
Antipodes (Antipodes Book 1) by T.S. Simons – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Antipodes (Antipodes, #1)Antipodes by T.S. Simons
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I usually avoid dystopian reads because it scares me and makes me think of things that very well may become a reality , I know I’m just strange 🙃😉

I could resist this though and I think it lit if it had to do with the cover art as well as what’s happened In in the world the last 2 and a bit years and with Covid and the devastation it caused , I lost a very dear friend to it so some of the things in this read really pulled at my heart strings …..

Expect the unexpected that’s all I want to say ….

I just loved the characters Cam and Freya but Cam holds a very special place in my heart for so many different reason but do yourself a favour and get to know them yourself 🙃

Love in the Roses (Love Through the Ages Book 1) by TL Clark – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Love in the RosesLove in the Roses by T.L. Clark
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What an epic to go back in time ! It felt like I was right there ❣️📕

So Isabel is to marry Sir William , a fellow knight her father knows but she herself doesn’t know him so I can understand her reservations , oh how things have changed since then …..

There’s one big difference that worries Isabel her family supports the house of York while her husband’s doesn’t they support the house of Lancaster , a really big issue in those days ….

Isabel remembers the lessons her mum taught and the one being to hush and observe and that one in particular serves her well

I had to chuckle at myself though , I kept reminding myself this was a different era but they knew how to “steam scene” 🙃😉🔥

Loved how it was written ❣️📕

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Levi (The Brothers of Creekside Ranch Book 1) by Edith Mackenzie Review by Heidi Sturgess

LeviLevi by Edith Mackenzie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The cover just shouts “ you’re home! “ I couldn’t wait to get lost in between the pages of this read ❣️📕

I started a little teary but my sniffling quickly turned to gentle giggles when Levi and Bella meet for the first time ….

Bella May feel she jumped from the pot to the frying pan but just hang in girl I’ve a great feeling about what’s about to happen …..😉

So Bella is on the run and need to go into witness protection and Levi, his family and the ranch seems to be her haven and it comes at a perfect time because the men are in a need of a feminine touch and hand in tearing their little sister Allie…

I enjoyed the banter between Amos , Elijah and Levi oh boy they made me laugh 😉😂

The funniest was what I call the tea incident and it was so funny because I’m so particular about my tea 🤣it has to be made in a teapot and served in a cup and saucer !

While she gets along well with the boys but there seems to be a little tension between her and Levi and I know why but I’m hoping they find out what I know ❣️🤣

An absolute treat to read ! Characters are loveable and there was a touch of everything to tick all my blocks ❣️📕😉

Something About Aimee (Girls from the Street Book 1) by S.E. Smith – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Something About Aimee (Girls from the Street Book 1)Something About Aimee by S.E. Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Well I’m ready to trade my family -mom- SUV in for a piece of wood with wheels 🙃

Aimee aka Wheels may not have a formal education but she is very clever , can speak I think it’s 7 languages , she has street smarts and she has a good heart and a kindness to animals ❤️🐾

She’s a courier and she doesn’t shy away from hard work and she’s well loved by those who know her … it’s on a delivery that her paths cross that of royalty and she not only gets the delivery done on time but she also saves the life of his royal hotness !

I think she’s a breath of fresh air for many but so much more for Quadir ❣️😉 she’s sees the man not for what he can do for her ……

When I started this I wasn’t sure what to expect but what I got was absolute brilliance ! There was steam , there was laughter , there was fear and suspense !

I tried to summarise it as Pretty woman meets GI Jane meets Cinderella .

All is not what it seems , r there’s so much more to these people than meets the eye .

Aimee will make a perfect queen . She’s compassionate, kind , fair , humble , beautiful and she lives her life by her strong moral compass !

A read I will shout out from the mountain dunes 😉

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The Colors of Friendship (The Colors Trilogy Book 1) by K.R. Raye – Review by Heidi Sturgess

The Colors of Friendship (Colors Trilogy, #1)The Colors of Friendship by K.R. Raye
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When a book gets you at its dedication and acknowledgment you know you in for a treat !

When someone is honest and cares their heart like this “ First let me give thanks to God for gifting me with the writing bug that I just couldn’t kick . To my exquisite husband …. ❤️ how precious , thank you for sharing your heart

I then read the prologue and my blood runs cold …..

What an epic read this was and characters really just climb into your heart .

Armani is really studious and want to achieve and she does and Melody you just won my heart from the get go with your fairytale like belief in everything , I think you and I could be great friends

Lance , you amuse me but you have a good heart

There was so much going on and I don’t say it in a negative way at all , so many topics touched on and dealt with but in essence it was about the friendship these people shared and it’s so very precious and their journey had me in tears , had me shaking my head and there were times I just wanted to put it down and walk away but my perseverance was rewarded ❣️📕

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The Detail by Dana Wayne – Review by Heidi Sturgess

The DetailThe Detail by Dana Wayne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

He knows …. She knows … I know but they don’t know , does that makes sense 😂

I was enjoying the banter between Jessica and Seth , their awkward flirts and their dynamics as a working couple and then BOOM action hits , it was like a punch to my gut and I felt winded !!!

Jack is a really bad bad man with a very dark heart and he has such a grudge against Jessica you can actually feel the hatred he has for her and my skin crawls whenever he’s near and he deserves the death penalty but he’s a slippery one …

This was an absolute adrenaline rush for me it had me on the edge of my seat , it had romance , it had steam and it had me scared !

An absolute shout from the mountain tops read

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Paige and the Reluctant Artist by Darci Garcia – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Paige and the Reluctant ArtistPaige and the Reluctant Artist by Darci Garcia
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is one of those have to reads ❣️📕

Paige has been burnt and is still healing after her narcissistic ex Kyle and is focused on her job which she is brilliant at just by the why and she seems happy with her rescue kitty Chloe and best friend Camille but she has so much love to give , she has such a beautiful heart and I kept all fingers and toes crossed that she’d give Mark a fair chance

Mark , where I start with this beautiful man , yes I called a man beautiful and I can because he has more money than he knows , yet he’s humble , he’s been hurt yet he yearns to win Paige’s heart , he saves horses so what is not to fall in love with ….also the man is a gifted artist

They say you know a persons heart by the way they treat animals and that’s why these 2 truly are a match base in heaven ❣️🙏

There were a few times I just wanted to shake Paige and tell her to snap out of it but Camilla best me to it 😱😂🤦‍♀️

I loved Paige , Chloe , Camilla , Steve and Mark and I’ll share them with a happy heart ❤️

P.S. Storm Cloud you own my heart ❤️🐴

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Caring for Kingsley, Believing in a Better Way When Canine Cancer Comes Crashing Into Your World by Alli Eldridge – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Caring for Kingsley, Believing in a Better Way When Canine Cancer Comes Crashing Into Your WorldCaring for Kingsley, Believing in a Better Way When Canine Cancer Comes Crashing Into Your World by Alli Eldridge
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my word what a beaut dear Kingsley was and what a beautiful way to honour Kingsley with such a heartfelt written account of his life 🐾❣️

Alli did such intense research at diagnosis and I could just feel the love showered onto Kingsley as a family memeber , nothing was too much she was determined to find the best treatment and the best care for Kingsley

I cried hard and I cheered for the small wins along the way ….

Thank you for sharing your heart and Kingsley with me ❣️🐾

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Burned by Fire (Firehouse 13 Book 4) by Danielle Jacks – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Burned by Fire (Firehouse 13, #4)Burned by Fire by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have such a weakness for cover art and this is a perfect example of why ❣️📕

So Sol is Mr May and Ember has always has a soft for him but he’s also been her mentor and guide at the firehouse ….

Sol got hurt saving 2 children and he’s hailed a hero by many and rightly so but in his own eyes he’s a failure and he tries to drown his sorrows in the bottle when he’s forced to retire ….

Ember reaches out to him and soon enough friendship grows into something deeper and stronger well it flames up into hot passion 🔥

Sol is older than Ember and I think it’s just what she needs band I’ve always been one to like an older man 😉

Loved you Ember and Sol ❣️🔥

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Isabella Bride of Ohio: American Mail Order Bride by Debra Parmley – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Isabella Bride of Ohio: American Mail-Order Brides SeriesIsabella Bride of Ohio: American Mail-Order Brides Series by Debra Parmley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My first question is why do you want leave Sweden , it’s a beautiful country but at the same time I also understand folks are looking for change and a new beginning….

Isabella and her family are now fresh in America and her folks have to go into quarantine when they get sick and the job she has she lost when the building burnt down and now she and her family are in dire straits ….

Things take a turn for the better when she finds work as a housemaid and then she starts communicating with a “gentleman “ via a mail order bride magazine on the way she has a nasty experience and the man who comes to her aid stirs her heart but she can’t loose her heart Un him as she’s promised herself to the so called gentleman “ Mr Jenks “ I use the term loosely because the man is really far from a gentleman , he’s an oaf 😡

Isabella is wish I could whisper in your ear to have run with your rescuer when you had the chance ….

Isabella has faced a lot in her life and there were a few twists and turns in the story but I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys historical romance and mail order brides 📚🥰

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Someone Exactly Like Me (Wounded Hearts Series Book 1) by Debbie Cromack – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Someone Exactly Like Me (Wounded Hearts, #1)Someone Exactly Like Me by Debbie Cromack
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my goodness! Have you seen this cover!?!? I knew I was going to love every page and get lost in between these pages and I could be my bottom dollar I was going to invest in these characters so again my family members were left to their own devices …..

So almost right in the beginning something is said that I already know but sometimes as mere mortal reader I forever these things but this was a reminder “ Being an indie author is a lot of work . Between self -editing , self-promoting , self- publishing , being active on social media to build your audience , creating a team of people to support you, writing newsletters , and everything else the do-it-yourself romance author has to do , finding time to write can feel impossible sometimes.And when you do have time , you pray for inspiration and the most wonderful love story to create itself in your brain . “ RESPECT for all indie authors ❣️📕 THANK YOU !

So Destiny is an author with a rather well connected mother but I tell you what this girl is as real as they get she’s beautiful , she’s kind and she’s humble and she deserves every bit of happiness ….

Candi is the best friend of our Destiny and she herself is extremely talented and she has a little surprise up herself for her birthday friend … she calls a favour for photographing except it’s with her man candy actor 🔥Nicco

Nicco just has a way of humanising famous people and I think people often forget they’re people and not the characters they portray and I just fell i love with this man ….

Nicco and Destiny just flow and when he uses her as a “ tour guide” they both realise there’s more between them they’re both wanting to admit

I loved watching Nicco and Destiny unfold from friends to more , yes they had a few hurdles as with any love story but at the end of the day love will always prevail ❣️

I just loved this book and it’s on my top 20 for the year !!! I’ll shout about this one on every street corner ❣️📕

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Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Distant Memories: A Nurse Morgan Series: Book TwoDistant Memories: A Nurse Morgan Series: Book Two by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Remember our friend Morgan , the ER nurse had an op and it very near killed her but she pulled through thankfully but she walked away with that special gift , well some will call it a curse but I think it’s a gift in any case , she’s kind enough to share her friends with us and let me tell you something if you thought round 1 was entertaining , hold on to your hats because this one is even better 😉

So we pick up where we left off really and all seems good in Morgan’s life , her love life seems to be bliss , her work situation it as good as it gets and she seems to live in harmony with her “other” residents but life isn’t a bed of roses and as life would have it drama is sure to toss her life salad a bit …..

Morgan is a tough cookie though she can handle things and in her own way so you go girl !

Thank you for letting me sit on the sidelines and watch , I laughed so hard at times and on more than 1 occasion I thanked my lucky stars I wasn’t in your shoes 😉

Keep safe and hopefully we can catch up soon ❣️📕

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Truth or Kill (Twisted Legends Collection Book 1) by A.C. Kramer – Review by Heidi Sturgess

a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”>Truth or Kill (Twisted Legends Collection, #2)Truth or Kill by A.C. Kramer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Have you seen this cover !?!? Oh my goodness I can just get lost in it 🥰🔥

Sydney is a bit of an outsider to start off with she’s your average girl who’s bright and earned herself a scholarship while the others are from affluent families and have all the bells and whistles that gone with that life style but I must say I feel her when she says escapes reality between the trees and wilderness ❣️ she really is a nice girl and I think it’s not always easy being around her pampered crowd …..especially when they head out to “ The Lodge “ for spring break ….

Kage , you both frighten me and make me want to be a cougar , I know I’m twisted but hello so you !!!!

Truth or dare has nothing on Truth or Kill what an epically twisted read it was !!! Kage and Sydney are the perfect match like Beauty and the Beast but with no library 😉😜

Twisted perfection !

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The Prospect of Death (An Alyssa Chalmers Cozy Mystery) by Carmen Radtke – Review by Heidi Sturgess

The Prospect of Death (Alyssa Chalmers mysteries, #2)The Prospect of Death by Carmen Radtke
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh what an epic read this was !

I just loved every page it felt like I was teleported into a different era ❣️

Rosie may have been a difficult sort but when she’s in dire straits her companions take her under their wing and when things go from bad to worse when she’s under suspicion of murder they all jump in to protect her and prove her innocence …..

Although none of these girls were abused lets just say I must say I felt guilty of the freedoms I take for granted as a “ modern woman “ and it just reminded me afresh to be grateful each day as count my blessings 🙏

Matron and those in her care were a good sort of people and people I wouldn’t mi d learning from and being around ❣️🤗

Alyssa is not all she seems and she’s really clever and quite witty and a firm favourite with and good doc 😉

As for the killer, well that one took me a little by surprise to say the least ….

Will I be reading more ? Oh for sure ! Will I recommend this ? I wouldn’t hesitate !

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Romance under Aquarius (Stargazing Series Book 1) by Danielle Jacks – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Romance Under AquariusRomance Under Aquarius by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’m grateful that I got to read this book , not my normal scene and what a refreshing read it was after the tense week of reading I had , was emotionally done but my bibliophile heart and quiver was full ❤️📕😉

The cover art is just beautiful and in between the pages you get transported to magical places with magical beings ….

There’s such a mix going on of mythology, astrology and mere folk then added to it is romance , drama , secrets , truths

Different but fun 🤩

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Victoriously Yours (Titans of Manhattan Book 4) by Anise Storm – Review by Heidi Sturgess

a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”>Victoriously Yours (Titans Of Manhattan #4)Victoriously Yours by Anise Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Still hot and reeling from my tango in the precious book I was both sad and excited to start this , sad because I’m not ready to say goodbye yet and ready because I just want a last tease of a Titan man 😉

Jonas is one of those men who is more than comfortable in his own skin and the options of others of him don’t really phase him . While his friends are settling down and finding love he’s more interested in building his empire ! More often than not men like this have loved before and they loved hard and that’s why they hurt hard and then they build an attic cave around their hearts but there’s an ice queen out there that’s the perfect match and will get through all those layers ….

Mackenzie , the preachers daughter lost her heart and paid the price , she need to let go of the baggage and the hurt and resentment and live .

Mackenzie has the chance of a lifetime to realise her dreams but there’s a few hurdles to get over first , the biggest being coming face to face with her past ….

The thing with unresolved history is that it’s like a smouldering fire , the embers can very quickly flare up again , very much like it it did with my people , yes I’ve claimed them as mine , again 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️❣️📕

All I ask is pleas be patient with Jonas there’s more to him than he gives forth and he’s not the douche he gives forth …

Again I loved the characters and got totally absorbed into their drama , love, suspense, mystery , secrets and antics !

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Seductively Yours (Titans of Manhattan Book 3) by Anise Storm – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Seductively Yours (Titans Of Manhattan, #3)Seductively Yours by Anise Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Well after the mess I was in after the previous book I was nervous to delve into this one but I just had to discover more , I’m invested in these men and their lives 😉

Hello , what’s not a draw card here !? He’s hot , he’s an eligible bachelor, wealthy , famous and owner of one of the hottest nightclubs in town ….

Marcus’s work ethic is don’t miss business with pleasure and his lifestyle is casual as in them and leave , no commitment. BUT having said that every man has a weak spot and it just take the right woman to bring him to his knees ….

Ryhann, Miss twinkle toes herself 😉a talented ballerina that earned herself a scholarship and soon trade county life for big city life and that costs , desperate times call for desperate measures and I feel like a butterfly caught in a spiders web …..

Ryhann starts dancing at Mason’s club and it’s not long and she catches his attention …

Watching things unfold between them is like watching a hot tango 🔥and they were simply made for each other ! Yes their journey had its twist , drama and steam but good things come to those who wait 😉

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Imperfectly Yours (Titans of Manhattan Book 2) by Anise Storm – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Imperfectly Yours (Titans of Manhattan #2)Imperfectly Yours by Anise Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Again the cover-art is just amazing ♥️ I’m even more excited to dive into this book than the previous one ! #truestory#

Anton is the golden boy , he has all his desires , fame , fortune , wealth , career and he’s at the top of his game both in career and life , he really does seem to have it all 🤷‍♀️

Elsa , comes from a wealthy family , blue blood if you like and it seems she’s won the heart of one our very delectable Titan men …

All is not as it seems and every fairytale has a villian or a dark side and our folks are no exception to the rule . Sometimes life has to bring us to our knees , to humble us to make us realise what we have , wake up and smell the roses grab life and love , live and love it , every day is a gift and should be treated as such .

This was a hard read for me and there were a few triggers that one should be aware of . It was a real and real read and I almost don’t want to share their story and all they’ve been through . I cried hard but loved even harder ❣️

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Conveniently Yours (Titans Of Manhattan BOOK 1) by Anise Storm – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Conveniently Yours (Titans Of Manhattan, #1)Conveniently Yours by Anise Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just the cover has me in goosebumps !

I just have this feeling I’m going to need a jar of ice chips and a fan for next week or so just to make sure I don’t overheat 😉🤦‍♀️😂🔥😱

So Caspian is the first brother I’m about to be acquainted with and he’s our typical bad boys , beautiful cars , beautiful woman and a life of luxury in general but he could loose this all if he doesn’t meet the requirements set by his uncle …..

Paisley , shame girl life just keeps throwing her curve balls , no roof over her head , no money , no work , a mother who is ill and medical costs are accumulating and funds are running out , she’s in real dire straits and beyond desperate , my heart just shatters for her …..

That’s ladies and gentlemen is where theirs paths cross … Desperation +convenience = chaos and drama 🎭🔥🤦‍♀️

What was convenient soon becomes very real and very inconvenient, as per the norm of matters of the heart 😉❣️

Don’t be fooled there’s more to Caspian than meets the eye and under all those layers is a man with heart ❤️ Paisley is a tough cookie and in my eyes I think they’re the perfect match .

Did I cry … yes …. Did I want to punch someone … yes …. Did I enjoy every page … YES !!!!

The end did leave me a little WTH 😱 you have been warned 😉

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No Pistol Tastes the Same (PTSD Disaster Book 1) by Jacob Paul Patchen – Review by Heidi Sturgess

No Pistol Tastes the SameNo Pistol Tastes the Same by Jacob Paul Patchen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Before I even get started I just want to say thank you to the author for broaching a subject that is very real and very scary both to the person living with PTSD and those around people living with it . To many , it’s a taboo but for some of us it’s a demon we have to live with ……

Also , PTSD is also very misunderstood and alit was put into perspective for reading this book , so again , thank you .

JP goes to war to keep his country and it’s people safe but he’s left with the aftermath of the decisions he had to make when he comes home . His wife is by his side fighting his demons and it really isn’t easy , my heart just broke into a million pieces over and over again for this family and so many like it 😭

A very emotional and hard hitting read

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Love is Worth Fighting for (The Meraki Series Book 3) by Effie Kammenou – Review by Heidi Sturgess

is-worth-fighting-for” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”>Love is Worth Fighting for (Meraki, #3)Love is Worth Fighting for by Effie Kammenou
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This time it’s the turn of the “baby” of the family to entertain us …. Krystina is a real little firecracker , bring it on…..

Krystina wants to travel the world , promote her blog and become insta famous and she goes just that but Loukas is right behind her every step and get the boy she loves to hate ….

Loukas steps up when the going gets tough and Krystina sees him in a different light and together they see beautiful places , delve into family history (her sisters started delving before her )and they made me cry , really hard at that 🫣

This family will forever be in my heart ❤️ Greece is now on my bucket list as well thanks to these amazing people ❣️😉

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Love by Design (The Meraki Series Book 2) by Effie Kammenou – Review by Heidi Sturgess

design” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”>Love by Design (The Meraki series, #2)Love by Design by Effie Kammenou
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I fell in love with the Andarakis family and my my journey with them had been one of laughter , tears and precious memories made ❣️

I was rather excited to learn more about Mia , the next daughter in the family …

Being a typical dad , Pappa Andarakis wants his girls under his roof but the first one has a shop of her own and is soon to be married , Mia moved to the city and Krystina is still home and Mia is a firecracker in her own way ….

So Mia has landed her dream job but her new boss , Nick Aristedis is a thorn in her side and she in his it would seem and the 2 of them had me in stitches with their banter but thankfully Penelope , his sister , is the peacemaker between them them and I’m sure she she’s what’s between them before they even realise it ❣️😉

Penelope and Nick suffered a huge loss as children and my heart broke for them and Nick bears scars of it and Mia comes to his aid and Mia noticed her tenderness ❣️

I really enjoyed Mia and Nick ♥️ but my highlight was
“ Did you just Elizabeth Bennet me ?” “ Only after you Darcyed me , you pompous snob” 😉😂

Another chapter of the Greek family I just want to be a part of ! I’m both excited and sad to see what the “baby” of the family had in store for me , excited because I just love these people , sad because I don’t want to say goodbye ….

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Love is What You Bake of it (The Meraki Series Book 1) by Effie Kammenou – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Love is What You Bake of it (The Meraki Series #1)Love is What You Bake of it by Effie Kammenou
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kally is a girl after my own heart and I just made her my best friend 😉📕❣️ I mean hello she has a coffee shop with a book nook and she makes the most delectable Greek treats so it’s like inevitable that she’s my new BFF 😂

Kally also listens to audiobooks while working and she reminds me so much of myself except I can’t bake like her and I don’t have an epic Greek family or a friend like Egypt 😉and again she likes the same music I like ! No wonder Max fell for her ❣️

So both Kally and Max have a past and there’s a lot of hurt and deceit in their lives and I feel for them and they’re really each other’s healing balms ….

Little Athena stole my heart and that of everyone else , she’s the sweetest little thing ❣️Emma wasn’t far behind 🐾❣️

Nothing beats a grandma but I think the Greek ones are the best right yiayia ❣️

I must just warn you …. The last 23% left me an emotional mess , I cried hard , well I actually howled , I curled into a little ball and just lay there to recover 🤦‍♀️🫣

I loved every moment of being part of this family and I just want to share them with everyone !!!!

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Queen of Hearts (Heels, Rhymes & Nursery Crimes Vol. 21) By Natalina Reis – Review by Heidi Sturgess

a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”>Queen of Hearts (Heels, Rhymes & Nursery Crimes, #21)Queen of Hearts by Natalina Reis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’ve such a weakness for cover art and this queen is no exception 😉it’s so bright and beautiful ❣️

I just love the queen’s brand of justice ! I wish we could implement it in this day and age !

The queens aka Mimi guards her heart closely but I’m starting to wonder if our delectable herbalist , Jac is going to sway her ….

Mimi also has suffered at the hands of men especially her husband , he really was a very cruel man and my heart yearns for her and those she helps she’s a real hero in my eyes …

Mac and Mimi make a formidable team and I must give it to Jac he’s really smooth and a worthy “opponent “

I wouldn’t spit on Linus even if he were on fire , what a despicable waste of oxygen he is 😡

I really enjoyed this read and it was a perfect distraction ❣️

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Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was just brilliant! The change I needed 😉

Morgan had an aneurysm that ruptured and counted herself lucky to to still be alive but since then strange things have happened …. She sees , smells and hears things that no one else can , it would freak me out just a bit as well so I get where she’s coming from but I’m sure she’ll settle with her new “ gift”

I adore Douglas , her dog and the conversation she had with him the first time we met had me in stitches
“You know Douglas , if these party people are ghosts or a figment of my imagination, at least they know how to have a good time . I like that in a hallucination.” 🤦‍♀️😂

First day back and 2 of her patients die , people think she’s floating in and out of reality and then just to add some spice to the already crazy mix we get Dr Caleb Lightfoot 🔥

I think everyone sees it before Morgan does…. Our doc is going to win her heart and it seems he shares her gift 😉

We also have the issue where one of the patience have a dark secret which adds a little drama to our quirky story …

I really enjoyed this read and would recommend it with a happy heart ❣️📕

I enjoyed making your acquaintance Morgan , Caleb , Tiffany and Savannah and I can’t wait to spend more time with you ❣️🤗

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Deadly Sommer (Nora Sommer Caribbean Suspense Book 1) by Nicholas Harvey – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Deadly Sommer (Nora Sommer #1)Deadly Sommer by Nicholas Harvey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I wish I read the previous books that Nora was in ! Girl you’re a hardcore survivor! All is not as it seems and the past doesn’t always stay hidden , sometimes it comes back to haunt you …..

Nora hasn’t had it easy and I think she thought Cayman Islands was going to be a fresh start for her and it was until a young girl disappears , desperate to save her she has to face and complete challenges …….

A brilliant read that had me on the edge of my seat at times and biting my nails , in between packing my bags to head off to the Cayman islands ( the author really makes you want to go there ) I was a bit of a nervous wreck 😉

Looking forward to more time with Nora ❣️📕

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Deadly Sommer (Nora Sommer Caribbean Suspense Book 1) by Nicholas Harvey – Review by Heidi Sturgess

I wish I read the previous books that Nora was in ! Girl you’re a hardcore survivor! All is not as it seems and the past doesn’t always stay hidden , sometimes it comes back to haunt you …..

Nora hasn’t had it easy and I think she thought Cayman Islands was going to be a fresh start for her and it was until a young girl disappears , desperate to save her she has to face and complete challenges …….

A brilliant read that had me on the edge of my seat at times and biting my nails , in between packing my bags to head off to the Cayman islands ( the author really makes you want to go there ) I was a bit of a nervous wreck 😉

Looking forward to more time with Nora ❣️📕

The Happily Ever After Bookstore by Bernadette Marie – Review by Heidi Sturgess

The Happily Ever After BookstoreThe Happily Ever After Bookstore by Bernadette Marie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What is not to love !?!? It’s pink and it’s set in a bookstore ! My heart is bursting to get lost in between these pages !!!

Well I already fell in love from page one and when you get to read it yourself you’ll understand why ❣️📕

This is one of those books that just grab you and run , you get lost and forget about the world as you know it for a few hours !!!!

From the moment I heard the bells chime as I walked in the door with Sadie I could feel and smell the books , I could hear Leona’s friendly greeting and jingling bangles ❣️📕

Charlie walks in and I just want to slap him because I felt he disrespected hallowed ground but I can’t stay cross with him for too long , he’s such a charmer without even trying and the the fact that he has such a special bond with his grandmother won me over 😉

Leona is something of a matchmaker and when Jon comes into her life I could only hope that she wouldn’t be immune to Cupid’s love potion ❣️

Fiona and Price what can I say , another of Leona’s match making success stories ….❣️

There really is something magical about this book and all it’s characters , it will own your heart and you just want to share it with anyone and everyone ❣️📕

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Dark Sparrow Box Set: The Complete 6-Book Series (A Dark Sparrow Novel) by India Kells – Review by Heidi Sturgess

a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”>Dark Sparrow Box Set: The Complete 6-Book SeriesDark Sparrow Box Set: The Complete 6-Book Series by India Kells
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

These brothers are going to be the death of me ! Can I just create my win harem and get it out of the way , that way they can be mine forever and always ?! ❣️😉😱😂🔥

Love the cover art !!!! ❤️📕


So Deva has run from her MC dad and family as she was sold off and can I blame her !? Hell no ! Anyhow she’s started a new life as a physical therapist and damn she’s good at what she does but she gets a call , a favour needs returning , her rescuer now needs her ….

Beatrice runs Purgatory and her “ agents” are Dark Sparrows , they jump in when all other avenues and resources fail and now Lazarus King needs their expertise ……

First up is Alexksei , what a delectable piece of man meat he is ! He’s the first piece in the fight against their “donor” aka father Jamieson Finch

Deva is no fading wallflower let me tell you but even a strong woman has a weakness and it seems Alexksei is Achilles heel and girl I don’t blame you that man could convince a nun to give up her vows 😱🤷‍♀️😉

It was such a thrill being around Deva , Alexksei and the team and there were times I held my breath in anticipation and yes I even had time to have a cry in between all the bullets and fist fights .

With her history I understand Deva’s hesitation but at the same time girl get your Russian grove on ❣️😉

A brilliant start to what I feel in my bones is going to be a brilliant Boxset treat ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


These boys are going to be the death of me yet !
Each one has their own personality I’m sure but I’ve a feeling Archer is going to be my favourite ❣️🔥

Zoe is a real little powerhouse , she’s a survivor , a protector and really gifted and you can’t help but love this girl !

Zoe and Archer cross paths(thanks to Gabrielle and Purgatory) when he decides to sell his oil refineries and her solecism set of expertise comes in rather handy …..

There were some nail biting moments for me where I held my breath to calm my breathing and still my heartbeat but Zoe also had a way that made me chuckle so she took care of me ❤️

Both Archer snd Zoe have painful history and scars and I think the healing they bring to each other is what makes me love them even more !


Isabel is a very resourceful woman . She is hold , she is brave , she is beautiful and she is Kai’s Achilles heel !

Kai is usually the laid back one in the “ brotherhood” but being around Isabel is bring out the derelict side of our delectable Hawaiian shirt wearing hurry 😉🔥

Kai and Isabel have a history, a romantic one at that and it took me a bit to get to the heart of the story but be patient , it’s worth the wait 😉

Again , there were moments so intense I was grinding my teeth because I tensed up so bad 🤷‍♀️😱🤦‍♀️and I could feel my heart in my mouth ! But Isabel and her sharp wit, banter and replies had me snickering and laughing out loud , she might come across as an ice queen but she’s got heart ❤️ love you girl !


I was like super excited to discover more about Liam , he has a good heart that’s for sure !

He took in the stray that became part of the family thanks to Zoe and Chewy is a real sweetheart ❣️🐾 and I’m a firm believer in the way someone treats animals says a lot about their character and who they are !

Catriona, you’re a very special kind of human girl and you’ve left your mark on my heart , your character touched me in a special way ❣️🤗

Liam and Catriona both have scars and baggage from their past and the chemistry between them had me fanning myself ! Liam could melt the knickers off of a nun ( pardon the pun 😉)

As with the other brothers I was taken on a wild ride my emotions were all over the place 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️😂 I laughed , I cried , I was petrified and I loved ….again ❣️


Sam has always been the quiet one , the one in the shadows , he keeps to himself really so to say I was excited to learn more of him would be a bit of an understatement……

Out of all the brothers I think Finch had the biggest hold on him or should I say he knew how to play mind games with Sam and I knew he was in for the battle of his life and he had an army behind him that cares …..

Ellie , you came into Sam’s life when he needed it most and for that I’m most grateful but it seems to me that you both found each other when you needed each other the must and didn’t even know it ❣️

These 2 people will always have a special place in my heart ❤️ like the previous brothers their story has twists , turns and moments where it felt like I could stop breathing but there was something different as well , something that touched me , I think it may be empathy , their lives and situations weren’t easy but they found healing with each other ! Love you Sam and Ellie


I didn’t want to read this book …. I wanted to read this book ….. what a raging war 😉❣️📕

I knew if I read this I’d finally see the fall of Finch but I’d also have to say goodbye to my boys and the friends of Purgatory and I must be honest , emotionally I wasn’t ready for such a big step … being a woman however curiosity got the better of me ……

Lazarus is the one who started it all , so I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️

Sasha comes to Chicago to rest but instead she gets Lazarus and war against Finch but there’s not a scared hair on this woman’s head and Lazarus has found his match ❣️

There’s so much I want to say about this grand finale but that jeans spoiler alerts and I’m not a fan !

It’s a brilliant end to a fantastic ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️series and it’s one to shout about off the rooftops and every book club should share these boys ❣️📕😉

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Squid (Moto X Book 5) by Brooke May – Review by Heidi Sturgess

SquidSquid by Brooke May
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Well what’s not to love when one of the main characters has the name “ Kindle” ❣️📕😉

So Levi is more than just what’s in his trousers and his philandering ways he’s quite bright actually but he’s lost his way a bit and I’m proud of his dad for making him work his way up as opposed to having everything handed over on a platter !

So Levi is used to woman falling at his feet so when Kindle doesn’t take kindly to his advance he has a bit of a reality check and even more so when he has to work under her in the company ….

Levi hides behind his hurt and he does mature along the way but I must be honest when I tell you I had a soft spot for him from the start and Kindle’s sure to follow in my footsteps 😉❣️

Kindle , girl I love your name ! I love your sass and heart ! You’re one in a million 😘

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