
Forbidden Moon (The Shadow Chronicles Book 3) by CR Robertson – Review by Santana Hicks

Forbidden MoonForbidden Moon by C.R. Robertson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the third book in The Shadow Chronicles. It follows the life of Tasha, a vampire, and Levi, a lycan. They ended up fated mates years prior even though there was an ongoing war between the races for years.

A third supernatural species called the Hellspawn, have been obliterating the other species. This caused the war between the vampires and lycans to come to an end to team up and eliminate the Hellspawn.

Ever since the couple got together, everyone has been trying to separate them. Their love has prevailed over and over again but more and more enemies are appearing. Tasha has powers that have reached their full potential with the help of witches.

Mystery still surrounds Tasha’s power. They seem to be the only thing that can kill the stronger Hellspawn. In this book, you follow the life of Tasha, Levi and their families unveiling the mysteries of the past lives of both species.

I loved all three books. They are action filled, romantic, passionate, sexy, mysterious. Who doesn’t love a forbidden love story? I highly recommend reading this series!

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Forbidden Mate (The Shadow Chronicles Book 2) by CR Robertson – Review by Santana Hicks

Forbidden MateForbidden Mate by C.R. Robertson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is the second instalment of The Shadow Chronicles. It takes place a few months after the first book. Tasha, a vampire, and Levi, a lycan, are mates. To be able to be together, Levi wrote a treaty to bring the two races together to fight a 3rd supernatural species that was annihilating both races.

Even though the war between the two races is slowly coming to an end, it still isn’t time for the couple to settle down. Tasha possesses powers and everything seems to want to get to her.
Tasha’s powers are growing stronger and even more enemies are appearing. It’s one thing after another.

I recommend reading this series, it is full of action and romance all wrapped up in supernatural mystery. I loved the first two books and will definitely be reading the next!

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