
Ten Thousand Shells and Counting: A Memoir (Teenage War Survival Book 1) by Nadija Mujagic – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Ten Thousand Shells and Counting: A Memoir (Book 1) (Teenage War Survival series)Ten Thousand Shells and Counting: A Memoir (Book 1) by Nadija Mujagic
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ten Thousand Shells and Counting is the heart-wrenching memoir of Nadija’s life as a fourteen- year-old living in war torn Sarajevo in the 1990’s. Her quiet life was changed forever when she watched tanks roll into the airport across the street from her home. From that moment forward Nadija’s life became a struggle to survive with shells going off all around her and with no safe place to hide. She watched in shock and horror as friends, family, and neighbors were killed right in front of her when shells landed nearby. When a sniper killed her neighbor, her family was forced to flee their home and try to seek refuge in another part of the city. Nadija and her family slept on mattresses on the floor so that stray bullets did not kill them in their sleep. Food was scarce and had to be rationed so she went to bed hungry every night. Nadija lived without the basics of running water, electricity, and heat. She lived in fear everyday wondering if she would be the next casualty of the war that ravaged around them.

This memoir was a testament to the author’s strength and resilience as she struggled to through the atrocities and horrors of war. Despite what was going on around her, Nadija attempted to be a normal teenager by staying out too late and smoking too much. Young Nadija learned that the conflicts were not limited to the war raging outside as bickering, arguments, and disagreements ran rampant through their home and within their family. War brought out the worst in people living in cramped quarters as squabbles started over things like toothpaste and wanting bigger rations. Through these experience Nadija learns to stand up for herself and used humor as a bit of a coping mechanism.

This story was real, raw, and honest. I was taken on an emotional rollercoaster ride of shock, horror, anger, and sadness at the destruction caused by war. It is heartbreaking to think of the senseless acts of violence against innocent people. How lives are taken, and homes destroyed without thought. How children must witness the violence and bloodshed. Thank you, Nadija, for sharing your experiences of living through war with us. Your strength, courage, and resilience are admirable.

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