This series was a very unique and interesting read. The overall theme of connection and how we are all inter-connected really spoke to me and, made me think of how our past, present, and future all connect. I was very intrigued by the different story lines and how each of the characters developed their true selves through meditation. This series secretly brings the connection of each character through time and uniquely shows how each person has a role to play and their decisions make a big impact to everyone around them! I really enjoyed reading this series and found myself asking so many in-depth questions which ultimately were answered throughout this journey! I would recommend this series to anyone who enjoys fantasy, adventure, sci fi and a unique story line that shows how self discovery enhances ones true self; thereby bringing the best version of themselves to help society at large! Jivraj Jivraj2023-02-21 22:59:582023-02-25 12:07:16Journeys Through Collection: Volumes 1-3 by James Talisman – Review by Noor Jivraj
This was the first longest series that I had to read. I was traveling to the past and the future saving the world and fighting the evil force who in fact can change everything. After finishing the first book I was confused about what was going on but towards the middle of the book I got the idea of what was happening. Basically, the first book was about the characters and what was happening to the MultiVerse. The second book was more in detail about the situation at hand it was up to the college student to find the treasure that will help to fight the enemy. In this part, I like how some religion is included but not details. Love how the author used each skill and character that suit them. I really what to know more about the reptilian humanoid because my husband for some reason will love to know more. Gonzalez Gonzalez2023-02-10 12:26:222023-02-13 09:00:53Journeys Through Collection: Volumes 1-3 by James Talisman – Review by charlene gonzalez
A sci-fi fantasy lengthy novel with very detailed characters and scenarios within the multiverse facets. These stories I definitely had to give them a try. I will admit I was a bit intimidated but after reading the synopsis, I had to at least give it a try and I’m so glad that I did. This novel collection is three separate books that tie into together. There is a helpful character list that helps you recall the significance within the story. Each of the stories build off of one another so it is quite important to pay attention to details but I was honestly very engaged in the storyline that it did help along the way. Journeys Through SpaceTime introduces the many diverse characters involved as each part of their own entity and roles, they encounter a strong internal connection that serves as a motivation yet concerning message to all. From there, they must see which one of them will prevail. Then in Journeys Through TimeSpace, the battle for Earth’s fate is soon approaching and as new skills and awareness is being tackled, they must do whatever it takes to be prepared for battles. Lastly in Journeys Through AllCreation, is the culmination and without reading the previous two, it can be a bit difficult to follow. Ramos Ramos2023-02-08 21:01:162023-02-13 08:44:03Journeys Through Collection: Volumes 1-3 by James Talisman – Review by Jennifer Ramos
The first book was definitely harder to get in to than I first anticipated. But once I got use to how all the characters were being introduced, I really started to get into it. I found these stories hard to put down and was able to read them quicker than I initially thought. Mr. Talisman did a wonderful job, not only with the character building but the multiple worlds building. I was able to visualize what I was reading and picture myself a part of his story. I had my favorite characters, but really enjoyed them all. I would definitely recommend this series, whether you enjoy this genre or not. I hope to read more from this author in the future. Truex Truex2023-02-08 18:34:422023-02-13 08:43:03Journeys Through Collection: Volumes 1-3 by James Talisman – Review by Jamie Truex
The first book, Journeys Through SpaceTime, falls a bit flat. There was no emotion or connection to the characters. I felt like I was watching movie scenes instead of reading a book. The change in viewpoints consistently was confusing. There were viewpoints that I liked and some that I did not. It was nice when the story switched to the characters, I was most interested in. It was like reading five different books and hard to remember it all. I was confused by how it was all connected, when I reached the end of the book it was not any clearer.
The second book, Journeys Through TimeSpace, is much better and starts to help connect a few missing dots. Instead of being all over the place we are focused on saving the Earth with Matt and his friend, Dan, and girlfriend, Julia. The secret societies add to the story instead of taking away because they have the information needed to save Earth. My favorite part is when Matt, Dan, and Julia time travel to different lives that they have previously lived throughout time. The few cuts to the enemy reptilian species add to the suspense, starting with them gaining the power to destroy Earth. It helps to put more tension or pressure on the main characters.
The third book, Journeys Through AllCreation, helped to further connect the dots. It starts two years after our last adventure. One of the characters from the first book turns out to be Matts’ twin in his past life and they must save the MultiVerse. Another of the viewpoints that we haven’t heard since book one comes back into play. Still one of my biggest issues is that ideas that I need (or like to be) explained are not. Yet almost everything about the characters is explained instead of shown. It all comes down to this… Can Matt again save Earth when the stakes are even higher this time? Luna Luna2023-02-08 17:43:362023-02-13 08:41:40Journeys Through Collection: Volumes 1-3 by James Talisman – Review by Callie Luna
This book is completely different from what I normally read but I wanted a palate cleanser, so to speak. Plus, it is a boxed set and I am a sucker for series and collections. Let’s start this by saying that this collection will take you on an incredible journey that flows really well from book to book. I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this but I was so pleasantly surprised by the way the author took certain aspects of everyday ideas and used them to give you a different view into things or to expand what you already thought you knew. It was a fresh take on things like spirituality, time travel, wisdoms of the world, connections through multiverses, and character development through each book while maintaining mysterious twists and turns. Since, I am not the most educated in Sci Fi, I was not sure how easily I would be able to follow the books or be able to get into the story. It is amazing how the author makes it easy for readers like me to follow along and get just as swept up into the story as if this genre was my normal go to genre. I was intimidated at first because I felt like there was going to be a lot of things that I would have to keep going back to read over just to make sure I don’t forget anything. That is not the case with this collection. The way the author makes sure that things are intricately written but yet in laymen terms make the books even better, in my opinion. I was able to visualize the creativity of the authors words and actually feel what the characters were feeling. This collection has inspired me to read more Sci Fi because I thoroughly enjoyed them. I feel like if you are just starting in Sci Fi or been around reading it for a while this collection would be a great to add. Bohls Bohls2023-02-03 05:50:172023-02-03 09:03:35Journeys Through Collection: Volumes 1-3 by James Talisman – Review by Barbara Bohls
Shortly after venturing into this series, I found myself drawn in and invested in the storyline and characters. I’ll admit, I had a hard time wrapping my brain around the whole multiverse concept, but that says more about my limited attention span, and nothing negative about this author. He truly did an outstanding job of weaving a complex MULTIVERSE, filled with interesting characters, beautiful scenery, and a web of different stories that interconnect beautifully. Kudos for including the character list, so us scatterbrained readers can keep track of the numerous characters. One day, I hope to read this series through again, so I can give it the time and attention that it deserves. Porter Porter2023-02-02 12:48:282023-02-03 08:58:58Journeys Through Collection: Volumes 1-3 by James Talisman – Review by Brittany Porter
The Journeys Through Collection starts off with Journeys Through SpaceTime. In the first installment, five entirely different beings from five different universes are contacted by an unexpected guest. The beings are expected to use their abilities to thwart evil and work together. Will the five beings be able to save everyone from the evil that is coming or do their differences cause them to fail? In the second installment, Journeys Through TimeSpace, a new battle exists on Earth where three friends must prevail to save the planet, by using time travel. With the help of some friends, will they succeeded in learning how to time travel, or will evil win? In the final installment, Journeys Through AllCreation, Earth and other universes are in danger of being destroyed by a diabolical and powerful being who plans to destroy multiple universes that make up the MultiVerse. Twins from Atlantis must save the MultiVerse, but they cannot without the help of a queen with magical powers. Will the twins succeed, or will evil prevail? Find the answers to all of the questions in Journeys Through Collection. All of the characters are relatable and the feelings are real. James Talisman does a fantastic job of making the reader feel like they are in the story. I was able to imagine the story the entire time. The Journeys Through Collection is full of different characters, universes, danger, thrill, time travel, and so much more. At first it is a little difficult navigating through the universes and keeping track of the characters, but it does not take long to get the hang of it. Each scene is portrayed beautifully and takes the reader to different worlds. Overall, Journeys Through Collection is a fantastic read full of suspense, science fiction, fantasy, twists and turns, and so much more that I cannot possibly list in one review. I did not want to put the book down and kept wanting more. I am sad that it is over but I am so happy that I picked it up. If you are looking for a unique read, do not hesitate to pick this collection up! Christian Christian2023-02-01 04:05:472023-02-02 09:54:40Journeys Through Collection: Volumes 1-3 by James Talisman – Review by Breanne Christian
Reading theJourneys Through SpaceTime by James Talisman for the first time although it’s not my usual cup of tea. I wanted to give it a try, the artwork on the cover really drew me in. I found I really enjoyed reading this book. The author James Talisman is a terrific storyteller and multi-world builder, really has an eye for details. I really like how it has a list of all the characters just in case you need to remember who’s who while reading. That way you don’t have to flip through the pages to find them.
Ps i love the dedication at the beginning it was super sweet pps i have always wanted to learn krav maga.
Coming back to continue reading the Journeys Through series and seeing what the amazing characters have in store for them and I was not disappointed. I’m glad to have started such a gripping series. I still can’t believe how he keeps you reading non stop, really captivates you. Also like i said before it’s truly amazing how good he is with the details, like keeping track of everything with the different characters lol i would have so many plot holes. I still don’t know which ones are my favorites yet. I would highly recommend reading.
Man, I just got done reading the third book of the Journeys Through series. No lie, I started and finished all three books in 3 days. It would have been done sooner if I could read faster. I thought it was going to take longer but these books are real page turners with in depth detail and intense adventures. I think my favorite characters might have to be the earthlings Matt and Julia. I also liked the author’s take on the Atlanteans. They have been a favorite of mine since reading about them years ago.I will highly recommend reading but buckle your seat belt, you’re in for a ride lol I can’t wait for more. Fingers crossed.
These books brings out such interesting perspectives on different things. They draw you in in the very beginning and keep you going with a certain air of mystery. They can get a little overwhelming with all the different characters and information but by the end you understand and get who is who. There is strong characters and great content that make all of these books well worthwhile. It has a certain classic good vs evil theme and is very enlightening. They definitely make you think about things. Goodman Goodman2023-01-31 21:59:182023-02-02 09:52:41Journeys Through Collection: Volumes 1-3 by James Talisman – Review by Heather Goodman
I am absolutely blown away by this magnificent collection! It is easily the best collection I have read in the past year. The author has put in an amazing amount of detail that paints such a vivid story. Even with the thorough characters and background, this entire collection is easy to follow, and it feels more like experiencing everything IN the story instead of just being an outsider looking in. I quite enjoy sci-fi and adventure, but this feels almost like a whole new genre of its own. It is uniquely original in the greatest possible way. The author weaves a number of subjects seamlessly into these books, such as spirituality, mystery, the multiverse, suspense, sci-fi, time travel, and more. I can’t wait to see what we are in for next and will be watching closely for anything else from this author. highly recommend picking up this entire collection and getting completely absorbed into James Talisman’s world! Kern Kern2023-01-21 20:04:502023-01-27 08:03:38Journeys Through Collection: Volumes 1-3 by James Talisman – Review by Shannen Kern
It comes as a box set Who! I mean who wouldn’t love that!? Don’t have to wait till the next to find out what happens here.
These books are sci-fi, adventure and the very first one is his debut. The way he writes it you know he loved writting each word and he has a passion for it. The characters are many but varied, if that makes sense. There are tons of species, and races and worlds you can visit and is amazing with your imagination. His writing is very detailed, makes it seem you are right there with the characters. In every scene and everything.
The concept of All-That-Is is intriguing and many would say complex. I may have had to re-read a few words. That being said I look forward to seeing what James comes up with next.
Come read this book especially if you like sci-fi one of many a good book.
Book two It is an adventure where the story is multi layered and complex with a lot going on with so many characters Every word that is written keeps you wanting more. Gives you something to think about. In this book the characters are tasked with finding a treasure that is coveted and is shrouded in mystery and age-old in time.
Another good read.
The writer is really coming across with some really good sci-fi writing and this is his third boon. It has a lot of layers and its very complex and just keeps the tale going. Not just one thing going on but alot with so many characters. It makes you again seem like you are in the book and doing everything with the characters. Need to make sure you understand and don’t be afraid to re-read something to understand it. This was one of the good sci-fi books i could read. Dawn Wilkinson Dawn Wilkinson2023-01-20 16:07:312023-01-27 07:58:36Journeys Through Collection: Volumes 1-3 by James Talisman – Review by Kimberly Wilkinson
I think this is my first multi-verse read ever! I mean I guess I have read books before that touched upon and mentioned multi-verses but never one that I was actively reading throughout multi-verses. This was so up my daughter’s alley, and I couldn’t wait for her to join in on the adventure.
Now Mr. James Talisman, I just need to state this right here and right now, My husband is NOT a reader, we have been together for 20 years and the most I have ever seen him read is captions on video games, I have never seen him pick up a book or even a comic. I started reading this to him and he said for the first time EVER he could envision what was being read to him. So guess what I found him doing one day, reading on my kindle! Happiest day of this readers life! I’m not a writer but if I was I would think this would be the highest compliment.
All 3 books brought a new adventure. I love reading series, I love that there is always a book to grab when you finish the one before, but I often find I really dislike at least one book out of the series. The Journeys through Collection was completely different I thoroughly enjoyed each one. I hope to read more from James Talisman soon (and I hope to see my husband reading too). DeRoma DeRoma2023-01-16 11:18:402023-01-17 08:39:45Journeys Through Collection: Volumes 1-3 by James Talisman – Review by Erin DeRoma
This is the third book in the series and picked up where book two left off. It reads well as a stand alone but would recommend reading the first two books in the series. The plot is well thought out and the characters are diverse and interesting! The pages are filled with such detail that the story comes to life and you just can’t put the book down. That’s plenty of action to keep the reader engaged in the story. The author left the ending in a way that makes me think there will be more to this story. I’m looking forward to more books! Vaughn Vaughn2023-01-06 21:50:372023-01-06 21:53:50Journeys Through AllCreation (Journeys Through Book 3) by James Talisman – Review by Brandy Vaughn
This box set contains the first three books in the series. You can enjoy the box set because you can binge read all three at once. It is an interesting way the author used different POV on t story to progress the multiverse plot. The author includes a character list to help you keep track of who-is-who. There is also considerable research done by the author in the mystical and metaphysical components of the stories. This helps add depth and dimension! These books are thought provoking and will make you think while reading the novels. Vaughn Vaughn2023-01-01 01:21:582023-01-06 21:22:27Journeys Through Collection: Volumes 1-3 by James Talisman – Review by Brandy Vaughn
This is book two in the Journeys Through series. I like how the reptilian human hybrids are continued in this story and reminds me of Ancient Aliens with an agenda! This novel is easier to read now that I read the first one and could follow the storyline and the characters better. We pick up right where book one left off and this book also reads well as a stand alone. The continued adventure into the multiverse will have you turning the page to see what happens in the battle. The plot is multi-layered and adds complexity to the plot. I found myself turning the pages to see what would happen next. Book three will be even better! Vaughn Vaughn2023-01-01 00:38:482023-01-06 21:22:07Journeys Through TimeSpace (Journeys Through Book 2) by James Talisman – Review by Brandy Vaughn
The first book, Journey Through Spacetime, the reader is introduced to different empires throughout the multiverse. You have a mix of cultures and alien species having a similar experience that leads them to the call to adventure. The author includes a list of characters at the beginning of the novel. This helps the reader when navigating between worlds in the story. It was confusing at first when reading the novel. It felt like as I was getting into the story, we switched worlds and narrative. As I continued to read Journey Through SpaceTime, it was easier to follow the storyline. I did enjoy the several references to the mystical and metaphysical. It helped bring the plot together. The characters were fleshed out and I felt like I could cheer them on their journey to save the multiverse. Vaughn Vaughn2023-01-01 00:11:342023-01-06 21:21:46Journeys Through SpaceTime (Journeys Through Book 1) by James Talisman – Review by Brandy Vaughn
A mysterious being of immense power and wisdom appears in the minds of inhabitants across the vast MultiVerse of space and time to provide both warning and encouragement to fellow souls.
An exciting journey of adventure and discovery develop for these inhabitants as a sword master’s son, a powerfully enlightened Queen, a skilled warrior, an “ordinary” college student from Earth, a reptilian humanoid scientist, and a wise and beautiful leader of a utopian world use newly acquired knowledge and skills to battle evil forces intent on ensuring reality forms as they intend.
Puzzlement ensues as special mentors appear and seem to defy what reality means. Wielding godlike powers, these teachers help illuminate the secrets of all creation.
With the fate of the entire MultiVerse at stake, which side will become the victor in the end?
Journeys Through TimeSpace
As a powerful leader of a planet in the vast MultiVerse of time and space begins preparations for implementing his plan, young former college students from Earth are dispatched to a magical hidden place in the Himalayas to begin their own preparations.
Each side of this battle for the fate of Earth and her inhabitants must secure ancient treasures. Immense obstacles confront both sides as they work to obtain these powerful artifacts.
Not only must our young Earth heroes learn new knowledge and skills associated with ancient wisdom traditions, but they must travel to both Earth’s past and future to find the treasures needed to defend their world against a powerful enemy.
Secret Earth organizations are also players in this thrilling adventure. These ancient groups have been adversaries for hundreds of years. Their long-term battle becomes intense as Earth’s fate draws closer.
As the clock ticks, can Earth’s defenders succeed, or will the powerful reptilian humanoid leader and his followers achieve their plan for reality across the MultiVerse of time and space?
Journeys Through AllCreation
An ancient prophecy foretells the diabolical plans of an exceedingly intelligent and powerful being. To ensure reality continues to unfold as desired, the ‘god’ entity will utilize the innate powers contained in the Dokkaebi-of-all-Creation to destroy various universes that make up the MultiVerse.
Celestial beings most capable of stopping these plans for destruction become trapped in an alternate reality. Can they escape this illusion before their fates are sealed forever?
Former twins from the lost continent of Atlantis will play pivotal roles in countering the threat of total annihilation for untold numbers of lives across the MultiVerse. Will they be able to help save their current home worlds and the mentors who have taught them so much?
A beautiful and enlightened queen is enlisted in the team’s quest to find an ancient artifact that could assist them in locating the Master Mage. This wizard is their only real hope for defeating the former celestial leader. Can this strange and unassuming being provide what is needed?
While the outcome cannot be fully predicted from the discovered text and images, both sides prepare for an inevitable confrontation as the ancient prophecy plays out. As ‘gods’ and mortals face off in the battle for the future of all creation, which ideals and forces will reign supreme?
James enjoys mountain biking, traveling, spending wonderful family time with his wife and daughter, and truly experiencing this reality we all share. He also values his extended family and great friends.
As an avid student and explorer of ancient wisdom traditions, he wrote the Journeys Through books to convey ancient concepts through the time honored tradition of story-telling. As the first story progressed, James found a true joy in writing fiction and bringing characters and their worlds to life and plans to continue writing more stories. 00:01:342023-01-09 21:55:39Journeys Through Collection: Volumes 1-3 by James Talisman
Let me start by saying the third book in this series, was hands down my favorite! Not only is there tremendous growth from the author, but you become so incredibly invested in each of the characters. The vivid picture the author brings you will have your mind wandering all over the place wondering if places like this really exist and if so how can I get there asap! The character interaction is at an all time high and I found myself more engaged with them, laughing, rolling my eyes in a good way, and feeling like I finally got to really know them and fully embrace them. There is a lot of action which I felt was portrayed so detailed and realistic. I could see this story playing out in my mind as if I was watching a movie, which made it that much more exciting for me. The author brought back a lot of our favorite characters from previous books and a few surprises along the way. If you liked the first two you will fall in LOVE with this one. It is a true epic fantasy and that’s coming from a gal who doesn’t often pick up fantasy books. Noyes Noyes2022-06-18 13:21:452022-06-18 13:21:45Journeys Through AllCreation (Journeys Through Book 3) by James Talisman – Review by Colleen Noyes
This was a journey I have never been on before. The author displays extensive knowledge in a multitude of areas or has done research to make the story life-like. I wondered at the beginning if I was going to be able to keep all the characters straight in my mind, however, that was not a problem as the book continued the story seamlessly into the many Multiverses you will find yourself enjoying. This book made me very introspective as I lay quiet at night. A book that can keep my mind pondering after I finish the book is a definite to be read book for sure.
Journeys Through Time Space
The book centralizes the characters from the first book to Matt and friends, Thomas Halloway, Master Hades faction, and the reptilian humanoid population. It is a battle for survival. Good vs evil. Who wins this battle is paramount to both sides. We see Matt continue to study ancient truths and come into himself as the ancient one. I really enjoyed how he was able to experience his past lives.
Journey Through AllCreation
I really loved this book the most because it tied the first two books together in a nail biter of a book. I loved that our favorite characters from book one are back and helping to keep the Multiverse from being destroyed. This book had you thinking on your toes as so much was happening. I was cheering for the heroes to win throughout and hoping all would end in their favor. The authors’ descriptive aptitude makes you feel like you are there with the characters. Who will win? Good or Evil? Robinson Robinson2022-03-17 07:53:582022-03-17 07:53:58Journeys Through Collection: Volumes 1-3 by James Talisman – Review by Deb Robinson
Journeys Through SpaceTime I’ll be honest Journeys Through SpaceTime by James Talisman is not something I usually read; I normally stick with thriller books. However, I do not regret branching out and trying something new. Many things are happening, a lot of action, some danger, and mystery also. I wasn’t quick to figure what would happen. I thought I could guess; usually, I am pretty good at it, but Journeys Through SpaceTime kept me guessing the whole time. There are many characters, but it’s not so many that it is overwhelming because James Talisman provided a character list at the beginning of the book that really helps to understand who everyone is. The amount of detail written about the characters and what they’re facing/dealing with is so good. I felt like I was there with them like I have known these characters for a long time. It’s worth the read, and I don’t think anyone would be disappointed by taking the time to read it. I would encourage everyone to read it, even if it were a genre you would normally read. Leap and try it out!
Journeys Through TimeSpace I enjoyed Journeys Through Timespace as much as I enjoyed book 1. This being not my typical genre, I was worried going outside of my comfort zone. I’m still glad I did. I really enjoy the back stories of the characters; it helps you understand and feel like you personally know them. The way the Journeys Through series is written is unique. I don’t think I have read anything quite like this. There are still a lot of characters, but James Talisman makes it easy to keep who is who straight. I love how book 2 advances the story of the characters. I’m excited for the rest of the series to be released.
Journeys Through AllCreation This book was EXCELLENT! I really loved the first 2 in the series and couldn’t wait for this one! I really enjoyed how this series has made me spend time thinking. Sometimes it’s a nice change of pace. I’m not usually a Sci-Fi fan, but this was great and well worth it, check it out, even if this genre isn’t usually for you. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Definitely Recommend! Westerman Westerman2022-03-11 10:14:392022-03-11 10:14:39Journeys Through Collection: Volumes 1-3 by James Talisman – Review by Ashley Westerman
This was an out of the world 5 star read. It was exciting to read the 3rd book in this great series. You get pulled right in with the author’s writing and feel like you are right there with the characters. We get a new adventure where evil is trying to take control and destroy the Multiverse.
Will they be able to save earth and the other planets?
Overall this was a great fast paced read. All of the characters added a great element to the story. We get to see old and we get some new ones. I suggest reading the first two books before this one. I also suggest reading somewhere where you can stay focused with no interruptions because there is so much happening. 1-click and get started on an amazing Journey. I look forward to reading more from this author. Austin Austin2022-03-11 07:36:482022-03-11 07:36:48Journeys Through AllCreation (Journeys Through Book 3) by James Talisman – Review by Michelle Austin
I have sincerely loved these books from the start, something I highly suggest everyone start from as well. These books are jam packed full of adventurers that go in an order that really needs to be read in an order. They are even available in a box set for convenience too so that is a nice snag if you are a bargain shopper like me for a series. Back to business lol. This book is another fast adventure that is built around an ancient artifact that holds the power to save all creation. There are lots of old characters that we get to visit with again and follow and new ones we get to meet too! I love the characters. They are so realistic and vivid. The scenery too is just so imaginative and beautiful that it makes me feel as if I am there myself with the characters as we embark on the next adventure. I also loved the deep thinking that goes into the book and that it makes me do as I read. I can’t wait to see what this author is cooking up next! Vrchota Vrchota2022-03-10 15:03:392022-03-10 17:59:53Journeys Through AllCreation (Journeys Through Book 3) by James Talisman – Review by Liz Vrchota
He did it again!!! This author is one of my favorites and he changed my mind about this genre of novels. I thoroughly enjoyed this third novel in the series! It has a great ebb and flow. The characters are deep. There is truly no stone unturned when it comes to the characters. While the plot line is amazing and does drive the story some I truly think the characters are about seventy five percent of the driving factor to this story. Not only are the characters well developed, they leave you wanting more and you find yourself (well I find myself) talking to them while I read.. or yelling at them lol). While this book could be read as a stand alone I would not recommend it. You won’t regret getting the box set. 08:27:322022-03-10 08:27:32Journeys Through AllCreation (Journeys Through Book 3) by James Talisman – Review by Dahnielle Hibbert
The author delivers a sci-fi saga of epic proportions! At first I wasn’t invested in the different story arcs, but as they wove together, I was hooked! I enjoyed the box set since I was able to binge read all three volumes consecutively. I found it interesting how the author used his characters in order to promote different religious ideas. The scientific parts did not overreach, and this nonscientific gal was able to follow along, from rural America to outer space, for the journey of a lifetime. Risher Risher2022-03-10 07:39:392022-03-10 07:39:39Journeys Through Collection: Volumes 1-3 by James Talisman – Review by Alison Risher
Journeys Through AllCreation is the third book in the Journeys Through Book Series. I highly recommend reading the first two books to enjoy this book even more. The storyline is complex in nature. It held my attention from the first page to the last page. I highly recommend that you plan to read this book in one sitting. The prophecy is that there are innate powers contained in the Dokkaebi-of-all-Creation to destiny various universes that make up the Multiverse. I found myself wanting to be on the journey with twins from Atlantis. I have to admit that their storyline intrigued me the most. They are trying to save their home. WIll they be successful? I highly recommend reading this book to see what happens in this installment of Journey Through AllCreation. Fish Fish2022-03-10 07:39:262022-03-10 07:39:26Journeys Through AllCreation (Journeys Through Book 3) by James Talisman – Review by Erica Fish
Not only this book but this series is truly an epic journey and adventure. With complex layer upon layer you really feel like you are part of this journey as you read each word. This book brings you in for a battle of good and evil….and I love that. The author does such a great job with character growth and you really feel full invested into the characters and story line. Can I say the details that this author brings too, wow… bring this story to life on filled pages…I cannot say enough how truly thankful I am reading this amazing series by a true amazing author! I would love to see more of this story unfold…. Hoerner Hoerner2022-03-10 07:36:452022-03-10 07:36:45Journeys Through AllCreation (Journeys Through Book 3) by James Talisman – Review by Lorralei Hoerner
This is the third book in this series. Make sure you read the first two so you really know who the characters you are interacting with are.
It is a fun adventure sci-fi read. And it will consume you and get your mind really thinking. There is a lot going on so make sure you have the time to pay attention.
This is as beautifully written as the first two and this is absolutely my favorite of them. The criss-cross of timelines and characters is done wonderfully. It is definitely a must-read. Marlow Marlow2022-03-10 07:29:032022-03-10 07:29:03Journeys Through AllCreation (Journeys Through Book 3) by James Talisman – Review by Michelle Marlow
This book picks up the stories started in the previous books. There are so many stories happening at once in this book, with one larger overall story combining them all. The fact that the author can vividly create so many incredible worlds and characters is absolutely amazing to me. Their imagination is a masterpiece. Not only is each world different, the many beings are fully sculpted out and individual. The descriptions are what brings this book to life.
Then there is the story itself. Each mini event happening eventually combines to bring us closer to the climax of the book. There are so many emotions you will experience within this fantastic book. It is never boring and thoroughly entertaining. I recommend reading the previous books, but it is a must read for fans of epic science fiction and those who see things a bit differently. Wolf Wolf2022-03-08 07:51:552022-03-08 07:51:55Journeys Through AllCreation (Journeys Through Book 3) by James Talisman – Review by Erin Wolf
This book was EXCELLENT! I really loved the first 2 in the series and couldn’t wait for this one! I really enjoyed how this series has made me spend time thinking. Sometimes it’s a nice change of pace. I’m not usually a Sci-Fi fan, but this was great and well worth it, check it out, even if this genre isn’t usually for you. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Definitely Recommend! Westerman Westerman2022-03-06 16:21:012022-03-06 16:21:01Journeys Through AllCreation (Journeys Through Book 3) by James Talisman – Review by Ashley Westerman
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