
Fay’s Kindness Parade (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Julie Johnson

Fay's Kindness Parade (The Adventures of Cray)Fay’s Kindness Parade by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When it’s time for Fay to travel to warmer waters, she wants to have a parade of animals as she goes. Along her journey, she comes across some new friends who could use some help. As she travels and makes new friends, her parade begins to form. The focus on this book is kindness and will open up dialogue to have the important conversations with young readers.

This is a great series and I recommend this for your public, school, or personal library!

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The Better Man (A Silver Buckle Romance Series) by Laurie Lewis – Review by Julie Johnson

The Better Man (Silver Buckle Brides, #2)The Better Man by Laurie L.C. Lewis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a very emotional, heart strings pulling, kind of read. Laramee was running from her past, from all those who loved her, all because communication was broken between them. Jamie was also running, but in a different direction. When their paths crossed during a business deal, Laramee and Jamie have to make some very difficult decisions regarding their future paths.

I love this book and am so glad that I picked it up! It was difficult to read in parts but overall, the story put a smile on my face and lifted my spirits. I was not aware that this was part of a series and never felt like I was missing any ties to possible previous characters or situations. I do want to go back and read the first book in this series though! I highly recommend this read!

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Before I Let You Go by Kellie Wallace – Review by Julie Johnson

Before I Let You GoBefore I Let You Go by Kellie Wallace
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.5 stars

Everything in Elsbeth’s life is falling apart. Her long-term relationship is ending, she’s on the outs with her sister, Zara, her relationship with her mom is falling into further despair, and her dad’s on his last stretch of life. How much more can a girl take?

A letter comes in the mail and Elsbeth learns that she’s inherited property from her aunt in Guernsey. It’s across the ocean and a huge decision to make. There are so many loose ends at home that she’s not sure she can go, but ultimately decides to do it anyway. Upon arriving in Guernsey, she sees the house is not like she expected it to be.

This book will grab you from the first sentence. I read it one sitting and thoroughly enjoyed it. There are characters you will really love and ones that you will really hate. There is suspense and mystery, but most of all, redemption.

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Mermaid Tails by Suzanna Lynn – Review by Julie Johnson

Mermaid TailsMermaid Tails by Suzanna Lynn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Mermaids are magical and pretty and this book features mermaids of various colors, shapes, and sizes. What I didn’t expect was the educational information about various sea creatures. The added bonus made this book much more interesting and fun to read!

A little fantasy and a lot of facts in here!

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Code Dog by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Julie Johnson

Code DogCode Dog by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a super fun chapter book about Timmy, Beth, and Arthur, three friends who are on the hunt for a 200 year old time capsule. They have a super cool dog named Cody that knows Morse Code. Together the band of friends are on a quest to crack the codes and decipher the map that they’ve been given.

This is a great book to either read aloud as a family or to have on your shelf for your reader(s)! There is a sci-fi component to this story for added enjoyment! A must have for your personal or school library!

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The Hidden Present (Invisible Magic Wand) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Julie Johnson

The Hidden Present (Invisible Magic Wand)The Hidden Present by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It’s Caspian’s Unbirthday again and he’s looking for the box that Grandpa leaves him each year under his bed. There’s only one problem…the box isn’t there. He walks into the kitchen and finds a compass, otherwise known as an Inquisitive Indicator. It points to a note that leads Caspian on an adventure.

This series is a great one to add to your personal library! The illustrations are very vivid and make the story more interesting to young readers. I love the closeness that Caspian has with his grandfather and their special traditions together!

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The Glow in Loretta’s Garden (Loretta’s Insects) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Julie Johnson

The Glow in Loretta's Garden (Loretta's Insects)The Glow in Loretta’s Garden by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have never heard the term “armadillo bugs” before reading this book! Even adults can learn more about insects, specifically fireflies, in this informative story. Spend some time with Loretta in her garden and you’ll learn about the life cycle of what I’ve always termed “lightening bugs” or fireflies.

This is another great addition to any personal or school library. There are STEM features of this book, which is a favorite aspect I have of this author. Be sure to check out her other books as well!

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Porter and Midge: Paws and Responsibilities: A Kid’s Guide to Welcoming a New Dog (Porter and Midge Children’s Book Series) by Jennie Chen and Giselle Nevada – Review by Julie Johnson

Porter and Midge: Paws and Responsibilities: A Kid's Guide to Welcoming a New Dog (Porter and Midge Children’s Book Series)Porter and Midge: Paws and Responsibilities: A Kid’s Guide to Welcoming a New Dog by Giselle Nevada
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a very informational and helpful book for a family that is looking to add a furbaby. In this story, Lora and CJ have decided they’d like to each have a dog. Their parents have wisely advised the children that they need to research everything possible about pet care to demonstrate the knowledge necessary to be a great pet parent. CJ and Lora learn all about proper vet care, exercise, food, and more and present their findings to their parents who agree to allow them to have a new pet.

Any family with small children looking to add a new furbaby should be required to read this book! It’s a great tool for youngsters to create a goal list from and to demonstrate their learned knowledge before the family commits to such a huge undertaking of adding to their family.

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Mistaken Identity (London Detective Agency Series) by Stephanie R. Caffrey – Review by Julie Johnson

Mistaken Identity (London Detective Agency Book 1)Mistaken Identity by Stephanie R. Caffrey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Evelyn is looking forward to her studies abroad but a series of unfortunate events leads to her being held “captive” by Private Investigator Patrick. There are ups and downs and lots of conflict and drama throughout this captivating read. I love how the relationship between Evelyn and Patrick evolves. I look forward to more reads by this author in this series!

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The Complete Echo Series: A Heartfelt Romance Collection (The Echo Series) by C.R. Alam – Review by Julie Johnson

The Complete Echo Series (Echo #1-4)The Complete Echo Series by C.R. Alam
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Echoing Hearts 4 Stars
Rae Allen doesn’t believe in love or happily ever after. She’s seen enough in her family to jade her for life. Thankfully, she has some pretty awesome friends, especially her best friend Brandon, who are there for her when things get rough. Her friendship with Brandon is more of a kindred kind…they are thicker than thieves, almost as if they were brother and sister. Brandon would do anything for Rae, especially after she helped him and his band land an amazing producer!

Dean Rowland is living a life of luxury. He’s surrounded by wealth, fame, and women. He’s living the life as one might say, proud of all his accomplishments. Except for the one thing he couldn’t conquer…getting married. After being jilted at the alter, Dean is happy to swear off women forever.

Rae gets a call for a favor. Her friend needs her to go and check out this house in Georgia for the next issue of the magazine that she publishes. This house is a bit mysterious and Rae doesn’t get a lot of background on it. When she arrives at the house, she can’t seem to get anyone to come to the door, even though they should be expecting her. The next scene will be on that will change her life forever and have her heart sending echoes out across Lake Lanier.

This was a very enjoyable read for a lazy Saturday afternoon! I read this book in one sitting. It’s a typical romance read and one where both main characters should be hog tied for their antics towards each other. This does have a happy ending and I even found myself tearing up in the end!

His Forever Muse-4 stars
I’ve been anxiously waiting to get my hands on this book after reading the first book in this series! This book, while the second in a series, can be easily read as a stand alone.

Brandon Rossi is the front man for a rock band, Canis Major and his best friends are his band mates. He’s restless as the band has just come off a huge international tour and his artwork is slowing down a bit. He’s ready to get out and find what it is that he’s missing. Rae, one of his dearest friends, encourages him to travel and continue doing some artwork while he’s seeing sights. Brandon decides to go to Morocco to visit his friend Chris, and while there, he meets up with an art gallerist.

Calliope Chen-Bisset is that art gallerist and once she lays eyes on Brandon, a lot of great childhood memories come flooding back to both her and Brandon. Callie is the sister of one of Brandon’s bandmates and while they never hooked up while growing up, there has always been some sort of attraction there. Brandon helped Callie get through some difficult points in her life but not the most difficult ones.

Sparks start to fly between Callie and Brandon as soon as they lay eyes on each other but it’s been 15 years since they last saw each other. Callie’s family hasn’t mentioned her in years and, truth be told, there has been a bit of a rift between them too. Callie has experienced things that no woman…no person ever should experience but now that Philippe is a part of her life, she will always be looking over her shoulder. He’s the crazy ex-lover who just won’t let go.

Can Brandon keep his reputation in tact while learning to love Callie and her scars?

I loved this book and already can’t wait for the next one! There are some difficult topics covered and the author does issue a warning at the beginning of this book. I was not personally triggered by any of the scenes as they were handled quite delicately with enough information to let the reader know what happened without being overly graphic. This is a second chance romance of sort, but more importantly, a phoenix rising from the ashes story.

Unexpected Entanglement- 4 stars
Rowan Kelly has inherited an inn and she’s super excited to host her cousin’s wedding there. Everything has to be perfect and beautiful for the big day. Rowan can handle just about anything that is put in her way but having an extra hand or two never hurts!

Insert Chris Sullens. Chris is a well-known hotelier who is more than happy to dig in and help Rowan make this wedding the best ever. What he didn’t expect is the role that he’d be asked to play in order this wedding to go off WITH a hitch!

This is probably my favorite book of this series so far! There is an overlap of some characters from previous books (it was good to catch up on them!) but this book can be read as a standalone easily. I look forward to seeing where this series continues to go!

Dangerous Rhythm-4 stars
I am a total fan of this series!! I love the writing style, the humor (and this one…well, just read it!), the suspense, the drama….it’s all in here! I think this is my favorite book of the series so far but they are all really good! The tension that Lina displays, although she’s trying to be professional, just lets you know that she’s a ticking time bomb of emotions. Curtis is a rockstar that just can’t hide his vibe. The Stilletto’s? They’re as ruthless as they sound.

Another enjoyable book in this great series!

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The Missing Red Envelopes by Yobe Qiu – Review by Julie Johnson

The Missing Red EnvelopesThe Missing Red Envelopes by Yobe Qiu
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lorie and Weina are sisters and they are looking for the red envelopes that were in a bag that they were carrying around. The envelopes are a custom during the Lunar New Year and they contain money and chocolate.

What I enjoyed most about this story is learning more about Asian culture. Young readers can have an appreciation of it as well and may want to experience a Lunar New Year celebration.

The illustrations were also very well done throughout this short chapter book.

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Family Ties Family Lies by Jacqueline Boulden – Review by Julie Johnson

Family Ties Family LiesFamily Ties Family Lies by Jacqueline Boulden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sometimes you just never know the depths of drama and lies that a family can hold. Even the families that look like they have it all together could be hiding the darkest of secrets. That’s where Rose found herself. Her mother falls ill and she’s called to come help care for her. While in her childhood home, Rose finds some items that bring about a lot of questions and suspicions in her mind about who her family really is.

There are parts of this story that were hard to read. This will challenge the reader emotionally, so be prepared. However, give this book a chance because it’s well worth your investment!

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Bailey and the CEO: A Corporate Love Story (A Better Man, Book 1) by Amy Q. Barker – Review by Julie Johnson

Bailey and the CEO: A Corporate Love Story (A Better Man Book 1)Bailey and the CEO: A Corporate Love Story by Amy Q. Barker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

She’s a widow raising two teenage girls. He’s a divorcee raising two teenage boys. She works in HR and he’s the CEO. One day Fox walks by and calls Bailey by her name. She’s in shock because they’ve had so few interactions together. Then they end up on an airplane together and things start to change for them both. However, they are having to keep a secret, but at what costs?

The characters are relatable and “real”. They could be the people in any organization in today’s world. The story is believable. This author has a great way of weaving together a story that keeps you turning the page.

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Detective Dylan and the Hunt for Home Plate (A Youth Sleuths Chapter Book) by MJ Murray – Review by Julie Johnson

Detective Dylan and the Hunt for Home Plate (A Youth Sleuths Chapter Book Series, #2)Detective Dylan and the Hunt for Home Plate by M.J. Murray
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a very enjoyable book! Young readers who are learning to read in small chapters will love this story about Dylan and his little sister Emily. They are going to baseball practice and when they arrive, their coach explains that all the bases have been stolen. Dylan thought to grab his Youth Sleuth kit prior to leaving home so he and Emily are on the lookout for the stolen bases. They come across various groups of people in the park before finally locating the missing bases.

A super fun, adventurous book that features Theodore, who is Dylan and Emily’s dog. He’s also a part of their sleuthing team! It’s short enough to keep the attention of an emerging reader and would also make a great bedtime story!

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A Girl, Stuck (Found Families Series) by Kelly Elizabeth Huston – Review by Julie Johnson

A Girl, Stuck (Found Families #3)A Girl, Stuck by Kelly Elizabeth Huston
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a new-to-me author but I really enjoyed her style of writing in this story. She has a way of making story well-balanced with adventure, mystery, and comic levity.

Characters in this story were of a huge interest to me. The ones I loved initially, I didn’t think so much of by the end and vice-versa. There were several times I found myself falling out of love with someone that I thought was pretty cool at first.

An enjoyable read!

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The Reluctant Spy by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Julie Johnson

The Reluctant SpyThe Reluctant Spy by Lois June Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a fun read about a boy named Timothy who finds a rat under his bed. He’s afraid of his grandmother finding it and screaming so he’s doing everything he can to get it out of the house. Grandma already knows about the rat though and she’s telling Timothy how this is a special rat. Hildegard is going to take them on adventures and help solve a mystery plaguing the community.

This is a longer read by this author. An emerging chapter reader could easily follow along with this book. There are a few German words scattered throughout, which is a great way to garner interest in a new language. True to this author’s style, there are also STEM components in this story.

Overall, a great read that I recommend!

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The Earl’s Match (The Thompsons of Locust Street Series) by Holly Bush – Review by Julie Johnson

The Earl's Match (The Thompsons of Locust Street, #5)The Earl’s Match by Holly Bush
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is an enjoyable read that will lead you through family dynamics involving murder, adventure, angst, romance, and lots of drama. I enjoy reading historical romances, especially those involving families like the Thompsons. This book can be read as a stand alone, which is how I came across this one. I’m looking forward to reading the previous books in the series. The characters are very loveable and because of that, I want to read more on the other siblings featured in previous books.

If you love historical romance with a great storyline, be sure to check this one out!

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Shadowed Deception: A Psychological Suspense Thriller (Shadow Defense Security Series) by Mavery Ellscott – Review by Julie Johnson

Shadowed Deception: A Psychological Suspense Thriller (Shadow Defense Security Book 3)Shadowed Deception: A Psychological Suspense Thriller by Mavery Ellscott
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.75 stars

I am really enjoying this series and am hoping that there will be more books to enjoy! This author is making her way to my favorites list also. I enjoy her writing style and the stories that she weaves.

This book could be read as a stand alone but I would recommend you starting at the beginning of the series to get the full story on how Shadow Defense came to be.

This story started off just a tad slow for me but that was short-lived. I soon found myself lost in the story and read this all in one setting. There is a lot of action and suspense with a little bit of romance thrown in. You’ll find yourself loving a character then hating them the next page. This book does discuss some difficult issues so use caution if this would bother you.

A great read that goes by quickly!

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Nessie and the Celtic Maze (Nessie’s Grotto) by Lois Wickstrom and Jean Lorrah – Review by Julie Johnson

Nessie and the Celtic Maze (Nessie, #3)Nessie and the Celtic Maze by Lois June Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A great adventure awaits when Craig and Linda get to explore the maze and free Princess Sheona. Of course, their parents aren’t happy about their previous adventures but feel like it’s safe to let them go diving since they are nowhere near Nessie.

This book is geared more towards emerging readers and is a chapter book. I love that this author writes across a span of age groups for kids. Her stories are very engaging and full of adventure. There are oftentimes scientific angles to the stories as well!

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Murder At Music Hall (True North Murder Mystery Book 1) by A. J. Ullman – Review by Julie Johnson

Murder At Music Hall (A True North Murder Mystery Book 1)Murder At Music Hall by A. J. Ullman
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3.75 stars

I was hooked from the prologue of this book but it quickly vanished and I found myself wondering when this story would end. I love a great mystery book and I love music so I was questioning what I was missing when this story just stalled out for me.

This story is set in 1976, the day after Christmas. There were several things, which the author discusses in the appendix of the book, that just didn’t fit within the time frame. These really threw me off while reading this and took away from the book for me. While an author has the right to defect from historical accuracy, I personally felt like it took away from the story.

I also felt like parts of this story dragged on forever and several things felt like they were on repeat for me. I realize my review is unpopular opinion, as several people really enjoyed this story. I felt like it could have been 100 pages shorter and still accomplished the same outcome.

One thing I did like about this story is that I agree with the conclusion that True North came to in the end. It was the right thing to do considering all the circumstances.

Please don’t take my review as the best, as previously mentioned, my review is not of the popular opinion. It’s an enjoyable story but it took me much longer to read this one than most books in this genre take me. I had a hard time staying engaged in the story but did read it to completion.

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Critical Care (Chase Care Series Book 6) by R.L. Dunn – Review by Julie Johnson

Critical Care (Chase Care Book 6)Critical Care by R.L. Dunn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’m a fan of R.L. Dunn so when I saw an opportunity to pick this book up, I couldn’t pass on it. I thought it might be a general romance novel, which it is a romantic novel, but oh so much more! I also love medical themed books and this one did not disappoint. Many would be possibly turned off by the use of big medical terms but not this girl! I dove right in!

My initial first impression of the first few chapters is that it was a cheesy romance novel. The terms of endearment used between Tim and Willow were a bit over the top in my opinion. I almost spit out my drink a couple of times at the cheesiness of it all. However, the story took a quick turn from strictly romantic to being full of suspense. I couldn’t read it fast enough to know all the twists and turns. There were quite a few plot twists, which engaged me even further into the book. A couple I saw coming but not all of them.

I have not read the previous 5 books in this series. This can be read as a standalone. However, I’m very intrigued by this Chase Care organization, as well as being a fan of this author, so I’ll be going back and reading the other books in this series.

If you love a psychologically twisted plot full of medical procedures and jargon, this one will not disappoint!

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Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Julie Johnson

Hay Goes Home (The Adventures of Cray on the Bay)Hay Goes Home by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a super cute book that talks about being brave. Hay faces some perils along the way to a birthday party but together with his friends, they make it safely.

This would be a great book to sit and read with a youngster facing a difficult situation. It can be used to help them face the situation more bravely.

The illustrations in this book are very well done as well. They are very vibrant and engaging!

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Delayed Redemption (The DAG Team Series) by Kel O’Connor – Review by Julie Johnson

Delayed Redemption: DAG Team Series: Book 3 of 4 Special Ops Romantic SuspenseDelayed Redemption: DAG Team Series: Book 3 of 4 Special Ops Romantic Suspense by Kel O’Connor
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is my first read by this author. I’m looking forward to reading the previous 2 books in this series, followed by the fourth. This can be read as a standalone but I’m very interested in a deeper background on some of the characters in here.

Janey hands $300 to her brother and finds herself in a new location once the effect of the drugs she was given wear off. She wakes up in an unfamiliar place but not to completely unfamiliar voices and faces. Her captors want her brother and she has no idea where he is.

This book is super suspenseful, has some romance, lots of action and adventure, and a story that will keep you engaged throughout!

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Magic Wanda (Grandma’s Closet) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Julie Johnson

Magic Wanda (Grandma's Closet #3)Magic Wanda by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Carrie has found more items in Grandma’s closet. This time they are wands, or so she thinks. Carrie soon finds out that these are not wands at all but Magic Wanda’s. They are very different but very cool and Carrie can’t wait to see what else she can find in the closet!

Super cute book that would make a great bedtime story! I am a huge fan of this author and recommend her books to be on every library shelf, whether public or private!

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Dancing Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series) by Debra Parmley – Review by Julie Johnson

Dancing Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series Book 2)Dancing Butterfly by Debra Parmley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Suki eyes Frank….Frank eyes Suki. It’s an instant attraction and when Frank rescues a favorite earring of Suki’s, their fate is sealed. Almost permanently and pretty quickly. Shots are fired and Frank is pushing Suki towards the basement door. Suki injures her foot (not a good thing for anyone but especially a dancer!) and Frank has to carry her.

During her recouperation time, Frank is pretty bossy. He does work for Al Capone after all, and is used to having things go his way. Frank doesn’t want Suki going anywhere, talking to anyone, and most definitely not walking on her foot. Suki isn’t about to be told what to do by another, especially a man. Will she ever be free of his rules to be the person she is or did she sell her soul to the highest bidder?

This was an enjoyable book and was a pretty fast read for me. I am anxiously awaiting the next book as this storyline has me intrigued!

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Beach Ball Blunder (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Julie Johnson

Beach Ball Blunder (The Adventures of Cray on the Bay)Beach Ball Blunder by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Seal Gray is playing with his beach ball when he loses control of it. Several things transpire from that and Gray finds himself in a situation where he’s lying about the ball being his. This book focuses on telling the truth and preserving friendships.

The illustrations in this book are very colorful and attractive. Be sure to show anyone you are reading this to the pictures. If a young reader is reading to you, use that as a teachable moment about items in the pictures, as well as the story itself.

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Murder She Meowed (Bookshop Kitties Mysteries, Book 2) by Ruth J. Hartman – Review by Julie Johnson

Murder She Meowed (Bookshop Kitties Mysteries Book 2)Murder She Meowed by Ruth J. Hartman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a fun little read that starts off at a wedding with the attendants being cats. What a cute idea! Janie is horrified to see someone in the crowd at the wedding that she was hoping she’d never see again. Apparently a few others felt the same way! Soon we learn that the “mystery man” is found murdered on the floor of Janie’s shop.

Not one to shy away from a good mystery, Christy and her cats Milton and Pearl report for duty. They know Janie is innocent as they were all together during the time of the incident. Micah also pitches in to help in between his shifts as an ER doc. Together, they will find a way to solve this mystery, but what other mysteries will pop up in the process?

These cats are SPOILT!!! They are the stars of this book series and have a big role to play. They are also the characters in Christy’s book series that she writes and sells in her bookstore. I am looking forward to reading more books by this author. This was my first time reading her work!

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Divinely Dramatic (Divine Vintage Series) by Sandra L. Young – Review by Julie Johnson

Divinely Dramatic (Divine Vintage Series, #2)Divinely Dramatic by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.5 stars

Marcy is called in to help out her friend Justine as a costume designer for an upcoming production of Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest” when Justine is called away to other duties. Marcy shows up and the director comes across as very brash and condescending after Marcy was told that he was a big teddy bear and very sweet. First impressions matter! As Marcy is attending rehearsals to gather the needed information to fit everyone for costumes, she suddenly finds herself reading lines for the female star of the show. The actress casted for this part has never shown up for any rehearsals and no one knows where she is or if she’s ok. Marcy fits in great with the cast and soon finds herself not only as the costume designer but also as a lead actress.

There are some very strange occurrences in the costume loft. Weird flashes of lights, sounds of chains rattling, and bats just to name a few things. Marcy is able to see auras and along with her friend, Tess, they are able to see into the supernatural world. Marcy and Tess “meet” Ellen, the original female lead from 50 years ago who mysteriously died during the production of the show. Can Marcy and Tess figure out this mystery and put Ellen to rest?

This book is very enjoyable, as was the first book in this series. This book can be read as a stand alone but why would you want to miss out on all the fun of vintage dresses and historical sightings? I’m hoping there will be more stories in this series to come!

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The Curse of Jean Lafitte (The Big Easy Collection) by Mary Walsh – Review by Julie Johnson

The Curse of Jean Lafitte (The Big Easy Collection)The Curse of Jean Lafitte by Mary Walsh
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a super fun read on a lazy afternoon! I couldn’t put it down!

The first thing that I love about this book is all the recommendations that the author gives out for someone visiting New Orleans. I’ve never been there before and not sure I’ll ever go but if I do, I have a good start on places to visit. I also love hearing about the research that she put into this book! I feel as if I was there, on the streets along with Juliette and Jean.

There is humor (a lot of it actually), paranormal activity, swashbuckling action, mystery and more in this story. I found myself laughing at a lot of Jean’s actions and I figure if it’d been me, I’d have wanted to hang out with him after getting to know him a little bit better.

I highly recommend this book and look forward to others that may follow!

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House Valdis Origins: Xenobia (House Valdis Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Julie Johnson

House Valdis Origins: Xenobia (House Valdis, #0.5)House Valdis Origins: Xenobia by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

In this super short read (it might have taken me 15 minutes), we meet Xenobia and Urd. Xenobia is blue skinned with dark hair and Urd is whiter than white with light colored hair. They are treated like cattle in the Slavemaster’s house. They are not respected as women at all. When Urd is mistreated, Xenobia steps in to save her but at what cost?

This is an interesting and very short read. I’m not sure I’ll venture into the whole series but I am a bit intrigued. I have a lot of unanswered questions but overall, thought this was an enjoyable read.

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