
Cruel Start (Hidden Valley Elite) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Maria Colon

Cruel Start (Hidden Valley Elite #4.5)Cruel Start by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I want to not give it 5 stars because I am still angry…intrigued…anxious…and impatiently waiting for the next book.

This quick introduction to Aspen and Phoenix also provides a little preview of what is to come with Shane and Tracey. It’s like a trailer for what’s to come only we don’t get most of the story in the NINE chapters. Yes, NINE chapters.

I read it after a long day thinking I was going to be rewarded and I was so irritated that it was over so fast that I almost threw my Kindle.

So much happens that I didn’t expect. Phoenix’s devious side comes out. Shane’s more like his brother and cousins that we thought. Tracey is who we knew she was but with a helping hand of manipulation that we might or might not be mad about. Aspen is new to us, but I think we’ll like her.

It’s been over twelve hours since I read Cruel Start…I’m still angry, intrigued, anxious, AND impatiently waiting for not only Cruel Hate but the rest of the books in this series.

And it is a 5-star read for me despite my conflicted feelings.

Isla Vaughn has quickly become a go to author for me.

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