
The True Garza (Red Cage Book 3) by S. Ann Cole – Review by Heidi Sturgess

The True Garza (Red Cage, #3)The True Garza by S. Ann Cole
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Before I even tell you about how this read blew me out the water I just wanted to honour the author and say thank for your dedication to those with ADHD , I appreciate you ❤️

So back to the task at hand …. I started this read and couldn’t put it down and once I did put it down I immediately went and one clicked the previous 2 ❤️📕

London went through a dark patch in life and it’s that dark time she met True and together they had the most intense and memorable week but their paths parted after that so I can imagine the shock when they meet up again under very different circumstances….

There were funny moments and some seriously tense moments but every page of this read was a sensory treat ! A definite read to shout from the rooftops !

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Mermaid and the Rainbow: Mermaid Science by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my goodness how I wish I could let every little girl that passes my library read this book but I’m not sure my kindle will appreciate all the attention 😉

Our little friends Maia and Gig are off having a picnic when they befriend Trezzie , a mermaid 🧜‍♀️ now only one of our little friends can see her so the other one has her doubts but the 3 of them have fun together and create a beautiful necklace for Trezzie from ice cubes 🧊 ❤️

Not only was this a fun and cute read but there was also a bit of a science lesson to be learnt about the wonders of ice ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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PREMEDITATED: A Trust Betrayed, Lives Sabotaged, A Love Undaunted (Agents of Justice Book 2) by Susanna Haymond – Review by Heidi Sturgess

PremeditatedPremeditated by Susanna Haymond
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

You want to know something strange ….I read the prologue with mission impossible music going in my head 🤷‍♀️😜 I promise ! I think I’m wired differently 😉but with an introduction like that I was excited to see what’s to follow….

I felt a little lost at a stage but it all started to come together for me @ around 40% and then I was hooked , hence the 4 star to 5 star ⭐️

While trying to put the drug lords away I admire Anne for quoting scripture to Greg who has both justice and vengeance in his heart , her head and heart is focused on Him and that is why she is so good at what she does

Also when Nora disappears Kate says something that really warmed my heart , it’s sort of my life motto “ We don’t know why , but God knew this is going to happen , and He has a plan “ 🙏❤️

I’m so VERY grateful I got my hands on this book and pushed through , if I didn’t I would have missed out on a brilliant read that wasn’t just filed with suspense but love and encouragement!

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Devil’s Breath by Lang Johnson – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Devil's BreathDevil’s Breath by Lang Johnson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m not sure where to start or how to do this book justice !

So let me start at my weakness …. Cover art is phenomenal! Once I read what was between the pages I liked it even more and it added to the suspense ….

Now every girl should be her daddy’s princess and Lorenzo really did a poor job here especially manipulating her to do his dirty work but having said that at times I felt like I had a bit of whiplash with the people in Sera’s life ….

Make no mistake Sera isn’t just smart but she’s beautiful and deadly as well so naturally Cassius will warm her heart and bed 😜

Be warned all is not as it seems !

This ticked all my boxes and I’ll be telling anyone and everyone to read it 📕❣️

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Illegal by K.J. Gillenwater – Review by Heidi Sturgess

IllegalIllegal by K.J. Gillenwater
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a brilliant ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ read !!

I must just say I was so impressed with Selena wanting to do the right thing and self deport , that takes courage and for that I honour you 😘

That’s how Selena abs Wyatt’s path crossed actually , he overheard a corrupt official in his office and decided to step on and come to her rescue , for that I want to comment Wyatt , thank you for your bravery ❣️

So as you may have noticed there’s a bit of a fan club going here 😂🤦‍♀️ I just love Selena and Wyatt !

This read ticked all my boxes , there was suspense , romance , twists and turns and some moments where I held my breath with great anticipation and anxiety 😳😳

A brilliant, shout from the rooftops read !

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Manipulator’s War (Ruarnon Trilogy Book 1) by Elise Carlson – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Manipulator's War (Ruarnon Trilogy, #1)Manipulator’s War by Elise Carlson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This isn’t my usual genre but I was up for a bit of change and a challenge and I must say that while I won’t easily be converted this was a good read ❣️📕

There were times I just had to stop , breathe and let myself absorb and process what I’ve read there’s alit of detail and that’s not a bad thing so that’s not critique it’s just me being out of my genre and I think if this is your thing you’ll love every page !

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Saving Marvel (Satan’s Devils MC Second Generation #4) by Manda Mellett – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Saving Marvel (Satan's Devils MC Second Generation Book 4)Saving Marvel by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So Marvel has just walked into the bank and already he has me in stitches as I can just see everything going down ….

But things take a sudden turn and Marvel had his suspicions of some of his fellow patrons and rightly so and he finds himself in a situation that I don’t think anyone expected but his reaction surprised me , instead of going in guns blazing he took a different approach and to me that speaks volumes of the man he is and this is exactly where his path meets up with the lovely Virginia ….

Look I don’t think Virginia expected her day was going to turn out the way it did but I think she got more than she bargained for not only with the bank drama but hello she gets Marvel I’d say you won gold girl or should I rather say black leather 😉🔥

I was holding my breath to see what the Satans devils were going to do , one of their own was in trouble …. Not just from the bad guys but his heart was soon to be on the line ….

Marvel just went into protector mode when he realised Virginias distress and that’s where he won me over , these biker boys all pretend to be tough but they’re really just teddies when it comes to their loved ones , I still wouldn’t want to be on their bad side though ….

Being part of Marvel and Virginia journey had be an absolute treat and again Satan devils just opened their homes , hearts and arms to Virginia and made them one of her own … love you guys ❣️🔥❣️🔥❣️🔥❣️

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Twisted Throttle (Satan’s Devils MC Second Generation #3) by Manda Mellett – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Twisted Throttle (Satan's Devils MC Second Generation #3)Twisted Throttle by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

These men are my kryptonite !

I love being around the compound and my people , I feel safe , secure and like I belong ❣️

Noah aka Throttle is the enforcer of the club and he was the one Hawk went to when he wasn’t sure of who and what and what he had to do wasn’t easy , in any case Throttle is a rough diamond but he has heart ….

So big scary Throttle not only has to deal with a stalker , he also has to deal with a woman and matters of the heart and quite frankly I think the latter scares him more 😂

Now the Gwen he knew then and the Gwen he knows now has him on edge and she stirs feelings and things within him that he’s not ready for but wants if that makes sense …..

Throttle and Gwen have some serious chemistry going but that’s not all they have to deal with because add some crazy chick to the mix and we have a lot of action and when I tell you this bits is crazy I’m not joking , she really is a few beers short of a 6 pack !

I’ve enjoyed every book but Throttle had me on the edge of my seat , my heart palpitating and my nerves shattered ! A brilliant read !

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Hawk’s Cry (Satan’s Devils MC Second Generation #2) by Manda Mellett – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Hawk's Cry (Satan's Devils MC Second Generation #2)Hawk’s Cry by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Agin the cover art …. I just wanted to reach out and hold on so tight and snuggle into that chest …..

Now I get where Eli ( Hawk ) is coming from with the questions he’s got , I mean he was born into to this safe bubble albeit it dangerous, but it’s like a world on its own with its own rules and they don’t really know life out of it and the decision he makes is life altering and doesn’t just affect him but his unborn child and wife a well ….

Liv and Hawk have been one since the beginning of time and I can’t see them separate but things take a strange turn and Liv is loyal and it couldn’t be easy for her , just shows you the power of love ❤️ but at the same time something is ailing Hawk and isn’t well … trouble calls and Liv knows who really has their best interests at heart and calls on the brothers of Satan to help ….

These bikers come across as big , burly and dangerous and trust me they are but underneath that they have massive hearts and when Joker and Hawk have a heart to heart I actually had to stop reading and just breath …,,

Despite what went down when one of them is down the whole family gets together and fights the battle this was a hard and beautiful read for me ….

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Amy’s Santa : Satan’s Devils MC Next Generation #1) by Manda Mellett. – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Amy's Santa: Satan's Devils MC (Second Generation) #1Amy’s Santa: Satan’s Devils MC (Second Generation) #1 by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m a real sucker for cover art and this one is such a treat and after I read it , it took on a different meaning for me , added another dimension if you like …..

So Amy and Drew were joined at the hop as youngsters , despite their age gap but as time went on it became a bit of a problem and Drew had to put a stop to it and Amy always wanted to leave the compound and do something different and being daddy’s blue eyed girl she got her way …,

Amy heads home for Christmas with a “ friend” and folk can feel something is off and when Xander comes out with the truth there’s no holding the Satan men back and I wish I could ride and die with them !

Xander is so gentle , nurturing and caring and fufills his role well and at times I felt like submitting to him myself 😉 but I couldn’t cheat on Drew could !?

I loved being around these men and their machines ,the compound has become my home and the people have become my people ❣️ looking forward to our journey together …. The only thing nagging at me is that Archangel is on free foot roaming …..

P.S . I’ll never be able to look at a Santa hat the same way again 🤫😂🔥🤦‍♀️

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The Last Cabin Girl (Detective Josie Thompson Series) by Tom Swyers – Review by Heidi Sturgess

The Last Cabin GirlThe Last Cabin Girl by Tom Swyers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh … …., word !!!!! There were so many goosebumps and not enough space on my body 🤣that says a lot because I’m not a small girl !!!

This was my first Tom Sayers and it MOST DEFINITELY won’t be my last! He has this way of hooking you up and reeling you in and you just hand on every literal word ! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

So Josie is a mother of 2 , divorcing her narcissistic drug dealing abusive husband and he’s really not a nice man so just to add to her woes is a pandemic and a murder charge ! Sheez Louise cut the girl a break ….

Ok so the town and its folk are not what they seem and I feel so many emotions for poor Josie and time is of the essence because she has her kids to protect ….

Very relatable regarding Covid 19 and peoples reactions , opinions and fears . A gripping twisted read with unexpected end … a definite TBR ( to be recommended)

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Unchecked: A Steamy Love Triangle Love Romance by Carina Alyce – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Unchecked (MetroGen Downtown Kiss and Tell, #1)Unchecked by Carina Alyce
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Stella Magi rally is a busy girl both in her personal life and professional life and then to top it off she’s rather social and I just couldn’t keep up 🤪 at a stage I thought she gave up one addiction ( alcohol) for another(men) but hey I’m not judging …..

Now her 3 men are Glazier , the orthopaedic surgeon and he’s more the friends with benefits and their arrangement seems to work for them .

Doyle , our delectable red headed and freckled Mcsteamy and I’m sure he could charm the petticoat off a nun 😂

Alex , the one legged neuro , I liked him the most he seemed genuine and a real gentleman ❣️

So between them all they’re brilliant at what they do in all aspects , I mean hello hot and steamy , need I say more !? Now while our Stella was honest and upfront I was a little annoyed with her and what went down with her and Alex but again who am I to play judge Judy !?

Stella has a gift but who does it come from !?!? Who does it belong to ? Before I spend to much time pondering … I find myself rereading a few paragraphs here from around 73% just in case I miss something …. DRAMA👍

Elizabeth and her gaggle have Stella’s back and Elizabeth had me in stitches about what comes out her mouth 😂

While we had fair warning about the cliffy , it still caught me ! Now I wait ….

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(UN)Loved (Mixed Emotions Series) by Katy Hunter – Review by Heidi Sturgess

(Un)Loved (Mixed Emotions, #1)(Un)Loved by Katy Hunter
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m not sure where to start with Sophie and Gil 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️ they have me in stitches 😂with their antics but having said that there were o Assisi. Where I felt a little frustrated with them and that’s what made them so relatable …. These are characters you can’t help but like and root for

When I came to the last page I was like and now !? What ? Come tell me more ! So I’m keeping my bookmark ready and thumbs crossed for more of these folks ❣️

This was a first time for me with this author and is will definitely not be the last 😉thank you dearest Katy ❣️📕

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Checking Boxes by Magdoline Ward – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Checking BoxesChecking Boxes by Magdoline Ward
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ian is soooooo intense ! All I wanted to do is throw myself at his feet and beg him to make me his 🤦‍♀️🔥

Acacia did a real number on Ian and I really just wanted to give her a knuckle sandwich for the damage she caused but I realised if I kept focusing on her I’d be loosing out on the real story , the one of Grace and Ian 🥰❣️

Grace lives with Sophie and whiles she’s a good sort she has a rather colourful social life and more often than not there are surprise visitors so when Grace sees Ian’s roommate proposal she jumps at the opportunity, she can now save for own apartment and she’ll have a quieter life and all she has to do is cook food !

I don’t think Grace knew what she was letting herself in for I mean hello Ian is more than a handful on so many different levels ! I’m sure he could get a nun to take off her habit 🤦‍♀️🔥

Both Ian and Grace have their own issues and baggage but they took me on an epic journey and I’m so grateful and they’re the type of characters that will stay with you and in your heart , they’re the reason we have book hangovers ❣️📕😉

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Doctor in the Outback (Welcome to Bunya Junction, Book 3) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Doctor in the Outback (Welcome to Bunya Junction, #3)Doctor in the Outback by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Once again my people of Bunya revive me with open arms and I’m more than thrilled to be back 🥰

Between Scott and Ryan they’re doing an amazing job at the hospital in Wartah River but as you can imagine they’re servicing not only their own community but those of the surrounding areas and extra hands are always welcome and when Dr Franceen Lewis arrives my heart skips more than a few beats ! I just feel it in my bones that Bunya is going work it’s “love magic “ again for another Currthers sibling ❣️😉

Doctor Franceen Lewis comes to Waratah hospital to heal and service the community but in doing so they are actually the ones healing her 🥰 and while Scott has his own cut out for him i matters of the heart , he’s so gentle , loving and patient with his Dr Lewis I can’t help but fall harder for than she does 😂

These people of Bunya and Waratah really have a big place in my heart ❤️

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A Hundred Wishes (Band of Sisters) by Marianne Rice – Review by Heidi Sturgess

A Hundred Wishes (Band of Sisters)A Hundred Wishes by Marianne Rice
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Bryce and Gina get off to a bit of a rocky start but thank goodness Bryce is persistent and eventually he wins Gina over ….

So Gina has sisters by choice not by blood and they’re tight , they’re soooooo good for her and I’m grateful they’re in each other’s lives !

Gina was in the army and a bomb cut her career short , she managed to save a few lives but some were lost , her scars are both physical and emotional , she sews and makes quilts which she sells at fairs and she tutors on line , a girl of many talents that deserves her own happily ever after ….

Bryce is a fire inspector and I think he’s set Gina’s heart on fire ❤️‍🔥 ( I couldn’t resist 😂) and won me over in a heartbeat 💓 I love how he sees Gina for Gina and reassures her without focusing on the obvious, if that makes sense !?

I loved watching Bryce and Gina discover each other and themselves , what really hit me was when she met his family , being an orphan this must’ve been something so beautiful that we so often take for granted ….

A feel good read that had me fanning myself when they got hot and heavy and the next minute I would be reaching for the Kleenex !

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A Bride for Noah (Brides of Broken Arrow) by Cheryl Wright – Review by Heidi Sturgess

A Bride for Noah (Brides of Broken Arrow #1)A Bride for Noah by Cheryl Wright
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sometime you pick up a book and as you start reading you just disappear into it and everything about it just draws you in …. This was one of those special little gifts ❣️📕

I think living and working on a farm myself I really identified with Noah and Mary .
Noah found himself in a predicament after his dad passed and our Mary needed rescuing from her father’s clutches and what could’ve been a life of misery being married off to a cruel man so the arrangement between our friends sounds ideal but o don’t think either banked on loosing their hearts to each other 🥰

Noah and Mary climbed deep into my heart and they will always have a special place there ❣️

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