
Jake the Growling Dog goes to Doggy Daycare reviewed by Tanya Wall

Jake the Growling Dog Goes to Doggy DaycareJake the Growling Dog Goes to Doggy Daycare by Samantha Shannon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Jake is worried about going to doggy daycare, and his fears are the typical fears! Will he have fun? Will he have friends? His friend Neet hatches a plan to help Jake feel less worried. Friends give us comfort and remind of us home- they help build our confidence and help us feel safe. Daycare wasn’t as scary as Jake thought – he had fun and enjoyed his stay! What I love about this book… the colorful illustrations, the story that we can all connect with, and the activities at the end – something every parent can use when they are introducing something new to their littles!

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Jake the Growling Dog Goes to Doggy Daycare: A Children’s Book about New Experiences, Friendship, Stress Relief, and Kindness by Samantha Shannon – Review by Heather Stanley

Jake the Growling Dog Goes to Doggy DaycareJake the Growling Dog Goes to Doggy Daycare by Samantha Shannon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Jake the Growling Dog Goes to Doggy Daycare is a sweet story about a dog going to daycare and being worried about this. This was such a surprising story because it actually talked about the worry’s that children have. The story goes through how to help Jake and not demean his worries. The illustrations are great and beautiful! The story also has many little educational aspects (along with the major one) that one might not catch at first glance but were great to have in the story!! Was a great read!

By: @heather26

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