
Italian American (Jack & Mariella Book 2) by Luigina Vecchione – Review by Netania Lim

Italian American: Jack & Mariella’s journey continues…Italian American: Jack & Mariella’s journey continues… by Luigina Vecchione
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this story, which is a sequel about the two main characters after they get married and move to America and the new life they build there after the war. I didn’t feel like I needed to read the previous book but I possibly would have enjoyed this book more because I would have been invested in then already. I enjoyed the storyline but I wanted more from Mariella’s relationship with her mother-in-law. Overall, I would recommend this story.

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Greetings From Asbury Park (Jack & Mariella Book 1) by Luigina Vecchione – Review by Shelly Kittell

Greetings from Asbury Park: A World War Two love storyGreetings from Asbury Park: A World War Two love story by Luigina Vecchione
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have read a lot of WW2 fiction lately and I feel that this one of the best story I’ve read. This story captures some of the real struggles that came from this war in Rome during the Nasi occupation. TThe struggles in the story felt so real. You could tell that the author had done her research on the history. The story brought so many emotions. It’s a love story that you watch go through so much. I truly can’t pick a favorite part. I couldn’t, it is all so good. Once I started, I couldn’t put it down. Mariella and Jack are a beautiful and strong couple. You should read this if you love historical romance.

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Italian American (Jack & Mariella Book 2) by Luigina Vecchione – Review by Jenni Bishop

Italian American: Jack & Mariella’s journey continues…Italian American: Jack & Mariella’s journey continues… by Luigina Vecchione
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Set in the 1950’s Italian American is a raw look at life for a woman from Rome as she sets abroad and into a new life with her American husband. It showcases their relationship, her relationship with her frost-bitten mother-in-law and those of others. Why they have such a tumultuous relationship I don’t know because the story doesn’t go into it which is a shame as it would give us as readers more understanding. Mariella understandably misses her family and longs to see them again.
Italian American has emotions running high in this beautiful tale, but it also shows the strength, resilience and spirit of a woman between two worlds. It will have your heart aching as you will celebrate and commiserate her struggles, her passions and her happiness in this rollercoaster of a story.
This book can be read as a standalone as I didn’t realise there was a first book, Greetings from Asbury Park until after I had finished. The author does a good job of pulling it altogether, so I didn’t feel as though I missed out. I will however go back and read it.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Italian American (Jack & Mariella Book 2) by Luigina Vecchione – Review by Barbara Bohls

Italian American: Jack & Mariella’s journey continues…Italian American: Jack & Mariella’s journey continues… by Luigina Vecchione
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the second book in the series and it follows along with the first one quite well. That being said, it is full of all the information that you could possibly want to be able to read them in any order. I don’t feel as if anything is missed should you read this book before the other. It would just be like looking backwards. This books carries everything in it, romance, laughter, and anger. This book gives you a look into what it must have felt like to move to another country in the 1950’s. It gives a love story that spans more than just your typical love story. It shows the struggle of what stress can do to love. It shows the battle of what it is like to move to an area where you don’t know anyone. It really makes the reader feel what the main female character feels. It was making me turn pages as quickly as I could. As soon as the leading female started to set down roots and grow in the area that she went to in order to follow love, something happens. It then causes turmoil that I didn’t see coming but made complete sense once it happened. I will be rereading this book numerous times. I am normally not a fan oh historical romance but this one had much more to it than the normal book in this genre.
Reviewed by: @bbohls

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Italian American (Jack & Mariella Book 2) by Luigina Vecchione

Italian American (Jack & Mariella Book 2) by Luigina Vecchione
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Historical Women’s Fiction, Romance
Page Count – 140
Cover Designer – ebooklaunch

Goodreads – Italian American (Jack & Mariella Book 2) by Luigina Vecchione

Bookbub – Italian American (Jack & Mariella Book 2) by Luigina Vecchione

The cobblestones felt familiar beneath Mariella’s feet as she made her way through the streets of Rome one final time despite her heart aching with each step she took. Emigrating to America means saying goodbye to a family she fiercely loves, a city still bearing the scars of war and ghosts of the past. But the promise of a lifetime by Jack’s side is all she needs. Or is it?
Mariella’s dreams quickly fracture when she arrives in Asbury Park. She struggles for a sense of belonging while navigating gossiping housewives and a disapproving mother-in-law. And with Jack working late nights at the restaurant, she often longs for his company.
Yet, once they move into their charming house in Wanamassa Gardens, Mariella finds her footing. Friendships flourish, and their family grows, giving her hope for a future in their idyllic corner of suburbia. Just as her dreams become reality, a heartbreaking call forces her to return to Italy and confront the decisions that led her across the Atlantic.
With so much at stake, Mariella must choose between the place she’s always known and the life she’s always yearned for. Can she find the strength to say farewell to her family once again? What will it cost her if she can’t?


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Luigina Vecchione is an actress and writer. She has lived, worked and raised a family on both coasts and in Europe. Now, she and her husband Dennis are empty nesting in New York City.