
Curse of the Forbidden Island by C.A. King – Review by Julie Johnson

Curse of Forbidden IslandCurse of Forbidden Island by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Selene can’t hold down a job. Everyone thinks she hovers, stares, and smells weird. The day she loses her last job, she also learns that she is being evicted. She goes to see her only friend to see if she can help. A job posting is found and it’s quite intriguing. The job is on an island where masks must be worn at night. Only the guests and the owners stay on site on the island, but Selene finds herself staying at the hotel too since she has no other means for housing.

Things sure do change at night! Nothing is as it seems during the day and Selene learns a lot when she removes a mask.

This was an interesting read. I enjoyed it for the most part. I do feel like the story could have been longer to explain a few more things in detail but I also appreciate that it was a shorter read (52 pages). I’m curious if this will be a story developed more further in a future series.

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A Miracle In Muffin: A True Story by Darlene Duemo – Review by Julie Johnson

A Miracle In Muffin: A True StoryA Miracle In Muffin: A True Story by Darlene Duemo
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a heartwarming story about a cat that goes missing and his owner’s quest to find it. The illustrations are very beautifully done and follow the story well. I do believe the author’s heart is right in sharing this story, however, I cannot fully recommend it because I do not believe that the Bible teaches this path to redemption. I have never found any passage in the Bible that says if you say this specific prayer you will be saved. What I have read is the accounts of the Ethiopian Eunuch, Cornelius’s family, and others where the Word was heard, the Word was believed, repentance happened, a confession was made, and baptism for the remission of sins took place.

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Cray Saves the Day (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Julie Johnson

Cray Saves the Day (The Adventures of Cray on the Bay)Cray Saves the Day by G. Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A very vividly visual read about the importance of not littering at the beach. The story is good for any location but this one is specifically about the beach. There is mention of a turtle being trapped in the rings from soda cans and how Cray helped the turtle out. A great way to teach kids of any age the importance of cleaning up after themselves and not wreaking havoc on the environment around them!

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Fade into the Night (Philly Heat Series) by Becky Flade – Review by Julie Johnson

Fade Into the Night (Philly Heat series, #5)Fade Into the Night by Becky Flade
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’m not going to say a lot about this book because I don’t want to give anything away. I absolutely love the character of Noah and really felt for him, especially when he opened up about his family. I wasn’t such a huge fan of Sadie though. I wanted to like her but found her almost annoying at times. I get that she was going through some immense things but really didn’t appreciate the way she acted towards Noah. That being said, I can also see why she acted towards him the way that she did.

This book is full of twists and turns! I love a book that has you guessing. I did figure out fairly early who I though the Beltway Romeo might be and I was correct. That doesn’t happen often but I guess I picked up on a few things that I don’t normally. I was on the edge of my seat for the last half of this book and couldn’t put it down until I finished it!

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Nessie and the Viking Gold (Nessie’s Grotto) by Lois Wickstrom and Jean Lorrah – Review by Julie Johnson

Nessie and the Viking GoldNessie and the Viking Gold by Lois June Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This has been my least favorite book by this author so far, but it’s still an enjoyable story.

Everyone’s favorite rock star is in town for a big concert. However, when Craig and his sister go back to visit with Nessie, they learn that all the drumming is causing issues in Nessie’s grotto. Can they stop the concert and save the grotto before it’s too late?

It was a good story but it did seem to lack some plot development. This is the second book in this series and I have read the first one prior to this one. This is a book that is a bit longer than most of this author’s style of books as well, so maybe that’s a bit why. I would still recommend this book to be read by young readers or reading it to younger listeners.

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Sasha Smart by Shermaine Perry-Knights – Review by Julie Johnson

Sasha Smart: Short Stories for GirlsSasha Smart: Short Stories for Girls by Shermaine Perry-Knights
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.5 stars

Sasha is a great girl who, like many teen girls, is a little short on confidence. This book focuses on how Sasha can use her inner strength to become a better person. There are several short stories that cover everything from peer pressure, bullying, and accepting oneself.

What I loved about this book is that Sasha *is* a strong person. She loves science and she’s really smart. She has great friends who really care for her. She’s a caring person herself.

What I didn’t like so much about this book is that it was written to look like Sasha could only get these important attributes that she was struggling with from her friends. While friends are VERY important, they are not the only way that she could have grown from these experiences. There was little interaction with family, and they can be the strongest influence. I would have liked to seen a stronger family bond written about in this book. There was some, but I feel like a story about her mom, dad, grandma/grandpa, aunt/uncle could have made this story much better.

This would be a great gift idea for a young teen girl. The stories are very short (3-4 pages each) and there are some pictures included.

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Portrait of Deception (A Southwest Suspense Novel) by Kathryn Dodson – Review by Julie Johnson

Portrait of Deception (A Southwest Suspense Novel)Portrait of Deception by Kathryn Dodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.5 stars

Do you ever find yourself yelling at the literary characters you are engaging with during a great read? I was hollering “NO!” at Margo pretty much from the very beginning of this story but she just didn’t listen to me!!! Because she didn’t listen to my pleas of “NO!”, “Don’t drink that!”, “Don’t go there!”, Margo ended up in a heap of trouble. Margo is a photographer who is looking at winning a huge award that will make her even more noticeable in the world of photography. One thing leads to another and she finds herself in the castle of a psycho wanna be dictator. All of a sudden, she’s not sure who she can trust and she may have put her trust in a man who could ruin her even more than the dictator. After a daring escape, Margo still finds herself looking over her shoulder, as well as those of her loved ones.

This is a good one!! Lots of action, travel, and a little romance in this, among some major backstabbing and plans of war. Not a dull moment in this read and I had to finish it in one setting!

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Song of Earth and Claws (Faelands Series) by Lena Abram – Review by Julie Johnson

Song of Earth and ClawsSong of Earth and Claws by Lena Abram
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

In a world where slavery and death are on the line, Lannahi is going to have to fight for her kingdom and her freedom. She is the youngest sibling of 3, and her siblings are, well to put it mildly, jerks. They don’t really care about her outcome. She thinks she’s in love with this guy until his true colors come to light and he enchants her, to the point that if she does not comply, death will be her outcome. To get out from under his spell, she must participate in the Moon Games. These games are held monthly and there are strict rules. Not everyone plays by the rules though. Lannahi is going to need some help from an ally, but who can really be trusted?

This was an interesting and fun read. There is lots of adventure, fantasy, some romance, and power grabs. I love the time and attention the author took to developing the characters. While it did slow down the pace of the book a bit, it was much needed and appreciated!

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A New Day for Cray (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Julie Johnson

A New Day For Cray (The Adventures of Cray on the Bay)A New Day For Cray by G. Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cray is a crabby crab until one day an (un)fortunate accident occurs. Cray is all of a sudden not so crabby and Ray, Hay, and Fay enjoy their friendship even more!

Super cute book that is full of rhymes. A great lap book for grandparents or parents with their littles! Very colorful and engaging illustrations as well!

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Kingdom of 7 Sovereigns – Wolf (Kingdom of 7 Sovereigns Series) by R. C. Reigh – Review by Julie Johnson

Kingdom of 7 Sovereigns: WolfKingdom of 7 Sovereigns: Wolf by R.C. Reigh
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Let’s start out by taking a second to admire the cover of this book. It’s absolutely gorgeous!!

In this slightly comical at times fantasy read, we hear from 4 young teens who are in their inaugural year at the Bastion Academy. There are wolves, fairies, witches, dragons, vampires, ogres, and humans involved in this story, with this one really focusing on Prince Dane, who is a wolf, and Princess Amelia, a human. They are fated to each other and their parents arranged their marriage when they were still wee babes.

There is a lot of action, some comedic relief, enemies-to-friends, and even a budding romance or two in this amazing tale. I am looking forward to reading more books in this series and seeing how things progress for all these teens. I highly recommend this read and so far, it’s my favorite read of 2024!!

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Deja Brew All Over Again: A Runaway Bride Romance (Love on Tap Series) by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Julie Johnson

Deja Brew All Over Again: A Runaway Bride Romance (Love on Tap Book 3)Deja Brew All Over Again: A Runaway Bride Romance by Sylvie Stewart
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Miller finally gets his own story and it’s about time. Over the past two books, we’ve learned a little about him but now he gets the spotlight and boy does it start out pretty interesting!

Miller just managed to walk out of the courthouse, elated that he got fined and some community service hours to do. He was fully expecting to find himself in the slammer. Instead, as he’s pulling away, a fluffball of white jumps into his car and demands he start driving away. He now has a runaway bride on his hands! Whatever is he going to do with this beautiful creature that is inhabiting the small confines of his car?

Well, being the ….er….respectable man that he is, Miller takes her where she directs him. He’s enamored by her though and realizes she works fairly close to the bar where he works with his brothers. Needless to say, he is hoping he will see more of her….and he does.

Maisy’s story is pretty interesting as well. She’s running away from a marriage of convenience but moreso convenient for her father and not so much for her. She’s also worried about her little brother Bear and the life that he’s currently living. She finds solace in the Miller’s family home and then finds herself in a dilemma that she’s not sure she can get out of.

This rom-com is a fun little read. The language is a bit strong and I almost put it down but I’m already invested in this family from the previous two books. This book can be read as a standalone but could be more enjoyable by knowing some back story on the other family members. Lynn’s story is next and I look forward to reading more about her, as she’s been a pretty silent character up to this point.

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The Round Box (Grandma’s Closet) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Julie Johnson

The Round BoxThe Round Box by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Carrie’s Grandma has moved across town but she left four boxes in Carrie’s house labeled “KEEP”. Anytime Carrie is missing her Grandma, she’ll go looking through those boxes. Each box she picked up felt like another but she finally decided upon one. When she opened it, there was a fascinator that resembled a ship. Once she put it on, she was on an adventure!

These books are great and should be in every library! This is a great opportunity to talk with a youngin’ about what a fascinator is. Honestly, I hadn’t heard that term until I became more interested in “royal life” and started watching shows and reading about them. This is also a sweet story about the love and influence of a grandparent.

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Good Enough (The Deadman’s Tribe Series Book 1) by Nicole Craig – Review by Julie Johnson

Good Enough -- The Deadman's Tribe Book 1: A Protector Romance / Romantic SuspenseGood Enough — The Deadman’s Tribe Book 1: A Protector Romance / Romantic Suspense by Nicole Craig
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I love a good book with some military action, suspense, and even a bit of romance. I love the cover of this book. However, I did not love this book.

First, let’s talk about what I did love about it though. As previously mentioned, I love the cover. It’s intriguing and I want to know more about the people on it. I love stories with a military focus. They have always fascinated me and the fact that this one is talking about the roles of Navy SEALS had me intrigued. I like action, suspense and romance too. All of those things were in this book.

What I didn’t like and couldn’t get past in this story was the language. I couldn’t even finish this book because the language was so incredibly strong. I know that with a military read to expect strong language but this was entirely overkill. I couldn’t finish this book because of this. I had such high hopes for this story based on the premise but I don’t talk like this in my daily life and I don’t want to read a book that has such vile language just about every other word.

There are many favorable reviews over this author’s debut book so I’d encourage them to read those reviews (I wish I had before I picked this one up). You might end up enjoying this story but it wasn’t for me.

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Master of the Abyss (Painted Souls Series Book 3) by Rob Samborn – Review by Julie Johnson

Master of the Abyss (Painted Souls, #3)Master of the Abyss by Rob Samborn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’m a little sad to see this amazing series come to an end!! I am so glad that I gave this series a chance. As previously mentioned in other reviews, I struggle with dual time line stories. This author made it so easy for me to follow the story and I almost felt like I was in the story myself at times!

It’s up to Julia and a few of her close friends to save Nick from this eternal purgatory that he’s found himself in. The Order is just not going to let him walk away from the deeds that he’s done, or that they think he’s done.

This book is just as full of action and adventure as the previous books. It’s vital that these be read in order to preserve the storyline and to have it make sense. If you love historical based reads, grab this one. If you like that this is also a bit of a thriller, it will only enhance your reading experience more. I will be adding this author on my list of those to watch out for because his writing is extremely enjoyable to me!!

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Painter of the Damned (Painted Souls Series Book 2) by Rob Samborn – Review by Julie Johnson

Painter of the Damned (Painted Souls, #2)Painter of the Damned by Rob Samborn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It’s very important to read these books in order to understand the context of what’s happening.

This book picks up right where Book 1 (The Prisoner of Paradise) left off. Nick and Julia are still trying to get back home when they are sent back to Venice. The Order is not about to let them get away with what they think is important information.

There is a lot of action and adventure in this story as well! There are a few twists and turns that I did not see coming. I really enjoy this author’s writing and look forward to reading more great stories of his!

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The Prisoner of Paradise (Painted Souls Series Book 1) by Rob Samborn – Review by Julie Johnson

The Prisoner of Paradise (Painted Souls, #1)The Prisoner of Paradise by Rob Samborn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Nick is an avid hockey player. One wrong move though and he found himself sidelined with a head injury that he is in denial over. When an opportunity for the trip of a lifetime to Venice comes along, Nick and his wife Julia are excited. Julia is concerned that it might be too much for Nick though. Eventually, they make the journey where Julia has an opportunity to write for a prestigious publication but they are going to soak up as much as tourists can while on a working vacation. When they visit an art gallery and see Tintoretto’s Paradise, things start to get a little interesting for Nick. He soon finds himself embroiled in a mystery that is over 400 years old with a need to release trapped souls.

This book is one that I wasn’t sure I would enjoy but I wanted to give it a chance and I’m so glad that I did. Normally, I struggle with dual time-line stories but this one was written in a way that didn’t affect me like others have in the past. I was engrossed in this story from word one page one. I’m super excited about other stories in this series! I love the mystery, intrigue, and the historical aspects of this adventure.

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The Scent of Snow (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Julie Johnson

The Scent of Snow: A Winemakers NovellaThe Scent of Snow: A Winemakers Novella by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The conclusion of this series comes to us in the form of this novella. Pedro and Anne have been married for a couple of years now and it’s coming upon the Christmas season. Anne’s family is coming to visit and Pedro is just overjoyed at their arrival (insert mass sarcasm here). Things have been going well for Anne and Pedro except for one thing….Pedro is refusing to give Anne the one thing she wants most. As the family starts to arrive, Pedro receives some unexpected news that will cause a shift in his demeanor and have Anne wondering what could possibly be up with him. Can Christmas be saved and the bridge that is gulfing this couple be mended?

It’s another great historical read and one that still has me a little leery of Pedro. He’s been growing on me since first meeting him in The True Purpose of Vines but I’m still not completely won over by him yet. I’m hoping his and Anne’s story is not done yet and that they will make cameo appearances in future books.

This book can be read as a standalone. I would encourage you to read the entire series in order though so you have a good history of Pedro!

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Mission Improbable: Vietnam (A Blanche Murninghan Mystery) by Nancy Nau Sullivan – Review by Julie Johnson

Mission Improbable: Vietnam (Blanche Murninghan Mystery, #3)Mission Improbable: Vietnam by Nancy Nau Sullivan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a journey of finding lost family members and putting some to rest. When Jean approaches Blanche about traveling to Vietnam with her to help her find her mom, Blanche isn’t prepared for what she might also find while there. Jean is keeping secrets and once they start to come out, Blanche learns even more about herself. There is mystery, intrigue, and suspense woven throughout this story and is sure to keep any mystery lover engaged.

My favorite part of this story is the re-telling of Cinderella. I really enjoyed that little tidbit. There is some history woven throughout this story too. A very good read that I would recommend.

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Nessie and the Living Stone (Nessie’s Grotto) by Lois Wickstrom and Jean Lorrah – Review by Julie Johnson

Nessie and the Living Stone (Nessie's Grotto)Nessie and the Living Stone by Lois June Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Craig and his little sister Linda are from Birmingham but they are on holiday with their family at Loch Ness. They are both pretty determined to find Nessie and they are able to do that once a stone washes up on the shore. There is an adventure awaiting them when they finally get the chance to meet the infamous Nessie and it’s one that no one will believe.

This is a bit longer of a book than most of them written by this author. The chapters are fairly short and there are less than 10 of them so a budding reader could do well with this one. All ages will enjoy the story and the illustrations are also very well done in this book.

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Sweet Dreams by Claire (Capture the Light Series) by Nanette Littlestone – Review by Julie Johnson

Sweet Dreams by Claire (Capture the Light, #2)Sweet Dreams by Claire by Nanette Littlestone
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Tradition rules the bakery where Claire has basically grown up. Set in Claremore, Ireland, Claire wants nothing more than to bake to her hearts content. She longs to own her own bakery where she can create the items that she loves most. Her life is safe and mostly content until Finn steps in the picture. He does his best to get Claire out of her comfort zone and into his arms.

This was a fun read that made me smile!! I could almost smell the goodies that Claire was making at times and her earrings were a sweet little addition to her culinary skills!

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The Magic Man (The Olympic Peninsula Book 3) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Julie Johnson

The Magic Man (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 3)The Magic Man by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was excited to get to dive into another Cat Treadgold story featuring the O’Connell family! The star of this story is David, who has just returned from Africa. He’s a doctor that people refer to as the “magic man”. He has a fiancée who is a bit on the prickly side. David runs into Maddie at a family get-together and sparks start to fly between them. Maddie soon realizes that David isn’t exactly a free man to pursue so she sets her sites on Kilo. Who will win out in the end?

This story has it all and then some! I have really enjoyed this series and I hope more books will follow soon!

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Lost Property (The Tom Grant Series Book 6) by Samantha Adair – Review by Julie Johnson

Lost Property: A Tom Grant Novel (The Tom Grant Series Book 6)Lost Property: A Tom Grant Novel by Samantha Adair
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Tom Grant is no stranger in the world of crime. In this story, Operation SweetPea shows up on James’s doorstep and forces Tom to come out of retirement. Very relevant topic of human trafficking is covered in this book and you won’t want to put it down. The writing is done is such a way that things twist and turn before a resolution takes place.

This book can be read as a stand alone but I do recommend reading previous books. I need to go back and fill in some gaps that will help make certain details much more cohesive.

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Motherland (The Tom Grant Series Book 3) by Samantha Adair – Review by Julie Johnson

Motherland (Tom Grant #3)Motherland by Samantha Adair
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you’re looking for a book that has twists and turns that you could never predict coming, this is your book. This is my first read by this author and while this can be read as a standalone, I’m going to have to go back and pick up the first two books in the series. There is so much action, adventure, backstabbing, espionage, and drama that you won’t want to put this book down.

Isabella made a promise to her dad and it’s one that could cost her her life. However, a promise is a promise and Isabella is going to return to her homeland. That return is dangerous because there is a huge bounty on her head and she’s not entirely sure who put it there. Tom isn’t going to let her go alone because he can’t bear to be without her. What price is he willing to pay and to what lengths is he willing to go on Isabella’s behalf?

Such a great read and I’m looking forward to reading more of this author’s work!

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Dreamscape (J.J. Morris Mysteries) by J.N. Sheats – Review by Julie Johnson

DreamscapeDreamscape by J.N. Sheats
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It’s getting really close to finals week and Joey has never made poorer grades in her life. She’s always been a great student but lately has started having dreams that are overtaking her every thought. There are mysterious fires happening all around her and her roommate has been missing for quite some time. She gets these inklings that draw her near to the scenes and she finds herself getting a little too involved sometimes. Is she going to be able to pull off passing grades for this semester?

This is a great book. I was hooked from the first chapter. There are portions of the book that seem like they might be small cliffhangers and you’re on the edge of your seat until you can turn the page and get more of the story. The descriptions are so good it’s like you are right there next to Joey. There is adventure, paranormal activity, and twisty mysteries throughout. This is the second book in the series. Having not read the first book, there were times I wish I had more background on certain things but enough was given to not lose the story. I will go back and read the first book though!

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Recipe For Revenge (An April May Cozy Mystery Book 2) by Hazel Smith – Review by Julie Johnson

Recipe For Revenge: An Unputdownable Small Town Cozy Murder Mystery (An April May Cozy Mystery Book Book 2)Recipe For Revenge: An Unputdownable Small Town Cozy Murder Mystery by Hazel Smith
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.75 Stars

April has moved into her grandmother’s late house after having it willed to her. She’s more accustomed to life in Chicago but she’s getting adjusted to Laurel Lake but only temporarily. Weird things start to happen around her and then there’s the mysterious notes being left. Will April open a part of her past that she may not be ready to deal with?

This was a very enjoyable story. I loved Buddy/Ralph and his role in this story. There is one overarching theme in this book with several little offshoots which make the reader want to come back for more!

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Shadowed Agenda: An Enemies to Lovers Action-Packed Romantic Suspense Thriller (Shadow Defense Security Series) by Mavery Ellscott – Review by Julie Johnson

Shadowed Agenda: An Enemies to Lovers Action-Packed Romantic Suspense Thriller (Shadow Defense Security Series Book 2)Shadowed Agenda: An Enemies to Lovers Action-Packed Romantic Suspense Thriller by Mavery Ellscott
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow, wow, wow….

I enjoyed the first book in this series but this one was phenomenal!! I hard a very hard time putting this one down to go to work for a few hours!! There are twists and turns, love and hate relationships, friends and foes, you just never know what the next page will bring.

Buckle up for a ride like you’ve never had before! The relationship between Regan and Pavlo is like a yo-yo trying to learn a new trick. The relationship between Regan and her sister is a pot ready to boil over at any minute. Your heart will fall in love with a precious little girl.

I am ready for the next book in this series and can’t wait to see who it focuses on!

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Encounters With Old Coyote by Laura Koerber – Review by Julie Johnson

Encounters with Old CoyoteEncounters with Old Coyote by Laura Koerber
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book was not one that I enjoyed. However, please do not go off my review alone as there are many who appreciated this much more than I did.

In this story, Andrea is suffering with cancer and she decides that she is going to take fate into her own hands and die on her terms. She soon learns that she’s only “half-dead” though and, in her ghost form, meets a coyote who embodies antlers like a deer and can make and drink coffee. Together, they share several stories about life and death in general.

I had a hard time staying interested in this story and I’m not really sure why. I enjoy supernatural reads so it wasn’t that aspect of it. However, I can’t really put my finger on it.

Give this one a chance if you enjoy quirky supernatural reads!

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Porter and Midge: Paws and Playtime: A Kid’s Guide to a Happy Dog (Porter and Midge Children’s Book Series) by Jennie Chen and Giselle Nevada – Review by Julie Johnson

Porter and Midge: Paws and Playtime: A Kid's Guide to a Happy Dog (Porter and Midge Children’s Book Series)Porter and Midge: Paws and Playtime: A Kid’s Guide to a Happy Dog by Giselle Nevada
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Porter and Midge, along with their dogs, are on an adventure to learn more about stimulating activities that dogs enjoy. They also discover some lower stimulating playtime activities as well. Their friend Cheryl invites them to the “doggy P.E. class” (my words) to play different sports with the dogs there.

The illustrations in this book almost look like they are going to come off the page! They are very well done and are in vibrant colors.

This is a must-have for animal loving families and can be used as a teaching tool with youngsters learning about animal care.

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Carrie’s Flight (Grandma’s Closet) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Julie Johnson

Carrie's FlightCarrie’s Flight by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The starlings are migrating and it’s one of Carrie and her grandmother’s bonding moments. They love to sit and watch them together. This year, grandma is living across town though. Carrie finds a box marked “feathers” in the hall closet and just as she’s about to investigate the box’s contents, grandma calls on a video chat. Carrie and her grandmother are able to share their joy of the starlings together afterall.

Super cute read! The author includes some historical background on starlings at the end of the book for further reading and research.

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Renewed (Fateful Justice Series) by Sara Vinduska – Review by Julie Johnson

Renewed (Fateful Justice Book 6)Renewed by Sara Vinduska
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is my first read by this author. This book can easily be read as a stand alone but I’m going to be going back and reading the previous ones in this series.

He’s a very good looking cowboy and she’s running from her past. When Hayden shows up on Ruby’s doorstep, he’s been shot and left for dead. It’s up to Ruby to save his life and then he, in turn, helps to save hers.

This was a suspenseful read full of romance and adventure. There were times the story got a little choppy but overall, a very good read with a happy ending!

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