
The Hidden Present (Invisible Magic Wand) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

The Hidden Present (Invisible Magic Wand)The Hidden Present by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Hidden Present is Book Eight in the Invisible Magic Wand Series. Caspian wakes up on his Unbirthday and looks under his bed for his Unbirthday present but cannot find it. He is puzzled by this because his grandpa always leaves it there in a special box. Caspian goes to the kitchen where he finds an Inquisitive Indicator on the table and a note from his grandpa. Caspian must use the Inquisitive Indicator to follow the clues and find his Unbirthday present. The clues take Caspian on a little adventure as he uses the clues to solve the mystery of the hidden Unbirthday present. A cute and engaging read full of colorful illustrations that help bring the story to life.

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Ocean’s Three (Made In Heaven #2) by Elena Kincaid – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Ocean's Three (Made In Heaven, #2)Ocean’s Three by Elena Kincaid
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Jocelyn, Cameron, and Reed have a special connection and for years they have been coming to one another talking and getting to know each other through their dreams. Although they all have the ability to see each other in their dreams Cameron has a special gift that allows him to know things before they happen. When Cameron has nightmares about the death of Jocelyn’s mother he keeps it to himself and becomes riddled with guilt when her mom dies. He feels that he should have been able to prevent it and protect Jocelyn from such a horrific loss.

After losing her mom Jocelyn is overcome with grief and pushes away Cameron and Reed and convinces herself that they are not real. When she is hired to photograph a wedding on a cruise to the Mediterranean, she cannot believe her eyes. Across the room is Cameron and Reed in the flesh but she is devastated to see them both with other women. Jocelyn flees from them before they can hurt her any farther. Cameron and Reed are not willing to let the woman they love get away from them again so they find Jocelyn and explain that it was all a misunderstanding. The rest of the cruise is filled with love, lust, and passion as the trio get to know one another better. Will their relationship survive in the real world once the cruise ends?

Another interesting story by this author who does not cease to amaze me with her writing on connections through dreams. The characters were wonderful and I enjoyed how the story unfolded between Cameron, Jocelyn, and Reed. Their connection initially started when Jocelyn was a pre-teen and evolved over the years. As they grew older their connection became stronger. They all knew from the first moment they met in their dreams that they loved one another. However, they had to navigate their own feelings and determine how a relationship as a trio would work. This book was filled with love, lust, romance, passion, anguish, revenge, and drama. A great read!

View all my reviews@tarab