
Five Tries To Get It Right by Kathryn Dodson Reviewed by Phylis Carpenter May2024

Five Tries to Get It RightFive Tries to Get It Right by Kathryn Dodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the first book by this author that I have read and thoroughly enjoyed it. I usually don’t read books that aren’t strictly romance or mystery but I think I will after this one. Can’t wait to read more by this author as well. Once you start reading the story just draws you in and keeps you wondering what will happen next.

Lydia and Kate have been friends for a long time. Both are at a rough time in their life. Lydia’s husband died and her daughter left home to take a trip. Kate and her husband got a divorce and then she finds out he has gotten the other woman pregnant. She had started a business from scratch and was doing quite well with it until she decided to take it Public. Then the Board of Directors voted her out of the Company and made her a billionaire.

When Kate attempted suicide and decided to give up on life, Lydia was by her side every step of the way trying to get her friend to feel better. They decided they both needed to get away and take a trip. They picked five places they went before when they were younger to revisit and decide what they were going to do with their lives from this point on.

Check out this book. I think you will be glad that you did

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Kris & The Cowboys (The Adventures of Kris) by Art Blegen Reviewed by Phylis Carpenter May 2024

Kris & The Cowboys: The Adventures of KrisKris & The Cowboys: The Adventures of Kris by Art Blegen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a really cute story about Kris who wants to be a cowboy and go on a cattle drive. She runs into all sorts of adventures. This is a great book for the younger generation.

All of my grandchildren are teenagers so I am not sure if they would find it very interesting. But I have a few friends and some other grandchildren on the way that may find this book very interesting. Check it out and see what you think

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The Better Man (A Silver Buckle Romance Series by Laurie Lewis – Reviewed by Phylis Carpenter May 2024

The Better Man (Silver Buckle Brides, #2)The Better Man by Laurie L.C. Lewis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the first book that I have read by this author and it certainly will not be the last one. Once I started reading I just could not put it down.

Laramee got call from her parents about selling their farm. They wanted to give her and her brother a chance to take over the ranch if that’s what they chose to do.

As she is driving she runs into Jamie, who is the real estate broker that they have hired to access the property for them.

I really enjoyed this book and can’t wait to read another book by her.

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Healing Hearts: Gene & Amanda’s Story (The Echo Series) by C. R. Alam Reviewed by Phylis Carpenter May

Healing Hearts: Gene & Amanda's Story, An Echo series novella (The Echo Series)Healing Hearts: Gene & Amanda’s Story, An Echo series novella by C. R. Alam
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this book. I read it in less than two evenings. Once I started I just couldn’t stop reading it.

Dr. Gene Rowland was driving down the road when he witnessed a single car accident. The car in front of him, swerved and ran into a tree. When he pulled over to race to help the victim, he discovered that it was a woman. Later he finds out that he actually went to school with her. It was Amanda. What he doesn’t know is Amanda used to have a crush on him.

She doesn’t want to be admitted to the hospital, so he goes home with her as a Dr. and friend to make sure that she is okay. She also is known by his mother as the Pie Queen.

She insists that she did not see a deer and swerve that it was a young girl who appeared to be afraid of something. No one believes her.

Check out the story and I am sure that you will enjoy it as much as I did.

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