
Zibs for Sale (I am an Alien) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Julie Johnson

Zibs for SaleZibs for Sale by Lois J Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Shirl and Eee-aah are on another adventure. This time, Eee-aah wants to introduce Shirl to her favorite snack, Zibs. When they locate some, Shirl tries one without paying for it. Baa-Kerr is not pleased and choses to keep Shirl working since she stole from him.

It’s no secret that Lois Wickstrom is one of my favorite authors!! Her stories are great by themselves but add in that there is always some sort of Science/STEM component and that makes them even better! The illustrations are also extremely well done in her books.

I highly recommend this book, along with all her others, for any home library, daycare, school, grandparent’s house, etc!

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House of Blood and Whispers by Natalina Reis – Review by Julie Johnson

House of Blood and WhispersHouse of Blood and Whispers by Natalina Reis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Cahki is a girl not to be messed with!! Emporer Min is after her for his harem and along the way to his palace, Cahki is abducted. How odd that she’s abducted by the Emporer’s son! Prince Sung-jin captures her in order to save her from his disgusting father.

When it seems the only “safe” option for saving herself is to marry the Prince, Cahki learns that they will have a very special marriage ceremony. They travel over a few days to the correct place, the deed is done, yet Cahki and Prince Sung-jin are better enemies than a married couple.

Will they ever fall in love or will they always have a strained relationship? Will the Prince be able to overturn his father and run the country the way he sees best?

This was an enjoyable book. I did appreciate the warning in the front of the book about things that may trigger a reader. There were several moments where I found myself laughing out loud while reading this. Cahki is a force to be reckoned with and her quips are unexpected at times. There were times I wanted to smack her or the Prince. The story was well-written and enjoyable!

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Murder at the Wedding (Modern Midwife Mysteries Book 1) by Christine Knapp – Review by Julie Johnson

Murder at the Wedding (Modern Midwife Mysteries Book 1)Murder at the Wedding by Christine Knapp
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Maeve O’Reilly Kensington is a midwife struggling with infertility who’s married to William. William has disappointed his family by opening a catering business instead of having a well-esteemed career like the rest of the family. They are desperately wanting to start a family but so far, it’s just not in the cards for them.

The wedding of the year is coming up soon and Will is hired to cater it. Everything must go as planned so that he doesn’t have to take out another loan and prove his family just how much of a failure he is. The bride’s father is the head of the Obstetrics unit where Maeve (rhymes with “brave) is employed. During the toast, Dr. Whitaker appears to be having a medical emergency and subsequently dies. Now everything that Will had planned to perfection is under a ton of scrutiny and his business may tank.

Maeve and her sister Meg begin to put together a variety of theories as to “whodunit”, against their brother Patrick’s better wishes. He desires for his sisters to let him do his job as a police officer and that they keep their day jobs as a midwife and realtor respectively. Not about to let a good situation pass by, Maeve and Meg do get involved and help to bring down the murderer.

First of all, I appreciate that this author has medical experience and that the terms and procedures described are done so accurately. That being said, a disclaimer should be issued for this book as it does have triggering issues for those who’ve experienced infertility or the loss of a child(ren). There are a few scenes that did not pertain to the overall solving the murder that could have been left out, however, they also give a “real-life” view into the role of a midwife. I did find the story engaging and appreciated the nice little twist at the end, although the murderer was pretty high on my list the whole time.

I look forward to more books in this series.

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The Earl, Her Reluctant Guardian by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Julie Johnson

The Earl, Her Reluctant GuardianThe Earl, Her Reluctant Guardian by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoy historical romance novels and this one did not disappoint. Add in a paranormal feature with a ghost and I thought it might lose me but I ended up enjoying that too! The writing is very well done and keeps the reader engaged to the point that I didn’t want the story to end.

Vanessa is used to being on her own. She’s been independent for a long time and doesn’t need all the extra hoopla that life can throw. Her life has forever changed though, once she leaves The Academy for Young Ladies. Nothing is how she dreamed it would be.

Lots of suspense and twists and turns in this one to make it an exciting read!

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Liar, Liar (The McIntire County Series Book 4) by Winter Austin – Review by Julie Johnson

Liar, Liar (The McIntire County Series: #4)Liar, Liar by Winter Austin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I can’t get enough of this series and this writer’s stories!! They grab you from the first sentence and hang onto you until the last word. Each story is full of adventure, mystery, romance, suspense, and lots of shenanigans.

This story focuses on Sheriff Shane Hamilton. He’s had a pretty rough year and that election was something else. Coming up on a very trying anniversary, Shane is looking forward to having some private time to think back over the memories of the past 19 years. When his phone starts ringing off the hook and messages are blowing up the line, he soon learns that a body was found and his idea of a private weekend is now blown to pieces.

FBI Agent Liza Bartholomew wasn’t planning to return to Eider, Iowa anytime soon. She’d rather not ever step foot back there after the last adventure she had. However, her latest suspect is leading her to Eider and some familiar faces she hasn’t seen in awhile. Trying to keep a very low profile, Liza gets word of a murder when she stops at a local convenience store. Her cover may be blown and her suspect now might get word of her arrival. Everything is blowing up in her face and her plans are shot.

When the sheriff and the FBI Agent end up realizing their cases are connecting and they find themselves spending more time together, feelings start to erupt that neither one wanted initially. The romance build is fun to read about these two!

I highly recommend reading these books in order as the back story is important to really understanding the characters in this series. I’m sure it could be read as a stand alone but there will be some important features lost. I’ve really enjoyed this series and can’t wait for more from this author!

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Faking the Fall (Buckeye Falls Book 4) by Libby Kay – Review by Julie Johnson

Faking the Fall: A Buckeye Falls NovelFaking the Fall: A Buckeye Falls Novel by Libby Kay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’m sad to see this series come to an end! I have thoroughly enjoyed each book in this series and I would highly recommend them for someone looking for a bit of a romcom!

Alice finally got her story! Her family isn’t quite sure what to think of her. Alice is a bit of a reed in the wind. She has multiple degrees but isn’t really putting forth an effort to use them effectively, at least in her daddy’s eyes. All her other siblings are successful members of the community and are public servants of some sort. Alice is working in the library. She’s happy but ready to get from under her parents’ thumb.

James has recently relocated to Buckeye Falls after a failed marriage and a lull in his work. He needs some motivation to create art again. Then he spies Alice and the paint is flying to the canvas.

A super fun read about the Snyder family. This could be read as a stand alone but you’ll miss out on the backgrounds of other characters. I would recommend reading them all because they are that good!

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Sins of the Father (The McIntire County Series Book 3) by Winter Austin – Review by Julie Johnson

Sins of the Father (The McIntire County Series: #3)Sins of the Father by Winter Austin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Winter Austin knocks another one out of the park with the next story in The McIntire Series!! I do highly recommend reading these in order as the characters build on each other and the back stories will help this story make more sense.

Jolie is a new deputy on the force. She’s got some pretty big shoes to fill as her father was the sheriff previous to the one currently in office. Jolie is still trying to recover from the events with her brother and his subsequent arrest and imprisonment.

Xavier is bartending at the local bar and grill. He’s doing his best to keep his cover under the bar. When he shows up at the wrong place at the wrong time, he’s the only suspect to a murder. Did he do it? He’s not really sure himself.

This is a rapid pageturner!! There is a lot of action, family drama, missing people, bodies showing up in the strangest of places, and some romance. Overall, a highly enjoyable book and series!!

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ALTERATIONS TRILOGY: Alterations, Game Changer, Primal Will by Jane Suen – Review by Julie Johnson

Alterations Trilogy: Alterations, Game Changer, Primal WillAlterations Trilogy: Alterations, Game Changer, Primal Will by Jane Suen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This trilogy is easy to read in one or two setting. Each book in this series is around 100 pages or so.

This book is interesting, creepy, and downright scary at times with the options available to people these days. While this is a work of science fiction, it could easily become a reality, if it hasn’t already.

Three women, all with differing sorts of body image issues, submit to Dr. Kite and his experimental microchips. Each chip is designed to “fix” the image issue that the person is facing. In Alterations, the focus is on the change that takes place within each of these three. Game Changer is about a life changing experience for each of them and Primal Will is their resolve to get away from the chip itself.

These stories are situations that are very real to many people and the resulting experiment proves that science is a good answer but not always the right one!!

This author is very quickly becoming a favorite of mine. I’ve read a few of her books now and she doesn’t disappoint!! She writes excellent books with a psychokiller thriller slant!

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Wild Lavender (Heart & Hand Series Book 1) by Nicole E. Kelleher – Review by Julie Johnson

Wild Lavender (Heart & Hand, #1)Wild Lavender by Nicole E. Kelleher
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I almost didn’t pick this book up. I am ever so glad that I did though!! This book has elements that I love in a great story. There is mystery, intrigue, romance, horses, castles, Lords and Ladies, and more!

This book sucked me in from the very beginning. I instantly fell in love with Lady Aubrianne and her assertiveness as a young lady. Her mysterious meeting in the hallway started it all. Then there was the wedding that lacked all the luster a girl has ever dreamed of on her special day, not to mention the cold shoulder of her new husband. Lord Roger was an enemy of mine from the get-go!

The writing in this book is masterfully done, especially considering this is the author’s debut book. I do look forward to going on more adventures with Nicole E. Kelleher in the near future!

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Beautiful Dangerous (Philly Heat Series Book 4) by Becky Flade – Review by Julie Johnson

Beautiful Dangerous (Philly Heat series, #4)Beautiful Dangerous by Becky Flade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I could not put this one down!! Right off the bat, this one had me hooked. I love the characters and how they all come together to find the creep that has been stalking Hannah. So many elements go into this story and solving not only one crime, but several all at once.

There is a great balance of romance and mystery with this one. Not a dull moment throughout the entire book. I can’t wait to read more by this author as she weaves some engaging tales that will stay with you.

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Chasing Cheer (Emerald Hollow Book 1) by Heather Schneider – Review by Julie Johnson

Chasing CheerChasing Cheer by Heather Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I knew this book was going to be a great one when the dedication says, “To everyone who starts listening to Christmas music before it’s socially acceptable.”! This book was just what I needed today as I plan out putting my Christmas tree up next week (October 1)!!

Holly Claus is responsible for gathing all the Cheer and bringing it back to the workshop each quarter so the work can proceed without interuption. She’s thrilled to travel the world doing “market research” while accomplishing this task. There are trips to Disneyworld where she rides the ride that plays the song that will be an earworm for awhile. It’s a trip to Finland that changes everything though. Seeing an ad for a festival in Oregon, USA has her intrigued and having to go and check it out.

Ash is a business owner in Emerald Falls, Oregon. He owns an inn attached to a restaurant and he’s very well known and respected around town. He works hard to keep his family’s legacy going. He’s super excited that Hallmark is going to come and check out the festival that he’s planning. This could be the break he’s looking for in acquiring more excursions for his business customers.

Holly finds herself in an inn with a quaint restaurant and the best hot chocolate she’s ever had away from home. The owner of that inn, Ash, is impressed that she’s impressed with his hot chocolate. Afterall, it’s a family recipe!

I just loved this story. It’s very uplifting and happy, and full of cheer!! I am really hoping that this isn’t the end of this story with Holly and Ash though…especially Ash!

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The Truth About Myths (The Winemakers Book 3) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Julie Johnson

The Truth About Myths (The Winemakers #3)The Truth About Myths by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Henrique the Viscount is a scientist and an extremely playful rake. Isabel is a prude and proper princess. Two very unlikely people to ever want to be in the presence of another. When Isabel is sent to Portugal by her brother, the “bodyguard” assigned to her is none other than Henrique. Let the adventures begin!!

This book is romantic, funny, and a wee bit spicy! Even though this is part of a series, it can be read as a stand alone. I’ve not been disappointed by a book from this author!! Looking forward to more!

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Mr. Barsins’ Toy Emporium by Lois Wickstrom-Review by Julie Johnson

Mr. Barsins' Toy EmporiumMr. Barsins’ Toy Emporium by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.5 stars

This is a middle grade read by Lois Wickstrom and was a very fun read! You must, however, have an imagination to really enjoy this book! It’s what it’s all about!

There are 4 youngsters who will become unlikely friends through a series of challenges placed on them by Mr. Barsins after they wander into this Toy Store. All the kids are fascinated by the word “emporium” (I mean, it *IS* a pretty cool word) and his “wall that isn’t there”. This is an adventure full of fantasy and wonder!!

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Born to Die (The McIntire County Series Book 2) by Winter Austin – Review by Julie Johnson

Born to Die (McIntire County #2)Born to Die by Winter Austin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This series, even though I’m only 2 books in, is quickly becoming my favorite series of this year to read. I do highly recommend that you read these books in order. There is a lot of context in Atonement that will help make this book much more understandable.

I love that I’m kept guessing the “whodunit” right up until the end! There are twists and turns that are unforeseen, which makes this story even more engaging. The character development is on point so much so that you might feel like you’re a part of the family.

I’m really looking forward to the next books in this series!!

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Notebook Mysteries ~ A Party to Remember (Notebook Mysteries Series) by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Julie Johnson

Notebook Mysteries ~ A Party to RememberNotebook Mysteries ~ A Party to Remember by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love this series and this little novella didn’t disappoint!

It’s Christmas time…a time of cheer, happiness, and overall well wishes for everyone. Parties are in full swing and Emma and Jeremy receive an invitation to a local party. Others in their company do as well. However, the invitation is not sitting right with Emma. Something just seems off about it.

As life goes on, there are some insiders scoping out the party location. Certain aspects of the location change over a few days and Emma receives word of it. She’s prepared for the party and whatever will happen therein.

These stories are just great little cozy mysteries with historical aspects thrown in. Some of the books in the series are full-length, while others are more novella style such as this one. There is always at least one adventure taking place, and usually more are starting in the background. Emma is a strong character to endure all the things that are thrown at her, often times last minute.

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A Death on Fools Lane (An Eve Sawyer Mystery) by Jane Suen – Review by Julie Johnson

A Death on Fools Lane (Eve Sawyer Mystery #4)A Death on Fools Lane by Jane Suen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Eve Sawyer is a journalism student and is excited that she gets to house sit with a couple of friends over the winter holiday. Everything goes south really quickly though when a neighbor out walking his dog comes across a body hanging in a tree…and it’s in the yard of the house where Eve and her friends are staying.

This was a great little story that I read in just about an hour and a half. It kept me engaged in what was happening and I enjoyed the little twists and turns throughout. While this is part of a series, this book can easily be read as a stand alone. I look forward to reading more work by this author.

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Atonement (The McIntire County Series Book 1) by Winter Austin – Review by Julie Johnson

Atonement (The McIntire County Series: #1)Atonement by Winter Austin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My favorite things about this book: a female Marine sniper, a retired military war dog, and an author not afraid to tackle the very difficult topic of PTSD.

This book had it’s hooks in me from the get go. There is a series of suicides happening in the small community of Eider and they all seem to be connected. It’s up the sheriff’s department, along with the feds, to try to figure this out. Nic is bound and determined that she’s going to be the one to crack this case. Her demons keep getting in the way and putting her in harm’s way too.

Eider Police Detective Con O’Hanlon (I laughed everytime I read his name even though it’s shortened…a con as a police detective) may be the only thing that can stand in the line of fire when these demons come back to haunt Nic. She’s got to be willing to let him in to do that though!

Very well written story that has your turning pages as quickly as possible, yet also not wanting the story to end!

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Lucky Break (Trentbridge Tales Book 2) by Lee Wood – Review by Julie Johnson

Lucky Break (Trentbridge Tales #2)Lucky Break by Lee Wood
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book in the Trentbridge Tales series. While this can be read as a standalone, I would recommend reading in order to get the backstory on the people involved.

This book is just as riveting as the first one, with twists and turns that no one would see coming. This book kept me engaged throughout and I was not expecting the culprit at the end. Lee Wood has a way of weaving a story together that will have you guessing and second guessing throughout. This is set “over the pond” so there is some terminology that I had to look up but it was not distracting to the overall read.

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The Mother’s Threat by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Julie Johnson

The Mother's ThreatThe Mother’s Threat by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book will grab you and won’t let up until the words “the end” come up!

Violet is setting up her own security company after years of working for others. She’s amassed a team that has experience covering all the major facets of security. When a prominent business owner approaches her for her services, she’s thinking that this will be a very easy first job. The contracts are signed and everything suddenly changes.

Violet finds herself in the midst of a battle to save not only her client, but the town in which she lives. Rioters find their way to town and just about do them in. Violet and her team are on the case, even if other officials are not.

This book has strong political undertones dealing with corruption in some of the highest local offices. It was almost impossible to put this down as the story just grew more complex with each chapter.

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Murder Creek by Jane Suen – Review by Julie Johnson

Murder Creek (Eve Sawyer Mystery, #1)Murder Creek by Jane Suen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Eve Sawyer is coming up on the end of her semester in her journalism class and she has a final paper due. Her paper is completed but on a recent trip, she crossed Murder Creek and became intrigued by the name. As she researched the area, she learned of a cold case and decided she wanted to further investigate it. She approaches her professor, asks to take an Incomplete for the time being on her paper, and proceeds to find herself researching the case of Lacey Walken.

Eve has no idea the clues she’s going to unravel and finds herself possibly in harm’s way too.

This short little read took me just over an hour to complete. It held my interest the entire time and the story was very well written. I look forward to more reads by this author!

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Rocketship Made of Stars (I am an Alien) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Julie Johnson

Rocketship Made of Stars: Naming Constellations (I am an Alien)Rocketship Made of Stars: Naming Constellations by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Children will love reading this book, especially if they are interested in the patterns amid the stars!! I loved this book and I’m not a child!

Shirl takes Eee-ahh to school with her where they hear stories all day long. When the teacher asks Eee-ahh where she is from, Eee-ahh proceeds to draw a series of stars and then connects them. The class learns all about constellations and the different names for them.

This is beautifully illustrated and is recommended for all ages, but especially those in the 4-9 year old age group.

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Oscar and Emmy Lose a Friend (Oscar and Emmy Series) by Terri Sabol – Review by Julie Johnson

Oscar and Emmy Lose a Friend: A story about pet loss and saying goodbye to a furry friend. Ages 5-11 and kindergarten through grade 5.Oscar and Emmy Lose a Friend: A story about pet loss and saying goodbye to a furry friend. Ages 5-11 and kindergarten through grade 5. by Terri Sabol
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a very emotional book but one that should be shared with all young pet owners. In this story, Shadow, who is the stray cat that keeps showing up, has stopped eating like normal. Oscar and Emmy’s owners notice a lump on Shadow’s belly, so they take her to the vet. The news is not good and now they must all say goodbye to Shadow.

Very gently written in a way that young children can have a better understanding of what happens when pets become too sick. I would recommend this for all pet owners, especially those of the younger generation.

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The Secrets of Arkaim (The Reeds of West Hills) by B. E. Padgett – Review by Julie Johnson

The Secrets of Arkaim (The Reeds of West Hills #2)The Secrets of Arkaim by B.E. Padgett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story picks up on year 2 at West Hills School for the Perceptually Gifted for the Reed twins. It’s going to be a better year because everything is better then the first year!

The big announcement is the Zodiac Games. They only come along every 3 years and this happens to be that year! A mixture of physical skills and intelluctual abilities will be the focus of this super fun event. When a handful of students start getting sick, the Games become a low point of priority. Bigger issues arise when the military becomes involved and Jon and Frank find themselves under tight scrutiny.

I loved this book and read it pretty quickly in one afternoon. It will hold attention and is really hard to put down! While this is the second book in a series, this could be read as a standalone with minimal loss to the back story. I am super excited to read the next book in this middle grade series! This is great for fans of Sky High, Harry Potter, and The Hunger Games!

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As Though You Were Mine by J. Marie Rundquist – Review by Julie Johnson

As Though You Were MineAs Though You Were Mine by J. Marie Rundquist
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3.75 stars

Julie never wanted to be a mom but she technically became a biological mom when she donated her eggs to her brother and his wife. Sadly, Brian and Esther were killed in a car accident when their twins, Lucy and Mikey, were just four years old. Brian and Esther left guardianship of these precious souls to Aunt Julie.

Julie’s whole family questions her ability to raise these children from day 1. They offer unsolicited advice and some even go so far as to flat out tell her she has no business doing this. A knock on her door could change everything for this new little family.

Brian and Esther also used a sperm donor to create these children. Grant is the knock at the door and Julie can’t be sure of his immediate motives. Is he her to fight her for custody or is he sincere in what he says about “doing his part” with Lucy and Mikey?

I found this book a bit difficult to get into. As the story went on, it did pick up a bit but by then I was losing so much of the real story that it fell kinda flat for me. I was hoping for so much more based on the synopsis. For a good bit, it just felt like the same thing was being repeated, especially in regards to the behavior of the kids. I understand that a buildup had to occur, but this felt a little dragged out. I did appreciate the overall story, I just wish it would have picked up faster.

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Love & Stilettos by Evelyn Lindell – Review by Julie Johnson

Love & StilettosLove & Stilettos by Evelyn Lindell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

At the tender young age of 28, Mia finds herself a widow and living with her grandmother in Kentucky. She’s decided to enroll in school and obtain a job. Things seem to be progressing well in her life, despite the drama that she’s endured lately.

Mitch is a firefighter, living the dream. Women flock to him because of his great looks and physique. He’s taken by Lacey though and the rock on her finger proves it.

Mia and Mitch were the best of friends when they were younger. Every June, Mia travelled to KY to visit her grandmother and she and Mitch would hang out for the month. One June, Mia didn’t return and instead married Xavier.

Through a series of challenging events, Mitch and Mia may find their way to each other again but not without some road blocks and some fires that need to be put out.

I found this book to be enjoyable, even if it was a bit predictable. Granny is by far my favorite character in this book. She deserves a book of her own. I loved her wit! Mia is a bit of a pushover, despite people thinking that she is a stronger person. I think maybe Mitch could bring out some stronger in her but it would need more character development. Overall, a good book to curl up with on a stormy afternoon!

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Amaleigha Makes a New Friend by Janice Pratt – Review by Julie Johnson

Amaleigha Makes a New FriendAmaleigha Makes a New Friend by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a must-read for all ages!!!

Amaleigha’s 3rd grade class has been learning about Ukraine and they each get a pen pal to correspond with throughout the school year. Vova is Amaleigha’s pen pal. They write back and forth as much as they can asking questions about life in their respective country, what their home looks like, number of siblings, what they do for fun, etc. They both learn a lot about each other. Amaleigha’s teacher is showing them things in class that the people in Ukraine do for fun as well as foods they eat too. It’s a true cultural experience.

One day, letters arrive from Ukraine and many students are upset to read about the unrest happening there amongst their new friends’ families. The students rally together to send some help to their new friends.

EVERYONE should read this book, regardless of age. It’s a great way to explain what is happening to the younger generation and the older generation could take some cues in terms of ways to reach out and help. Pen pals can be such a valuable resource!

This is a great book that should be in every home or school!

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Liz’s Road Trip by Bernadette Marie – Review by Julie Johnson

Liz's Road TripLiz’s Road Trip by Bernadette Marie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The relationship that Liz has with her Gran is one that most people would love to have. Gran raised Liz since age 10 when her mom died. Now, Gran has passed and it’s in her wishes that Liz go on a trip to Florida to settle things there. Little did Liz know, the Gran she knew wasn’t the same person that her friends knew.

A call from WATTS one day started changing everything. Mark Watts becomes a new friend for Liz and she soon finds out that Mark lives in her grandmother’s 7 million dollar home in Florida. With so many questions that have been unanswered, Liz takes this trip to meet up with Mark and others who knew her Gran. Life will forever be different after this trip. As Gran would say though, “Live with no regrets!”

This book is full of raw emotion. One minute I was crying, the next I was laughing, then I was ready to throw the book and hit something! LOL A very enjoyable read!

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Granting Katelyn (Sweet Valley Series) by S.E. Reichert – Review by Julie Johnson

Granting KatelynGranting Katelyn by S.E. Reichert
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Sullivan sisters are a fabulous family that seems like a lot of fun. In book two of this series, we learn more about Katelyn and get to catch up on what Ellie’s been up to.

Katelyn is restless and feels the need to travel again. When an opportunity comes up for her to go and help an injured horse, she’s all in. She might be the only one who is though! The set-up came through a third party mutual friend so when Katelyn shows up at Grant Tennyson’s farm to help rehabilitate his prize-winning thoroughbred, he’s wondering where she came from. Grant is also not wanting her help and will do what he can to get her to leave.

Katelyn is full of sass and vinegar and finds a way into Grant’s horse barn, as well as into his heart. She’s not afraid to put him or anyone else in their place and she will prove that she’s the right person for this job.

There is a lot of raw emotion in this story and it’s one that goes by fairly quickly. My favorite character has to be the butler in this story though! I loved Katelyn and Grant but the butler stole my heart!

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Xenia Navarro and the Magic Ants by Lois Wickstrom and Milagros Darling – Review by Julie Johnson

Xenia Navarro and the Magic AntsXenia Navarro and the Magic Ants by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.5 stars

This is a bit longer than the typical Lois Wickstrom book and is geared more towards ages 7 and up.

In this story, Xenia is living with her mom and brother. Xenia’s mom is an undocumented immigrant from Mexico. Her American father died while serving in Iraq before he was able to marry Xenia’s mom. Both Xenia and her brother are legal US citizens.

Having fear for being deported, Xenia’s mom rarely allows the kids to play outside. They also are expected to make great grades but not so good that it would bring unwanted attention to them. When a science fair project arises with a pretty cool reward, Xenia has to be careful with how she presents her project. Before she can turn it in however, her mom is arrested and sent back to Mexico. Xenia and her brother are living with a local lady from a church group and have to try to find a way to spend as much time as they can with their mom.

This book focuses on a great many issues that arise in our country today. This book is sad, yet encouraging. It is written in a way that could explain some of these issues to a youngster, while incorporating some aspects of fantasy to keep it on a lighter note. I also picked up on a few new spanish terms throughout this book.

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Mr Lucky (Trentbridge Tales Book 1) by Lee Wood – Review by Julie Johnson

Mr Lucky (Trentbridge Tales #1)Mr Lucky by Lee Wood
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Life has a way of changing very quickly. One moment, everything is on the up and up. Family life is great, job is showing the prospect of a promotion, life if grand. That is, until it isn’t.

Detective James Sheldon was living the life as one might say. His wife and best friend Miriam took their two children to go visit with her parents. Expecting them to show up at any time, James was taken aback when there was a knock on the door and bad news to follow. That bad news put James in a place where he eventually found himself at the bottom of the barrel and living on the streets pandering for spare change.

But again, life has a way of quickly changing. A kind soul persuades James to go buy a lottery ticket. He seriously could have eaten a decent meal with the money but decided to take the advice and bought the ticket instead. Life changed again in just a short amount of time when he checked his numbers and they all matched. He was the lucky recipient of the largest lottery ever, $168 million!!

Now his life is in danger because of a devious man trying to ruin his life. How will James handle his newfound wealth and this lunatic?

This book started out a little rough for me but by the middle of it, it was gaining speed and I ended up really enjoying the story. The beginning had a lot of details that I felt were unnecessary at first but eventually came around to being important. I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series!

On a side note, I guess I could say I’m lucky as I was reading this. My kindle shut off just as I read the last word!!

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