
A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Santana Hicks

A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection)A Song of Salt and Secrets by Amanda Marin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Corisande is a monster in her eyes. A siren without complete control. One day while singing her song at sea, she didn’t notice a boat until it was too late. The sailor had heard her song and was now heading towards the rock to his doom. Feeling guilty, Corisande rushed to help the sailor only to find out he was a handsome boy her own age named Noah. She did all she could and called for help.

Corisande tried to get Noah out of her mind but she couldn’t. She wanted to make sure he lived. She travelled to the hospital. Noah remembered her and the song. There was a rumour that if someone lives through the Siren’s song, the siren would die instead. She knows she should move on with her life but she just can’t seem to say goodbye. It’s hard to tell if feelings are genuine or if this is the curse at play. Once Noah finds out what Corisande really is, that will put her whole school in jeopardy. Plus who would love a monster who tried to kill you?

This was a cute stand alone novella geared towards young adults. A slow budding but forbidden romance between an unlikely duo.

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The School of Nine (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Santana Hicks

The School of Nine (The Mythic Academy Collection, #1)The School of Nine by Amanda Marin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Bianca Harper is a legacy at Brightling Academy due to her family lineage. Being a muse, there is a certain standard to follow. When she finds out she is flunking Poise and Charm class and close to not graduating, she is willing to do anything to pass. The Headmistress tells Bianca that if she takes the new student, Sebastian, under her wing, it would count as extra credit.

Sebastian is the only male in the entire school. He is loving the attention he is getting from all the girls. Bianca is immediately annoyed and thinks he is a jerk.

When bad things start happening around the town, mostly targeting the arts that the muses are trained to protect, Bianca and Sebastian team up to figure out who and why would someone do this. Bianca’s best friend is suspicious of Sebastian. All of the trouble started when he first arrived at the school but Bianca is getting blinded by her potential feelings for him. There is an unfulfilled prophecy of the destruction of the ‘Well of Imagination’. All signs point to someone trying to speed up that prophecy. It’s up to Bianca to stop the prophecy from happening while also trying to keep up with her classes.

This was a fast paced filled with action. The premise of a school full of muses was unique and I really enjoyed that aspect. Bianca is a take action now, deal with consequences later kind of girl but she was also calm and caring. I could see myself befriending her if I went to her school.

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Sure as Hell (Life is Hell Series Book 4) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Santana Hicks

Sure As Hell (Life is Hell #4)Sure As Hell by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After Jaru was treated poorly in the past by previous “masters”, he decided to start his own business for companions to make sure they are kept safe. Jaru knows he has a lot to take on but with the help of Teivel and Oren, he can do anything he sets his mind to. When trouble starts appearing within the business, Jaru doesn’t want to be bailed out like always. He wants to prove to himself he can do this… alone. He hires Soren to keep an eye on the boys under his management.

Lark misses his best friend. Now that Jaru is always gone, Lark finds himself lonely and bored which is a bad combination for him. Boredom leads to mischief and mischief leads to getting in trouble with the other housemates. Lark decides to start hanging around the office with Jaru. As they get to know each other better, they start to cross over the line of staying platonic.

Jaru has very little self esteem so he is constantly questioning himself and as a result is questioning whether he is good enough for Lark. When threats towards Lark come to light, Jaru must find a way to keep Lark safe while fighting his own inner demons.

This book is book 4 of the ‘Life is Hell’ series and although it has less action than the previous books, this one was my favourite. Jaru is riddled with self doubt and anxiety making him feel unworthy which hit close to home for me. His anxiety gets so severe at times that he starts getting manic. Lark at first seems like a childish adolescent when you are introduced to him but as time goes on, he starts to mature into a caring, strong, independent and powerful being. I was happy that Jaru had a chance to find his happily ever after.

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