
The Secrets they Hide (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Santana Hicks

The Secrets they Hide: A Commissario Scala Mystery (Book 2) (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome)The Secrets they Hide: A Commissario Scala Mystery (Book 2) by P J Mann
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A young man is found dead in a cemetery with a note hinting towards a dark secret from the past. Detective Scala is instantly intrigued and immediately dives into the case. In the note, the killer used plural words when describing victims which means they may be dealing with a serial killer. When another body shows up and the two are not connected in any way, Scala knows then that he has his work cut out for him if he wants to stop the murderer from killing more.

Detective Scala and his team are on a mission and nothing will stop them from getting to the bottom of this case. Something must connect the bodies, they just have to turn to the past to find it.

This book is technically the second in the series but was fine for reading as a stand-alone. I had no problem following along. The book is fast paced with lots of twists and turns and people involved. The author did a very good job keeping you invested in the plot. I also liked how the author threw in some POV of the murderer to help explain his reasoning behind everything. My only downside, and this is a personal opinion, is that I could not for the love of me like Detective Scala. I found him cold with not much depth to him at all. When I read a book, I like to imagine myself as the main character and become immersed into the storyline and it was hard to do with Scala. I would have preferred to have more background and emotions from the main character. Again, this is personal preference. I loved the plot and recommend this book for anyone who likes a plot heavy, fast paced murder mystery!

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