
Come Home to Death by Marilyn Levinson – Review by Kat Mellon

Come Home to DeathCome Home to Death by Marilyn Levinson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Come Home to Death
I really enjoyed this book and finished it very quickly. It is intriguing and has some twists that I did not expect, which is always nice in a mystery! I was rather frustrated with Erica at times throughout the book, but I believe the author did a very good job conveying her youth/naivety in the storyline. It was annoying to me how she handled (or didn’t handle) her problems and responded to her aunts when they were helping and looking out for her.


Upon finding out that she is about to become a multimillionaire, Erica also discovers some harsh truths about her husband and realizes she doesn’t really know him at all. After some attempts on her life, and her husband’s murder, she finds herself returning back home, a thing she swore she would never do. However, even there the trouble follows her and intensifies.
Happy endings and a new love wrap up this book nicely.

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Murder on West Main: A South Shore Mystery by I.M. Foster – Review by Kat Mellon

Murder on West Main: A South Shore MysteryMurder on West Main: A South Shore Mystery by I.M. Foster
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Murder on West Main: A South Shore Mystery by I. M. Foster was a really good book! I was hooked throughout the entire book, it kept a decently fast pace and the tone of the book reflected the attitudes of the time very accurately.
When a universally disliked man in a small town is unexpectedly found to be the victim of a homicide, there are many suspects, and no one is shedding any tears over the man. Primary suspect, and who found him at the scene, is Colin Brissedon, brother of Kathleen Brissedon who is the love interest of the town physician and coroner- and lead investigator on this case. When Kathleen insists on doing some investigating of her own, things start to get interesting.
Intrigue and romance, danger lurking in the shadows, and witty dialogue. This book was a really good read and I loved the historical accuracies and how they were later explained in further depth at the end of the book.

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The Winemakers – Box set: A Series of Sun-Kissed Historical Romances by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Kat Mellon

The Winemakers - Box set: A Series of Sun-Kissed Historical RomancesThe Winemakers – Box set: A Series of Sun-Kissed Historical Romances by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Winemakers is a box set of 3 amazing books- While they could stand alone with enough backstory to explain the previous book, it reall would be better read in order. All 3 take place in Portugal.

The True Purpose of Vines follows a widowed winemaker (Julia) and a foreign Englishman (Griffin) who are thrown together, and cannot keep apart no matter how much they both feel they should. Even though it has a ‘hero saves the day’ theme at the end, Julie is independent and stubborn (both are, really) and I loved reading about her story. Happy endings and great historical tales weaved throughout.

A Taste of Light follows the ruthless Count Almoster, who we met in the first book. Though he played the role of the villain there, this book sheds more light on his tragic upbringing and history that lead to the jaded and wounded man he is today. Anne, Griffin’s sister is the heroine in this one, though they both end up saving each other. More happy endings.

The Truth About Myths surprised me. I really thought the 3rd would be about Almoster’s brother or cousin from the previous book; however, this tale follows Princess Isabel and notorious rake Count Henrique who are VERY reluctantly forced into a trip to Spain together. Of the 3, this one was my favorite. Political intrigue and scandal, of course a hefty amount of hesitant romance that leads both to find each other while also finding themselves and who they really are as individuals. The mystery and suspense in this book was, in my opinion, a lot more intense than the other two.

Overall, great stories! Amazing world building and historical accuracies, truly lovable and hatable characters, steamy romance but not to the point that it takes over the book and becomes the theme. Very well written, page turner and neatly wraps up the ending without leaving anything missing. I really can’t wait to see if there are more from this author and hope that Cris finds a happy ending as well!

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Breaking Apart by Wanda J. Venters – Review by Kat Mellon

Breaking Apart (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #2)Breaking Apart by Wanda J. Venters
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Breaking Apart (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery) was SUCH a great book! Multiple POVs, intrigue, mystery, suspense, light thriller… I loved all of it. It is a little slow up front, but not in a tedious way. The rest of the book moves pretty smooth and quickly. As a retired medic, I really love the medical side of the book was completely accurate (such a pet peeve of mine), but it was also written and explained so easily that it would not be hard for anyone without a medical background to be able to understand. Awesome read, really enjoyed it!

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The Earl’s Match by Holly Bush

The Earl's Match (The Thompsons of Locust Street, #5)The Earl’s Match by Holly Bush
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Earl’s Match is the 5th and final book in The Thompsons of Locust Street books, although it can stand alone very well. I haven’t read anything by this author before, so this was the first one in the series I read (was not aware it was a series when I picked it up) and the author gave enough backstory to fully understand the relationships without bogging down the story line.

This story shifts POV, although it is primarily from Payden’s perspective majority of the time. Also has a lot of flashbacks from present day to events within the past 5 years that play heavily into current situations. The chance meeting of Clarice and Payden initially sparks anger rather than romance and the chaos that follows is both interesting and suspenseful. Very well written- I enjoyed it and would read more by the author.

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Family Ties Family Lies by Jacqueline Boulden

Family Ties Family LiesFamily Ties Family Lies by Jacqueline Boulden
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Family Ties Family Lies was an awesome read! It is outside of my norm and I enjoyed having something different to die into. This book centers on family, secrets that no one wants to talk about, and a persistent daughter who cannot simply let things lie. (no pun intended)
I really did enjoy this book and would pick up another by this author.

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War of the Damned by Martin Ferguson – Review by Kat Mellon

War of the Damned (Relic Hunters, #3)War of the Damned by Martin Ferguson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

War of the Damned was incredible! I love history and the back and forth POV between the current timeline and the past is so fun. I love the historical accuracy mixed with the fiction of what could have been. This is the second book in the series, but provides enough backstory that you really could read it stand alone and be fine.
The 2nd dives into WW2 and the conspiracy theory of the Nazi SS soldiers searching to mythical legends and fantastical, mystical ways to enhance their “superior race”. Such a fun read. 10/10 recommend.

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Song of Earth and Claws by Lena Abram – review by kat Mellon

Song of Earth and ClawsSong of Earth and Claws by Lena Abram
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Song of Earth and Claws by Lena Abram was really a great read. It was my first book by this author so I wasn’t sure what to expect. The world building was really awesome and I loved the character development. I’ve read a lot of fae-universe books and I really loved the unique twist this one had and the mystery surrounding the two main characters. I did feel a couple times that there could have been a little more information given to the readers, like about the games in general, but I also feel like not having the info did not detract from the overall read and storyline. Would definitely recommend this book and will read more by Abram!

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Renewed by Sara Vinduska – Review by Kat Mellon

Renewed (Fateful Justice Book 6)Renewed by Sara Vinduska
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

While this is the 6th book in the series, it is completely stand alone. This is the first book by Sara Vinduska that I’ve read and will absolutely read more! Renewed was a lighthearted and easy to read romance, with plenty of steamy scenes. The danger and intrigue element made the book hard to put down. The characters were wonderfully written and looking forward to more.

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Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates – Review by Kat Mellon

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I could not put this book down! I was completely hooked throughout and really enjoyed the entire read. The intrigue was awesome, world building and characters had enough detail so that I could really picture everything but never bogged the story down. It is a romance, nothing steamy, but the main character is her own woman and while she does need her bf and depends on him, it’s not from a weak perspective. Strong female lead that you can see come into her own even more throughout the story line. Well worth the read!

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Woman Unbroken by Alexandra Fleder

Woman UnbrokenWoman Unbroken by Alexandra Fleder
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Woman Unbroken: A Novel by Alexandra Fleder was such a good read! It was my first time reading anything by this author and would definitely do so again.
This book follows the story of Devorah, who had what seemed like an envious upbringing on the surface; however, recent tragic events causes her to reevaluate much of her life. I love that the main character is allowed to “wallow” in some borderline depression filled days. The story did not bog down, it wasn’t depressing to read, but it was incredibly realistic to see a character that had gone through so much be allowed to have a real world response. Being able to hide away, forget the world and just rest and recoup as much as possible. In the end, Devorah does find her will again and the rest of the story follows her path and she grows stronger and into her own person. A happy ever after that isn’t dependent on someone else!

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Born in Darkness (Mafia Elite Book 3) by Amy McKinley – Review by Candice Robinson Estes

Born in Darkness (Mafia Elite, #3)Born in Darkness by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Born in Darkness tells the story of Stefano Rossi and Emiliana Vitale. Emiliana has some serious trauma in her past, in no small part because of human trafficking. Stefano has trauma of his own to try and heal from, both from rescuing Emiliana years before, and the hell that was his childhood. The two have been friends since childhood, but both have always wanted more. Stefano keeps Em at arm’s length to try and protect her from the monster that is his own father. Em is afraid that some wounds may never truly heal from her past, though she is more than willing to try and find out. While the pair, and the other bosses and their significant others, try to figure out where the rat in the family is, they must work together and be very careful, and think five steps ahead of their enemies to try and save themselves, their friends and family, and everything they’ve ever known. This book has just the right amount of suspense, romance, intrigue and twists to keep you guessing until the reveals.

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No Way Out (Mafia Elite, book 1) by Amy McKinley – Review by Candice Robinson Estes

No Way Out (Mafia Elite, #1)No Way Out by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Who knew that books centered on Mafia families and their lives could be so well written that you can’t help but be drawn in from the very beginning and don’t want to leave at the end? No Way Out is an amazing start to what I am sure will be a series full of intrigue, romance, and situations I am sure only the Mafia could land the characters in. The characters are easy to get attached to, especially Liliana and her friends who have all grown up in the mafia families of Chicago, but also struggle at times to maintain their own humanity and in the background are trying to solve a mystery from their collective past. Max and Liliana come together in a less than ideal way, but the unexpected twists and the suspense, along with action and just enough romance to keep it interesting and believable without being over the top, make this book one that I was unable to put down. The story is told from both Max and Liliana’s perspectives, giving you a deeper understanding of the story as a whole, and more completely drawing you into their world and their individual stories as well as their shared story together. Liliana is Mafia princess who is also a strong, determined woman who is used to looking out for herself. Max is a bodyguard with a mysterious background and a reason to want to protect Liliana. With so many loose ends in the background of this story, I can’t wait to see where this series is heading from here.

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