and happily married for 20 years 😍

I don’t think Katrina would know what real love is even it came up to her and slapped her in the face , that is till TJ comes along and shows her what life and love can be like ….

There’s a “magicalness” to Katrina that draws me in and while I understand her fears and insecurities I just wanted to shake her and tell her to wake up to what is right in front of her ….

TJ teaches and coaches so that already says a lot of them man he is and his yearns for the family , home and white picket fence and it would seem that that’s in the pipeline with Katrina …. He’s a good , kind , patient and loving man with a really big heart and any woman would thank her lucky stars to have a man like him on her side ….

I really cried hard reading this . I saw and felt love , grace , hope , heartache, redemption and so much more . I felt complete when I finished it a second time round

An absolute privilege to have been able to read this ❣️📕

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Amber Waves of Grace by Jessica Berg – Review By Heidi Sturgess

a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”>Amber Waves of GraceAmber Waves of Grace by Jessica Berg
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is one of those reads that just hit home and I’m not sure how to put words to what’s going on inside of me …..

First off I just love the cover and think it’ll make a beautiful puzzle to build , frame and mount on the wall and after reading what’s between the pages it will take on a whole new meaning ….

Being a farmer myself and it being harvest season and having labour issues this read was close to home and I identified on so many levels with what was happening ….

My heart just broke for their father and the loss he experiences as a farmer and a man and all I wanted to do was climb into this book and love on theses people

There was so much to this read , it was raw , it was real , it was human ❤️

There was suspense, mystery , romance , forgiveness , grace , tragedy, resilience …. I cried hard , I laughed hard and I worked hard

These are people I want to keep to myself but at the same time I want to share their trial and tribulations ❣️📕

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