
Just Ducky (Weird Shifters Series) by C.A. King – Review by Crystal Jimmo

Just Ducky (Weird Shifters)Just Ducky by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I will admit, the title is what grabbed me at first. A duck shifter?! I’ve read plenty of shifter stories, and some mentioned that all animals could be shifters. I was very intrigued by the cover and the title. I’m glad I gave it a chance! I had a few good laughs, and a few meddling mother moments that made me laugh. While I absolutely loved the MC’s, Trisha was far by my favorite. She reminded me of my best friend’s mom who liked to meddle. I found it absolutely adorable that Kobreon called Ducky his emotional support duck. This story is for sure a change of pace from your typical shifter/vampire stories. I’m really glad that I read this book! C.A never fails to disappoint me. She does such a good job with building her worlds, and the story-telling is out of this world. I can’t wait to read more in the weird shifter series!

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Just Ducky (Weird Shifters Series) by C.A. King – Review by Kristan Anderson

Just Ducky (Weird Shifters)Just Ducky by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Just Ducky by CA King is a part of the Weird Shifters series. I must admit I truly chose the book because I couldn’t stop laughing at the title and was curious if the shifters were… well ducks obviously! I have enjoyed other books by C.A. King so I was sure that even if it were odd, I’d likely not be disappointed. And while I don’t want to spoil any of the story, I will say I was definitely not disappointed. The story was an easy read with real charm and adventure. With a war between humans and supernatural becoming increasingly likely, the MCs find themselves in a very odd place. I’d definitely suggest giving this story a chance. Especially if you particularly like this author and paranormal. It was enjoyable to have a story that wasn’t just vampires and werewolves.

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Just Ducky (Weird Shifters Series) by C.A. King – Review by Carrie Reed

Just Ducky (Weird Shifters)Just Ducky by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I could really use more of Ducky and Kobreon. I could tell he had a feeling about Ducky after all the time he spent with her in her Duck form. His mom Trisha, she’s a sneaky one, she seemed to want to hook them up once everything died down with the human kingdom. This book has a super interesting story and cast of characters, I hope so see more from these characters in the future. This world they live in, and the supernatural that exist are odd, but they work and I am really into it.

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Just Ducky (Weird Shifters Series) by C.A. King – Review by Jenni Bishop

Just Ducky (Weird Shifters)Just Ducky by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.5 stars
Don’t let the cover fool you. This paranormal fantasyish tale is original and intriguing. It has a Cinderella feel with a twist to it. C.A. is known for writing a variety of genres and why enjoy them. You never know what you are going to get. I have said it before and am saying it again C.A. King never fails to deliver great works for her readers. She is one of my favourite authors. I love her unique and eclectic writing skills and the array of unusual worlds and characters that she creates.
Ever wonder where the name Vampire came from? There is a definite line between humans and paranormals if only they could get along. A treaty is to be signed but will it be upheld? She has always been looked down on as lesser than the fiercest, the bravest and the strongest yet she may just win his heart.
This imaginative and creative short story is one not to be missed for paranormal lovers.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Just Ducky (Weird Shifters Series) by C.A. King – Review by Shelby Wilson

Just Ducky (Weird Shifters)Just Ducky by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just Ducky kept me interested from start to finish! It was a nice change from the typical shifter and vampire story. It kept me guessing and wanting to read more with each chapter. The ending was unexpected and I loved it! It’s the kind of book that makes you sad that you’ve finished it. I will definitely be reading more in this series.

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Just Ducky (Weird Shifters Series) by C.A. King – Review by Mandy Ott

Just Ducky (Weird Shifters)Just Ducky by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I first read the synopsis for Just Ducky, I wasn’t sure what to expect. But, C. A. King is an author that I won’t hesitate to read so I dove right in. What an unexpected, well-written, original, shifter romance. There is drama, adventure, and a bit of motherly intuition and meddling. Ducky (aptly named due to her fuzzy, two-legged, web-footed alter ego) finds herself in the midst of conflict between humans and shifters. This is where she meets Lord Kobreon and his mother, Trishia. C. A. King’s characters are so interesting, entertaining, and unique! The world building in this book is great. I could see the opulence of the human kingdom, feel the greed of the human general, and the connection between Ducky and Kobreon. Overall, a quick, entertaining read that I would recommend for anyone who enjoys a touch of the peculiar.

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Just Ducky (Weird Shifters Series Book #1) by C.A. King – Review by Angela Hayes

Just Ducky (Weird Shifters)Just Ducky by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


4.5 Stars


Just Ducky is the first book in the Weird Shifters series by C.A King. It is a superb, very original, and cleverly crafted paranormal romance. There is a bit of a fairytale-esque feel to the story, as well as a ‘quest’ component- which means plenty of action, adventure, danger, and high stakes. This shifter romance had me intrigued from the moment I laid eyes on the title, and then the blurb only fired my curiosity even more- so I was excited to dive in as soon as it hit my Kindle. With unusual shifters, as well as vampires, wolves, agendas, an opposites attract element, forced proximity, magic, fate, humour, banter, mystery, tension, intrigue, suspense, the threat of war, and time running out- made this an entirely engrossing read.
Ducky has felt like a ‘duck out of water’, excluded and made fun of- and treated like an outcast for her whole life. But when she discovers that the shifter of her dreams may be on the look out for a bride, Ducky can’t help but watch longingly from the ‘sidelines’. But then fate thrusts her into a situation that brings her up close and personal with her heart’s desire- only he doesn’t realise ‘who’ she is. With the threat of war on the doorstep, Ducky would love to be able to help find a solution to the problem- but what can she, a little duckling, possibly be able to do? And what happens when her secrets are revealed? If you love paranormal stories, sweet romance, adventure, and a fairytale feel, then you will definitely want to get your hands on a copy of this book.
Another great read from Ms. King’s seemingly limitless imagination.
Looking forward to ‘Happy Hump Day’ (Book #2).
Happy Reading…

Thank you, C.A King!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Just Ducky (Weird Shifters Series) by C.A. King – Review by Emily H

Just Ducky (Weird Shifters)Just Ducky by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ducky has had a life of ridicule as a duck shifter, especially when she gets anxious she she shifts to a furry duckling. Hearing that Vampire Lord Kobreon is on his way, Ducky just wants a glimpse. Everything goes awry though when she gets hurt and is rescued only to find herself a constant companion to Kobreon, the only problem is it’s as a duck.

This was fun, was not sure what would happen to Ducky. Full of different types of shifters and very different then the other books I have read of this genre. Entertaining.

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Just Ducky (Weird Shifters Series) by C.A. King – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Just Ducky (Weird Shifters)Just Ducky by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Just Ducky is Book 1 of the Weird Shifters series and when I saw the cover I was already intrigued. Never read a duckling shifter story until now and I love the uniqueness of this storyline. Drama, intrigue, shifters, royalty and greed…I really enjoyed this book.

There is a rift between Vampire Lord Kobreon and King Hammerhead as King Hammerhead’s daughter is gravely ill and Kobreon is trying to find a cure so there is peace between them.
Ducky is just trying to survive each day, being a unique shifter that does not get much respect from others. Intrigue draws Ducky to Kobreon’s castle, his mother takes Ducky in her duckling form. Kobreon is attached to this duckling for some reason, but is tasked as time is running out to find a cure for King Hammerhead’s daughter. Will Lord Kobreon be able to save the day and find a peaceful treaty between him and King Hammerhead? When Ducky has her true calling will she get the respect she deserves and also to Lord Kobreon’s heart?

This is a fun paranormal read not to be missed! Already looking forward to book 2.

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Just Ducky (Weird Shifters Series) by C.A. King – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Just Ducky (Weird Shifters)Just Ducky by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is by an author that I never hesitate to pick up. Her stories are engaging and hard to put down. I enjoy her writing skills and her ability to bring the story to life. This is a shorter book but it sure does pack a punch in the supernatural department. This is a well written story where the border between supernatural and human is at risk for war. It all depends on a princess waking up. Meanwhile Lord Kobreon has a line of females wanting to be by his side. What happens with these two you don’t want to miss. There is great growth throughout the characters and the plot which made the story easy to read. This is an entertaining story that is a must read. One you don’t want to miss for sure. I enjoyed reading this book. I highly recommend it.

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Review by @bjwagner

Just Ducky (Weird Shifters Series) by C.A. King

•°•🔹️•*•📖•*•🔹️•°• BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE •°•🔹️•*•📖•*•🔹️•°•
Just Ducky (Weird Shifters Series) by C.A. King
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – YA Paranormal
Page Count – 175
Cover Designer – Ravenborn Cover Designs

Goodreads – Just Ducky (Weird Shifters Series) by C.A. King

Bookbub – Just Ducky (Weird Shifters Series) by C.A. King

The border between supernaturals and humans is at risk. War is imminent unless a comatose princess wakes. It’s only a matter of time before the situation turns violent. He’s searching everyone and everything to find a cure and a peaceful resolution.
Unattached paranormals are on the prowl…
And who can blame them?
After being missing in action for quite some time, Vampire Lord Kobreon is in the limelight again. The competition is stiff to earn a place at his side. Who knows how long it will be before someone ends up owning a majority stake at the heart of the deal?
She studied his history – collected his memorabilia – worshipped him from afar. If only fate’s favourable gaze would shine on her this one time…
The odds are stacked against her. Instead of fangs and claws, she has soft fuzz; replacing strength and agility are waddles and paddles. No one wants to talk to a failed shifter, let alone date one.
Can the only duckling on the water stay afloat, or will her dreams of a happily ever after sink forever?
Chances for eternal love don’t come around often. She’s praying this opportunity will turn out Just Ducky.



Click here to view the Book Trailer for Just Ducky (Weird Shifters Series) by C.A. King

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Just Ducky (Weird Shifters Series) by C.A. King

About C.A. King

I was diagnosed with clinical depression after the loss of my mother, father and husband within three years of each other; all to cancer. 24/7 in-home care, coupled with the loss I felt, left its mark on my psyche.

Depression takes up a lot of my life. Reading and writing are the only things I have found that help (in connection with regular medication), even if only for a short time. To escape to a different world can make a big difference in my mood in real time.

To put things in perspective, when I was at my lowest point, I couldn’t open mail, talk on the phone, or even drive to the store. Walls of sadness surrounded me. As they closed in, tears would fall. There didn’t need to be a reason or trigger.

People ask me why I started writing. My answer is simple: I wanted to create a world into which other people with similar problems could escape. I wanted to share the one place that had helped me for many years.

I have always said that as long as one person finds a little bit of happiness out of my books, I am, in my opinion, an accomplished author. The same is true for every writer out there. Please don’t ever let anyone tell you differently.

I read books as well as write them and have visited the worlds many different authors have created. Those worlds not only make me feel better, but give me the strength to face real life again. I want to thank everyone who writes—I want them to know they are making a difference.

Fast forward to today…

C.A. King, USA Today Bestselling Author has over 75 books available across multiple fantasy sub-genres.

Awards include:

Hamilton Spectator Readers’ Choice Award in the Best Local Author category 2017 & 2018 & 2019

Brant News Readers’ Choice Award: Best Local Author 2017

Readers’ Favorite International Book Awards: Best Novella/Short Story 2017 Silver medal

2017 SIBA Awards – Best Novella

2017 SIBA Awards – Best New Adult

2018 Readers’ Favorite International Book Awards: Gold Medal in the Fiction – Supernatural genre

2018 Readers’ Favorite International Book Awards: Bronze Medal in the Fiction – New Adult genre

2019 Readers’ Favorite Gold Medal Winner in the Fiction – Supernatural genre

2019 Readers’ Favorite Gold Medal Winner in the Young Adult – Fantasy – Urban genre

City of Brantford Featured Artist February 2020

Burlington Post Readers’ Choice Award in the Best Local Author Category 2020

Toronto Star Readers’ Choice Award in the Best Local Author Category 2020

Cambridge Times Readers’ Choice Award in the Best Local Author Category 2020

Burlington Post Readers’ Choice Award in the Best Local Author Category 2021

Author Interview with C.A. King