
Jordan’s Shadow by T.R. Cupak – Review by Mrs R

Jordan's ShadowJordan’s Shadow by T.R. Cupak
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

You need to read the triggers warning before reading this book, some scenes are quite graphic.
Jordan was from a weathly family until her step-father and his friends took away everything in one depraved, torture filled night. This sends her into a heavily medicated and alcohol filled survival mode.
The Shadow is the only good thing she seems to have, and she looks forward to their time together. But even he has an ulterior motive and dark secrets that he can’t keep from her forever, but she won’t like what they are.
The two initially have a business relationship which develops into an obsession and almost borders on stalking by The Shadow, but there is a definite attraction and mutual dependency. He is desperate to help Jordan in any way he can, he just needs her to listen long enough to show her how.
I don’t know how Jordan has survived and continued the way she has after everything she has gone through. She is barely functioning when he offers her a chance to reclaim her life.
He started the relationship to try and help but she soon becomes his everything, and he will do anything he can for her, but sometimes wanting something and getting something are two very different things, even when you have a ton of money.
This is not a love story, but more a story of survival. It was gripping and soul destroying at the same time.

Reviewed by @MrsR

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Beckoned (Born of Darkness Book 1) by R. B. Fields – Review by Mrs R

Beckoned (Born of Darkness, Book 1)Beckoned by R.B. Fields
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is an interesting take on the vampire world. Dawn is a nurse by day and a stalker of monsters by night.
After the violent death of her mother, Dawn takes out the monsters that attack innocents and the police are unable to find. It’s on her latest hunt that she encounters Silas who kills a vampire to save her, then takes her back to his hive knowing that he may have just started a war with another vampire hive but he is unable to resist the pull to Dawn.
The writing style is very descriptive and with multiple POV it really gives you a feel for how everyone is feeling.
Silas’ hive don’t understand the pull they have to Dawn’s or the powers she appears to display but they are all attracted to her and wiling to fight to keep her with them.
This does end on a cliffhanger and I am looking forward to the next book.

Review by @MrsR

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Bound by Secrets (Deadly Isles Special Ops Series Book 2) by Amy McKinley – Review by Mrs R

Bound by Secrets (Deadly Isles Special Ops, #2)Bound by Secrets by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m really enjoying this series and this book doesn’t disappoint. This is book 2 in the series and although the characters from book 1 do make an appearance you don’t have to have read book 1 first (although why would you not?)

Jaxon was Kayla’s school crush and her brothers best friend. After the death of her brother Kayla left town and only returns when she is escaping from her stalker boyfriend. Jaxon does not want to miss out on his second chance with Kayla, but he has secrets she won’t be happy about.

There are a few threads running through this book, from both Kayla and Jaxon’s characters, and they will certainly keep you turning pages. The story is really well written and pulls you into the story. Kayla frustrated me a little bit at first, but she was going through so many things at the time that I’ll forgive her. Jason was so sweet and patient, desperately trying to show Kayla that they had a future together.

If you’ve enjoyed any of Amy McKinley’s books before, this one will not disappoint.

Reviewed by @MrsR

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